Traveling Honeymoon Heads to Shard 10/11/2018 08:10 PM CDT
The honeymoon trip of Tasivu and Inlagie continues to move through the lands, stopping by Shard yesterday.

[Silver Eye, Bar]
A tall Elothean stands behind a slender obsidian bar serving drinks and food. Pale silk cloths cover round wooden tables. The thick scent of elven wine permeates the air. Flickering candle lights hover softly, their soft illuminations casting shadows around the room.
You also see a slender obsidian bar with a few things on it and a smokewood door.
Also here: Life Weaver Karthor, Tasivu, Inlagie and Berima.
Obvious exits: south.

Inlagie exclaims to Karthor, "We are celebrating love!"

Karthor scratches his head.

Townspeople trickle in from the streets at a measured pace, seeking escape from the daily grind.

Tasivu exclaims, "To Saemaus and Inlagie, the two loves of my life!"

Karthor glances at a Saemaus' kiss rose and tugs his beard nervously as sweat breaks out on his brow. He looks like he'd rather it be a piece of rock.

Inlagie affectionately nibbles Tasivu's lips.

Berima chuckles.

Inlagie grins at Karthor.

Inlagie waves to you.

Karthor says, "Good a thing as any to celebrate, I s'pose."

You see Inlagie, a Human.

Inlagie has an oval face, sparkling amber eyes and a freckled nose. Her honey hair is shoulder length and curly, and is worn slicked back away from her face. She has fair skin and an athletic figure.

She is slightly under average height for a Human.

She appears to be middle-aged.

She is in good shape.

She is holding a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine in her right hand.

She is wearing a silver jadeite gwethdesuan, a black cloak covered in an overlapping pattern of shaded silk leaves, a dark amber gown of fine silk laced at the hips with golden ribbons, a leather pouch with an embroidered medallion and some dainty spidersilk slippers laced with golden ribbons.

You nod politely.

You say, "Evening, folks."

Tasivu smiles at you.

Karthor waves to you.

Berima exclaims to you, "Court Moonmage, a pleasure to have you join us!"

Inlagie exclaims, "All the new faces, I'm so pleased with how well people are recieving us as we make our honeymoon tour!"

Tasivu exclaims, "Evening!"

Tasivu nods at Inlagie, obviously agreeing with her views.

You get a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from atop a slender obsidian bar.

The Elothean bartender says, "Good evening, Master Mage."

You take a sip of the whiskey. The woody-flavored liquid warms your throat.

You say, "Ah. Wonderful, as always."

Nimthiriel nods to you.

Tasivu exclaims, "We're going to have SUCH a good time! And think of all the things we'll see here in Ilithi!"

Tasivu beams in loving admiration at Inlagie!

You see Berima, a Human.

Berima has a triangular face, moss-green eyes and a crooked nose. Her ginger hair is very long and wavy, and is worn braided. She has black skin and a curvaceous figure.

She is tiny for a Human.

She appears to be middle-aged.

She is in good shape.

She is wearing a twilight-blue wool cape sporting a high collar trimmed with silver braid, a witch ball, an enveloping black silk robe covered with iridescent blue-black sequins, a leather pouch with an embroidered medallion and some dark velvet slippers studded with tear-shaped diamonds.

Karthor guzzles down some of his rum and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Karthor wipes some stray dribble from his beard.

Karthor asks, "So yer recently married then, eh?"

Tasivu beams!

Tasivu says, "For a week now."

You smile.

You exclaim, "Congratulations!"

Karthor says, "Well then congratulations're in order."

Karthor nods in agreement.

Inlagie exclaims to Karthor, "Oh yes! A love for a lifetime!"

Tasivu says, "Thank you! Our three week anniversary was a few days ago."

Inlagie beams at Karthor!

Tasivu kisses Inlagie. And he doesn't seem to want to stop.

Grinning, Inlagie pulls a swig from a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine.

Karthor ponders.

Karthor asks, "How's that then? Ya got married two weeks after meetin'?"

Karthor acts puzzled.

You see Tasivu, a Human.

Tasivu has a square face, wide-set clear colored eyes and a small nose. He has thinning blue-black hair, with ebon skin and a curvaceous build.

He is tiny for a Human.

He appears to be an adult.

He has a scruffy growth of stubble on his face.

He is in good shape.

He is holding a tall mug of rosy red mead in his right hand.

He is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan, a leather pouch with an embroidered medallion, some supple amber-hued leather boots embossed with white dragons, a white linen shirt with a row of carved ebony buttons, some black dueling pants with an embroidered silver dragon coiling up the right leg and a sand-colored tweed cloak with an enveloping hood.

