Hey there folks,
I know some people don't check the front page, but if you're one of those that do then you've probably already seen this. Also it was posted about in the Rakash folder a few weeks back, so you may have seen it there. Regardless, it's my pleasure to announce another of the Rakash Moots to be held today (Sat. September 20th, 2014) at the Rakash village of Siksraja. There will be games, and general enjoyment of each others company and best of all, you don't have to be a Rakash to join in. All are welcome. Hope to see you there!
>Time: Around 10:00pm EDT
>Location: [Cawrs de Siksraja] Look for the big banner that says "GREAT MOOT 413"
>General Info: The Tavern Troupe Performing Order in association with the Augstawne Girene Dzirta invite all Rakash and their guests to join them for another Great Moot in the village of Siksraja, west of Langenfirth. All are welcome as long as they behave respectfully and honorably. Join in on the howling, storytelling, and even give the trivia a try. You might learn something, you might help others learn something, and you might have some fun. Gifts will be available for all who attend, and prizes will be awarded for winners of the games, so make the trip over to join in the excitement and companionship.
More information on the activies can be found here: http://forums.play.net/forums/DragonRealms/The%20Races%20of%20DragonRealms/Rakash%20-%20Rakash%20Pack/view/1331?force_expansion=true
Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
Re: Rakash Great Moot - 413 (and a vision!)
09/21/2014 06:20 AM CDT
You missed a great party if you didn't make the Rakash Moot yesterday! There were warm wool blankets as gifts, perfect with all this snow lately. I have a record of the evening's conversation, stories and games to share which includes a surprise guest appearance by Ticetar! Near the end of the evening, a vision was also experienced by several across the realm, which I have included as well.
Thank you!
a wandering scribe
Mistanna Redivas
You are overwhelmed by foreign thoughts and sensations!
As your mind struggles to place it all into an understandable order and end the painful onslaught, you see your kin surrounding you, their bodies floating, wrought beautiful with their illumination of the darkness which envelops you always.
You feel the calling, and know they do as well. In concert you move -- graceful, languid, but with unceasing purpose.
With a sharp jolt your surroundings fall away from you and your kin dissolve into nothingness! Briefly you feel a keen sense of loss as you reorient to the here and now.
You see Ticetar, a Rakash.
Ticetar has a triangular face, gold eyes and a small nose. Her white hair is shoulder length and straight, and is worn in a simple, pulled-back style held in place by some crow feathers strung upon amulet-strewn cording. She has fair skin and a lean figure.
She is short for a Rakash.
She appears to be in her prime.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a tawny weapon harness adorned with Enelne's eye amulets and crow feathers, a battle odaj crafted from golden-hued mail atop deep bronze titanese and some elaborate footwraps dangling crow feathers from leather strips at the ankles.
Alexii recites:
"Welcome my fellow Rakash and friends to the Great Moot of four thirteen!"
Alexii says, "Once again, we are proud and honored to have the assistance of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order in hosting this lovely gathering."
Shenney says, "Always happy to assist with giving people drinks and good times."
Alexii says, "Please, feel free to grab yourself a gift and a drink or two and settle in for a howling good time."
Markath says to Alexii, "That was bad."
Alexii says, "These moots are a new tradition for us Rakash, since coming eastwards they serve to keep our community together. So, we keep hosting them every few years."
Alexii exclaims, "Now, how about we start with one of my favorite games... Rakash Trivia!"
Alexii says, "How this works is I will ask a few questions of you all, and whomever can provide the correct answer first will get a shiny platinum coin."
Rhoslyn asks, "Is it multiple choice?"
Alexii says, "If you are able to answer the most correct, I will give you a very special prize."
Alexii says to Rhoslyn, "Nope."
Ezly says, "Ahhh just let me win folks, I need a few platinums to look decent."
Rhoslyn says, "Aww..."
Ezly says, "Do it for the villagers, not just yourself."
Rhoslyn asks, "What if the villagers like what they see?"
Ticetar says to Ezly, "Us of Siksraja can manage just fine."
Nakori yells, "HE LEFT!"
Alexii says, "All of the questions are focused on either important places, things, or people whom have association with the Rakash race."
Alexii says, "Now, rules... You can either whisper or speak your answer. Probably best to speak so I don't have seven people whispering to me at the same time."
Ezly asks Rhoslyn, "People know me as Ezly, names Eizelis, how do you do?"
Alexii says, "I have but two ears."
Rhoslyn says to Ezly, "I'm Rhoslyn Delacroix."
Alexii exclaims, "Also, for each of these questions there is only one correct answer. If you don't hear me say someone won, keep guessing!"
Ezly asks Rhoslyn, "Isn't that one of the larger Rakash clans?"
Rhoslyn says, "Maybe."
Alexii asks, "Everyone ready?"
Rhoslyn says, "I haven't seen father in a long time though."
Ticetar says to Alexii, "I am refraining from this, but I am curious to see the questions you pose."
Ticetar says to Ezly, "We do not have 'clans'."
Alexii says to Ticetar, "Probably a good idea so that others at least have a chance."
Alexii says, "Alright here we go with the first question..."
Alexii recites:
"There is a method which Rakash can gain favor from our Gods here in the Eastern land, to do so you must travel to a specfic location nearby. Who can tell me the name of that location?"
Kaftar says, "Deep Cave."
Alexii says to Kaftar, "I think I will accept that. It's common but it's pretty good."
Alexii says, "The name in our language is Awksa Dzilvawta Ala."
Ezly says, "Don't worry unless someone tells me the answer I won't know it."
Alexii says, "Or, also known as the deep cave."
Alexii says, "Moving along...."
Ezly says to Arandrowse, "Come on Mr. Elf who can speak multiple languages help me out here."
Alexii recites:
"Inside that cave there is a shard of a very special stone, which is the item that actually helps us gain our God's attention to receive their favor. What is the stone's name?"
Kaftar says, "Redivawzis."
Alexii exclaims, "Off to a good start!"
Whiteburn says, "Impressive..."
Ezly asks, "Ahhh how did he answer that before I heard the whole thing?"
Rhoslyn says, "Kaftar is going to win."
Alexii says, "Indeed, the redivawzis is a scared stone to us. It is is believed to be a direct connection to our gods. Namely, Coshivi."
Kaftar says, "It was a logical following question."
Alexii says, "On to the next one..."
Alexii recites:
"In fact there is a book nearby which explains how the stone came here to the East, written by the very person who put it there. Who can name the book and it's author?"
Ticetar asks Ezly, "Have you an issue with our guard?"
Alexii says, "The book and the author."
Ezly says, "Other then the taking of all my possessions, and placing a debt on me, and again leaving me with no bank book..."
Kaftar says, "I knew I should have visited the library more often..."
Markath says, "Celotjurs uz Siksraja by Lukca Zelkuk."
Alexii exclaims, "Yes! That's the book!"
Ticetar says, "My uncle's book."
Ezly says, "Sure Elf, let's do that."
Nakori meekly says, "Ooh."
Ezly says, "I don't like all the looks I'm getting."
Alexii says, "It's a must read for any of you who have not read it yet."
Ezly says to Alexii, "I guess take notes for must have things I should do while I am getting some coins."
Alexii says, "Let's do something a bit easier from a much older book..."
Nakori meekly says, "Reading things is hard..."
Alexii recites:
"In death, a liquid was poured over the body of the deceased and the family would take turns watching over them until it had fully evaporated. What type of liquid was used?"
Kaftar says, "Water."
Aislynn quietly says, "Water."
Penderrin says, "Badly fermented fratvarit."
Alexii says to Kaftar, "You're a sharp one. I like that."
Alexii says, "Yes, it was water. It was beleived as the water evaporated it would bring the spirit of the departed up to Mrod."
Kaftar says to Alexii, "Well, I like being praised. How lucky."
Alexii says, "Mrod, of course, being the lord of the skies and heavens."
Gemrardi says, "Just so I am aware, how many -Rakash- Clerics are in attendance."
Alexii says, "Maybe some general knowledge stuff now..."
Ticetar raises her hand.
Alexii recites:
"Before construction on the village was completed, there were only four shops which sold Rakash goods to the general population. Who can provide the full name these four shops?"
Aislynn quietly says, "Ooo."
Alexii says, "Hint. They are in the village now and no longer travel."
Kaftar asks, "Cefrit of Oudcoru, Kifa Awrocis, Pawla's Permutations, Uz Zinat?"
Ticetar says to Alexii, "Age and comfort."
Alexii exclaims to Kaftar, "Correct again!"
Aislynn quietly says, "Get 'im."
Rhoslyn says, "I don't know anything."
Kaftar says, "Took me a moment to think of which ones used to travel to the old..."
Kaftar asks Aislynn, "Wait, what?"
Rhoslyn gestures, and an icy snowball forms in the air, hovering a hair's breadth above her hand. She gazes at it intently, and suddenly it slides out of her hand towards Kaftar!
The snowball smacks Kaftar dead-on!
Kaftar is stunned!
Aislynn lets out a hearty cheer for Rhoslyn!
Alexii says, "Those four shops were the first to sell our goods to both our people and those of the East. Still to this day they are kept open so all may enjoy."
Penderrin says, "Somethin about swingin around an old Ozols Nuja....."
Alexii says, "They started as travelers, moving with the other merchants, but moved to permanent locations here."
Rhoslyn says to Aislynn, "I'm making trouble."
Aislynn quietly says to Rhoslyn, "No wonder you were the first arrested."
Alexii says, "Let's move on to local trivia..."
Alexii recites:
"The nearby Dzirta Nars, or Pack House in common, boasts only a single guard. Though elderly in age, he seems quite able to dispatch justice using his trusty nuja. What is his name?"
Markath says, "Gazlok."
Alexii exclaims, "Good job. That's exactly right!"
Alexii says, "He stands watch over the pack house and the library within it."
Ticetar says, "And Enelne over him."
Alexii says, "How about this one..."
Alexii recites:
"Another prominent figure in the village is a younger fellow who spends most his days relaxing in a rocking chair on the porch of the Visfarej Cehs, or General Store, here in town. What is his name?"
Ezly exclaims, "Tada!"
Rhoslyn asks, "Fidzuc?"
Alexii exclaims, "Correct!"
Ezly says to Rhoslyn, "You just making noises there?"
(Rhoslyn nibbles on the platinum coin)
Alexii says, "Fidzuc is a smart fellow, will tell you some things if you know the right questions to ask. I encourage you all to chat with him sometime."
Penderrin says, "He rocks them overalls."
Ezly says, "Chances of me knowing the right things to ask, near zero I admit it."
Alexii says, "Moving on to people outside of the village..."
Alexii recites:
"Though he's not here in Siksraja, another Rakash figure does make his living out near the North Trade Route near to Dirge in the Canvasary. Who can name this fellow and his profession?"
Penderrin says, "Charpig."
Penderrin says, "Um."
Alexii asks, "Profession?"
Penderrin says, "Blacksmith i wanna say."
Alexii says, "Nope."
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Cook!"
Aislynn quietly says, "Charpig the cook."
Penderrin says, "Cook meat, cook steel, details."
Aislynn quietly says, "One's edible."
Alexii says, "With the full answer, the winner is Aislynn."
Penderrin says, "So is steel, get kicked hard enough ya kin taste it."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "And the other is what Charpig cooks."
Alexii says, "Charpig is a camp cook out there. He's been there forever it seems like."
Ticetar winks at Aislynn.
Aislynn laughs!
Alexii says, "Seek him out if you want some tasty grub."
Ezly says, "I had no idea that man was a cook..."
Alexii says, "Moving back to some general knowledge stuff..."
Alexii recites:
"Rakash are known for their specifically styled clothing and weaponry, items which are suited towards our hands and bodies. Who can name me four items of Rakash-make and provide translations in common?"
Ezly says, "Guess I need to chat him up some time while I ask for some of the grub he makes."
Ticetar says, "Nobody who has eaten his food would either."
Rhoslyn asks, "Odaj, robe, skefne, spear, ava, halberd, and cirvii is an axe?"
Kaftar says, "Odaj, rantija, ava... blast."
Kaftar says, "Oh, translations. Missed that part."
Alexii exclaims, "Winner!"
Aislynn quietly asks Kaftar, "What's a rantija, anyways?"
Alexii says, "Most of the items can be found here in the village these days, but there are a few that are less common."
Rhoslyn says, "It's a cloak."
Alexii says to Aislynn, "A cloak."
Gemrardi asks Rhoslyn, "So when someone is attacking me with an Odaj I shouldn't be afraid?"
Ticetar says, "A very particular sort of cloak."
Alexii nods to Ticetar.
Rhoslyn says to Gemrardi, "It's a robe."
Aislynn quietly says to Gemrardi, "They could smother you..."
Alexii says, "Now some historical stuff..."
Alexii recites:
"It has been many years since the Rakash people, and our Prydaen companions, have arrived here in the Eastern lands. Many years. Who can name the year we arrived and location we arrived at?"
Aislynn quietly says, "357. Crossings."
Ezly says, "You should see what I can do with a thin corded piece of cloth."
Alexii says to Aislynn, "Not the location, but that is the year."
Alexii says, "Looking for the specific place..."
Aislynn quietly says, "There's somewhere in Forf, too..."
Ezly asks, "357 Shard?"
Ezly says, "Ahhh well I tried..."
Ezly asks, "357 Hand?"
Ezly asks, "357 Coriks Wall?"
Aislynn quietly asks, "357 Journalai?"
Ticetar says, "We are not Gorbesh."
Alexii says to Aislynn, "The group traveled though the Dwarven lands, but did not stop."
Alexii says, "Hint: It's west of Crossings."
Ezly says, "Knife Clan."
Ezly says, "Tiger Clan."
Ezly says, "Ogre Naarg's Mountain."
Markath says, "357 at the tower near Wolf Clan."
Alexii says, "Winner."
Ezly says, "Yes that tower...."
Ezly says, "Winner Winner chicken dinner."
Alexii says, "Although the Rakash and Prydaen moved much, that was the location were the migration finally stopped."
Ezly says, "I should have had that one, I mean like that is give me points. I'm from and live in Crossing."
Alexii says, "And it's also where we greeted our new friends from here in the East."
Aislynn quietly says to Ezly, "Void, I was there, and I still don't remember."
Alexii says, "Okay, some more historical stuff, but a little bit recent too..."
Alexii recites:
"While on the topic of dates, this village was revealed to the general population following the defeat of our ancient enemy Lyras. Who can name the year that happened?"
Ezly asks Aislynn, "You were there?"
Kaftar asks, "394?"
Shenney says, "Three-ninety-seven years after the victory."
Alexii exclaims, "Correct!"
Alexii says, "After the defeat of she who tormented both our people and the Prydaen, this village was opened to the general population of the lands."
Alexii says, "I guess things were just a tad safer once she was gone."
Arandrowse asks, "A tad?"
Arandrowse asks, "Did you live through those sieges?"
Alexii says, "I'm alive now, and I fought her generals."
Arandrowse asks, "Incursions into Crossing, the bombardments?"
Alexii says, "Here we go, on to the next question..."
Rhoslyn says, "I was living up in Theren during that time."
Aislynn quietly says, "Bloody great big orbs that were NEVER full..."
Alexii recites:
"One of the founders of this village was our revered Cefrit, whom hailed from the largest city the Rakash held back in the homeland. In fact, it's often called the Rakash captial city. Who can name it?"
