TG Fundraiser/Auction 8/30/14 Crossing Trader Guild Auction Hall 7PM
08/05/2014 05:30 PM CDT
The Order of the Theren Guard: Fundraiser Auction
Sat, August 30, 7pm – 8pm
[Traders' Guild, Auction Hall] in Crossing. (map)
The Order of the Theren Guard invites everyone to attend their fundraising auction as auctioneer, Sereena Anwendynes, will be offering her services at the Crossing Auction Hall. Assorted items donated for this auction means a little something for everyone!
Re: TG Fundraiser/Auction 8/30/14 Crossing Trader Guild Auction Hall 7PM
08/29/2014 04:51 PM CDT
A list of some of the items for auction:
a marquetry lockpick case handcrafted with an inlaid design of a mariner's compass
A deed for a large xenomite rock
A deed for a haralun ingot
a scarlet emerald
a faceted inferno's heart
a small crystal globe clasped within leather straps
a polished haralun cane bearing leather tassels
marquetry lockpick case
some leather vambraces
a dizzy-looking chicken doll
a huge Taisidon emerald
a Therengian war belt
a green-eyed cat
a green silk skirt
some leather breeches
a silver spiral pendant
a pewter crown
a delicate glass ball
a small crystal globe
a wedding gown
a golden horned head-dress.
Therengia crest pouch
some perfect firecat-skin leathers
a crimson ironwood buckler
some starlight velvet ribbons
a moonspun silk cloak
a lion-headed broadsword
a weathered tool belt
a courier's scroll case
an octagonal brass box
a carved ivory box
a canvas sack
a sparkling scroll.
Re: TG Fundraiser/Auction 8/30/14 Crossing Trader Guild Auction Hall 7PM
08/31/2014 08:31 AM CDT
I would like to thank everyone that donated items to this auction.I would like to thank Sereena for doing this auction,awesome job for your first auction! I would also like to thank everyone who participated and helped fill our coffers.
Yours in Service
Whitbuffalo Vice Speaker of the Theren Guard