Tasivu asks, "I know, isn't it great?"

The Elothean bartender exclaims, "Welcome to the party!", as the crowd continues to grow.

Karthor says, "Yeesh, not wastin' any time there."

Karthor chuckles.

Tasivu says, "We met at the Half Pint after work and it was love at first sight."

Tasivu pulls Inlagie to him in a tight hug.

Inlagie exclaims to Karthor, "When you find the one you love, you just know!"

Inlagie snuggles up to Tasivu and cradles him in her arms.

Karthor smiles.

Tasivu asks, "After the first four marriages they told me I should work on myself, but I said nuts to that. And look who was right?"

Tasivu nibbles on Inlagie affectionately.

Karthor chuckles.

The Elothean bartender laughs!

You chuckle.

Berima smirks.

Tasivu sweeps Inlagie into a dance.

Tasivu exclaims, "Let's have a toast. To loves big and small - let's enjoy them all!"

Raising his rosy mead to Karthor, Tasivu gives him a toast.

Raising your dark-hued whiskey to Tasivu, you give him a toast. Cheers!

A multitude of clinking glasses coincides with a sparkling feminine voice gleefully exclaiming, "Cheers!"

Berima lets out a hearty cheer for Tasivu!

Inlagie exclaims, "Cheers my love!"

Grinning, Inlagie pulls a swig from a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine.

The Elothean bartender continues welcoming incoming patrons who are being drawn in by the joyous sights and sounds.

Tasivu gives Inlagie a relaxed smile and sighs contentedly.

Nimthiriel grins.

Tasivu gazes at Inlagie with a worshipful look on his face.

Raising his black rum to Tasivu, Karthor gives him a toast.

Karthor guzzles down some of his rum and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

You ask, "Was there anything in particular you were hoping to see while in town?"

You take a sip of the cider.

You hear a voice say, "Kinda empty huh."

Tasivu says, "I was told we have to spend some time seeing the exterior of Stormwill Tower..."

Tasivu dryly says, "But I'm not sure I trust that one."

You say, "It's an interesting sight, but preferably from a safe distance."

Karthor says, "Not too much time, I hope. Tha'd be a bit...hazardous."

A pair of musicians connect and begin gathering a group of like-minded talents together to form an impromptu band!

Nimthiriel nods to Karthor.

Tasivu nods in agreement.

Nimthiriel nods to you.

Inlagie says to Tasivu, "I agree, I heard another say something about it being an electrifying experience."

Tasivu rubs Inlagie's right arm.

Clinking cider jugs, two musicians quickly chug their respective drinks down to have a ready instrument at hand.

Tasivu says to Inlagie, "Been several of those on this trip."

You hear a voice say, "Oh I got struck my lightening there. You don't want that."

Tasivu winks at Inlagie with a playful sparkle in his eyes.

You hear someone cough.

You hear a voice say, "By."

You say, "There are some lovely gardens around the Great Tower that are worth seeing, as well."

Tasivu nods.

Inlagie searches around for a moment.

Tasivu says, "I've heard the atrium at the top is not to be missed, too."

You nod in agreement.

Inlagie exclaims, "Don't leave little voice in the dark! Stay and have fun with us!"

You hear a voice say, "Oh I'm still here."

Several dancers congregate together into a group of freestyling merrymakers who continue recruiting other to their cause!

Tasivu exclaims, "Come into the light so Saemaus can see you!"

You hear a voice ask, "Are you sure about that?"

(Miskton leans up by the bar, lightly tapping his foot to the music.)

Tasivu ponders.

Berima smiles and taps her toes in rhythm to the music.

A starry-eyed young woman sways back and forth, throws her arms outward, and pleads, "Won't someone sing us a song?!"

Tasivu asks, "Not as sure as I was ten seconds ago?"

You hear someone laugh.

You hear a voice say, "For a moment."

Zehira winks at Tasivu.

Tasivu says, "But why not? What's life without risk."

Inlagie exclaims, "As long as we don't die before we finish our honeymoon tour and we get to see the great spider arrive!"

Zehira says, "I take plenty of risks."

Inlagie lets out a hearty cheer for Zehira!

Inlagie gets herself a Saemaus' kiss rose.

Inlagie offers Zehira a Saemaus' kiss rose.

Tasivu flashes a quick grin at Inlagie.

Zehira says, "I"m bonded thank you."

Zehira says, "But maybe someone can use it."

Berima exclaims, "Never know when you might need another!"

Zehira accepts Inlagie's Saemaus' kiss rose.

