Revenant Fang feedback 02/01/2019 01:59 AM CST
Just wanted to send a few thoughts out to the GM's about the event now that it's done. And as a head's up, long post incoming...:)

Overall, I enjoyed myself again quite a bit. This is I believe my favorite MT event. That is of course if trying to turn the Safari access into MT was a one-and-done experiment. You can add MT events (like the river) into it, but I will throw (another) hissy fit, of epic proportions, if MT-sticky-fingers keep pawing at it!

Between the Elothean House lore references, and just the super creative (IMO) floating gardens, this event just tickles me in the right way. Add in having a multitude of choices for the tasks, not one of which I mind doing, and this becomes an enjoyable week for me.

I was also pleased with seeing a number of new mechanic-based and QOL systems/items released, and here's my feedback to those...

I do agree with other's I've heard about how the AUTOLOOT system should be a general release. Maybe just make smaller (10 or 15 slot) lootsacks available generally, and then the MT's and auctions can have larger capacity ones, with maybe an upgrade-with-crystals component for size increases, additional worn locations, etc.

Even a partial general release I think would be better than the whole system behind a paywall. Have that 1st group of toggle options (coins, gems, etc) be general release to prime, the 2nd group prime+premium and then the 3rd group only for paywall lootsacks? Not sure if that would work, but even if it is all released to the general public, if different options could be added to the system tied to the lootsacks or subscription tier, it'd be a way to add even more options for paywall/crystal upgrades. Right now, I can only think of filtering through the OTHER group more, so a toggle for more common things such as scrolls, runes, crafting renewables, etc.

Needless to say, while I had no problem picking up a thigh bag to get in on this, I could have just as easily passed on it. I do really like the system, and already am enjoying the autolooting so much, but I don't know that belongs behind a paywall. Not saying it WILL happen, but I don't like the idea of having to pay extra going forward for QOL updates to the game.

Another super cool release. I am hopeful it will be an increasingly used system as the years go by.

One request; could we get a permanent canopic jar put in game somewhere? Maybe an additional room in the Carousels (like the Shard item registration). In test, I discovered that a lot of the things I'd have tried to transfer the alteration or scripts FROM were incompatible with my target, or even just with the system at large. I'd love to have access to the test jar so I can keep tinkering with item combinations without it needing to be during an event.

=Hunting area orb=
On the orbs, in general, I think the hunting one was just a little high in price for what it does, but not excessively so. Having immediate access to an at-level hunting area regardless of where you are or when you want it without needing special gear to hunt it is pretty damn nice. That being said, and maybe it is just because I only have a few weapons I can even (currently) train "at level", but I am way past locked in my combat skills after an hour. I'd like to see these also available for 30 minutes/half the price.

I don't have the same hunting area "congestion" issues that crop up with other players, but I can appreciate that it's a problem and could see this as an intermediate fix as the current hunting areas get assessed for overcrowding.

I could even see these as something that starts dropping as random loot drop when a GM identifies either an over-performing OR an under-performing area. If the area is continually full for x-number of days or weeks, maybe a few orbs are put into that creature's loot pool to see if folks pick them up and use them (and in turn free up some rooms for others to use), or just sell them off. And maybe BONUS events are run once a month for random hunting areas that are, in general, underused but that GM's consider a side-creature to something popular. A "hey, like those baby gryphons but can't find a room? Head to the Undergondola and try red leucro for the next 24 hours and get a chance at a translocation orb". Even if most people return back to the popular creature, maybe helping incentivise trying something new would skim 10-15% of those folks off into the other area permanently and be a boon for both groups.

=Transportation orb=
So in a surprise to no one, this was easily the most exciting new release this MT for me. On pricing, I do think the transportation orb was priced much higher than the benefit provided. Don't get me wrong, once again amazing with the no-moons needed, no set start or end location needed, on-demand teleportation. The system as a whole is amazing! But, when you run the numbers, and this will vary of course depending on individual purchaser circumstances, but for easy math let's just say 1 cent ($0.01) per simucoin; a conditional jump jewelry charge (from the shop) runs between 7.2 and 8.5 simucoin per CHARGE, and with each merit costing around 20 simucoin (200 simucoin per summon/10 merits per run=20 simucoin per merit), that means a single CHARGE of orb was 240 simucoin. In my mind, the correct pricing for the orb, with all that freedom of conditionals, would be in the 50-65 simucoin per charge range. These should be more than the conditional-transportation charges, but not 3,000% more IMO.

With that being said, so many great ways this system could be worked into events, and player organizations, and as guild perks, and...::pants::

So for example, I could see permanent versions of these being assigned to say Provincial Ambassadors. Therengian Ambassadors to Ilithi would be assigned an orb where all the doors in the nexus were closed except the ones to Langenfirth, Riverhaven, Shard and Therenborough, which would remain open and they could use freely. Or Therengian Cavalry officers could be assigned ones with the doors of Langenfirth, Riverhaven and Therenborough open so they could respond quickly around the province.

Annnnd, I'm guessing that new doors could be added to the nexus at the GM's discretion. So there could be added say an Order of the White Rose door, that would be closed to anyone NOT a member, but if you are, it would always show as open and would be a destination available to you (presumably to their Order Hall) from the nexus. And of course, custom doors from the hub could be auctioned off for individuals to customize their own destination door. Or maybe as a long-term citizen perk; been an Ilithi citizen for 10 years (coughs), get an orb you can use once a day/week/month with the Shard door open.

