Sorry if this is the wrong folder... I wanted to post the log because this is useful information for people!
[Asemath Academy, Auditorium]
This hall, used for lectures and other presentations, can hold the entire student body and faculty of the Academy. Rows of benches for the students and chairs for the professors are arranged before a low platform for the speakers or guests. The room is done in polished rosewood walls enlivened with woven hangings in abstract patterns. Brass and crystal lightglobes hold candles for evening presentations.
Also here: Salvaador, Shongor, Merokwald, Anjinson who is sitting, Arsharra'grah Auradric, Zamasu, Treasure Seeker Fariden, Dancer Thallia, Troupe Prop Clerk Allye, Troupe Cast Member Lydena, Councilor Terali and Troupe Dance Instructor Vixonia.
Obvious exits: out.
Vixonia says, "Alrighty... I think we're about ready to start..."
Vixonia recites:
"Welcome one and all! The Tavern Troupe would like to thank you for coming to join us for our dance class! My name is Vixonia and I will be your instructor for the day."
Vixonia recites:
"Dance is an interesting medium where you can invoke an emotion or tell a story without even saying a word."
Vixonia recites:
"I d like for you to turn your attention to Allye for an example of what can be done through choreographed dance."
Allye smiles.
Vixonia gestures at Allye.
(Allye raises a hand above her head, the other gathering up a portion of the voluminous hem of her skirt to her waist. Firmly standing on one foot, she points the other toe toward the ground and waits for a moment.)
Allye smiles serenely out at her audience and with a loud thump of her foot against the floor, she starts to dance. She spins slowly in one direction as she keeps the one hand still above her head, the other drawing the folds of her skirt out to the side.
(Allye nods as another loud thump is heard from the stomp of her foot and she suddenly changes directions, spinning the other way. Spinning faster, she releases her skirt to let it flare out and swirl around her legs as she raises her hands before her face and starts to clap out an elaborate, syncopated rhythm.)
(Allye twirls and sashays around before you, her feet and hands clapping and stomping in a fierce and fascinating beat as she dances and sways. Her elegant form arching and bending like a willow in a tempestuous storm.)
(Allye's arms are elegantly poised as she continues to clap out the evocative rhythm that she dances to. Her feet almost fly across the floor as she continues to dance and spin before you.)
(Allye lets the intricate stamping of her feet take over the rhythm as she gathers up the trailing hem of her skirts. Her right arm sweeps to the side, drawing the fabric into a wide arch as she leans into the elegant movement, then she mirrors that movement to the left, feet never ceasing their compelling rhythmic beat.)
Moving in a rhythmic circle, Allye swishes her gauze skirt quickly side-to-side, creating a blur of color and motion as she dances.
(Allye starts to spin, her arms stretched wide, her skirts fluttering as she spreads them wide and then flare out. Her feet stamp and she spins faster and faster, the rhythm of her feet compelling the speed of the dance ever faster...)
(Allye cries out with delight and with one last loud STAMP, she ends her dance in the same pose she started it. One hand raised elegantly above her head and the other drawn to the waist with a fistful of her skirt. The flowing fabric swirls around her legs for a few moments before finally stilling as she stands before you attempting to catch her breath.)
With a graceful flutter of her hands, Allye sinks down in a formal curtsy.
(lots of applause!)
Shongor says, "Wow."
Allye beams!
Vixonia recites:
"As you can see there, it can be a powerfully evocative and entertaining medium. What I would like to do today is to give you the tools to help you create your own performance art piece. When we are done today, I will be available for any questions you may have. I may even have a few answers too!"
Vixonia winks.
Vixonia recites:
"The first part of a dance is to understand the general mechanics of it. You can ACT your way through many motions. If you happen to be a bard, you have the added ability of PLAYACT to make it more realistic to the audience. Other actions can be useful in creating descriptive dance moves... it is amazing what you can pack into a SMILE!"
Vixonia recites:
"Play around with other options too. You never know what kinds of things you can pull off while on a PONDER "
Vixonia recites:
"One very important thing to note when you are creating a dance, you need to make sure that you are looking at your movements from a third party perspective. If you create your movements from your perspective it can be very jarring to the audience. For example..."