Zehira puts her rose in her marblesilk backpack.

Zehira says, "My wife would be upset if I used it."

Inlagie lets out a hearty cheer for Zehira!

Tasivu says to Zehira, "Your tutu is looking a little threadbare.."

Inlagie exclaims, "Yes, don't upset your wife. Angry wives are bad!"

Berima smirks at Inlagie.

Zehira grins at Tasivu, her dimples flashing into view.

Tasivu edges away from Inlagie.

Zehira says, "I like it that way."

Zehira says, "It gives it...character."

Nodding a respectful greeting, Briaen bends in a slight bow.

Inlagie snuggles up to Tasivu and cradles him in her arms.

Zehira says, "I had it made at the spider last year."

You nod politely to Briaen.

Zehira says, "Wonderful alterer."

Briaen bows to you.

The Elothean bartender exclaims, "Welcome to the party!", as the crowd continues to grow.

Briaen says to you, "Sir."

Kalinandra chuckles.

Tasivu says, "Oh, very nice! I hope to get some work done, too. First year I'll have been able to go."

Zehira says, "Oh you will love it."

Tasivu says, "We were thinking of his-and-hers tattoos."

Zehira says, "And getting work done is great."

Zehira says, "Oh that would be lovely."

Briaen clears his throat.

Berima nods in agreement.

Berima asks, "What would you get?"

Karthor narrows his eyes.

Tasivu says, "Well, I say we..."

Tasivu ponders.

"Burn her! Burn her!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity immediately gives Zehira a wide berth!

A starry-eyed young woman gazes around the room, claps her hands together, and pleads, "Someone play music for us!"

Tasivu says, "I might have oh whoops."

Tasivu blinks.

Bursting into song, a soprano, an alto, and a tenor start a rousing rendition of a popular drinking song. After a few measures though, it's clear they need the rhythmic low notes of a bass singer to join in.

Zehira says, "Saw that coming."

Tasivu says to Zehira, "That sounds serious."

Inneth chuckles to himself.

Zehira says, "Well people and all."

Nsar says, "Karthor is a bit of a coward."

Nsar shrugs.

Berima blinks.

Zehira says, "This is why we can't have nice things."

The Elothean bartender says, "I really don't want anything to get burned..."

The Elothean bartender looks nervous.

Zehira says, "I'd rather not be burned myself."

Tasivu scratches his head.

Zehira says, "But people just can't learn to be nice when I'm being nice."

Zehira says, "So there you have it."

Tasivu says, "I mean, your call if you want to take it seriously or not."

Inlagie exclaims, "Yes, let's not burn down this fine establishment!"

Tasivu kisses Inlagie. And he doesn't seem to want to stop.

Zehira says, "It doesn't bother me."

Zehira says, "I've had much worse."

Subtle sweetness lingers upon every breath you draw, filling your head with a pleasant but sometimes disorienting airiness.

Zehira says, "And I can handle it."

Inlagie snuggles up to Tasivu and cradles him in her arms.

Inlagie brushes her lips against Tasivu's in a loving kiss.

Inlagie sweeps Tasivu into a dance.

Briaen sniffs the air around him.

You shake your head.

Tasivu asks, "Is that why the tutu is tattered? All the burning?"

You take a sip of the cider.

Nsar covers his mouth with his hand.

Zehira says, "Been a while since I've been burned."

A starry-eyed young woman spins around in a few slow, graceful circles as she throws her arms outward and pleads, "Won't someone recite a poem?!"

Zehira says, "It's just pretty worn out, probably the spiders."

Inlagie says, "The only burning I want is the burning desire of my one true love."

Zehira nods to Tasivu.

Tasivu grins at Zehira.

Tasivu beams in loving admiration at Inlagie!

Tasivu exclaims to Inlagie, "I love you so much, honey!"

Inlagie gazes at Tasivu with a dreamy look on her face.

Berima ponders.

An exuberant couple begins dancing ecstatically across room, their fingers intertwined and their eyes fixed on nothing but each other!

Nsar gets a thin-stemmed goblet of deep black rum from atop a slender obsidian bar.

Nsar says, "This'll burn ya."

Inlagie exclaims, "Does anyone have a poem or a song of love to sing? A tale even!"

Zehira stretches out a hand imploringly to Nsar.

Tasivu ponders.

Nsar offers Zehira a thin-stemmed goblet of deep black rum.

Zehira accepts Nsar's black rum.

Nsar shivers.

Zehira takes a sip of her rum.

Berima sighs wistfully.

Tasivu recites:

"Roses are red and poseys are yellow

Let's all have a dance, each girl with her fellow!"