Kaftar says, "Odcoru."
Arandrowse says, "I defended Crossing from Sahfre with others on the final day of Lyras."
Alexii exclaims, "And Kaftar is back in the game!"
Whiteburn says, "The only question I knew so far..."
Arandrowse exclaims to Aislynn, "Only we filled them even after her defeat, they tried to stop us, but we wouldn't!"
Alexii says, "Many hope we can once again return there, if only to reclaim lost objects. Who knows if this will ever happen."
Alexii says, "There is hope."
Aislynn quietly says to Arandrowse, "Now, they... Aherm. They kind of explode when you try to activate them."
Alexii says, "Back to our Rakash Famous Faces..."
Alexii recites:
"This next individual came from the West with the rest of the pack, though these days doesn't spend much time among the people. Often found in the Temple of the North Wind and serving to venerate the dark Goddess Asketi, what is this person's name?"
Gemrardi says, "I'm a cleric and I should know this..."
Alexii says, "Hint: She planted the Vela'Tohr in Crossings."
Aislynn quietly says, "Denizelva."
Alexii exclaims, "Winner!"
Arandrowse says, "Whiteburn venerates Dergati the Shrike."
Whiteburn says, "I do not know many Asketians priests."
Alexii says, "I do not know if she still worships our three, but she works diligently in the temple now."
Aislynn quietly says to Whiteburn, "They don't live long."
Alexii says, "And has for many years."
Alexii says, "Let's move on to someone who is a little more current..."
Alexii recites:
"This fellow has been seen more recently, playing games with folks and handing out prizes. In fact, I think he was just at the island of Fang Cove not too long ago. It's also been told to me that this guy is also a rather skilled mage and spends much of his time making foci items for improved spellcasting. What is his name?"
Arandrowse says, "Yeyaru."
Rhoslyn asks, "Vatari?"
Alexii exclaims, "Yup! That's the guy!"
Arandrowse says, "Ahhh sorry, misunderstood who you were getting at..."
Whiteburn exclaims, "I'm not Alexii!"
Alexii says, "He's a funny fellow too."
Nakori meekly exclaims to Whiteburn, "You were supposed to answer for me! I'm too shy!"
Alexii says, "His games are rather quirky."
Ticetar says to Arandrowse, "Yeyaru is a Prydaen."
Arandrowse says, "Yeyaru is much better at making things..."
Whiteburn says, "Okay okay, I'll do it next time."
Aislynn quietly says, "Not sure Yeyaru plays games much."
Arandrowse says to Ticetar, "That is totally true."
Alexii says, "You folks from Zoluren might get this one...."
Aislynn quietly says, "More's the pity."
Arandrowse says to Aislynn, "But have you seen him make something."
Alexii recites:
"For our last "Important Rakash Persons" list, we have a man who has recently been seen as a Provincial Guard in Zoluren and has been seen traveling in the company of the Seneschal Maghana Guvyre. Who can name this man?"
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Oh! Oh!"
Nakori meekly exclaims, "Kaftar!"
Arandrowse says, "Ahhhh...."
Aislynn quietly asks, "I love that man! What's his name?"
Alexii says, "He's a new face, so you might not have had the chance to meet the fellow yet..."
Aislynn quietly says, "No, he's wonderful... And very stern..."
Nakori meekly asks, "Hengwild?"
Shenney asks, "Sevrigon? Is that how you say it?"
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Yes!"
Arandrowse says, "I can't seem to see his name."
Alexii says, "Yes, it came to my attention recently that Sevrigon was one of the Provincial Guards for Zoluren."
Aislynn quietly says, "He's a marvelous gentleman. Just don't make any sudden moves around him."
Alexii says, "I must admit, I was rather proud to see another Rakash taking a position of importance."
Rhoslyn says to Ezly, "Oh, good you're dressed now."
Aislynn quietly says, "He was guarding the Seneschal around the time that the Keep fell."
Ezly says, "You didn't hear my announcement..."
Alexii says, "Okay, we're almost at the end. Just one more..."
Alexii recites:
"And our final question of the night... Before leaving the homeland fully, Rakash and Prydaen elders combined their abilities to create something which would block Lyras forces from following. Though it did not last long, and in fact, people are able to travel to it and pass beyond it today. It did it's job long enough to allow us a reprieve from the horror and chaos. What was the name of the thing they erected?"
Ezly says, "That Elf got me to the bank and back fast."
Kaftar says, "The barrier."
Aislynn quietly says, "The Great Barrier."
Rhoslyn asks, "Oooh, the great barrier?"
Whiteburn exclaims, "The great barrie- dammit!"
Ezly says, "They say Rangers get lost, don't see him doing it much."
Nakori meekly exclaims, "A box!"
Alexii says, "Aislynn got it."
Ezly says, "Err at all."
Alexii says to Kaftar, "Sorry, was more than just "a barrier" it was the great barrier."
Ezly says, "He's not here, so I can say that."
Ezly says, "No body tell him I actually gave him praise."
Rhoslyn says, "Only got three right."
Aislynn quietly says, "Word of advice.. If you have to cross that thing, make sure you talk to the Claw first... Or it'll hurt. Alot."
Alexii says, "Okay, thank you all for playing... let me tally up the scores...."
Whiteburn quietly says, "It still hurt..."
Ezly asks Aislynn, "How you know that?"
Aislynn quietly says, "It hurts less if you do it right."
Alexii says, "Okay, our winner of the trivia is...."
Penderrin says to Aislynn, "That's what he said."
Alexii recites:
Kaftar says, "I got five. Not sure if that was good enough."
Alexii shakes Kaftar's hand.
Ezly exclaims, "Me for not getting one right!"
Kaftar asks, "Wait, what?"
Aislynn quietly says to Ezly, "Because I went. Wrestled an little shard of Lyras to the ground, too. Very proud of myself."
Alexii says, "With the most correct answers, Kaftar will win the prize..."
Ezly asks Aislynn, "Really?"
Sonae asks, "What is the prize?"
Alexii gets a pair of grey vikses with platinum embroidered seams from inside a woven sack.
Alexii holds a pair of grey vikses with platinum embroidered seams high into the air for all to see.
Ezly asks, "More plats?"
Alexii offers Kaftar a pair of grey vikses with platinum embroidered seams.
Penderrin exclaims, "Pants!"
Alexii says, "Nah, some nice Rakash pants."
Kaftar accepts Alexii's grey vikses.
Sonae exclaims, "Ohh he needed those!"
Rhoslyn says, "Oooh, pretty."
Ezly says, "Hey I could have used those a few moments ago."
Alexii says to Kaftar, "Good job."
Sonae says, "They are prettier than your now pants."
Ezly says, "Not any more."
Sonae asks, "Are you going to change right here?"
Kaftar says, "I should probably go somewhere a little more private to change."
Sonae exclaims, "Oh my!"
Ezly asks, "Why not, I had to do it in the jail?"
Rhoslyn commands to Kaftar, "Chang here!"
Ezly says, "I was just wearing a LARGE key."
Alexii exclaims, "Now we move on to something that is a tradition at moots... The Howling Challenge!"
Sonae says, "Oh I will win this."
Rhoslyn asks, "Howling challenge?"
Nakori meows.
Whiteburn appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Aislynn quietly says to Ezly, "It's all relative, dear."
Rhoslyn says, "Too bad we're not in moonskin."
Rhoslyn says, "Then we'd win."
Alexii says, "Anyone and everyone can take part in this, the trick is to give us a loud and unique howl."
Whiteburn covers her ears with her hands.
Alexii says, "Allow me to demonstrate..."
(Alexii howls loudly. The sound is both fierce and wild, echoing with a deep power through the village.)
Sonae says, "Ohh."
Sonae says, "That was a great howl."
(Nakori howls like a dying squirrel caught in the throat of a blood wolf!)
Markath asks Alexii, "Can any Ranger do that?"
Alexii says, "Okay, go ahead and whisper to me if you'd like to take place in this challenge and I'll set up an order."
Aislynn quietly says to Nakori, "I might call that a "squee!", not a howl..."
Nakori meekly says, "Oh."
Whiteburn says, "I do not howl."
Nakori mutters something into the air about someday there will be a hiccup challenge and I will drink champagne.
Whiteburn says to Nakori, "Consider this your prize."
Whiteburn offers Nakori a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne.
Alexii exclaims, "Okay, I think I got a good amount to start with. So let's get this under way!"
Nakori meekly exclaims, "The good stuff!"
Alexii says, "First up we have..."
Alexii recites:
(Markath howls meekly. The low whimper barely traveling past the group, leaving no echo at all to speak of.)
Markath frowns.
Alexii exclaims to Markath, "More drinks for you!"
Alexii says, "Okay, that was good, regardless of his youth..."
Alexii says, "Next up is..."
Alexii recites:
(Sonae inhales deeply and howls richly, her face turning bright red before she ends in a coughing/giggling fit.)
Alexii exclaims, "That was a pretty good howl, I approve!"
Sonae exclaims, "Thank you!"
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Especially that last bit!"
Sonae says, "Kaftar teaches me."
Markath says, "Better than mine."
Ticetar says, "For an Elf."
Alexii says, "Okay, moving along to our next howler...."
Alexii recites:
Aislynn coughs.
Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.
(Aislynn ululates energetically, caught somewhere between a yodel and a roar. What she lacks in style, she sure makes up for in enthusiasm!)
Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.
Aislynn coughs.
Aislynn coughs.
Aislynn rolls her tail along the surface of the ground.
Alexii says to Aislynn, "I'm not sure what that was, but we'll pretend it was a howl."
Aislynn quietly says, "It's a howl... somewhere."
Aislynn gazes up at the sky.
Alexii chuckles at Aislynn.
Alexii says, "Next up we have..."
Alexii recites:
Nakori meekly says, "Ooooooo."
Kaftar takes a deep breath.
Ticetar says to Markath, "Your howl reflects your soul. Become more comfortable with yourself, and you will have a strong howl."
(Kaftar takes another deep breath and howls, his head thrown back in the act. His howl starts low and builds in intensity, until the sound seems to fill the area with intense, raw emotion that you can almost feel physically.)
Alexii says to Kaftar, "Very good. Though, I expected nothing less."
Kaftar says, "Aww, thanks."
Markath says, "Wow, that was good."
Markath says, "Powerful."
Alexii exclaims, "Let's keep it going, these are getting better!"
Alexii says, "Next up we have..."
Alexii recites:
You shift your weight.
You take a sip of the ale -- very refreshing.
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Mistanna smiles and half-lids her eyes and she draws in a slow, deep breath through her nose, expanding her belly before her chest. Throwing back her head she howls out a high, pure note which drops in scale after a few moments in serenade to the waxing ebony moon before finally fading into silence.
Alexii exclaims, "Definate style points for that one too!"
Ezly says, "Its the rakash golden ale."
Aislynn quietly says to you, "I think you need to change guilds! Ranger for you."
Alexii says, "Here we go, on to the next...."
Alexii recites:
Rhoslyn giggles.
Rhoslyn inhales a great swallow of air.
(Rhoslyn arches her back, turns her face up to the glowing crescent of Katamba, and howls joyfully. The strong, joyful howl resonates strongly throughout the area.)
Alexii exclaims, "I think they heard that one over in Langen's Firth!"
Alexii exclaims, "Very nice!"
Alexii says, "Let's conclude this with our last howler..."
Alexii recites:
Rhoslyn asks, "An elf?"
Arandrowse smiles.
Sonae exclaims, "Hey, us elves can howl!"
Aislynn quietly says, "He's a ranger. He practices."
Markath says, "Rangers know things about howling."
Arandrowse puts his water in his sable knapsack.
Arandrowse rubs his hands together.
Arandrowse fumbles slightly as he begins to hum a masterful tarantella.
Arandrowse stares at rope for a few moments before it suddenly lifts up and suspends itself unaided in the air. Arandrowse reaches up and begins to climb a shimmering thrashing rope.
Arandrowse says, "And up I go to add a little omph."
Arandrowse continues to clamber up and down his thrashing rope, leaning one way or another occasionally to keep the rope from wandering away with him on it.
(Arandrowse starts to howl as the thrashing rope somehow adds a little extra to his voice, and the noise seems to carry even further through the wintery night!)
Alexii laughs!
Alexii exclaims, "Ye olde rope howl!"
Arandrowse says, "That rope was a thrashing too, hopefully I wasn't to hard to see, but the noise was the important part."
Alexii says, "Okay, while I confer with my performance judge here..."
Nakori meekly exclaims, "I win!"
Alexii says, "We have a special guest howler to include... Please welcome..."
Alexii recites:
Aislynn quietly exclaims to Nakori, "Squee!"
Ticetar nods.
Ticetar inhales a great swallow of air.
Ticetar betrays no change in emotion as she begins a low, sonorous howl. The sound builds almost without your noticing, until it dawns upon you that the strength and sound have grown to such a degree as to block out everything around you, enveloping you in their sonic embrace. Ticetar abruptly ceases her keening, allowing the final notes to echo and fade naturally, though their effect can almost still be felt hanging in the air itself, a tangible, lingering remnant.
Rhoslyn says, "Oooh."
Sonae says, "That was beautiful."
Alexii exclaims to Ticetar, "Well done! Well done, indeed!"
Kaftar quietly says, "Wow..."
Ticetar says, "As in all things, Mrod guides."
Alexii says to Ticetar, "Good thing you weren't competing. Or... well.... yeah."
Shenney says, "We'd have to review our choice of winner."
Alexii says, "But, we did pick a winner and their name is..."
Alexii recites:
Alexii says, "And she will get this lovely prize..."
Ezly says, "Its the Rakash ale..."
Ezly says, "See."
Alexii holds a midnight-blue damask rantija secured with a golden clasp high into the air for all to see.
Raising your Rakash golden ale to Ezly, you give him a toast. Cheers!
Sonae says, "Oh pretty."
You beam at Alexii!
Rhoslyn says, "Oooh, pretty."
Ticetar says, "Interesting. A Human."
Aislynn quietly asks Ticetar, "Can't Mrod guide a human every so often, too?"
Alexii says, "Well, if I'm not mistaken... Mistanna comes from mixed heritage..."
Ticetar says, "Oh, I imagine he does rather frequently. It is a matter of the reception."
You nod to Alexii.
Gemrardi asks you, "You have mixed heritage?"
You say, "I believe the Grand Pack have some plan in mind for me, but being blessed with moonskin was nae in their workings."
You nod to Gemrardi.
Penderrin asks Gemrardi, "Notice the ears?"
Gemrardi glances at you.
Alexii exclaims, "Maybe she might share her tale with us in the next activity... The Circle of Storytellers!"
You say, "Aye, my father was Rakash, an elder of the redivas of our tribe."
Sonae asks, "Ohh storytelling?"
Alexii says, "Another tradition with the Rakash Moots is the sharing of stories or even histories."
Rhoslyn says, "I'm terrible at storytelling."
Kaftar says to Rhoslyn, "Same here. Last time I tried, I think I insulted half my audience."
Rhoslyn says to Kaftar, "I prefer to leave the storytelling to the bards."
Aislynn quietly says to Kaftar, "Piffle. Only the unenlightened half."
Alexii says, "For many years, and still to this day, we often recite our tales to the youth. Writing was not very common among our people in the West, thus started the history of storytelling and sharing tradition though words."