I could imagine GM-driven events where a Dwarven character might pledge assistance to Stone Clan when called in exchange for some reward, and one of the bits of gear they would be assigned is an orb with a Stone Clan door open from the nexus for x-amount of time around when a rally call went out (so not unlimited access to Stone Clan 24/7, but rather for a specific time around an ongoing event).

Anyhow, none of that might be a thing, or a desired result for this system. But, I could really see this being a useful events tool and game perk and yes, small income generation if the pricing was adjusted to make it a reasonable alternative to current IG transportation or the current jump jewelry pricing.

And finally, I totally forgot to test if you could already do this, but I suspect from the room messaging, it's not currently possible...allow groups to use this, not just individuals. Or have a different (higher cost) version of the orb for groups. If that were a thing, I could see being able to buff up what Mentors can do to help rally people to events; if a Mentor could take a whole group from Jadewater down to Shard for siegery or up to Theren for a jousting tournament in a matter of seconds, I wonder if you couldn't up participation numbers...

I believe Karthor in another thread touched on this being a problematic release with regard to Empaths and the affect it could/does have on a player RP'ing as a healing-focused Empath. I don't disagree with anything he was saying there, and do agree this release is...tricksy.

But, I also think the above transportation orb is a tricksy release when you consider the new additional alternative to Moon Mage transportation. Or the last HE egg gifts INVOKE option to warhorn area combat mechanics...

I am appreciative that the GM's seem to be releasing more of these alternative systems with a significant throttle. And, I don't want all the Guild "flavor" to be leeched out until each one can be more or less interchanged with another.

But I will say in general, this release of a HEALME item doesn't bother me much, considering the significant on-use and cooldown, in addition to the paywall cost per use. One of the reasons I always championed Alchemy is that an Empath can't be everywhere a hunter is getting hurt. I'd rather give people as many options as possible to avoid death. I imagine there are a few independently wealthy players out there that could afford to use 2 charges of these, everyday, for the rest of time. But since I would imagine most of the folks that picked these up did so for true emergency purpose, I just can't imagine it really cutting into the Empath-healing results of the wounds. Maybe the Cleric-rezzing result of the thwarted deaths more?

And at the end of the day, while I do hope each guild continues to have systems that can help the characters in them define themselves, as a player, I also agree with releasing QOL things to make the game enjoyable for more folks. I imagine Smitty is out in the world muttering about the death of "real" risk-vs-reward as it was back in the "good old days" of DR, but is WAY more enjoyable to play now than it was then...heh. I will totally keep my Absolution and construct hunting in exchange for auto-healers and MT event HEALME's!

In general, was pleased to see some new stuff. I didn't have any "big purchase" items I wanted from the safehouse, but that was more because the things I would have picked up I already had (omni-hider, off-location backpack container, etc). I do think there was a wasted opportunity to add more alchemy and outfitting (dye) related items, considering the tie-in to the event lore. It's well known Kodius is always busy with one thing or another, but one thing that might help to energize Remedies is if there were some rare recipes, higher potency herbs, etc. like how we see at the other MT and festival events with leather, cloth, metal, etc.

~*~ Kythryn ~*~
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemingway
Re: Revenant Fang feedback 02/01/2019 01:43 PM CST
Yesterday I had written out a very long post on the autoloot sysmtem & bags.

Why oh why do folks keep insisting that the bags will always be behind a MT wall? I have yet to see any GM say that, what was said was they released it behind a paywall this time to get it out in more of a test then the TEST system did. (My HO) Because almost no one goes into TEST to TEST the systems.

Now, it could have gone into testing in plat, which may have been better. But then PRIME folks will SCREAM bloody murder that they didnt get a chance to play with it.

Ya know, GMs cant seem to catch a break lately IMHO. If they do one thing then players get their knickers in a twist, if they do the opposite then players still get their knickers in a twist. Rock meet hard place, poor GMs. :(

I got 3 of them from RF, why? I was playing with it in TEST & enjoying it, RF I probably would have let pass otherwise since the one other item I was looking at didnt come back in the same form this year, which is fine by me.

As for the other stuff in RF, I did enjoy the box/trap task. It took me a few minutes to figure it out & then I ended my run with only 15 mins or so gone. The 2nd run I realized I could go hunt recruits & stuff after my task was done. I like how the critters/boxes/traps seem to flex to my level, I was hoping I wouldnt be seriously outclassed like some of the old events used to be. I remember going on Tasidon & getting seriously bashed due to critters being 20 or more levels above my character, who likes hunting alone. So flex critters are nice, as long as you dont get someone elses critters wandering into you.

Oh, speaking of critters.. can it be coded that wherever the task master(s)/receiver(s) are standing be made no critter? Someone had the bright idea to drag several kobolds & deadeyes into the room where you see the taskmaster (kobolds/recruits/traps) & it was quite irritating.

Another issue IMHO.. the constant redoing of the dyes. This is the first type of this event I've done since returning so maybe having to redo tasks like that are the norm, I dont know so please correct me if it is.
But having to spend time doing it was a PITA to me, maybe others enjoy, I didnt. :( And maybe coding prevents it, say the first time I do it I get a token that shows the taskmaster I've already done it so I can be transported immediately.

And this post isnt directed at any specfic player, less the one above this. Otherwise thank you to the staff for this, & thank you to the players.
I stood in hiding in the "village" (deadeyes/recruits) & just watched some players buzzsaw right through critters, the destruction was amazing to see. :)