Berima says, "If only my dear Lenchur could be here."

Shaking her belled hip-chain in a smoothly sinuous motion, a beautiful S'kra woman motions with her hands for others to join her dancing revelry.

Zehira says, "Tastes like ichor."

Nsar winks.

Urmira just arrived.

Zehira asks Nsar, "Get me another?"

Urmira beams!

A flurry of red rose petals shower <player> from above.

Urmira exclaims, "Hello everyone!"

Debacles snickers.

Berima smiles at Urmira.

Urmira gets a fuzzy white bear covered in wisteria flowers from inside her strawberry backpack.

Berima exclaims, "Hello!"

Urmira holds up her white bear, making it wave its paw at Berima.

Inlagie waves to Urmira.

You see Urmira, a Dwarf.

Urmira has an oval face, blue-green eyes and a crooked nose. Her strawberry hair is very long and curly. She has pale skin and a brawny figure.

She is a bit over average height for a Dwarf.

She appears to be young.

She has a scruffy growth of stubble on her face.

She is in good shape.

She is holding a fuzzy white bear covered in wisteria flowers in her right hand.

She is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan, a patchwork cloak dotted with an assortment of buttons, a strawberry-shaped backpack with vines embroidered along the straps, a ruby-red calfskin corset trimmed with silk ribbons along the dagged hem, a long patchwork robe with a liripipe hood, some crisply-pleated grey wool trousers with a lion-shaped gold buckle and some soft black suede boots with deep tapestry-lined cuffs.

Tasivu recites:

"We'll dance and we'll drink 'till we puke on our bibs: Get it all in now, for soon we'll have kids."

Grinning, Inlagie pulls a swig from a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine.

Urmira holds up her white bear, making it wave its paw at Inlagie.

Inlagie laughs at Tasivu.

> look
[Silver Eye, Bar]
A tall Elothean stands behind a slender obsidian bar serving drinks and food. Pale silk cloths cover round wooden tables. The thick scent of elven wine permeates the air. Flickering candle lights hover softly, their soft illuminations casting shadows around the room.
You also see a group of carefree dancers moving joyously across the floor, an impromptu gathering of assorted musicians, a slender obsidian bar with several things on it and a smokewood door.
Also here: Atrix who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Dark Father Zandrith, Urmira, Warlock Debacles who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Thinker Nsar, Medical Theorist Kalinandra, Watchman Briaen, Inneth, Ershta Zehira who is covered with whitened ridges, Tasivu, Inlagie and Berima.

Tasivu kisses Inlagie on the nose.

Nsar says, "Rum on the bar, courtesy of the citizens of Shard."

Nsar pats a slender obsidian bar.

Inlagie exclaims to Tasivu, "We have so much more travel and honeymooning to do!"

Inlagie praises Nsar.

Tasivu nods at Inlagie, obviously agreeing with her views.

> look dancers
All of the common Kermorian races are represented within the animated arrangement of frolicing freestylers. You unconsciously begin swaying your hips to the beat as you watch the dancers, but quickly catch yourself before anyone can notice!

Tasivu lets out a sigh of contentment.

Tasivu gets a thin-stemmed goblet of deep black rum from atop a slender obsidian bar.

Inneth guzzles down some of his rum and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

The Elothean bartender exclaims, "That's more like it!"

> look musicians
A particularly vibrant trio -- a Human man playing a ghironda, a Pyradean woman playing a sonajero, and a Halfling lass playing a jug -- lead assorted other players in spontaneous songs. The group is surprisingly coordinated in their melodies, betraying their inherent and individual talents despite the casual setting.

Zehira takes a sip of her rum.

Tasivu says, "We definitely need to hunt some antelope before we go."

Raising her black rum to Nsar, Berima gives him a toast.

Tasivu nods in agreement.

Nsar nods to Berima.

Inlagie exclaims, "The dashing bartenders name is Veiirthin, for any that ever wondered!"

Urmira grins at Inlagie.

A young lass attempts to teach an Elothean lad the steps to a complicated looking dance before they both dissolve into a fit of laughter after multiple movement mishaps.

Tasivu exclaims to Zehira, "You say you have a wife? Get her over here!"

Tasivu beams!

Urmira nods in agreement.

Inlagie says to Tasivu, "That young lad dances quite a bit like you my sunshine."

Zehira says to Tasivu, "I would love to, she's a cleric and away for a time at the moment."

Tasivu exclaims, "We're celebrating new love and Saemaus's special gift until the Spider shows up!"

You listen intently to the sounds around you.

Zehira smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Urmira exclaims, "Oooh! I hear it coming!"