Alexii says, "While books are common here, we put out a few of our own. But, still, we hold a great respect for storytellers and taleweavers."
Aislynn quietly asks Alexii, "Then why does this village have the very best paper and writing implements? When did that change?"
Nakori meekly exclaims, "This is the only place to buy writing paper!"
Aislynn quietly says, "What she said."
Ticetar says, "Quite the story, that."
Alexii points at Ticetar.
Aislynn beams at Ticetar!
Gemrardi asks, "At least you folks have a village, us Prydaens don't?"
Alexii says, "There is a story behind the paper and how it came to be a desired item."
Whiteburn asks, "Oh?"
Sonae says, "I love paper."
Sonae says, "I want to hear this story."
Alexii says, "Maybe if we're lucky Ticetar will share the tale with us."
Alexii says, "But let's go ahead and have anyone who wishes to speak whisper to me again."
Ezly says, "Spin us a tale oh, ahhh Rakash woman...."
Ticetar says to Gemrardi, "Of course you do. Unless something has befallen Vael's Hub that I have not heard about."
Ezly says, "Spin us a tale or two."
Alexii says, "That way we can keep some sort of order."
Aislynn quietly says, "Be right back..."
Gemrardi asks Ticetar, "Can I visit it?"
Nakori meekly asks, "Vael...?"
Alexii asks, "I have two storytellers thus far... any more seek to share words with the group?"
Ticetar says to Gemrardi, "I really wouldn't know. I do not keep tabs on who he allows to visit them."
Arandrowse says, "I can at least visit the mine tribe of the Horse Clan...."
Gemrardi says, "I'm very unimportant, so if importance is key to being able to visit, I can't."
Alexii says, "Once again, Shenney of the Tavern Troupe will help me find the best story and award the prize to the teller."
Alexii exclaims, "Okay, I've got a good collection of names. Let's start it off!"
Alexii says, "First up we have..."
Alexii recites:
Sonae blinks.
Sonae says, "Oh man...no pressure at all."
Sonae giggles.
Penderrin says, "Set the bar."
Sonae asks, "Are their rules?"
Alexii shakes his head.
Sonae asks, "Like length and such?"
Alexii says, "Nope. Tell a good tale, that's the only rule."
Sonae smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Sonae nods.
Sonae ponders.
Sonae stands up.
Sonae rubs a white faille odaj.
Sonae smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Sonae says, "I am a sand elf. And in my land, life is hard. Water is scarce and the weather.....can kill anything you care about. We don't have much....but we have dance...and salt."
Sonae says, "Dance and salt...they don't sound super important. And maybe, in the big picture to some, they are not. But to a sand elf, to me, they are beautiful and rich."
Sonae says, "Salt is a simple thing, tiny granules that can add wonderful taste to an otherwise bland dish. Salt, in my land, can make you wealthy."
Sonae says, "Not in coin, not in wives or objects, but wealthy none the less. Salt adds pizzazz, it adds something much needed."
Sonae says, "Dance does the same. In the dunes, to see a maiden dance among the granules of sand, to see her foot prints lead one way and then the next, does the same."
Sonae says, "It adds pizzazz to a very stark terrain."
Sonae says, "So....when I think of life, laughter and a good time, I think of salt and dance, two things that don't make a huge difference to some, but everything to me."
Sonae curtsies.
Sonae takes a seat.
Sonae blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Alexii says, "As someone who has spent years in the desert, I can agree with everything you said."
Sonae says, "Thank goodness I am a trader and not a bard."
Sonae winks at Alexii.
Markath says to Sonae, "Very nice. Thank you for sharing."
Sonae says, "Thank you for listening."
Alexii says, "To follow that up we have..."
Alexii recites:
Markath babbles incoherently.
Rhoslyn says, "Tell us a good one."
Arandrowse says to Markath, "That is your name."
Sonae says, "Man."
Markath says, "I thought I'd share with you all a bit about myself too."
Markath dusts himself off.
Markath hitches up the waistband of his brown leather loincloth.
Markath says, "Hello! I'm Markath."
Markath says, "You may have noticed, I don't dress like most Rakash."
Markath glances at Alexii.
Markath glances at Ticrit.
Markath says, "That's because I'm actually from the island of Taisidon, a nice little tropical place to the East of here."
Markath says, "I'd like to share with you my story about how I got to that little island, and also, how I got here."
Markath chuckles.
Markath says, "I don't really know what my parents did, if they were merchants or naval officers or even if they were pirates."
Markath says, "What I do know is that the fellow whom I call my father found me on a beach."
Markath says, "I reckon I was about seven at the time, though I'm not really sure."
Markath shrugs.
Markath says, "I was alone, so there wasn't anyone to validate how old I was or wasn't."
Markath says, "But the nice S'Kra took me in and raised me up as best he could."
A beribboned banner painted with "GREAT MOOT -- 413 AV" sways slowly overhead.
Markath says, "Life was good, diving for oysters and catching fish. That's how I spent most my days."
Markath says, "Until, a ship came in to dock. Loaded with visitors and warriors."
Markath says, "First I was scared, thinking they came to take the island from us. But, alas, my worry was invalid because they simply came to vacation."
Markath says, "They were muttering something about a Safari, I dunno. It was just home to me."
Markath shrugs.
Markath exclaims, "When they were getting ready to leave, I decided I would try this Safari business out and came with them back to their homes!"
Markath chuckles.
Markath exclaims, "I snuck on board the ship, and now I'm here. On my safari!"
Markath strikes a heroic pose.
Markath exclaims, "I do miss home, but it's been quite an adventure!"
Markath bows.
Markath says, "Thank you for hearing my tale."
Alexii pats Markath on the back.
Sonae says to Markath, "Thank you for sharing."
Alexii says to Markath, "We got you in the right guild at least."
Alexii snickers.
Markath tugs at the strap on his weapon harness.
Markath nods at Alexii, obviously agreeing with his views.
Markath takes a seat.
Alexii says, "Let's keep the storytelling going with our next taleweaver..."
Alexii recites:
Alexii gestures at you.
You flash a wide grin.
You nibble your lip thoughtfully.
You say, "From an early age my Da took me out into the wilds to learn to hunt... though a winter or two later than my brothers. We had a tradition of learning to hunt in the winter, our family was mostly white-haired and white-furred, so it seemed a logical advantage."
Ezly just arrived.
Ezly says, "Ahem, sorry about that."
You say, "I remember sitting still for anlaen, huddled silently under the blanketed boughs of an evergreen as we waited for prey. He taught me how to find similar warm little coves and hiding, about tracks and tailing so that you didn't startle your dinner before you managed to corner it."
You say, "Days passed, but finally as he was scouting a perimeter, I heard something rustling and saw the branches moving ... a distance over. I slunk along the trunks ... and for awhile I didn't see anything... so I stopped and stayed still for awhile."
You say, "The roi lingered on, and finally... something moved again. I thought it was some snow falling from above... but as I started, I saw a hare take just a tiny hop forwards. Then another! It had found a bit of grass to nibble."
You smile slowly.
You say, "I waited until it lowered it's head... slipped out one of my daggers... and..."
(Mistanna makes a startling quick flick and throwing motion, a triumphant grin spreading her smile afterwards.)
You preen!
Nakori hiccups.
Ticetar raises an eyebrow.
Nakori drools.
You say, "Da came back empty handed, so I was the one to bring home dinner that night. Twas my first successful hunt."
You flash a wide grin.
Alexii exclaims, "Wonderful tale! It's always good to hear a hunting story!"
Alexii nods.
You smile at Alexii.
Alexii says to you, "Thank you for telling."
Sonae says, "Thank you for sharing."
Alexii says, "Let's go ahead and bring up our last teller for this activity..."
Alexii exclaims, "Arandrowse!"
Arandrowse stands near a massive beribboned banner that reads "GREAT MOOT -- 413 AV".
(Arandrowse turns and faces the crowd)
You flash a wide grin at Arandrowse.
Arandrowse calmly says, "My story is in song, for it is how I recount it."
Arandrowse calmly says, "There is honor and horror, both."
Arandrowse cautiously says, "Not to give away apart of the telling, yet."
Ticetar nods to Alexii.
Alexii gives Ticetar a slight nod.
Arandrowse sadly says, "But for Rakash there is a nasty moment, that I hope you forgive me recounting. Though in truth the horrors were for many."
Arandrowse nods.
Arandrowse bows.
Arandrowse sings in a tenor voice:
"The Dragon Did Lay
But couldn't die."
"The Terror Hatched
Gazhir shattered
World Dragon Black and Cold
Terrible yet Beautiful to Behold."
"Wings wide swept
Its fiery breath would much to have wept
Eyes red
Claws made theen enemies bled."
"The Terror Drank Elanthia s Core.
Truffenyi did call all Immortals to the Fore
But mustered not more than a half score.
Peri'el the kingsnake, fearsome warrioress
Phelim the Nightingale, Vigilant Honorable Assassin."
"These saw the Truth
and stayed honor bound
Their fight filled the Heavens with battle sound
Though it was for not
The Dragon still stood."
"The Sun at risk realized as True
The gods all joined allegiances thru
Then the Immortals pressed Forth
In Battle so Fierce
Katamba went Dark
and Sun took to Shadows."
(Arandrowse bows solemnly for a moment of silence.)
Arandrowse sings in a tenor voice:
"The Dragon as Terror
Could not be Destroyed Weakened it withdrew
Phelim now had seen the course
he had fought and seen the source."
"The Dragon could lay
But couldn't die."
"And thus the Honorable Assassin struck
With blows cunning, conventional and beyond extra-ordinary."
"For when he attacked he drove hard with blade to deceive, and with sleeping sands to achieve
Thus Terror fell into Darkness
As Deep and Dark as Urrem'tier's Void."
"The Honor Assassin had his Vengence
But a Fright remained Elanthia's Core was Sore
Peri'el gave her Freedom
And the Dragon was brought into Elanthia s Core."
"By Periel's sibilant lullabies, her harp and trustworthy sack of Phelim's Sleeping Sand.
And thus:"
"The Dragon did lay
But it couldn't die."
Arandrowse bows.
(Arandrowse returns to the crowd, his telling finished.)
Sonae says, "That was lovely."
Markath says, "Okay, that wasn't as scary as I thought it would be."
Whiteburn asks, "You do not find the Dragon frightening?"
Alexii says, "Okay, allow me and our performance judge on loan from the Troupe to discuss a bit and find our winner."
Arandrowse softly asks Whiteburn, "Perhaps I just don't song it justice?"
Sonae softly says to Kaftar, "I really like this moot, I wish there were more stuff like it."
Alexii says, "Okay, it was tough... but since Mistanna already won one thing, we couldn't give her another thing."
Alexii says, "So, our winner for this is..."
Alexii recites:
Ezly asks, "Why does these defenders always sling their ava over their shoulder when they leave an area, and then unsling them when they move in?"
Sonae says, "Wow..."
Shenney says to Sonae, "It was honest and very lovely to hear you speak about your home."
Sonae exclaims, "Thank you!"
Alexii says, "For her prize we have..."
Alexii holds an oiled leather rugursora painted with a colorful scene high into the air for all to see.
Alexii exclaims, "A backpack!"
Sonae exclaims, "Oh!"
Smartly shouldering his ava, the Siksraja Defender struts off, confident he is leaving behind a secure area.
Sonae accepts Alexii's leather rugursora.
Sonae gives an oiled leather rugursora painted with a colorful scene a hug!
Sonae exclaims, "Thank you!"
Sonae says, "It is beautiful."
Alexii says, "Now, as a special treat, we have one more storyteller who wants to share some words with us."
Alexii exclaims, "Please give a warm welcome, again, to Ticetar!"
Alexii looks at Ticetar and applauds!
Ticetar nods.
Ticetar says, "Some had asked of the paper."
Ticetar says, "This is a story of what comes after loss."
Ticetar says, "Those who left the West during the great migration had less time for planning than one might think, yet still some had the forethought to take not only the simple, practical things which were needed for life, but also pieces of that which nourishes the soul."
Ticetar says, "The fraction of redivawzis here in the Awksa Dzilvawta Ala is the most famous example, perhaps, of this choice, this thought to bring more than just our bodies to the East. The father of the man I call my uncle in the Common tongue, but is more rightly my father Sahred's Packmate, took the time to save this precious connection to our first home."
Ticetar smiles.
Ticetar says, "For another, this choice came in the form of seeds."
Ticetar says, "Mulberry trees were used by Rakash artisans in the East to create paper for, well, my father tells it as it was always so. As there were the trees, there were those who took the pieces of them to craft their arts."
Ticetar says, "So then, if we did not often write our stories, what purpose was this paper, eh? I asked my father this more than once, and more than once did he stare at me like I'd been dropped on my skull when it was still new and soft."
Ticetar chuckles.
Nakori meekly exclaims, "Pictures!"
Nakori covers her mouth with her hand.
Ticetar says, "He was not a many of many words, no matter their method of delivery, my father."
Ticetar asks, "The truth came to me many years later, when I finally decided to ask the ones who make the paper now. After all, this was their story to tell or not, eh?"
Ticetar says, "Most stared at me with the same look I was all too familiar with, but I persisted all the same, and finally one of the older women told me, though whether out of pity or approval of my determination, I'll never know. Words were meant to be fleeting, carried upon Enelne's wings from one to the next, but when written, words hold."
Ticetar asks, "Puzzled by this, I asked her why we didn't just write everything down, then. Wouldn't that be easier? Wouldn't that save old stories from being lost?"
Ticetar says, "Especially with all that had transpired during the migration, this seemed surely an answer to me."
Ticetar says, "I was maybe too practical as a child."
Ticetar smiles.
Ticetar says, "Briefly I saw that stare yet again, but her face softened just as I thought I had finally exhausted her patience with my childish lack of understanding. It was then that she explained that to write a story, to make the words hold within any thing, is to force it to be still. A written word does not change, save for defacement. So then a written story becomes a thing of the past, a dead thing, a gone thing."
Ticetar says, "It is but an echo of what the spoken is, what the lived is."
Ticetar says, "And it is for this that most words are best left to Enelne's wings, so that they may continue to be as the present, to live with those who speak them."
Ticetar asks Ticrit, "You feel that, yes?"
Ticrit says, "Aye."
Ticetar says, "I had a feeling perhaps you might."
Ticetar says, "So then, she went on to say that only mulberry paper is to be used for writing of stories, of things that must live with us, as the tree is blessed by Enelne above all others."
Ticetar says, "And when the mulberry holds a word, it is granted a measure of life still, as the pieces of the tree remain as the living by Enelne's blessing."
Ticetar says to Nakori, "But yes, also pictures."
Ticetar nods.
Alexii grins.
Whiteburn appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Ticrit says, "Quite eye openin, i never did fully understand why Taleweavers prefer to recite than record. Thank you for bringing the validity of the Oratory to light."
Nakori meekly says, "I have a question."
Ticetar asks, "Yes?"
Nakori meekly asks, "What happens when a story lives so long... it changes? And becomes untrue?"
Ticetar says, "There is no untruth, only misunderstanding of what the story tells you of its teller."
Ticetar says, "A story can't lie, but a person can."
Alexii nods at Ticetar, obviously agreeing with her views.
Nakori meekly says, "Oh."
