A neatly pressed parchment folded in thirds 10/17/2017 02:53 AM CDT
A Throne scribe places the day's mail upon desk by desk, finally reaching that of Guildmaster Taramaine. One coincidentally slips off and partly opens, and with noone around he casually glances over it before replacing it in the pile. Perhaps the wine that night loosened his scruples too much, but somehow the content became not-so-private.

In address to Guildmaster Prime Taramaine Braun

Two andaen ago, we learned from the Priestesses of Albreda that one of the rifts of corruption had manifested inside of the Imperial Palace. Upon arriving however, we were dismayed to find the doors closed and barred, yet it was the middle of a bright day. Unconventional methods were necessary in order to gain access to the anomaly located in the very center of the palace foyer, which was then quickly banished.

I apologize if this anomaly was being purposefully retained for research, but I could find no one nearby to question, and no one in the archives knew of any such thing concerning it. Considering the incredibly dangerous circumstances, could the doors remain open and unbarred in case another tears between the planes within the palace walls?

With gratitude,

Mistanna Redivas of the Nomads