Urmira bounces around happily.

Inlagie exclaims, "Oh! He's almost here! You can hear him!"

Tasivu tickles Inlagie, grinning mischievously.

Inlagie gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Urmira snuggles close to her white bear, and gives it a smooch on one fuzzy cheek.

Tasivu exclaims, "It's coming! The...donkey!"

Subtle sweetness lingers upon every breath you draw, filling your head with a pleasant but sometimes disorienting airiness.

Inlagie exclaims to Tasivu, "Now remember, the drinks are strone!"

Berima hums happily to herself.

Inlagie says to Tasivu, "The donkey of Saemaus blesses all of those celebrating ... looooove."

Zehira takes a sip of her rum.

The clicking and clacking sharpens in tone to a distinctive clippity clopping that grows ever closer...ever closer...

Tasivu exclaims to Inlagie, "Strone drinks make strong men!"

Inlagie snuggles up to Tasivu and cradles him in her arms.

Inlagie exclaims, "When we were in Riverhaven there were even pinatas!"

A piercingly sweet melody winds it way around the room, adding to your feeling of disoriented airiness.

(Inlagie tugs on Tasivus sleeve excitedly.)

Urmira beams at Inlagie!

An echoing CLIPPITY-CLOP of hooves heralds the arrival of a wide-eyed white hair donkey who looks around with a befuddled but endearing visage.

> look donkey
Sparkling, champagne-hued eyes drink in their surroundings with an inherently bubbling curiosity. Wiry hairs form a tufted mohawk running from the top of its head to the base of its neck, while the remainder of the body appears religiously brushed to a sleek finish. Dappling upon the hindquarters that matches the color of its eyes resembles an assortment of generously filled tarts.

You gaze at a wide-eyed white hair donkey.

A multitude of clinking glasses coincides with a sparkling feminine voice gleefully exclaiming, "Cheers!"

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

Urmira exclaims, "There he is!"

Tasivu grins at Inlagie.

Berima beams!

Kalinandra chuckles.

Berima praises a wide-eyed white hair donkey.

Debacles laughs!

Urmira waves to a wide-eyed white hair donkey.

A wide-eyed donkey clops over to stand right next to Urmira.

Zehira says, "Oh a donkey."

Urmira smiles at a wide-eyed white hair donkey.

Tasivu nods.

A wide-eyed donkey nuzzles up to Urmira briefly.

Atrix ponders.

Tasivu says, "It grants wishes. Sort of."

Urmira exclaims, "Aww! Cute!"

Inlagie gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

A starry-eyed young woman sways back and forth, throws her arms outward, and pleads, "Won't someone sing us a song?!"

You arch your eyebrow.

Debacles casually observes the area.

Inneth studies the faces around him.

Tasivu says to you, "I'm not sure whose wishes, exactly."

Zehira takes a sip of her rum.

Inlagie asks Tasivu, "Promise me we will have a stable for this precious donkey should he ever want to come visit us at our home?"

Atrix says, "Whisky there for those who prefer."

Inlagie snuggles up to Tasivu and cradles him in her arms.

Atrix grins.

Berima says, "I know a song..."

Berima smiles.

Inlagie lets out a hearty cheer for Atrix!

Tasivu exclaims to Inlagie, "Stable? He can have his own bedroom!"

A wide-eyed donkey clops over to stand right next to Berima.

Inlagie raises her voice in merry laughter.

Urmira exclaims to Berima, "Ooh! Please sing!"

Kalinandra takes a sip of her rum.

Berima smiles and whispers something to the impromtu band.

Inlagie flirts with Tasivu. Tasivu smiles slowly, giving Inlagie his full attention.

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, but leaves in its place an array of desserts!

Tasivu exclaims to Urmira, "Yes, please do!"

> look
[Silver Eye, Bar]
A tall Elothean stands behind a slender obsidian bar serving drinks and food. Pale silk cloths cover round wooden tables. The thick scent of elven wine permeates the air. Flickering candle lights hover softly, their soft illuminations casting shadows around the room.
You also see a slice of marzipan cheesecake, a slice of cake frosted with creamy peanut butter, a festive Lorethew tart in a sweet glaysker glaze, a cinnamon apple tart dribbled with caramel icing, a rose-shaped tart sprinkled with candied pistachios, a wide-eyed white hair donkey, a group of carefree dancers moving joyously across the floor, an impromptu gathering of assorted musicians, a slender obsidian bar with several things on it and a smokewood door.
Also here: Atrix who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Dark Father Zandrith, Urmira, Warlock Debacles who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Thinker Nsar, Medical Theorist Kalinandra, Watchman Briaen, Inneth, Ershta Zehira, Tasivu, Inlagie and Berima.