Blowing free from one of the supporting poles, several vibrant ribbons dance into the distance as they float along with the unpredictable wind.
Aislynn quietly says to Nakori, "I suppose that's why we're empaths, and not bards."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "And why I am a cleric."
Alexii says to Nakori, "The story is a reflection of the person, the story is still a story but the person... well they could be less than truthful."
Ticetar asks, "Were there other questions?"
Nakori meekly says, "But what of the person who tells the story they heard from someone who told it wrong? It is not their fault it is... not... the right story."
Ticetar says to Nakori, "You misunderstand what one does when listening."
Ticetar says, "Many cultures, I suppose, you just receive from the teller."
Ticetar says, "For Rakash, that is not our way."
Ticetar says, "When a story is told, both the speaker and the listener are active, living, creating, knowing."
Ticetar says, "If you listen and you do not hear the truth of the teller, then I would say it is perhaps in your interest to pray harder."
Ticetar smiles.
Ticrit chortles softly at some secret joke.
Shenney says, "Spoken like a Cleric."
Aislynn quietly asks, "Right, but... Hrrrr. What if someone heard a story about a violet, who then told their friend a marvelous story about a purple flower, and their friend told a story about lavender? But the most important part about the story wasn't the color of the flower, but the flower itself?"
Ticetar says, "We are as we are."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "The importance of a story is within the story to choose."
Ticetar says, "I think this is perhaps the biggest difference for many who are not Rakash."
You say, "The story may be different, but can it not be a beautiful story, even if it is about lavender instead? It may not be the same, but that does not make the story itself wrong or invalidate what you may recieve from it."
Aislynn quietly asks, "Certainly... But are we just talking about stories, or about making a permanent record of any important information?"
Aislynn gazes at you.
Ticetar asks Aislynn, "I would ask you, who chooses the importance?"
Aislynn quietly says, "The listener."
You gaze thoughtfully at Aislynn.
Ticetar says, "All is but sound and thought upon Enelne's wings."
Ticetar winks at Aislynn.
Aislynn grins.
Zenrya exclaims, "Someone stole the cart!"
Aislynn quietly asks, "Beg pardon. I'm a questioner, by nature. We are what we are, neh?"
Shenney says, "Nah, they just took it in to re-stock it."
Ticetar says, "A truth that must stay, will stay, or it will come again."
Ezly exclaims, "Nooooo!"
Ezly says, "Ahhh they just needed to refresh the items is...."
Shenney says, "There we go, all fresh stuff."
Aislynn quietly asks, "Do Rakash prefer to chase their lunches about, like Prydean?"
Ticetar frowns.
Alexii says to Ticetar, "Thank you for both sharing the tale of the paper, but also for speaking about our people and the reverence we have for tales."
Ticetar says, "We cook our food."
Rhoslyn says, "It makes lunch more interesting."
Ticetar says to Alexii, "Thank you for allowing the words."
Ezly says, "I think there is a tradition of hunting, with nothing to make one an adult."
Alexii says to Aislynn, "One of our people serves as a camp cook... Can't be a cook if you don't cook food."
Ezly says, "But that was, and may not be."
Aislynn quietly asks Alexii, "Have you tried Charpigs.. ehm. Fare?"
Ticrit says, "When yer hungry enough......"
You say to Ticetar, "Thank you for sharing with us."
Ezly asks Ticrit, "You'll eat sawdust?"
Ticetar says to you, "You are welcome."
Ticrit says, "Right from the paladin stables if need be."
Arandrowse says to Ezly, "No its you'll eat anything."
Penderrin says, "Brave soul indeed."
Ezly says, "Come see come sa."
Alexii says to Ticrit, "You really need to lay off the drink every so often. You'll see that sawdust is not a good meal."
Ticrit says, "With enough spice and cheap ale, anythin is a feast."
Nakori meekly exclaims, "Rats!"
Alexii mutters something into the air about Bards.
Ticrit babbles incoherently.
Ezly says, "Spice... makes everything nice."
Shenney asks Alexii, "What about Bards?"
Shenney fixes Alexii with a serene, lofty stare.
Alexii fidgets nervously.
Nakori meekly asks, "Spice makes everything mice?"
Gemrardi asks Nakori, "You like rats?"
Alexii asks Shenney, "Takes all kinds?"
Ticrit asks, "Mice? or nice?"
Nakori meekly says, "Voles."
Shenney says to Alexii, "Yes. Yes it does."
Ticrit says, "Whatever gets yer gears goin."
Ezly asks Nakori, "Perhaps that's a Prydaen saying?"
Ezly says to Arandrowse, "I'd like to think what I said was a traditional Rakash saying, for your information."
Alexii says, "Well, we've reached the end of our contests and games. So, I'll take this moment to thank you all from coming to join us in our celebration."
Whiteburn says, "Coffee is the most noble, the most wonderful and terrible of all the food and drink."
Sonae says, "Thank you for hosting, it has been great fun."
Kaftar says to Alexii, "Thank you for bringing us together."
You say to Alexii, "Thank you for pulling this together, I'm glad I was finally able to make it up for one of these."
Zenrya exclaims, "Thank you for the blanket!"
You exclaim to Shenney, "Thanks for your help too!"
You are overwhelmed by foreign thoughts and sensations!
As your mind struggles to place it all into an understandable order and end the painful onslaught, you see your kin surrounding you, their bodies floating, wrought beautiful with their illumination of the darkness which envelops you always.
You feel the calling, and know they do as well. In concert you move -- graceful, languid, but with unceasing purpose.
With a sharp jolt your surroundings fall away from you and your kin dissolve into nothingness! Briefly you feel a keen sense of loss as you reorient to the here and now.
Nakori meekly says, "I learned things today! I will forget them in five rois."
Arandrowse says, "Maybe next time you can have an apple cinnamon bread...."
Ticrit says to Ticetar, "Thankee for attendin, Given me much to think about as a bard and a proud Rakash."
You feel a bit weak in the knees and find yourself wobbling.
You say, "Ohh.."
You rub your head.
Arandrowse says, "Spice and nice with apples."
Alexii says, "It was an honor and a pleasure to have you all here in the village of Siksraja. Please feel free to stick around, check out some shops and enjoy yourselves."
Nakori meekly says, "I WAS dropped on my head when I was born."
Whiteburn says to Nakori, "I always said you were."
You ask, "I... did anyone else?"
Ticetar smiles.
Arandrowse says, "Guessing you just had a vision."
Ticetar says to Ticrit, "Thank you."
You nod to Arandrowse.
Aislynn quietly asks, "More sharks?"
Rhoslyn asks, "More sharks?"
You say, "No.. I...."
Ticetar frowns slightly.
You say, "It was... my kin."
Arandrowse says, "It is rare for me to be blessed or cursed by a vision."
You turn your energies inward and intone the vision aloud for everyone.
Arandrowse says, "Dark times typically are a foot if I do."
Ticetar says, "The shark is angry. I have fought his compulsions."
Ticetar nods.
Ticetar takes a bite of the apple.
A shiver runs up your spine.
Alexii says, "Also, once again, a huge thank you to the Tavern Troupe Performing Order for their assistance with these gatherings. Their continued help with the Moots is very appreciated."
Arandrowse asks, "I don't really have kin, perhaps that's why I didn't get the vision?"
Sonae exclaims, "Hot!"
Ticrit says to Alexii, "The professional cuddler wasn't around for this one."
Shenney says to Alexii, "Maybe next time the sailor will come."
Alexii asks Shenney, "It's quite alright, I made him play host once. Maybe that was enough?"
Whiteburn says, "The Shark will eat his fill."
Shenney says to Alexii, "No. He needs to work more. If we let him relax too much he gets lazy."
Aislynn quietly asks you, "Well.. That seems a bit less "end of the world" than most. Right..?"
Gemrardi says, "I didn't but I am a cleric..."
Gemrardi says, "Darn thing refuses to fill."
Shenney says, "Okay, folks the food should be here for awhile before the staff takes it back again. I hope you enjoyed it."
Alexii asks Shenney, "Leaving?"
Sonae says to Shenney, "But you didn't howl."
Whiteburn says, "If forgot to give this to you the other day..."
Aislynn quietly says to you, "We're in Theren. All of their moon mages wear plate armor. I'm sure it disrupts the visions."
You try not to grin at Aislynn.
Shenney says, "You all have a wonderful day, and congrats to all the winners of the contests."
Gemrardi asks, "Moon mages wear plate armor in Theren?"
Aislynn quietly says, "Everyone wears plate armor in Theren."
Zenrya says to Gemrardi, "Everyone in Theren wears plate."
Gemrardi says, "I didn't bring any...."
You focus your mind on sending a message to Vahlissa, "Did you just have a vision?"
Nakori meekly says, "I had plate once. It was empty, so I threw it away."
Sonae asks, "Oompa?"
Arandrowse says to Gemrardi, "Don't worry I didn't either."
You hear Vahlissa's faded thoughts in your head saying, " Yes"
Kaftar says, "Argh, the other tray of sausage is spicy, too."
Rhoslyn says, "Everyone should wear plate."
Arandrowse asks you, "By chance are you planning to moongate back to Crossing or Ilithi?"
Arandrowse says, "Closest thing I wear to plate."
You gaze up at the sky.
Arandrowse says, "Basically only thing I wear that is metallic for armor."
Aislynn quietly asks Ticetar, "What did you mean by "compulsions"?"
Alexii asks Arandrowse, "No chain?"
Arandrowse says, "Cloth, or a tyrium balaclava."
Kaftar says, "Be safe, all."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "The shark is impressing upon all who have a connection to the Holy."
Arandrowse says, "I'm glad Almodivar isn't around."
Sonae says to Alexii, "Thank you again."
Zenrya exclaims to Whiteburn, "Oooh...your orb is a rainbow!"
Rhoslyn asks, "Why's that?"
Alexii says to Kaftar, "A pleasure to have you."
Ticetar says, "Some more than others, but it comes all the same."
Kaftar says to Ticetar, "I have had visions, too. And I am no priest."
Whiteburn says, "...aye."
Alexii says to Sonae, "You are welcome, thank you for coming."
Aislynn quietly asks Ticetar, "To what purpose?"
Kaftar says to Alexii, "Thank you, it was quite enjoyable."
Rhoslyn says to Arandrowse, "He's the one that did my armor."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "Sacrifice."
Arandrowse says, "Oh really."
Nakori meekly exclaims to Zenrya, "You're too light!"
Gemrardi asks Aislynn, "Your getting sacrificed to Drogor?"
Zenrya exclaims, "The better to fight!"
Aislynn quietly says to Gemrardi, "Not likely."
Rhoslyn asks, "Who are we sacrificing to Drogor?"
Whiteburn darkly says, "A great many will be."
Ezly says, "That's probably my cue to start heading back to Crossing."
Gemrardi says, "Tenike was looking for a Drogor sacrifice."
Aislynn quietly says, "I dealt with enough sharks in the Navy. I'm not giving them any more blood, thank you very much."
Gemrardi says, "This was last andu."
Alexii says, "The only thing I've ever sacrificed are glowing fragments for the glory of Coshivi."
Ezly says, "Me."
Alexii traces an outline around his badger totem.
Rhoslyn says, "Him."
Ticetar says, "He hungers, and he rages. He will take what he wants."
Rhoslyn says, "See? He volunteered too."
Ticetar says, "Though I do wonder..."
Whiteburn says to Zenrya, "And I have told you... you cannot fight Him or His servants."
Ticetar frowns.
Aislynn quietly says, "Then I'll just find a very tall mountain, where I can't even SEE salt water."
Ezly asks, "What are we volunteering me for?"
You gaze at Ticetar in wonder.
Ezly asks, "A date with a great Rakash?"
Rhoslyn says to Ezly, "It's a surprise."
Ticetar says, "Really though, perhaps it is best understood by one who follows the Thirteen."
Nakori meekly says, "Don't tell her she can't fight things, or she will spend the rest of her life trying to punch them."
Whiteburn asks Ticetar, "What is it that you wonder?"
Ticetar says to Whiteburn, "What he wants beyond blood."
Rhoslyn says, "Think it's time to go wander."
Ticetar says, "Not all of the compulsions have been to murder, though many were."
Ezly asks Arandrowse, "So, Mr. Ranger Elf, to Crossing?"
Alexii says to Rhoslyn, "Thank you for coming and joining in the gathering."
Rhoslyn says, "It was fun."
Whiteburn says, "That is so."
Aislynn quietly asks Ticetar, "What were the others?"
Arandrowse says, "Not sure, if there might be a Moongate."
Arandrowse says, "Getting tired hard to concentrate..."
Aislynn quietly says to Arandrowse, "Moons aren't up for a little bit longer."
You say, "Mm, no moons."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "I try to purge them from my mind as fast as they come."
Arandrowse says, "Darn not moons."
Alexii says to Arandrowse, "You'll just have to take the Ranger way back."
Ticetar says, "But there was a sense of ... need to be humble."
Ticetar says, "That is most of what I remember, beyond the rage."
Arandrowse says, "Yep, but I have two people to take back, and one really sinks with all the heavy armor he wears."
Arandrowse says, "And you people think he should wear plate."
Gemrardi says, "Sorry."
Alexii says to Arandrowse, "Yeah, slow and heavy people make the Ranger ways so slow.... so slow."
Arandrowse says, "Faster to go the other way."
Ticetar says, "I have been blessed that Mrod has seen to it that I am not overtaken by these compulsions. I find that prayer immediately after they occur helps to cleanse my mind and spirit."
Arandrowse asks, "About when will a moon show up?"
You say, "In about ten or fifteen roi."
Gemrardi asks, "So how many favors can a Rakash gather from their gods?"
Aislynn quietly says, "Hmm. Humble.... Not something I'd associate with Drogor, though I suppose my understanding of most of the Divine other than Hodierna is... lacking."
Whiteburn says, "He will come and He will be sated, regardless of what mortals choose to accept. 'tis better to accept the fate than fight it."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "It was a compulsion upon myself, not a feeling of him."
Alexii says to Gemrardi, "The stone is limited in power at the moment, I'm not sure why exactly. I think there is something with the offerings."
Whiteburn says, "There have been too many signs."
Malzian asks, "Hmm... guess it's over, huh?"
Alexii says, "I'm glad that I've not felt the touch of Drogor, during these times. Perhaps Coshivi has kept me safe."
Arandrowse says, "Kinda."
Alexii says to Malzian, "You've reached us near the end."
Whiteburn darkly says, "It's been a time of arrogance. The people of the town laugh and joke to one another, their thoughts light as they speak of mass drowning... they will either come to fear as they should, or they will die laughing."
Malzian says, "I wanted to come by earlier, but couldn't manage it."
Ticetar says to Alexii, "Would that I could say this will maintain."
You say, "Probably the latter."
Fyrinn says, "Same."
Whiteburn says, "This is good coffee."
Ticetar says, "I should return to father. He requires much these days."
Malzian says, "Guess I missed the gifts then."
You say to Ticetar, "Safe travels, thank you again for your stories."
Malzian says, "Oh well."
Alexii says to Ticetar, "Thank you for joining us today."
Ticetar says, "Thank you all for this, to come together in this way is to give life to memory."
Alexii bows to Ticetar.
Ticetar says, "Gird yourselves. These are trying times, even if not everyone can see it just yet."
Ticetar nods.
You say, "I think I'll head back to Shard... much to think on."
