Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 03:47 AM CDT
Sharing information and giving people options and ideas as opposed to poking fun at the one guy frustrated he doesn't know what goes on is the best.
Thank you guys, it makes it all worth it.
Message Board Supervisor
If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at DR-Annwyl@play.net.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 03:48 AM CDT
>>You don't have to have a pocket cleric, just gweth for a bless and there are plenty willing to come to you or give their location to bless weapons. There were plenty in the Empath guild and in triage too that were willing to bless weapons. I had to get my weapon blessed several times through out the invasion and never had a problem finding a cleric willing to help.
That only works if there actually are clerics around, and there wasn't anyone around where I was at that night. I would be fine if the creatures were just harder to kill without a Blessed weapon, or if there was some defense against the ghosts, but there isn't.
Plus, the ghosts spawned from critters that were completely beneath my notice, but the ghosts still killed me. I don't know if they were higher level than the corpses that spawned them, or if there's just no way to defend yourself against the spirit damage.
That only works if there actually are clerics around, and there wasn't anyone around where I was at that night. I would be fine if the creatures were just harder to kill without a Blessed weapon, or if there was some defense against the ghosts, but there isn't.
Plus, the ghosts spawned from critters that were completely beneath my notice, but the ghosts still killed me. I don't know if they were higher level than the corpses that spawned them, or if there's just no way to defend yourself against the spirit damage.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 07:59 AM CDT
I am not sure if your noticing the clerics then, sometimes (just like every other player I would imagine) they loose things in the scroll, or also have a bit of fatigue of being in multiple hour invasion [not saying we shouldn't have long events, just can get fatiguing].
Going to triage, is the most likely place to get answers (especially if you want some Blessing), sometimes whisper to people who are more 'in-charge' they may be more able to direct.
If you haven't set up separate whisper, conversation, and gweth windows, these along with possibly other windows can greatly help cut down on confusion and keep you within what is happening (again plenty of people loss things in the scroll, even with these set up, I know I have missed stuff [just recently a LOT of people didn't really notice that the Eruption was with the Fists' top, I believe a bit of people just read Fist's in the scroll, that's what I interpreted it as).
Keep at it, it can work out. Finally use multiple types of communication (sometimes people more watch one window then others, or are focusing on a certain window).
Finally have fun.
"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Going to triage, is the most likely place to get answers (especially if you want some Blessing), sometimes whisper to people who are more 'in-charge' they may be more able to direct.
If you haven't set up separate whisper, conversation, and gweth windows, these along with possibly other windows can greatly help cut down on confusion and keep you within what is happening (again plenty of people loss things in the scroll, even with these set up, I know I have missed stuff [just recently a LOT of people didn't really notice that the Eruption was with the Fists' top, I believe a bit of people just read Fist's in the scroll, that's what I interpreted it as).
Keep at it, it can work out. Finally use multiple types of communication (sometimes people more watch one window then others, or are focusing on a certain window).
Finally have fun.
"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 09:01 AM CDT
Veil of ice stops the spirit drain cold. Pun intended.
- Starlear -
- Starlear -
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 09:06 AM CDT
>Pun intended.
Am I the only one who thinks you need to just add this to your signature on here? If it were anyone else I might question if the pun was intentional, but not you. Not you.
Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
Am I the only one who thinks you need to just add this to your signature on here? If it were anyone else I might question if the pun was intentional, but not you. Not you.
Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 09:23 AM CDT
I appreciate the work that goes into the invasions by the GM's. I just don't tend to like them since my characters are all low level and are essentially cannon-fodder. If you get caught short on favors, or run out from multiple deaths, as happened to me recently you just aren't Rezzed by the clerics, then face multiple favorless deaths to scramble to retrieve belongings.
My personal way of handling them is to just not play as much. The frustration of dying just because isn't in my wheelhouse frankly.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 09:56 AM CDT
>My personal way of handling them is to just not play as much.
As a side note, most hunting zones and interiors of buildings remain untouched by invasion monsters.
