The Tavern Troupe Performing Order will be hosting a gathering for all Captains and their Command Crew to get to know others like themselves. We'll be sharing details about our vessels, maybe talking about how we got them or what we use them for. Pretty much anything concerning ships and how amazingly awesome they are will fit within the theme of this meeting.
One of the major topics we'd like to discuss and bring up is more ways for both ourselves and others to be involved in roleplay centered around ships within DragonRealms. This includes games we can hold that focus on ships (races, fishing trips, etc.) or events that deal with ships (combating mutinies, hiring new crew, potential militia involvement, etc.) really all depends on what folks are interested in.
This is to all be done IC and afterwards a log will be posted here on the forums. Once the log is posted perhaps some OOC discussion can begin in detail about some of the ideas.
Regardless, if you've got an interest, you should come by and share the good times and fellowship.
== Specfic Details about Date, Time, and Location are provided below ==
Date of event: April 25th, 2015
Time of event: 11 PM EST
General Info:
The Tavern Troupe is calling all vessel Captain's along with their Command Crew to join them for a meeting of the Elanthian Ship Owners. We'll have some drinks, talk about the joys of sailing, and even make plans for future events to host.
This is your chance to get to know your fellow ship owners, so don't miss out. Also, this is a perfect opportunity to brag about what vessel you have and how fast it can go!
Gifts and drinks provided by the Tavern Troupe Performing Order.
Sand Spit Tavern, Barroom
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