Ticetar just went northeast.
Malzian says, "All times are trying, some are simply more so than others..."
Alexii says, "We try to gather every few years, simply to get the folks together and share in some mirthful celebration."
You say to Alexii, "Thank you again."
Whiteburn says, "I am looking forward to it..."
Alexii says to you, "You are very welcome, and I will see you at the next one I'm sure."
Nakori meekly asks you, "Shard... What is there to do in Shard?"
Fyrinn says, "Much, if you're a ranger."
You say to Nakori, "There is a warm bed, patrols to do, reports to write."
You try hard not to grin.
You say, "Have a good mornin' everyone. Mrod guide."
You missed a great party if you didn't make the Rakash Moot yesterday! There were warm wool blankets as gifts, perfect with all this snow lately. I have a record of the evening's conversation, stories and games to share which includes a surprise guest appearance by Ticetar! Near the end of the evening, a vision was also experienced by several across the realm, which I have included as well.
Thank you!
a wandering scribe
Mistanna Redivas
You are overwhelmed by foreign thoughts and sensations!
As your mind struggles to place it all into an understandable order and end the painful onslaught, you see your kin surrounding you, their bodies floating, wrought beautiful with their illumination of the darkness which envelops you always.
You feel the calling, and know they do as well. In concert you move -- graceful, languid, but with unceasing purpose.
With a sharp jolt your surroundings fall away from you and your kin dissolve into nothingness! Briefly you feel a keen sense of loss as you reorient to the here and now.
You see Ticetar, a Rakash.
Ticetar has a triangular face, gold eyes and a small nose. Her white hair is shoulder length and straight, and is worn in a simple, pulled-back style held in place by some crow feathers strung upon amulet-strewn cording. She has fair skin and a lean figure.
She is short for a Rakash.
She appears to be in her prime.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a tawny weapon harness adorned with Enelne's eye amulets and crow feathers, a battle odaj crafted from golden-hued mail atop deep bronze titanese and some elaborate footwraps dangling crow feathers from leather strips at the ankles.
Alexii recites:
"Welcome my fellow Rakash and friends to the Great Moot of four thirteen!"
Alexii says, "Once again, we are proud and honored to have the assistance of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order in hosting this lovely gathering."
Shenney says, "Always happy to assist with giving people drinks and good times."
Alexii says, "Please, feel free to grab yourself a gift and a drink or two and settle in for a howling good time."
Markath says to Alexii, "That was bad."
Alexii says, "These moots are a new tradition for us Rakash, since coming eastwards they serve to keep our community together. So, we keep hosting them every few years."
Alexii exclaims, "Now, how about we start with one of my favorite games... Rakash Trivia!"
Alexii says, "How this works is I will ask a few questions of you all, and whomever can provide the correct answer first will get a shiny platinum coin."
Rhoslyn asks, "Is it multiple choice?"
Alexii says, "If you are able to answer the most correct, I will give you a very special prize."
Alexii says to Rhoslyn, "Nope."
Ezly says, "Ahhh just let me win folks, I need a few platinums to look decent."
Rhoslyn says, "Aww..."
Ezly says, "Do it for the villagers, not just yourself."
Rhoslyn asks, "What if the villagers like what they see?"
Ticetar says to Ezly, "Us of Siksraja can manage just fine."
Nakori yells, "HE LEFT!"
Alexii says, "All of the questions are focused on either important places, things, or people whom have association with the Rakash race."
Alexii says, "Now, rules... You can either whisper or speak your answer. Probably best to speak so I don't have seven people whispering to me at the same time."
Ezly asks Rhoslyn, "People know me as Ezly, names Eizelis, how do you do?"
Alexii says, "I have but two ears."
Rhoslyn says to Ezly, "I'm Rhoslyn Delacroix."
Alexii exclaims, "Also, for each of these questions there is only one correct answer. If you don't hear me say someone won, keep guessing!"
Ezly asks Rhoslyn, "Isn't that one of the larger Rakash clans?"
Rhoslyn says, "Maybe."
Alexii asks, "Everyone ready?"
Rhoslyn says, "I haven't seen father in a long time though."
Ticetar says to Alexii, "I am refraining from this, but I am curious to see the questions you pose."
Ticetar says to Ezly, "We do not have 'clans'."
Alexii says to Ticetar, "Probably a good idea so that others at least have a chance."
Alexii says, "Alright here we go with the first question..."
Alexii recites:
"There is a method which Rakash can gain favor from our Gods here in the Eastern land, to do so you must travel to a specfic location nearby. Who can tell me the name of that location?"
Kaftar says, "Deep Cave."
Alexii says to Kaftar, "I think I will accept that. It's common but it's pretty good."
Alexii says, "The name in our language is Awksa Dzilvawta Ala."
Ezly says, "Don't worry unless someone tells me the answer I won't know it."
Alexii says, "Or, also known as the deep cave."
Alexii says, "Moving along...."
Ezly says to Arandrowse, "Come on Mr. Elf who can speak multiple languages help me out here."
Alexii recites:
"Inside that cave there is a shard of a very special stone, which is the item that actually helps us gain our God's attention to receive their favor. What is the stone's name?"
Kaftar says, "Redivawzis."
Alexii exclaims, "Off to a good start!"
Whiteburn says, "Impressive..."
Ezly asks, "Ahhh how did he answer that before I heard the whole thing?"
Rhoslyn says, "Kaftar is going to win."
Alexii says, "Indeed, the redivawzis is a scared stone to us. It is is believed to be a direct connection to our gods. Namely, Coshivi."
Kaftar says, "It was a logical following question."
Alexii says, "On to the next one..."
Alexii recites:
"In fact there is a book nearby which explains how the stone came here to the East, written by the very person who put it there. Who can name the book and it's author?"
Ticetar asks Ezly, "Have you an issue with our guard?"
Alexii says, "The book and the author."
Ezly says, "Other then the taking of all my possessions, and placing a debt on me, and again leaving me with no bank book..."
Kaftar says, "I knew I should have visited the library more often..."
Markath says, "Celotjurs uz Siksraja by Lukca Zelkuk."
Alexii exclaims, "Yes! That's the book!"
Ticetar says, "My uncle's book."
Ezly says, "Sure Elf, let's do that."
Nakori meekly says, "Ooh."
Ezly says, "I don't like all the looks I'm getting."
Alexii says, "It's a must read for any of you who have not read it yet."
Ezly says to Alexii, "I guess take notes for must have things I should do while I am getting some coins."
Alexii says, "Let's do something a bit easier from a much older book..."
Nakori meekly says, "Reading things is hard..."
Alexii recites:
"In death, a liquid was poured over the body of the deceased and the family would take turns watching over them until it had fully evaporated. What type of liquid was used?"
Kaftar says, "Water."
Aislynn quietly says, "Water."
Penderrin says, "Badly fermented fratvarit."
Alexii says to Kaftar, "You're a sharp one. I like that."
Alexii says, "Yes, it was water. It was beleived as the water evaporated it would bring the spirit of the departed up to Mrod."
Kaftar says to Alexii, "Well, I like being praised. How lucky."
Alexii says, "Mrod, of course, being the lord of the skies and heavens."
Gemrardi says, "Just so I am aware, how many -Rakash- Clerics are in attendance."
Alexii says, "Maybe some general knowledge stuff now..."
Ticetar raises her hand.
Alexii recites:
"Before construction on the village was completed, there were only four shops which sold Rakash goods to the general population. Who can provide the full name these four shops?"
Aislynn quietly says, "Ooo."
Alexii says, "Hint. They are in the village now and no longer travel."
Kaftar asks, "Cefrit of Oudcoru, Kifa Awrocis, Pawla's Permutations, Uz Zinat?"
Ticetar says to Alexii, "Age and comfort."
Alexii exclaims to Kaftar, "Correct again!"
Aislynn quietly says, "Get 'im."
Rhoslyn says, "I don't know anything."
Kaftar says, "Took me a moment to think of which ones used to travel to the old..."
Kaftar asks Aislynn, "Wait, what?"
Rhoslyn gestures, and an icy snowball forms in the air, hovering a hair's breadth above her hand. She gazes at it intently, and suddenly it slides out of her hand towards Kaftar!
The snowball smacks Kaftar dead-on!
Kaftar is stunned!
Aislynn lets out a hearty cheer for Rhoslyn!
Alexii says, "Those four shops were the first to sell our goods to both our people and those of the East. Still to this day they are kept open so all may enjoy."
Penderrin says, "Somethin about swingin around an old Ozols Nuja....."
Alexii says, "They started as travelers, moving with the other merchants, but moved to permanent locations here."
Rhoslyn says to Aislynn, "I'm making trouble."
Aislynn quietly says to Rhoslyn, "No wonder you were the first arrested."
Alexii says, "Let's move on to local trivia..."
Alexii recites:
"The nearby Dzirta Nars, or Pack House in common, boasts only a single guard. Though elderly in age, he seems quite able to dispatch justice using his trusty nuja. What is his name?"
Markath says, "Gazlok."
Alexii exclaims, "Good job. That's exactly right!"
Alexii says, "He stands watch over the pack house and the library within it."
Ticetar says, "And Enelne over him."
Alexii says, "How about this one..."
Alexii recites:
"Another prominent figure in the village is a younger fellow who spends most his days relaxing in a rocking chair on the porch of the Visfarej Cehs, or General Store, here in town. What is his name?"
Ezly exclaims, "Tada!"
Rhoslyn asks, "Fidzuc?"
Alexii exclaims, "Correct!"
Ezly says to Rhoslyn, "You just making noises there?"
(Rhoslyn nibbles on the platinum coin)
Alexii says, "Fidzuc is a smart fellow, will tell you some things if you know the right questions to ask. I encourage you all to chat with him sometime."
Penderrin says, "He rocks them overalls."
Ezly says, "Chances of me knowing the right things to ask, near zero I admit it."
Alexii says, "Moving on to people outside of the village..."
Alexii recites:
"Though he's not here in Siksraja, another Rakash figure does make his living out near the North Trade Route near to Dirge in the Canvasary. Who can name this fellow and his profession?"
Penderrin says, "Charpig."
Penderrin says, "Um."
Alexii asks, "Profession?"
Penderrin says, "Blacksmith i wanna say."
Alexii says, "Nope."
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Cook!"
Aislynn quietly says, "Charpig the cook."
Penderrin says, "Cook meat, cook steel, details."
Aislynn quietly says, "One's edible."
Alexii says, "With the full answer, the winner is Aislynn."
Penderrin says, "So is steel, get kicked hard enough ya kin taste it."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "And the other is what Charpig cooks."
Alexii says, "Charpig is a camp cook out there. He's been there forever it seems like."
Ticetar winks at Aislynn.
Aislynn laughs!
Alexii says, "Seek him out if you want some tasty grub."
Ezly says, "I had no idea that man was a cook..."
Alexii says, "Moving back to some general knowledge stuff..."
Alexii recites:
"Rakash are known for their specifically styled clothing and weaponry, items which are suited towards our hands and bodies. Who can name me four items of Rakash-make and provide translations in common?"
Ezly says, "Guess I need to chat him up some time while I ask for some of the grub he makes."
Ticetar says, "Nobody who has eaten his food would either."
Rhoslyn asks, "Odaj, robe, skefne, spear, ava, halberd, and cirvii is an axe?"
Kaftar says, "Odaj, rantija, ava... blast."
Kaftar says, "Oh, translations. Missed that part."
Alexii exclaims, "Winner!"
Aislynn quietly asks Kaftar, "What's a rantija, anyways?"
Alexii says, "Most of the items can be found here in the village these days, but there are a few that are less common."
Rhoslyn says, "It's a cloak."
Alexii says to Aislynn, "A cloak."
Gemrardi asks Rhoslyn, "So when someone is attacking me with an Odaj I shouldn't be afraid?"
Ticetar says, "A very particular sort of cloak."
Alexii nods to Ticetar.
Rhoslyn says to Gemrardi, "It's a robe."
Aislynn quietly says to Gemrardi, "They could smother you..."
Alexii says, "Now some historical stuff..."
Alexii recites:
"It has been many years since the Rakash people, and our Prydaen companions, have arrived here in the Eastern lands. Many years. Who can name the year we arrived and location we arrived at?"
Aislynn quietly says, "357. Crossings."
Ezly says, "You should see what I can do with a thin corded piece of cloth."
Alexii says to Aislynn, "Not the location, but that is the year."
Alexii says, "Looking for the specific place..."
Aislynn quietly says, "There's somewhere in Forf, too..."
Ezly asks, "357 Shard?"
Ezly says, "Ahhh well I tried..."
Ezly asks, "357 Hand?"
Ezly asks, "357 Coriks Wall?"
Aislynn quietly asks, "357 Journalai?"
Ticetar says, "We are not Gorbesh."
Alexii says to Aislynn, "The group traveled though the Dwarven lands, but did not stop."
Alexii says, "Hint: It's west of Crossings."
Ezly says, "Knife Clan."
Ezly says, "Tiger Clan."
Ezly says, "Ogre Naarg's Mountain."
Markath says, "357 at the tower near Wolf Clan."
Alexii says, "Winner."
Ezly says, "Yes that tower...."
Ezly says, "Winner Winner chicken dinner."
Alexii says, "Although the Rakash and Prydaen moved much, that was the location were the migration finally stopped."
Ezly says, "I should have had that one, I mean like that is give me points. I'm from and live in Crossing."
Alexii says, "And it's also where we greeted our new friends from here in the East."
Aislynn quietly says to Ezly, "Void, I was there, and I still don't remember."
Alexii says, "Okay, some more historical stuff, but a little bit recent too..."
Alexii recites:
"While on the topic of dates, this village was revealed to the general population following the defeat of our ancient enemy Lyras. Who can name the year that happened?"
Ezly asks Aislynn, "You were there?"
Kaftar asks, "394?"
Shenney says, "Three-ninety-seven years after the victory."
Alexii exclaims, "Correct!"
Alexii says, "After the defeat of she who tormented both our people and the Prydaen, this village was opened to the general population of the lands."
Alexii says, "I guess things were just a tad safer once she was gone."
Arandrowse asks, "A tad?"
Arandrowse asks, "Did you live through those sieges?"
Alexii says, "I'm alive now, and I fought her generals."
Arandrowse asks, "Incursions into Crossing, the bombardments?"
Alexii says, "Here we go, on to the next question..."
Rhoslyn says, "I was living up in Theren during that time."
Aislynn quietly says, "Bloody great big orbs that were NEVER full..."
Alexii recites:
"One of the founders of this village was our revered Cefrit, whom hailed from the largest city the Rakash held back in the homeland. In fact, it's often called the Rakash captial city. Who can name it?"
Kaftar says, "Odcoru."
Arandrowse says, "I defended Crossing from Sahfre with others on the final day of Lyras."
Alexii exclaims, "And Kaftar is back in the game!"
Whiteburn says, "The only question I knew so far..."
Arandrowse exclaims to Aislynn, "Only we filled them even after her defeat, they tried to stop us, but we wouldn't!"
Alexii says, "Many hope we can once again return there, if only to reclaim lost objects. Who knows if this will ever happen."
Alexii says, "There is hope."
Aislynn quietly says to Arandrowse, "Now, they... Aherm. They kind of explode when you try to activate them."
Alexii says, "Back to our Rakash Famous Faces..."