(Vixonia flutters my eyes and gives you a mischievous look as I raise my arms elegantly over my head.)
(Vixonia flutters her eyes and gives you a mischievous look as she raises her arms elegantly over her head.)
Vixonia recites:
"Which looks better to the audience? Which would you prefer to see while someone is dancing?"
Vixonia recites:
"Once you understand the basic mechanics that allow you to express yourself freely, the next thing to consider is the various tools of the trade that can help you. Dance Skirts are wonderful devices that helps in dancing."
Moving in a rhythmic circle, Vixonia swishes her nightsilk skirt quickly side-to-side, creating a blur of color and motion as she dances.
Vixonia recites:
"You can also find various jewelry pieces such as Toe Bells, Dance Scarves and Hip Chains that are designed to accentuate your dance moves..."
Vixonia's toe bells chime quietly as she thoughtfully taps her foot.
Vixonia whirls into a dramatic turn, her dance veil streaming behind her.
Vixonia shakes her hips teasingly, making her hip chain chime quietly.
Vixonia recites:
"There are a few local vendors that may have some of these items available such as the Trader Shop in Shard selling dance veils. However, you will find your best selection of styles and options often at various festivals and events that wander through the lands."
Vixonia recites:
"In addition to the more traditional dance tools, it is fun to think out of the box on occasion. That juggling dagger? Makes for a spectacular blade dance Fans? They can be a fun accessory to add to the drama of your dance."
Vixonia exclaims, "Oh... and forgive me... the dance veils are in Ratha not Shard!"
Vixonia grins sheepishly.
Ronicoregest smiles oddly at the thought of himself in a skirt.
Vixonia recites:
"All of that being said, there is no substitute for your own creativity when it comes to dancing. Anyone can chain a string of object emotives together, but a true dancer finds a way to blend them seamlessly together with their own creativity and vision."
Vixonia recites:
"Some of the best dances tell a story. It is wonderful what you can convey even without saying a word. Dances can be used for many purposes too! You can dance to the joy of the seasons, dance to the glory of your gods, dance to catch the eye of that special someone... there are so many reasons to dance!"
Vixonia recites:
"Now on to more of the nitty gritty. Before every dance, it's important to make sure that you're prepared for what's to come. Clear your hands of anything not related to the dance. I can't tell you how many times I accidentally added to the difficulty of my dance by trying not to spill a glass of wine while pirouetting."
Vixonia wraps her dance veil around herself, tucking the ends securely.
Vixonia recites:
"Remove any noisy elements that might distract from your dance. Put away those pets, quiet any magical spells or enchantes that may trigger in the middle of the dance. You want to cast a spell with your dance that likely has nothing to do with magic."
You haltingly exclaim, "Except der dance!"
Vixonia recites:
"Though adding a magical element into the dance can be a fun tool too! Just plan it ahead of time please."
Vixonia chuckles.
Vixonia winks at you.
Shongor says, "Interesting."
Vixonia recites:
"Now when you are ready to start choreographing, one of the most important aspects to any story, or dance, is to create a distinct beginning, a middle, and an end."
Vixonia recites:
"To begin, imagine how you are going to present yourself to your audience. Perhaps you are going to step on stage and swath yourself with a dance veil, pausing for dramatic effect before you start the dance."
Vixonia recites:
"Or perhaps you are holding a fiddle to your chin, pointing a toe and counting off the rhythm in your head before breaking into a lively jig..."
Vixonia recites:
"Maybe you could nod to a hidden orchestra and wait as the introductory notes of a song sweeps through the air before you start a stately ballroom style dance."
Vixonia recites:
"The main reason for a strong intro is to set the scene for your dance. Give the audience a strong image so that they have an idea of what is coming. The more you visually paint a picture for them to see, the more they can slip under your spell to relax and enjoy the dance."
Vixonia recites:
"After your introduction, it is best to try to determine the flow of your piece. Does it change pace? Often it can be nice to envision the speed of your dances and how it changes. The options are limitless, but an example would be a slow beginning building to a frenzied tempo that cuts off abruptly as it ends... or maybe it s more like a bell curve, slow to start with a swell in tempo that slows again at the end..."