One of the musicians starts up a flashy rumba and several others join in one by one as accompaniment!

You say, "Huh."

Urmira exclaims, "And ooh, desserts!"

Inlagie picks up a slice of cake frosted with creamy peanut butter.

Berima sings in a soprano voice:

"Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket never let it fade away."

You pick up a cinnamon apple tart dribbled with caramel icing.

You sniff at the tart.

Hanryu studies the faces around him.

Tasivu grins.

Berima sings in a soprano voice:

"Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day!"

The group of musicians shout out words of encouragement to the brave performers.

Berima sings in a soprano voice:

"For love may come and tap you on the shoulder, some starless night..."

Berima sings in a soprano voice:

"And just in case you think you want to hold her, you'll have a pocket full of starlight!"

Tasivu enfolds Inlagie in a warm embrace.

Berima sings in a soprano voice:

"Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade awaaaay!"

Berima smiles.

A flurry of red rose petals shower Berima from above.

You applaud.

Nsar gestures.

A smoky film of grey mist exudes from Nsar's palms as he draws them close to his face. Breathing in deeply, his mouth remains open as he trembles for a second. He recovers after a moment and looks pleased.

"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity immediately gives Nsar a wide berth!

The wide-eyed donkey swings its head up and down in a merry display of approval!

Urmira exclaims to Berima, "That was so lovely!"

Inlagie applauds.

Nsar snaps his fingers.

Tasivu blinks.

Zehira takes a sip of her rum.

A wide-eyed donkey nuzzles up to Berima briefly.

Raising her rose wine to Berima, Inlagie gives her a toast.

Zehira frowns at Nsar.

Tasivu says, "Uhh..."

Urmira blinks.

Nsar says, "Durn citizens, forgot about that."

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a rose-colored vial!

Nsar grumbles.

Tasivu glances at Nsar.

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a Saemaus' kiss rose!

Zehira chuckles.

Tasivu says, "Going to be quite a pyre in here eventually.."

Zehira says, "Welcome to my world."

Zandrith picks up a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

You take a bite of the tart -- Mmmm, delectable.

Zandrith puts on a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Nsar says, "I do like it warmer than most."

Nsar shrugs.

Hanryu frowns.

Berima picks up a slice of marzipan cheesecake.

One of the Elven dancers rushes forward to plant a big smooch upon the donkey's whiskery muzzle!

The wide-eyed donkey release a series of guffawing brays that sound almost like laughter.

Zehira says, "Aww donkey getting kisses."

Briaen smirks.

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a pinata and stick!

> look
[Silver Eye, Bar]
A tall Elothean stands behind a slender obsidian bar serving drinks and food. Pale silk cloths cover round wooden tables. The thick scent of elven wine permeates the air. Flickering candle lights hover softly, their soft illuminations casting shadows around the room.
You also see a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons, a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, a festive Lorethew tart in a sweet glaysker glaze, a rose-shaped tart sprinkled with candied pistachios, a wide-eyed white hair donkey, a group of carefree dancers moving joyously across the floor, an impromptu gathering of assorted musicians, a slender obsidian bar with several things on it and a smokewood door.
Also here: Hunter Hanryu, Atrix who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Dark Father Zandrith, Urmira, Warlock Debacles who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Thinker Nsar, Medical Theorist Kalinandra, Watchman Briaen, Inneth, Ershta Zehira, Tasivu, Inlagie and Berima.

(Berima rubs behind one of the donkey's long soft ears.)

Tasivu exclaims, "Oh hey, the pinata!"

Urmira exclaims, "Pinata!"

You say, "That's quite a handy donkey to have around for parties."

Inlagie nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Nsar picks up a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

A wide-eyed donkey clops over to stand right next to you!

Inlagie says to you, "He doesn't leave the usual mess you would expect from a donkey."

Urmira exclaims, "Quick, quick, raise the pinata up up up!"

Tasivu picks up a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders.

Tasivu flings a rope over the rafters, hoisting a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders high into the air.

A wide-eyed donkey nuzzles up to you briefly.

Nsar examines a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders.

Inlagie exclaims, "What a lovely pinata we get to smash!"

Inlagie nibbles on Tasivu affectionately.

Tasivu exclaims, "Pinata up!"

You say, "Friendly, too."

Nsar glances at a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Nsar sniffs at a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Subtle sweetness lingers upon every breath you draw, filling your head with a pleasant but sometimes disorienting airiness.