Alexii recites:
"This next individual came from the West with the rest of the pack, though these days doesn't spend much time among the people. Often found in the Temple of the North Wind and serving to venerate the dark Goddess Asketi, what is this person's name?"
Gemrardi says, "I'm a cleric and I should know this..."
Alexii says, "Hint: She planted the Vela'Tohr in Crossings."
Aislynn quietly says, "Denizelva."
Alexii exclaims, "Winner!"
Arandrowse says, "Whiteburn venerates Dergati the Shrike."
Whiteburn says, "I do not know many Asketians priests."
Alexii says, "I do not know if she still worships our three, but she works diligently in the temple now."
Aislynn quietly says to Whiteburn, "They don't live long."
Alexii says, "And has for many years."
Alexii says, "Let's move on to someone who is a little more current..."
Alexii recites:
"This fellow has been seen more recently, playing games with folks and handing out prizes. In fact, I think he was just at the island of Fang Cove not too long ago. It's also been told to me that this guy is also a rather skilled mage and spends much of his time making foci items for improved spellcasting. What is his name?"
Arandrowse says, "Yeyaru."
Rhoslyn asks, "Vatari?"
Alexii exclaims, "Yup! That's the guy!"
Arandrowse says, "Ahhh sorry, misunderstood who you were getting at..."
Whiteburn exclaims, "I'm not Alexii!"
Alexii says, "He's a funny fellow too."
Nakori meekly exclaims to Whiteburn, "You were supposed to answer for me! I'm too shy!"
Alexii says, "His games are rather quirky."
Ticetar says to Arandrowse, "Yeyaru is a Prydaen."
Arandrowse says, "Yeyaru is much better at making things..."
Whiteburn says, "Okay okay, I'll do it next time."
Aislynn quietly says, "Not sure Yeyaru plays games much."
Arandrowse says to Ticetar, "That is totally true."
Alexii says, "You folks from Zoluren might get this one...."
Aislynn quietly says, "More's the pity."
Arandrowse says to Aislynn, "But have you seen him make something."
Alexii recites:
"For our last "Important Rakash Persons" list, we have a man who has recently been seen as a Provincial Guard in Zoluren and has been seen traveling in the company of the Seneschal Maghana Guvyre. Who can name this man?"
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Oh! Oh!"
Nakori meekly exclaims, "Kaftar!"
Arandrowse says, "Ahhhh...."
Aislynn quietly asks, "I love that man! What's his name?"
Alexii says, "He's a new face, so you might not have had the chance to meet the fellow yet..."
Aislynn quietly says, "No, he's wonderful... And very stern..."
Nakori meekly asks, "Hengwild?"
Shenney asks, "Sevrigon? Is that how you say it?"
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Yes!"
Arandrowse says, "I can't seem to see his name."
Alexii says, "Yes, it came to my attention recently that Sevrigon was one of the Provincial Guards for Zoluren."
Aislynn quietly says, "He's a marvelous gentleman. Just don't make any sudden moves around him."
Alexii says, "I must admit, I was rather proud to see another Rakash taking a position of importance."
Rhoslyn says to Ezly, "Oh, good you're dressed now."
Aislynn quietly says, "He was guarding the Seneschal around the time that the Keep fell."
Ezly says, "You didn't hear my announcement..."
Alexii says, "Okay, we're almost at the end. Just one more..."
Alexii recites:
"And our final question of the night... Before leaving the homeland fully, Rakash and Prydaen elders combined their abilities to create something which would block Lyras forces from following. Though it did not last long, and in fact, people are able to travel to it and pass beyond it today. It did it's job long enough to allow us a reprieve from the horror and chaos. What was the name of the thing they erected?"
Ezly says, "That Elf got me to the bank and back fast."
Kaftar says, "The barrier."
Aislynn quietly says, "The Great Barrier."
Rhoslyn asks, "Oooh, the great barrier?"
Whiteburn exclaims, "The great barrie- dammit!"
Ezly says, "They say Rangers get lost, don't see him doing it much."
Nakori meekly exclaims, "A box!"
Alexii says, "Aislynn got it."
Ezly says, "Err at all."
Alexii says to Kaftar, "Sorry, was more than just "a barrier" it was the great barrier."
Ezly says, "He's not here, so I can say that."
Ezly says, "No body tell him I actually gave him praise."
Rhoslyn says, "Only got three right."
Aislynn quietly says, "Word of advice.. If you have to cross that thing, make sure you talk to the Claw first... Or it'll hurt. Alot."
Alexii says, "Okay, thank you all for playing... let me tally up the scores...."
Whiteburn quietly says, "It still hurt..."
Ezly asks Aislynn, "How you know that?"
Aislynn quietly says, "It hurts less if you do it right."
Alexii says, "Okay, our winner of the trivia is...."
Penderrin says to Aislynn, "That's what he said."
Alexii recites:
Kaftar says, "I got five. Not sure if that was good enough."
Alexii shakes Kaftar's hand.
Ezly exclaims, "Me for not getting one right!"
Kaftar asks, "Wait, what?"
Aislynn quietly says to Ezly, "Because I went. Wrestled an little shard of Lyras to the ground, too. Very proud of myself."
Alexii says, "With the most correct answers, Kaftar will win the prize..."
Ezly asks Aislynn, "Really?"
Sonae asks, "What is the prize?"
Alexii gets a pair of grey vikses with platinum embroidered seams from inside a woven sack.
Alexii holds a pair of grey vikses with platinum embroidered seams high into the air for all to see.
Ezly asks, "More plats?"
Alexii offers Kaftar a pair of grey vikses with platinum embroidered seams.
Penderrin exclaims, "Pants!"
Alexii says, "Nah, some nice Rakash pants."
Kaftar accepts Alexii's grey vikses.
Sonae exclaims, "Ohh he needed those!"
Rhoslyn says, "Oooh, pretty."
Ezly says, "Hey I could have used those a few moments ago."
Alexii says to Kaftar, "Good job."
Sonae says, "They are prettier than your now pants."
Ezly says, "Not any more."
Sonae asks, "Are you going to change right here?"
Kaftar says, "I should probably go somewhere a little more private to change."
Sonae exclaims, "Oh my!"
Ezly asks, "Why not, I had to do it in the jail?"
Rhoslyn commands to Kaftar, "Chang here!"
Ezly says, "I was just wearing a LARGE key."
Alexii exclaims, "Now we move on to something that is a tradition at moots... The Howling Challenge!"
Sonae says, "Oh I will win this."
Rhoslyn asks, "Howling challenge?"
Nakori meows.
Whiteburn appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Aislynn quietly says to Ezly, "It's all relative, dear."
Rhoslyn says, "Too bad we're not in moonskin."
Rhoslyn says, "Then we'd win."
Alexii says, "Anyone and everyone can take part in this, the trick is to give us a loud and unique howl."
Whiteburn covers her ears with her hands.
Alexii says, "Allow me to demonstrate..."
(Alexii howls loudly. The sound is both fierce and wild, echoing with a deep power through the village.)
Sonae says, "Ohh."
Sonae says, "That was a great howl."
(Nakori howls like a dying squirrel caught in the throat of a blood wolf!)
Markath asks Alexii, "Can any Ranger do that?"
Alexii says, "Okay, go ahead and whisper to me if you'd like to take place in this challenge and I'll set up an order."
Aislynn quietly says to Nakori, "I might call that a "squee!", not a howl..."
Nakori meekly says, "Oh."
Whiteburn says, "I do not howl."
Nakori mutters something into the air about someday there will be a hiccup challenge and I will drink champagne.
Whiteburn says to Nakori, "Consider this your prize."
Whiteburn offers Nakori a flagon of aged Prydaen bloodwyne.
Alexii exclaims, "Okay, I think I got a good amount to start with. So let's get this under way!"
Nakori meekly exclaims, "The good stuff!"
Alexii says, "First up we have..."
Alexii recites:
(Markath howls meekly. The low whimper barely traveling past the group, leaving no echo at all to speak of.)
Markath frowns.
Alexii exclaims to Markath, "More drinks for you!"
Alexii says, "Okay, that was good, regardless of his youth..."
Alexii says, "Next up is..."
Alexii recites:
(Sonae inhales deeply and howls richly, her face turning bright red before she ends in a coughing/giggling fit.)
Alexii exclaims, "That was a pretty good howl, I approve!"
Sonae exclaims, "Thank you!"
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Especially that last bit!"
Sonae says, "Kaftar teaches me."
Markath says, "Better than mine."
Ticetar says, "For an Elf."
Alexii says, "Okay, moving along to our next howler...."
Alexii recites:
Aislynn coughs.
Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.
(Aislynn ululates energetically, caught somewhere between a yodel and a roar. What she lacks in style, she sure makes up for in enthusiasm!)
Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.
Aislynn coughs.
Aislynn coughs.
Aislynn rolls her tail along the surface of the ground.
Alexii says to Aislynn, "I'm not sure what that was, but we'll pretend it was a howl."
Aislynn quietly says, "It's a howl... somewhere."
Aislynn gazes up at the sky.
Alexii chuckles at Aislynn.
Alexii says, "Next up we have..."
Alexii recites:
Nakori meekly says, "Ooooooo."
Kaftar takes a deep breath.
Ticetar says to Markath, "Your howl reflects your soul. Become more comfortable with yourself, and you will have a strong howl."
(Kaftar takes another deep breath and howls, his head thrown back in the act. His howl starts low and builds in intensity, until the sound seems to fill the area with intense, raw emotion that you can almost feel physically.)
Alexii says to Kaftar, "Very good. Though, I expected nothing less."
Kaftar says, "Aww, thanks."
Markath says, "Wow, that was good."
Markath says, "Powerful."
Alexii exclaims, "Let's keep it going, these are getting better!"
Alexii says, "Next up we have..."
Alexii recites:
You shift your weight.
You take a sip of the ale -- very refreshing.
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Mistanna smiles and half-lids her eyes and she draws in a slow, deep breath through her nose, expanding her belly before her chest. Throwing back her head she howls out a high, pure note which drops in scale after a few moments in serenade to the waxing ebony moon before finally fading into silence.
Alexii exclaims, "Definate style points for that one too!"
Ezly says, "Its the rakash golden ale."
Aislynn quietly says to you, "I think you need to change guilds! Ranger for you."
Alexii says, "Here we go, on to the next...."
Alexii recites:
Rhoslyn giggles.
Rhoslyn inhales a great swallow of air.
(Rhoslyn arches her back, turns her face up to the glowing crescent of Katamba, and howls joyfully. The strong, joyful howl resonates strongly throughout the area.)
Alexii exclaims, "I think they heard that one over in Langen's Firth!"
Alexii exclaims, "Very nice!"
Alexii says, "Let's conclude this with our last howler..."
Alexii recites:
Rhoslyn asks, "An elf?"
Arandrowse smiles.
Sonae exclaims, "Hey, us elves can howl!"
Aislynn quietly says, "He's a ranger. He practices."
Markath says, "Rangers know things about howling."
Arandrowse puts his water in his sable knapsack.
Arandrowse rubs his hands together.
Arandrowse fumbles slightly as he begins to hum a masterful tarantella.
Arandrowse stares at rope for a few moments before it suddenly lifts up and suspends itself unaided in the air. Arandrowse reaches up and begins to climb a shimmering thrashing rope.
Arandrowse says, "And up I go to add a little omph."
Arandrowse continues to clamber up and down his thrashing rope, leaning one way or another occasionally to keep the rope from wandering away with him on it.
(Arandrowse starts to howl as the thrashing rope somehow adds a little extra to his voice, and the noise seems to carry even further through the wintery night!)
Alexii laughs!
Alexii exclaims, "Ye olde rope howl!"
Arandrowse says, "That rope was a thrashing too, hopefully I wasn't to hard to see, but the noise was the important part."
Alexii says, "Okay, while I confer with my performance judge here..."
Nakori meekly exclaims, "I win!"
Alexii says, "We have a special guest howler to include... Please welcome..."
Alexii recites:
Aislynn quietly exclaims to Nakori, "Squee!"
Ticetar nods.
Ticetar inhales a great swallow of air.
Ticetar betrays no change in emotion as she begins a low, sonorous howl. The sound builds almost without your noticing, until it dawns upon you that the strength and sound have grown to such a degree as to block out everything around you, enveloping you in their sonic embrace. Ticetar abruptly ceases her keening, allowing the final notes to echo and fade naturally, though their effect can almost still be felt hanging in the air itself, a tangible, lingering remnant.
Rhoslyn says, "Oooh."
Sonae says, "That was beautiful."
Alexii exclaims to Ticetar, "Well done! Well done, indeed!"
Kaftar quietly says, "Wow..."
Ticetar says, "As in all things, Mrod guides."
Alexii says to Ticetar, "Good thing you weren't competing. Or... well.... yeah."
Shenney says, "We'd have to review our choice of winner."
Alexii says, "But, we did pick a winner and their name is..."
Alexii recites:
Alexii says, "And she will get this lovely prize..."
Ezly says, "Its the Rakash ale..."
Ezly says, "See."
Alexii holds a midnight-blue damask rantija secured with a golden clasp high into the air for all to see.
Raising your Rakash golden ale to Ezly, you give him a toast. Cheers!
Sonae says, "Oh pretty."
You beam at Alexii!
Rhoslyn says, "Oooh, pretty."
Ticetar says, "Interesting. A Human."
Aislynn quietly asks Ticetar, "Can't Mrod guide a human every so often, too?"
Alexii says, "Well, if I'm not mistaken... Mistanna comes from mixed heritage..."
Ticetar says, "Oh, I imagine he does rather frequently. It is a matter of the reception."
You nod to Alexii.
Gemrardi asks you, "You have mixed heritage?"
You say, "I believe the Grand Pack have some plan in mind for me, but being blessed with moonskin was nae in their workings."
You nod to Gemrardi.
Penderrin asks Gemrardi, "Notice the ears?"
Gemrardi glances at you.
Alexii exclaims, "Maybe she might share her tale with us in the next activity... The Circle of Storytellers!"
You say, "Aye, my father was Rakash, an elder of the redivas of our tribe."
Sonae asks, "Ohh storytelling?"
Alexii says, "Another tradition with the Rakash Moots is the sharing of stories or even histories."
Rhoslyn says, "I'm terrible at storytelling."
Kaftar says to Rhoslyn, "Same here. Last time I tried, I think I insulted half my audience."
Rhoslyn says to Kaftar, "I prefer to leave the storytelling to the bards."
Aislynn quietly says to Kaftar, "Piffle. Only the unenlightened half."
Alexii says, "For many years, and still to this day, we often recite our tales to the youth. Writing was not very common among our people in the West, thus started the history of storytelling and sharing tradition though words."
Alexii says, "While books are common here, we put out a few of our own. But, still, we hold a great respect for storytellers and taleweavers."
Aislynn quietly asks Alexii, "Then why does this village have the very best paper and writing implements? When did that change?"
Nakori meekly exclaims, "This is the only place to buy writing paper!"
Aislynn quietly says, "What she said."
Ticetar says, "Quite the story, that."
Alexii points at Ticetar.
Aislynn beams at Ticetar!
Gemrardi asks, "At least you folks have a village, us Prydaens don't?"
Alexii says, "There is a story behind the paper and how it came to be a desired item."
Whiteburn asks, "Oh?"
Sonae says, "I love paper."