My personal way of handling it, is to just do something else with my characters when they are logged in. My weakling commoner is still hunting trolls and my anti-social empath hasn't left the mines once. You don't HAVE to deal with invasions and events if you really don't want to.
Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
As a side note, most hunting zones and interiors of buildings remain untouched by invasion monsters.
My personal way of handling it, is to just do something else with my characters when they are logged in. My weakling commoner is still hunting trolls and my anti-social empath hasn't left the mines once. You don't HAVE to deal with invasions and events if you really don't want to.
Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 09:58 AM CDT
Crossing, Haven, Shard, and Theren probably have enough locals that you can always find a cleric, but there are places besides the 4 big mainland cities. If Lay Ward works, then that's great, and I might try it next time. But that still leaves me surrounded by a bunch of ghosts I can't kill and can't keep from spawning. If the Akul'tiz came back as some kind of zombie that was resistant to physical and magical damage but not immune to it, that would at least be fair to everyone. Or of there was some easily accessible way to get Bless, like a wandering missionary NPC that would show up and bless weapons for a small (or not so small) fee.
Right now, the experience is so frustrating that, if I'm playing my bard and there's an invasion, I just log out and do something else.
Right now, the experience is so frustrating that, if I'm playing my bard and there's an invasion, I just log out and do something else.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 10:03 AM CDT
>>I appreciate the work that goes into the invasions by the GM's. I just don't tend to like them since my characters are all low level and are essentially cannon-fodder. If you get caught short on favors, or run out from multiple deaths, as happened to me recently you just aren't Rezzed by the clerics, then face multiple favorless deaths to scramble to retrieve belongings.<<
Elfverhan has died 74 times most of them in invasions. It is just a matter of learning the best way to help and move with the least amount of RT and or burden mostly.
The bucket burbles suddenly as its contents begin to dissolve....
Suddenly it spits out some niniam field plate onto the floor.
Elfverhan has died 74 times most of them in invasions. It is just a matter of learning the best way to help and move with the least amount of RT and or burden mostly.
The bucket burbles suddenly as its contents begin to dissolve....
Suddenly it spits out some niniam field plate onto the floor.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 10:12 AM CDT
>My personal way of handling them is to just not play as much. The frustration of dying just because isn't in my wheelhouse frankly.
Deaths: 765 Departs: 687
Practice, Practice, Practice.
Kssarh gestures at you.
Two Ranger journeymen materialize out of the surrounding trees and begin to whisper to Kssarh as they escort him out of the area.
Deaths: 765 Departs: 687
Practice, Practice, Practice.
Kssarh gestures at you.
Two Ranger journeymen materialize out of the surrounding trees and begin to whisper to Kssarh as they escort him out of the area.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 10:31 AM CDT
>>Right now, the experience is so frustrating that, if I'm playing my bard and there's an invasion, I just log out and do something else.<<
There are almost always people grouping up to support each other when they go out to fight. Having a group of folks around you who can watch your back, and a leader who knows where to go to get provisioned (blessed, healed, etc) can make a big difference. I'd give hooking up with a group a try as a way to have more fun with the experience.
I'm (Mazrian) usually leading a group if I'm around during the invasion. Navesi, too. There are many others and if they're reading this hopefully they'll post so you know who they are. =)
There are almost always people grouping up to support each other when they go out to fight. Having a group of folks around you who can watch your back, and a leader who knows where to go to get provisioned (blessed, healed, etc) can make a big difference. I'd give hooking up with a group a try as a way to have more fun with the experience.
I'm (Mazrian) usually leading a group if I'm around during the invasion. Navesi, too. There are many others and if they're reading this hopefully they'll post so you know who they are. =)
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 02:50 PM CDT
I'd just like to chime and and say that these recent events have been some of the most exciting times I've experienced in my ~14 years of playing Dragonrealms. Very well thought out and executed on all sides, so I'd just like to send a huge thanks to everybody involved, GM's and players alike. Looking forward to seeing what comes next!