Urmira exclaims to Nsar, "Wave it at the pinata!"

> look pinata
A rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders sways gently from a rope slung over a nearby rafter.

Urmira nods.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings wildly at the air, narrowly missing Atrix's head with the pinata stick!

Inlagie asks Tasivu, "Do you think they will allow donkey into the giant spider?"

Kalinandra grins.

Tasivu grins.

Nsar says, "Rude."

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons at a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, missing by a hair!

Atrix chuckles.

Zehira grins at Nsar, her dimples flashing into view.

One of the musicians begins to beat a rhythm on his spoons to accompany the pinata.

Atrix asks, "Dangerous game, then, eh?"

Tasivu says to Inlagie, "Well. It's a giant spider so that's anyone's guess."

Inlagie sways gracefully about in an elegant dance.

As if reading your mind, a wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes directly with yours. Finding yourself transfixed, you are suddenly overwhelmed by a giddy sensation of uncontrollable merriment.

Everything suddenly seems hilarious!

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings wildly at the air, narrowly missing Hanryu's head with the pinata stick!

Inlagie chuckles at you!

Nsar rubs his back.

Kalinandra chuckles.

Zehira says, "Oh the donkey is..making noise."

You try your best to speak like a shadowling.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons wildly at the air!

Inlagie exclaims, "Oh! The donkey got you!"

You laugh!

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons in the air, but completely misses the heart-shaped pinata.

Nsar mumbles something under his breath.

Nsar offers Zehira a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Zehira accepts Nsar's pinata stick.

Kalinandra chuckles.

Zehira asks, "Am I hitting you with this?"

A wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes with Zandrith's, who suddenly begins grinning untrollably!

Zandrith starts roaring with laughter!

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

You casually glance around the area, trying to look nonchalant.

Zehira peers quizzically at Nsar.

Nsar says, "I'd rather you didnt, but such is life."

Nsar points at a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders which is suspended from a rafter.

A wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes with Urmira's, who suddenly begins grinning untrollably!

Urmira starts roaring with laughter!

Zandrith forages up a piece of moss, places it on his head and says, "Hey look! I'm a swamp troll!"

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

You say, "Cute thing. I'm sure they'd let it into the spider. They might want a ticket for it, though."

You grin.

The wide-eyed donkey release a series of guffawing brays that sound almost like laughter.

Tasivu chuckles.

Urmira asks, "What has four legs and an arm?" then immediately answers herself, "A very happy croc!"

You casually glance around the area, trying to look nonchalant.

Zehira closes her eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to her shoulder.

Zehira swings wildly at the air, narrowly missing Briaen's head with the pinata stick!

Bursts of blushing pink rose petals suddenly appear from above to flutter down to the ground!

A wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes with Zehira's, who suddenly begins grinning untrollably!

Zehira starts roaring with laughter!

Zehira asks, "How come I can hit it and you can't?"

Berima snickers.

Tasivu says, "I'm pretty sure if he decides he wants into the spider, he's getting in."

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

Zehira closes her eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to her shoulder.

Zehira swings wildly at the air, narrowly missing Hanryu's head with the pinata stick!

Urmira giggles.

Tasivu grins.

Zandrith tries to fly just before clucking like a chicken!

Nsar says, "You missed."

Urmira howls with laughter! Unable to maintain her balance, she falls to her knees!

A wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes with Hanryu's, who suddenly begins grinning untrollably!

Hanryu starts roaring with laughter!

Zehira says, "Did I."

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

You forage up a piece of moss and mention the fact that you look like a swamp troll when you place it on your head.

Zehira gets an odd look on her face and mentions the fact that she is kind of silly looking.

Zehira says, "I"m drunk."

Briaen nods in agreement.

Zehira closes her eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to her shoulder.

Zehira swings at the pinata, which bounces wildly. Zehira's carry-through puts her off balance, and she falls in a heap!

Zehira says, "The hell."

Zehira says, "I don't want this stick."

Hanryu asks, "What do you get when you cross a bridge with a caravan?" Before you can respond, he says, "To the other side!"

Zehira leaps to her feet!

Zehira offers Inneth a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Urmira asks, "What do you get when you cross a bridge with a caravan?" Before you can respond, she says, "To the other side!"

Inlagie exclaims, "I don't think the crew of the spider would deny the very presence of Saemaus!"

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a line of overflowing beverages!

Zandrith gets an odd look on his face and mentions the fact that he is kind of silly looking.

You jump up and down, wave your arms and begin to cluck like a chicken.

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place an array of desserts!

Zharyn snickers.

Urmira nods to Inlagie.