Sonae says, "I want to hear this story."
Alexii says, "Maybe if we're lucky Ticetar will share the tale with us."
Alexii says, "But let's go ahead and have anyone who wishes to speak whisper to me again."
Ezly says, "Spin us a tale oh, ahhh Rakash woman...."
Ticetar says to Gemrardi, "Of course you do. Unless something has befallen Vael's Hub that I have not heard about."
Ezly says, "Spin us a tale or two."
Alexii says, "That way we can keep some sort of order."
Aislynn quietly says, "Be right back..."
Gemrardi asks Ticetar, "Can I visit it?"
Nakori meekly asks, "Vael...?"
Alexii asks, "I have two storytellers thus far... any more seek to share words with the group?"
Ticetar says to Gemrardi, "I really wouldn't know. I do not keep tabs on who he allows to visit them."
Arandrowse says, "I can at least visit the mine tribe of the Horse Clan...."
Gemrardi says, "I'm very unimportant, so if importance is key to being able to visit, I can't."
Alexii says, "Once again, Shenney of the Tavern Troupe will help me find the best story and award the prize to the teller."
Alexii exclaims, "Okay, I've got a good collection of names. Let's start it off!"
Alexii says, "First up we have..."
Alexii recites:
Sonae blinks.
Sonae says, "Oh man...no pressure at all."
Sonae giggles.
Penderrin says, "Set the bar."
Sonae asks, "Are their rules?"
Alexii shakes his head.
Sonae asks, "Like length and such?"
Alexii says, "Nope. Tell a good tale, that's the only rule."
Sonae smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Sonae nods.
Sonae ponders.
Sonae stands up.
Sonae rubs a white faille odaj.
Sonae smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Sonae says, "I am a sand elf. And in my land, life is hard. Water is scarce and the weather.....can kill anything you care about. We don't have much....but we have dance...and salt."
Sonae says, "Dance and salt...they don't sound super important. And maybe, in the big picture to some, they are not. But to a sand elf, to me, they are beautiful and rich."
Sonae says, "Salt is a simple thing, tiny granules that can add wonderful taste to an otherwise bland dish. Salt, in my land, can make you wealthy."
Sonae says, "Not in coin, not in wives or objects, but wealthy none the less. Salt adds pizzazz, it adds something much needed."
Sonae says, "Dance does the same. In the dunes, to see a maiden dance among the granules of sand, to see her foot prints lead one way and then the next, does the same."
Sonae says, "It adds pizzazz to a very stark terrain."
Sonae says, "So....when I think of life, laughter and a good time, I think of salt and dance, two things that don't make a huge difference to some, but everything to me."
Sonae curtsies.
Sonae takes a seat.
Sonae blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Alexii says, "As someone who has spent years in the desert, I can agree with everything you said."
Sonae says, "Thank goodness I am a trader and not a bard."
Sonae winks at Alexii.
Markath says to Sonae, "Very nice. Thank you for sharing."
Sonae says, "Thank you for listening."
Alexii says, "To follow that up we have..."
Alexii recites:
Markath babbles incoherently.
Rhoslyn says, "Tell us a good one."
Arandrowse says to Markath, "That is your name."
Sonae says, "Man."
Markath says, "I thought I'd share with you all a bit about myself too."
Markath dusts himself off.
Markath hitches up the waistband of his brown leather loincloth.
Markath says, "Hello! I'm Markath."
Markath says, "You may have noticed, I don't dress like most Rakash."
Markath glances at Alexii.
Markath glances at Ticrit.
Markath says, "That's because I'm actually from the island of Taisidon, a nice little tropical place to the East of here."
Markath says, "I'd like to share with you my story about how I got to that little island, and also, how I got here."
Markath chuckles.
Markath says, "I don't really know what my parents did, if they were merchants or naval officers or even if they were pirates."
Markath says, "What I do know is that the fellow whom I call my father found me on a beach."
Markath says, "I reckon I was about seven at the time, though I'm not really sure."
Markath shrugs.
Markath says, "I was alone, so there wasn't anyone to validate how old I was or wasn't."
Markath says, "But the nice S'Kra took me in and raised me up as best he could."
A beribboned banner painted with "GREAT MOOT -- 413 AV" sways slowly overhead.
Markath says, "Life was good, diving for oysters and catching fish. That's how I spent most my days."
Markath says, "Until, a ship came in to dock. Loaded with visitors and warriors."
Markath says, "First I was scared, thinking they came to take the island from us. But, alas, my worry was invalid because they simply came to vacation."
Markath says, "They were muttering something about a Safari, I dunno. It was just home to me."
Markath shrugs.
Markath exclaims, "When they were getting ready to leave, I decided I would try this Safari business out and came with them back to their homes!"
Markath chuckles.
Markath exclaims, "I snuck on board the ship, and now I'm here. On my safari!"
Markath strikes a heroic pose.
Markath exclaims, "I do miss home, but it's been quite an adventure!"
Markath bows.
Markath says, "Thank you for hearing my tale."
Alexii pats Markath on the back.
Sonae says to Markath, "Thank you for sharing."
Alexii says to Markath, "We got you in the right guild at least."
Alexii snickers.
Markath tugs at the strap on his weapon harness.
Markath nods at Alexii, obviously agreeing with his views.
Markath takes a seat.
Alexii says, "Let's keep the storytelling going with our next taleweaver..."
Alexii recites:
Alexii gestures at you.
You flash a wide grin.
You nibble your lip thoughtfully.
You say, "From an early age my Da took me out into the wilds to learn to hunt... though a winter or two later than my brothers. We had a tradition of learning to hunt in the winter, our family was mostly white-haired and white-furred, so it seemed a logical advantage."
Ezly just arrived.
Ezly says, "Ahem, sorry about that."
You say, "I remember sitting still for anlaen, huddled silently under the blanketed boughs of an evergreen as we waited for prey. He taught me how to find similar warm little coves and hiding, about tracks and tailing so that you didn't startle your dinner before you managed to corner it."
You say, "Days passed, but finally as he was scouting a perimeter, I heard something rustling and saw the branches moving ... a distance over. I slunk along the trunks ... and for awhile I didn't see anything... so I stopped and stayed still for awhile."
You say, "The roi lingered on, and finally... something moved again. I thought it was some snow falling from above... but as I started, I saw a hare take just a tiny hop forwards. Then another! It had found a bit of grass to nibble."
You smile slowly.
You say, "I waited until it lowered it's head... slipped out one of my daggers... and..."
(Mistanna makes a startling quick flick and throwing motion, a triumphant grin spreading her smile afterwards.)
You preen!
Nakori hiccups.
Ticetar raises an eyebrow.
Nakori drools.
You say, "Da came back empty handed, so I was the one to bring home dinner that night. Twas my first successful hunt."
You flash a wide grin.
Alexii exclaims, "Wonderful tale! It's always good to hear a hunting story!"
Alexii nods.
You smile at Alexii.
Alexii says to you, "Thank you for telling."
Sonae says, "Thank you for sharing."
Alexii says, "Let's go ahead and bring up our last teller for this activity..."
Alexii exclaims, "Arandrowse!"
Arandrowse stands near a massive beribboned banner that reads "GREAT MOOT -- 413 AV".
(Arandrowse turns and faces the crowd)
You flash a wide grin at Arandrowse.
Arandrowse calmly says, "My story is in song, for it is how I recount it."
Arandrowse calmly says, "There is honor and horror, both."
Arandrowse cautiously says, "Not to give away apart of the telling, yet."
Ticetar nods to Alexii.
Alexii gives Ticetar a slight nod.
Arandrowse sadly says, "But for Rakash there is a nasty moment, that I hope you forgive me recounting. Though in truth the horrors were for many."
Arandrowse nods.
Arandrowse bows.
Arandrowse sings in a tenor voice:
"The Dragon Did Lay
But couldn't die."
"The Terror Hatched
Gazhir shattered
World Dragon Black and Cold
Terrible yet Beautiful to Behold."
"Wings wide swept
Its fiery breath would much to have wept
Eyes red
Claws made theen enemies bled."
"The Terror Drank Elanthia s Core.
Truffenyi did call all Immortals to the Fore
But mustered not more than a half score.
Peri'el the kingsnake, fearsome warrioress
Phelim the Nightingale, Vigilant Honorable Assassin."
"These saw the Truth
and stayed honor bound
Their fight filled the Heavens with battle sound
Though it was for not
The Dragon still stood."
"The Sun at risk realized as True
The gods all joined allegiances thru
Then the Immortals pressed Forth
In Battle so Fierce
Katamba went Dark
and Sun took to Shadows."
(Arandrowse bows solemnly for a moment of silence.)
Arandrowse sings in a tenor voice:
"The Dragon as Terror
Could not be Destroyed Weakened it withdrew
Phelim now had seen the course
he had fought and seen the source."
"The Dragon could lay
But couldn't die."
"And thus the Honorable Assassin struck
With blows cunning, conventional and beyond extra-ordinary."
"For when he attacked he drove hard with blade to deceive, and with sleeping sands to achieve
Thus Terror fell into Darkness
As Deep and Dark as Urrem'tier's Void."
"The Honor Assassin had his Vengence
But a Fright remained Elanthia's Core was Sore
Peri'el gave her Freedom
And the Dragon was brought into Elanthia s Core."
"By Periel's sibilant lullabies, her harp and trustworthy sack of Phelim's Sleeping Sand.
And thus:"
"The Dragon did lay
But it couldn't die."
Arandrowse bows.
(Arandrowse returns to the crowd, his telling finished.)
Sonae says, "That was lovely."
Markath says, "Okay, that wasn't as scary as I thought it would be."
Whiteburn asks, "You do not find the Dragon frightening?"
Alexii says, "Okay, allow me and our performance judge on loan from the Troupe to discuss a bit and find our winner."
Arandrowse softly asks Whiteburn, "Perhaps I just don't song it justice?"
Sonae softly says to Kaftar, "I really like this moot, I wish there were more stuff like it."
Alexii says, "Okay, it was tough... but since Mistanna already won one thing, we couldn't give her another thing."
Alexii says, "So, our winner for this is..."
Alexii recites:
Ezly asks, "Why does these defenders always sling their ava over their shoulder when they leave an area, and then unsling them when they move in?"
Sonae says, "Wow..."
Shenney says to Sonae, "It was honest and very lovely to hear you speak about your home."
Sonae exclaims, "Thank you!"
Alexii says, "For her prize we have..."
Alexii holds an oiled leather rugursora painted with a colorful scene high into the air for all to see.
Alexii exclaims, "A backpack!"
Sonae exclaims, "Oh!"
Smartly shouldering his ava, the Siksraja Defender struts off, confident he is leaving behind a secure area.
Sonae accepts Alexii's leather rugursora.
Sonae gives an oiled leather rugursora painted with a colorful scene a hug!
Sonae exclaims, "Thank you!"
Sonae says, "It is beautiful."
Alexii says, "Now, as a special treat, we have one more storyteller who wants to share some words with us."
Alexii exclaims, "Please give a warm welcome, again, to Ticetar!"
Alexii looks at Ticetar and applauds!
Ticetar nods.
Ticetar says, "Some had asked of the paper."
Ticetar says, "This is a story of what comes after loss."
Ticetar says, "Those who left the West during the great migration had less time for planning than one might think, yet still some had the forethought to take not only the simple, practical things which were needed for life, but also pieces of that which nourishes the soul."
Ticetar says, "The fraction of redivawzis here in the Awksa Dzilvawta Ala is the most famous example, perhaps, of this choice, this thought to bring more than just our bodies to the East. The father of the man I call my uncle in the Common tongue, but is more rightly my father Sahred's Packmate, took the time to save this precious connection to our first home."
Ticetar smiles.
Ticetar says, "For another, this choice came in the form of seeds."
Ticetar says, "Mulberry trees were used by Rakash artisans in the East to create paper for, well, my father tells it as it was always so. As there were the trees, there were those who took the pieces of them to craft their arts."
Ticetar says, "So then, if we did not often write our stories, what purpose was this paper, eh? I asked my father this more than once, and more than once did he stare at me like I'd been dropped on my skull when it was still new and soft."
Ticetar chuckles.
Nakori meekly exclaims, "Pictures!"
Nakori covers her mouth with her hand.
Ticetar says, "He was not a many of many words, no matter their method of delivery, my father."
Ticetar asks, "The truth came to me many years later, when I finally decided to ask the ones who make the paper now. After all, this was their story to tell or not, eh?"
Ticetar says, "Most stared at me with the same look I was all too familiar with, but I persisted all the same, and finally one of the older women told me, though whether out of pity or approval of my determination, I'll never know. Words were meant to be fleeting, carried upon Enelne's wings from one to the next, but when written, words hold."
Ticetar asks, "Puzzled by this, I asked her why we didn't just write everything down, then. Wouldn't that be easier? Wouldn't that save old stories from being lost?"
Ticetar says, "Especially with all that had transpired during the migration, this seemed surely an answer to me."
Ticetar says, "I was maybe too practical as a child."
Ticetar smiles.
Ticetar says, "Briefly I saw that stare yet again, but her face softened just as I thought I had finally exhausted her patience with my childish lack of understanding. It was then that she explained that to write a story, to make the words hold within any thing, is to force it to be still. A written word does not change, save for defacement. So then a written story becomes a thing of the past, a dead thing, a gone thing."
Ticetar says, "It is but an echo of what the spoken is, what the lived is."
Ticetar says, "And it is for this that most words are best left to Enelne's wings, so that they may continue to be as the present, to live with those who speak them."
Ticetar asks Ticrit, "You feel that, yes?"
Ticrit says, "Aye."
Ticetar says, "I had a feeling perhaps you might."
Ticetar says, "So then, she went on to say that only mulberry paper is to be used for writing of stories, of things that must live with us, as the tree is blessed by Enelne above all others."
Ticetar says, "And when the mulberry holds a word, it is granted a measure of life still, as the pieces of the tree remain as the living by Enelne's blessing."
Ticetar says to Nakori, "But yes, also pictures."
Ticetar nods.
Alexii grins.
Whiteburn appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Ticrit says, "Quite eye openin, i never did fully understand why Taleweavers prefer to recite than record. Thank you for bringing the validity of the Oratory to light."
Nakori meekly says, "I have a question."
Ticetar asks, "Yes?"
Nakori meekly asks, "What happens when a story lives so long... it changes? And becomes untrue?"
Ticetar says, "There is no untruth, only misunderstanding of what the story tells you of its teller."
Ticetar says, "A story can't lie, but a person can."
Alexii nods at Ticetar, obviously agreeing with her views.
Nakori meekly says, "Oh."
Blowing free from one of the supporting poles, several vibrant ribbons dance into the distance as they float along with the unpredictable wind.
Aislynn quietly says to Nakori, "I suppose that's why we're empaths, and not bards."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "And why I am a cleric."
Alexii says to Nakori, "The story is a reflection of the person, the story is still a story but the person... well they could be less than truthful."
Ticetar asks, "Were there other questions?"
Nakori meekly says, "But what of the person who tells the story they heard from someone who told it wrong? It is not their fault it is... not... the right story."
Ticetar says to Nakori, "You misunderstand what one does when listening."
Ticetar says, "Many cultures, I suppose, you just receive from the teller."
Ticetar says, "For Rakash, that is not our way."