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 02:58 PM CDT
As a minor note, the dingy umbral moths and probably also the unadorned Akul'tiz seem to be about in the range of gargoyles/snowbeasts. I'm guessing wildly based on how much damage my face took in a fight with them. It's not very high, but they will pulp you pretty quickly if you're a fresh-out-of-the-Inn character. I was pleased that I survived having my tongue eaten, however, and scurried off to get healing. That said, participating in noncombat ways is always open. If you're an Empath, you're an Empath, but even if you're not, there's dragging corpses, preparing remedies, blessing weapons, throwing around spiritual wards if you've got them, et cetera.
"Tapeabarala asu chakapar oseane Gerenshuge sinuar sedea."
"Tapeabarala asu chakapar oseane Gerenshuge sinuar sedea."
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 03:34 PM CDT
I would love it if the moths were skinable or the birds..
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 03:46 PM CDT
I've been enjoying the insanity of the invasions, running around blind and the totems too - one of the funnest invasion events since the inky shadow things a few year ago when we could go to the plane of shadows.
I really enjoy the chaos and insanity, especially when there's an amped up doomsday story to go with it.
Also the fact there isn't something that will one-shot you to death with some crazy special move. Even if preventable, I always hated getting healed then running my crazy ass back into the fray and being dead again in less than 3 minutes from those stupid draugens.
Combat 3.0 helps a lot too, no more crazy crits, or you have time to get to safety even if you take a few big ones.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
I really enjoy the chaos and insanity, especially when there's an amped up doomsday story to go with it.
Also the fact there isn't something that will one-shot you to death with some crazy special move. Even if preventable, I always hated getting healed then running my crazy ass back into the fray and being dead again in less than 3 minutes from those stupid draugens.
Combat 3.0 helps a lot too, no more crazy crits, or you have time to get to safety even if you take a few big ones.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Current Events/Invasions
10/26/2013 04:58 PM CDT
My guess is that the moths are not skinnable to discourage their use as resources and also to make clean-up quicker, and also probably limit dev time invested in them. If you are like me, and have a loot script that runs a certain amount of auto-arranging, then you would be locking yourself up for ~10 seconds every time you drop a moth. Sure, you could not run that script, but if the primary method of looting them was skinning, it would feel like you lost something if you didn't do that. Making it search-and-go prevents you from losing both time and the skin, and also makes your reward for participating in the fighting independent of an economic skill that might not be in your normal purview.
Also, it would be really weird for them to only teach skinning or have parts worth about gargoyles/snowbeasts even though they're training people with 400-rank Combats, and the other option is to have them have different skinning ratings and parts over the entire range of the umbral moth span, which is over a hundred circles, so each one would require separate QC time to make sure the invasion monster skins properly, etc.
I'd sure love special invasion-only skins and bones so people can have rad, unique, and rare weapons and armor made from them, but I strongly suspect it doesn't "mesh" with the invasion setup here.
Also, I really love the fire-raining-down-from-the-heavens schtick going on, partly because it makes the eruptions feel like, well, eruptions, and also because of the added element of danger. Even if I think the "sobbing child outside" noises are going to make my character into a nervous wreck.
"Tapeabarala asu chakapar oseane Gerenshuge sinuar sedea."
Also, it would be really weird for them to only teach skinning or have parts worth about gargoyles/snowbeasts even though they're training people with 400-rank Combats, and the other option is to have them have different skinning ratings and parts over the entire range of the umbral moth span, which is over a hundred circles, so each one would require separate QC time to make sure the invasion monster skins properly, etc.
I'd sure love special invasion-only skins and bones so people can have rad, unique, and rare weapons and armor made from them, but I strongly suspect it doesn't "mesh" with the invasion setup here.
Also, I really love the fire-raining-down-from-the-heavens schtick going on, partly because it makes the eruptions feel like, well, eruptions, and also because of the added element of danger. Even if I think the "sobbing child outside" noises are going to make my character into a nervous wreck.
"Tapeabarala asu chakapar oseane Gerenshuge sinuar sedea."