Vixonia recites:
"Once you have your tempo determined, it's time to just have fun! Tell your story... it can be a pantomime of a long story, or just a reflection of a few brief moments of grace and beauty. "
Vixonia recites:
"Having a theme can also help to draw the dance together. Examples of themes that I've found particularly effective are fan dances, blade dances, fire dances, belly dances... you can pretty much develop a dance around any theme!"
Vixonia playfully exclaims to you, "And yes.. fire dances!"
Vixonia recites:
"Another thing to consider is where you are going to be performing. If you are in a room with a dance floor, there are a ton of fun options available to you versus a tavern or an open field. If it is a dance that you might do in many different places, you might want to make sure that you're not dancing around a 'stage' if there is no stage in sight. I've learned this the hard way "
Vixonia grins sheepishly.
Vixonia recites:
"And finally, one of the most important but often overlooked aspects to any performance is the ending. Have you ever been listening to a song or watching a performance, there is a long pause, and you don't know if it's done and if you should clap or not? With dance it's particularly important for you to show the audience that you are done."
Vixonia recites:
"I find it most effective to have a final still pose that I hold for a moment or two and then drop into a deep curtsy. Your audience will appreciate you for it!"
Fariden says, "Clapping before the end can be a little embarrassing. For both you and the performer."
Vixonia exclaims, "As demonstrated by the lovely Allye earlier!"
Merokwald says to Salvaador, "Bow."
Vixonia exclaims, "Yes... or bow!"
Shongor says, "Show closure or suspenseful pause then end."
Vixonia recites:
"That being said, perhaps this is a good time to end the lecture. Do you have any questions or ideas that you'd like to talk about?"
Auradric raises his hand.
Vixonia flashes a quick grin.
Vixonia nods to Auradric.
Auradric asks, "When I was young, I saw one the elders of my village perform an engrossing dance with a blade. I believe that's popular in S'Kra culture, though I never had the chance to learn much more about it. What can you tell us about blade dances?"
Vixonia says, "Well each culture has various styles of dance that are characteristic to their cultures."
Vixonia says, "I have a blad dance that I like to do that includes juggling daggers and then belly dancing with a scimitar... but it's not really a cultural piece."
Vixonia says, "I fully recommend that you research your history and find out what makes it a ceremonial dance to your kin. It's a powerful way to connect with your ancestry."
Auradric gives a slight nod.
Salvaador asks, "What was this mentioned about fire dances? How is that a thing?"
Shongor raises his hand.
Shongor chuckles.
Shongor points at Salvaador.
Shongor says, "Him first."
Vixonia says to Salvaador, "And for me, I used some bardic magic to encourage the heat of the sun to come to be on the tips of my fingers while I was dancing... more of a mirage than actual flame."
Vixonia says, "But you could always get torches and twirl them..."
Shongor exclaims, "Juggle!"
Vixonia says, "There is a type of performance that's called fire spinning where you douse cotton balls with a flamable liquid and dangle them from chains... much like a flaming mace really."
Vixonia says, "You can then spin and twirl them carefully around your body. I'd practice a LOT before lighting them on fire..."
A pained expression crosses Shongor's face.
Allye giggles.
Shongor says, "Ummm..... definitely."
Fariden says, "There are a few special places that are designed for fire dances, as well. I think one of them can be rented for weddings."
Allye says, "Magma Falls."
Vixonia nods to Fariden.
Salvaador says, "Interesting."
Vixonia says, "I've seen people craft specialized fans that have flaming torch pieces on the ends of them that they dance with..."
Vixonia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.
Shongor says, "Fire dances? are they one of those cultural things? never heard of them before."
Shongor says, "As in specific ones."
Vixonia says to Shongor, "Not to my kin, I just developed a fondness for fire when I was young... the danger and threat. Much like blade dances. Elegance while danger pervades..."
Shongor shudders.
Shongor says to Vixonia, "Well you for sure are either braver or more foolhardy than I."
