I am excited to announce the Second Annual World Jousting Tournament coordinated by House Namek and the Order of the Theren Guard!
Each tournament will contain five brackets based on the average of shield and polearm skills.
No spells, roars, or buffs of any kind will be allowed.
Div. 1 - 1-150
Div. 2 - 151-300
Div. 3 - 301-500
Div. 4 - 501-800
Div. 5 - 801+
This year there will be five qualifying competitions encompassing every province in Kermoria. You'll find several similarities in the tournament this year but with a total of 5 chances to qualify for the Grand Championship which will be held in Therenborough. This also means you'll have to attend all five qualifiers in order to collect a complete and matching set of barding for your trusty steeds from the door prizes and gifts!
Today, April the 4th, was our first qualifier in Riverhaven with the Order of the Dragon Shield at 10pmE!
Our second qualifer will be held in Zoluren with the Order of the White Rose on April the 18th at 8pmE.
On May the 2nd the Crystal Vanguard in collaboration with the Mentor Society will be holding the third championship qualifier for Ilithi.
Fouth in our qualifiers will be a competition held in the exotic isles of Qi'Reshalia by the Order of the Iron Circle on May the 16th.
The final chance to qualify for the World Jousting Championship will be on may the 30th in Forfedhdar held by the Order of the Black Fox.
The Championship itself will be held on Saturday, June the 16th by the Order of the Theren Guard.
Keep an eye on your calendars for further details and locations!
Hope to see you there!
Mistanna Redivas
Scribe of the Crystal Vanguard