Ticetar says, "When a story is told, both the speaker and the listener are active, living, creating, knowing."
Ticetar says, "If you listen and you do not hear the truth of the teller, then I would say it is perhaps in your interest to pray harder."
Ticetar smiles.
Ticrit chortles softly at some secret joke.
Shenney says, "Spoken like a Cleric."
Aislynn quietly asks, "Right, but... Hrrrr. What if someone heard a story about a violet, who then told their friend a marvelous story about a purple flower, and their friend told a story about lavender? But the most important part about the story wasn't the color of the flower, but the flower itself?"
Ticetar says, "We are as we are."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "The importance of a story is within the story to choose."
Ticetar says, "I think this is perhaps the biggest difference for many who are not Rakash."
You say, "The story may be different, but can it not be a beautiful story, even if it is about lavender instead? It may not be the same, but that does not make the story itself wrong or invalidate what you may recieve from it."
Aislynn quietly asks, "Certainly... But are we just talking about stories, or about making a permanent record of any important information?"
Aislynn gazes at you.
Ticetar asks Aislynn, "I would ask you, who chooses the importance?"
Aislynn quietly says, "The listener."
You gaze thoughtfully at Aislynn.
Ticetar says, "All is but sound and thought upon Enelne's wings."
Ticetar winks at Aislynn.
Aislynn grins.
Zenrya exclaims, "Someone stole the cart!"
Aislynn quietly asks, "Beg pardon. I'm a questioner, by nature. We are what we are, neh?"
Shenney says, "Nah, they just took it in to re-stock it."
Ticetar says, "A truth that must stay, will stay, or it will come again."
Ezly exclaims, "Nooooo!"
Ezly says, "Ahhh they just needed to refresh the items is...."
Shenney says, "There we go, all fresh stuff."
Aislynn quietly asks, "Do Rakash prefer to chase their lunches about, like Prydean?"
Ticetar frowns.
Alexii says to Ticetar, "Thank you for both sharing the tale of the paper, but also for speaking about our people and the reverence we have for tales."
Ticetar says, "We cook our food."
Rhoslyn says, "It makes lunch more interesting."
Ticetar says to Alexii, "Thank you for allowing the words."
Ezly says, "I think there is a tradition of hunting, with nothing to make one an adult."
Alexii says to Aislynn, "One of our people serves as a camp cook... Can't be a cook if you don't cook food."
Ezly says, "But that was, and may not be."
Aislynn quietly asks Alexii, "Have you tried Charpigs.. ehm. Fare?"
Ticrit says, "When yer hungry enough......"
You say to Ticetar, "Thank you for sharing with us."
Ezly asks Ticrit, "You'll eat sawdust?"
Ticetar says to you, "You are welcome."
Ticrit says, "Right from the paladin stables if need be."
Arandrowse says to Ezly, "No its you'll eat anything."
Penderrin says, "Brave soul indeed."
Ezly says, "Come see come sa."
Alexii says to Ticrit, "You really need to lay off the drink every so often. You'll see that sawdust is not a good meal."
Ticrit says, "With enough spice and cheap ale, anythin is a feast."
Nakori meekly exclaims, "Rats!"
Alexii mutters something into the air about Bards.
Ticrit babbles incoherently.
Ezly says, "Spice... makes everything nice."
Shenney asks Alexii, "What about Bards?"
Shenney fixes Alexii with a serene, lofty stare.
Alexii fidgets nervously.
Nakori meekly asks, "Spice makes everything mice?"
Gemrardi asks Nakori, "You like rats?"
Alexii asks Shenney, "Takes all kinds?"
Ticrit asks, "Mice? or nice?"
Nakori meekly says, "Voles."
Shenney says to Alexii, "Yes. Yes it does."
Ticrit says, "Whatever gets yer gears goin."
Ezly asks Nakori, "Perhaps that's a Prydaen saying?"
Ezly says to Arandrowse, "I'd like to think what I said was a traditional Rakash saying, for your information."
Alexii says, "Well, we've reached the end of our contests and games. So, I'll take this moment to thank you all from coming to join us in our celebration."
Whiteburn says, "Coffee is the most noble, the most wonderful and terrible of all the food and drink."
Sonae says, "Thank you for hosting, it has been great fun."
Kaftar says to Alexii, "Thank you for bringing us together."
You say to Alexii, "Thank you for pulling this together, I'm glad I was finally able to make it up for one of these."
Zenrya exclaims, "Thank you for the blanket!"
You exclaim to Shenney, "Thanks for your help too!"
You are overwhelmed by foreign thoughts and sensations!
As your mind struggles to place it all into an understandable order and end the painful onslaught, you see your kin surrounding you, their bodies floating, wrought beautiful with their illumination of the darkness which envelops you always.
You feel the calling, and know they do as well. In concert you move -- graceful, languid, but with unceasing purpose.
With a sharp jolt your surroundings fall away from you and your kin dissolve into nothingness! Briefly you feel a keen sense of loss as you reorient to the here and now.
Nakori meekly says, "I learned things today! I will forget them in five rois."
Arandrowse says, "Maybe next time you can have an apple cinnamon bread...."
Ticrit says to Ticetar, "Thankee for attendin, Given me much to think about as a bard and a proud Rakash."
You feel a bit weak in the knees and find yourself wobbling.
You say, "Ohh.."
You rub your head.
Arandrowse says, "Spice and nice with apples."
Alexii says, "It was an honor and a pleasure to have you all here in the village of Siksraja. Please feel free to stick around, check out some shops and enjoy yourselves."
Nakori meekly says, "I WAS dropped on my head when I was born."
Whiteburn says to Nakori, "I always said you were."
You ask, "I... did anyone else?"
Ticetar smiles.
Arandrowse says, "Guessing you just had a vision."
Ticetar says to Ticrit, "Thank you."
You nod to Arandrowse.
Aislynn quietly asks, "More sharks?"
Rhoslyn asks, "More sharks?"
You say, "No.. I...."
Ticetar frowns slightly.
You say, "It was... my kin."
Arandrowse says, "It is rare for me to be blessed or cursed by a vision."
You turn your energies inward and intone the vision aloud for everyone.
Arandrowse says, "Dark times typically are a foot if I do."
Ticetar says, "The shark is angry. I have fought his compulsions."
Ticetar nods.
Ticetar takes a bite of the apple.
A shiver runs up your spine.
Alexii says, "Also, once again, a huge thank you to the Tavern Troupe Performing Order for their assistance with these gatherings. Their continued help with the Moots is very appreciated."
Arandrowse asks, "I don't really have kin, perhaps that's why I didn't get the vision?"
Sonae exclaims, "Hot!"
Ticrit says to Alexii, "The professional cuddler wasn't around for this one."
Shenney says to Alexii, "Maybe next time the sailor will come."
Alexii asks Shenney, "It's quite alright, I made him play host once. Maybe that was enough?"
Whiteburn says, "The Shark will eat his fill."
Shenney says to Alexii, "No. He needs to work more. If we let him relax too much he gets lazy."
Aislynn quietly asks you, "Well.. That seems a bit less "end of the world" than most. Right..?"
Gemrardi says, "I didn't but I am a cleric..."
Gemrardi says, "Darn thing refuses to fill."
Shenney says, "Okay, folks the food should be here for awhile before the staff takes it back again. I hope you enjoyed it."
Alexii asks Shenney, "Leaving?"
Sonae says to Shenney, "But you didn't howl."
Whiteburn says, "If forgot to give this to you the other day..."
Aislynn quietly says to you, "We're in Theren. All of their moon mages wear plate armor. I'm sure it disrupts the visions."
You try not to grin at Aislynn.
Shenney says, "You all have a wonderful day, and congrats to all the winners of the contests."
Gemrardi asks, "Moon mages wear plate armor in Theren?"
Aislynn quietly says, "Everyone wears plate armor in Theren."
Zenrya says to Gemrardi, "Everyone in Theren wears plate."
Gemrardi says, "I didn't bring any...."
You focus your mind on sending a message to Vahlissa, "Did you just have a vision?"
Nakori meekly says, "I had plate once. It was empty, so I threw it away."
Sonae asks, "Oompa?"
Arandrowse says to Gemrardi, "Don't worry I didn't either."
You hear Vahlissa's faded thoughts in your head saying, " Yes"
Kaftar says, "Argh, the other tray of sausage is spicy, too."
Rhoslyn says, "Everyone should wear plate."
Arandrowse asks you, "By chance are you planning to moongate back to Crossing or Ilithi?"
Arandrowse says, "Closest thing I wear to plate."
You gaze up at the sky.
Arandrowse says, "Basically only thing I wear that is metallic for armor."
Aislynn quietly asks Ticetar, "What did you mean by "compulsions"?"
Alexii asks Arandrowse, "No chain?"
Arandrowse says, "Cloth, or a tyrium balaclava."
Kaftar says, "Be safe, all."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "The shark is impressing upon all who have a connection to the Holy."
Arandrowse says, "I'm glad Almodivar isn't around."
Sonae says to Alexii, "Thank you again."
Zenrya exclaims to Whiteburn, "Oooh...your orb is a rainbow!"
Rhoslyn asks, "Why's that?"
Alexii says to Kaftar, "A pleasure to have you."
Ticetar says, "Some more than others, but it comes all the same."
Kaftar says to Ticetar, "I have had visions, too. And I am no priest."
Whiteburn says, "...aye."
Alexii says to Sonae, "You are welcome, thank you for coming."
Aislynn quietly asks Ticetar, "To what purpose?"
Kaftar says to Alexii, "Thank you, it was quite enjoyable."
Rhoslyn says to Arandrowse, "He's the one that did my armor."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "Sacrifice."
Arandrowse says, "Oh really."
Nakori meekly exclaims to Zenrya, "You're too light!"
Gemrardi asks Aislynn, "Your getting sacrificed to Drogor?"
Zenrya exclaims, "The better to fight!"
Aislynn quietly says to Gemrardi, "Not likely."
Rhoslyn asks, "Who are we sacrificing to Drogor?"
Whiteburn darkly says, "A great many will be."
Ezly says, "That's probably my cue to start heading back to Crossing."
Gemrardi says, "Tenike was looking for a Drogor sacrifice."
Aislynn quietly says, "I dealt with enough sharks in the Navy. I'm not giving them any more blood, thank you very much."
Gemrardi says, "This was last andu."
Alexii says, "The only thing I've ever sacrificed are glowing fragments for the glory of Coshivi."
Ezly says, "Me."
Alexii traces an outline around his badger totem.
Rhoslyn says, "Him."
Ticetar says, "He hungers, and he rages. He will take what he wants."
Rhoslyn says, "See? He volunteered too."
Ticetar says, "Though I do wonder..."
Whiteburn says to Zenrya, "And I have told you... you cannot fight Him or His servants."
Ticetar frowns.
Aislynn quietly says, "Then I'll just find a very tall mountain, where I can't even SEE salt water."
Ezly asks, "What are we volunteering me for?"
You gaze at Ticetar in wonder.
Ezly asks, "A date with a great Rakash?"
Rhoslyn says to Ezly, "It's a surprise."
Ticetar says, "Really though, perhaps it is best understood by one who follows the Thirteen."
Nakori meekly says, "Don't tell her she can't fight things, or she will spend the rest of her life trying to punch them."
Whiteburn asks Ticetar, "What is it that you wonder?"
Ticetar says to Whiteburn, "What he wants beyond blood."
Rhoslyn says, "Think it's time to go wander."
Ticetar says, "Not all of the compulsions have been to murder, though many were."
Ezly asks Arandrowse, "So, Mr. Ranger Elf, to Crossing?"
Alexii says to Rhoslyn, "Thank you for coming and joining in the gathering."
Rhoslyn says, "It was fun."
Whiteburn says, "That is so."
Aislynn quietly asks Ticetar, "What were the others?"
Arandrowse says, "Not sure, if there might be a Moongate."
Arandrowse says, "Getting tired hard to concentrate..."
Aislynn quietly says to Arandrowse, "Moons aren't up for a little bit longer."
You say, "Mm, no moons."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "I try to purge them from my mind as fast as they come."
Arandrowse says, "Darn not moons."
Alexii says to Arandrowse, "You'll just have to take the Ranger way back."
Ticetar says, "But there was a sense of ... need to be humble."
Ticetar says, "That is most of what I remember, beyond the rage."
Arandrowse says, "Yep, but I have two people to take back, and one really sinks with all the heavy armor he wears."
Arandrowse says, "And you people think he should wear plate."
Gemrardi says, "Sorry."
Alexii says to Arandrowse, "Yeah, slow and heavy people make the Ranger ways so slow.... so slow."
Arandrowse says, "Faster to go the other way."
Ticetar says, "I have been blessed that Mrod has seen to it that I am not overtaken by these compulsions. I find that prayer immediately after they occur helps to cleanse my mind and spirit."
Arandrowse asks, "About when will a moon show up?"
You say, "In about ten or fifteen roi."
Gemrardi asks, "So how many favors can a Rakash gather from their gods?"
Aislynn quietly says, "Hmm. Humble.... Not something I'd associate with Drogor, though I suppose my understanding of most of the Divine other than Hodierna is... lacking."
Whiteburn says, "He will come and He will be sated, regardless of what mortals choose to accept. 'tis better to accept the fate than fight it."
Ticetar says to Aislynn, "It was a compulsion upon myself, not a feeling of him."
Alexii says to Gemrardi, "The stone is limited in power at the moment, I'm not sure why exactly. I think there is something with the offerings."
Whiteburn says, "There have been too many signs."
Malzian asks, "Hmm... guess it's over, huh?"
Alexii says, "I'm glad that I've not felt the touch of Drogor, during these times. Perhaps Coshivi has kept me safe."
Arandrowse says, "Kinda."
Alexii says to Malzian, "You've reached us near the end."
Whiteburn darkly says, "It's been a time of arrogance. The people of the town laugh and joke to one another, their thoughts light as they speak of mass drowning... they will either come to fear as they should, or they will die laughing."
Malzian says, "I wanted to come by earlier, but couldn't manage it."
Ticetar says to Alexii, "Would that I could say this will maintain."
You say, "Probably the latter."
Fyrinn says, "Same."
Whiteburn says, "This is good coffee."
Ticetar says, "I should return to father. He requires much these days."
Malzian says, "Guess I missed the gifts then."
You say to Ticetar, "Safe travels, thank you again for your stories."
Malzian says, "Oh well."
Alexii says to Ticetar, "Thank you for joining us today."
Ticetar says, "Thank you all for this, to come together in this way is to give life to memory."
Alexii bows to Ticetar.
Ticetar says, "Gird yourselves. These are trying times, even if not everyone can see it just yet."
Ticetar nods.
You say, "I think I'll head back to Shard... much to think on."
Ticetar just went northeast.
Malzian says, "All times are trying, some are simply more so than others..."
Alexii says, "We try to gather every few years, simply to get the folks together and share in some mirthful celebration."
You say to Alexii, "Thank you again."
Whiteburn says, "I am looking forward to it..."
Alexii says to you, "You are very welcome, and I will see you at the next one I'm sure."
Nakori meekly asks you, "Shard... What is there to do in Shard?"
Fyrinn says, "Much, if you're a ranger."
You say to Nakori, "There is a warm bed, patrols to do, reports to write."
You try hard not to grin.
You say, "Have a good mornin' everyone. Mrod guide."