Vixonia exclaims, "Yes and yes!"
Vixonia asks, "Any other questions?"
Shongor says, "I have a question only partially pertaining to actual dancing."
Shongor says, "More to do with general troop performing."
Vixonia nods to Shongor.
Vixonia exclaims, "We love answering those!"
Shongor says, "And a story i heard from family."
Shongor says, "Have a brother that contracted yas to do a custom play."
Shongor says, "On a private boat for him and his now fiance."
Vixonia flashes a quick grin.
Vixonia asks, "Was this a while ago?"
Shongor says, "He described it and honestly it's a portion of why i became a bard, was so impressed. how do you handle the task of performing on such a stage. aye maybe nearing a decade."
Anjinson says, "The members of the Troupe are incredibly talented and take great pride in their craft."
Shongor beams at Anjinson!
Shongor says, "Indeed."
Vixonia exclaims, "Well, we do plays on a regular basis at the Wala Theater... it's been great fun! But we can perform where ever we're called!"
Shongor says, "Regardless of guild."
Vixonia nods at Anjinson, obviously agreeing with his views.
Shongor asks, "Wala theater?"
Rimlo says, "Many thanks for the performance and well all."
Shongor asks, "Where is that?"
Anjinson says, "It is in Arthe Dale."
Salvaador says, "Thank you for the lesson and tips. I'll see about watching more of your work."
Salvaador gives a courteous nod and tips his cap politely.
Vixonia exclaims, "I'd like to thank you all for coming... please feel free to stay and ask more questions, but do pick up a gift on your way!"
Vixonia exclaims, "Please come any time and if you have questions about the Troupe... we'd be happy to talk with you about joining!"
Saelihn asks, "I'm late, has all the dancing ended?"
Vixonia exclaims, "We also will be hosting a dance contest soon... so feel free to work on your dance and let's have some fun!"
Shongor says, "I'm definitely interested, but think i need to get a better grip on my guild before i branch out."
Saelihn asks, "A contest?"
Lydena says to Shongor, "If you need anything, let me know."
Shongor exclaims, "Well i might just have to see if i can learn to dance!"
Vixonia exclaims, "Please feel free to contact me with any questions about the guild or the Troupe!"
Shongor exclaims, "So now i might need to find a dance partner!"
Shongor blushes, the tips of his ears turning a deep shade of red.
Shongor exclaims, "Well to dance, helps to have a partner!"
Saelihn asks, "Are many of you dancers?"
Vixonia says to Saelihn, "It's my favorite performance art piece."
Terali says, "I am personally not a dancer unfortunately."
Shongor says, "Not me, i'm just learning. my mother taught me some etiquette, but unfortunately no dancing."
Saelihn says, "The people of my hamlet revered dancing. A lot of our celebrations and rituals revolved around it."
Shongor says, "Quite nice."
Shongor says to Saelihn, "You are quite lucky in that regard."
(Saelihn frowns faintly, her expression growing pensive.)
Saelihn quietly says, "Yes I suppose."
Shongor says to Saelihn, "If i spoke unwisely, i appologize most sincerely."
(Saelihn waves her hand through the air, dismissing the notion.)
Saelihn says to Shongor, "Not at all. I just, left a lot behind."
Vixonia says, "Dancing is a wonderful way to celebrate or revere the gods."
Lydena asks Vixonia, "Where you there for my prayer dance? The one I did at the Wala?"
Shongor says to Saelihn, "I understand that. all too many of us left something behind when we went off to travel. heartache, headache, love and hate, betrayal and lost friends."
Vixonia shakes her head at Lydena.
Vixonia exclaims, "I'd love to see it!"
(Saelihn toys with the little charms upon her hip chain, admiring the way they flash in the scant light.)
Lydena says to Vixonia, "I'll dig the costume out of my vault."
Vixonia beams at Lydena!
Saelihn says to Vixonia, "I look forward to the events you've planned."
Vixonia exclaims to Saelihn, "You are always welcome! I am a firm believer of the more, the merrier!"
Then more chatter and stuff, I got tired of cleaning it up.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!