[Silver Eye, Bar]
A tall Elothean stands behind a slender obsidian bar serving drinks and food. Pale silk cloths cover round wooden tables. The thick scent of elven wine permeates the air. Flickering candle lights hover softly, their soft illuminations casting shadows around the room.
You also see a dark chocolate-swirled raspberry tart with brandied rose petals, some smaragdine meringue kisses, an almond and honey tart, a compact dark chocolate tart, a cleric-shaped Saemaus biscuit filled with semolina pudding, a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine, a glass of drowning man's dream, a glass of Arthe Dale Delight, a flagon of Dwarven ale, a hazelnut-rimmed glass of raspberry chocolate liqueur, a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, a festive Lorethew tart in a sweet glaysker glaze, a rose-shaped tart sprinkled with candied pistachios, a wide-eyed white hair donkey, a group of carefree dancers moving joyously across the floor, an impromptu gathering of assorted musicians, a slender obsidian bar with several things on it and a smokewood door.
Also here: Fearweaver Zharyn, Hunter Hanryu, Atrix who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Dark Father Zandrith, Urmira who is kneeling, Warlock Debacles who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Thinker Nsar, Medical Theorist Kalinandra, Watchman Briaen, Inneth, Ershta Zehira, Tasivu, Inlagie and Berima.

Zehira tries to fly just before clucking like a chicken!

Urmira stands up.

(Inlagie blows the donkey a kiss with a loud smooch noise.)

The wide-eyed donkey swings its head up and down in a merry display of approval!

Hanryu gets an odd look on his face and mentions the fact that he is kind of silly looking.

Urmira tries to fly just before clucking like a chicken!

You pick up a cleric-shaped Saemaus biscuit filled with semolina pudding.

You take a moment to remember the songs the minstrel sings. You can't help but laugh as you recall what a bad singer he is.

Zehira says, "Uhh."

Zehira gets an odd look on her face and mentions the fact that she is kind of silly looking.

Zandrith mutters the word "minstrel" and lets loose with a laughter that brings tears to his eyes.

Zehira offers Zandrith a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Urmira forages up a piece of moss, places it on her head and says, "Hey look! I'm a swamp troll!"

Zehira says, "Take the stick."

You casually glance around the area, trying to look nonchalant.

Someone in the crowd begins making bad puns about donkeys.

Berima says, "If only Lenchur were here, all these delicious treats. I hope he can make it after his work."

Zandrith shakes his head.

Tasivu rubs Inlagie's back.

Hanryu tries to fly just before clucking like a chicken!

Zandrith declines Zehira's offer.

Zehira frowns.

Berima sighs deeply, looking very depressed.

Zandrith gets an odd look on his face and mentions the fact that he is kind of silly looking.

Inlagie pats Berima on the back.

Zehira offers Briaen a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Nsar stretches out a hand imploringly to Zehira.

Urmira asks, "What has four legs and an arm?" then immediately answers herself, "A very happy croc!"

Zandrith says, "Ill end up putting my eye out."

Tasivu says to Berima, "I hope so, too. Don't worry, it'll be alright..."

You take a moment to remember the songs the minstrel sings. You can't help but laugh as you recall what a bad singer he is.

You finally don't think everything is as funny as it was.

Briaen guzzles down some of his whiskey and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Briaen accepts Zehira's pinata stick.

Tasivu rubs Berima's back.

Zehira snorts like a piglet in a strange attempt to laugh.

A chocolate raspberry tart exclaims, "Eat me!"

Berima smiles at Tasivu.

Tasivu asks, "What does he do?"

Inlagie says to Berima, "Perhaps you can take him some! Let your love know you were thinking of them while they were not by your side."

You take a bite of the biscuit, lovingly munching on the body of this kneeling supplicant. As its fruity milk-flavored soul squirts into your mouth, you cast your benevolent gaze favorably upon it at its attempt to please you.

Hanryu glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."

Inlagie takes a bite of the cake.

Inlagie takes a bite of the cake.

Zandrith snorts like a piglet in a strange attempt to laugh.

Urmira glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."

Berima says, "He's a trader, he had to run some emergency supplies up to Theren."

Zehira howls with laughter! Unable to maintain her balance, she falls to her knees!

Atrix grins at Zehira.

Urmira hums to herself.

Zandrith howls with laughter! Unable to maintain his balance, he falls to his knees!

Zehira stands up.

Urmira asks, "What has four legs and an arm?" then immediately answers herself, "A very happy croc!"

Zehira gets an odd look on her face and mentions the fact that she is kind of silly looking.

Nsar asks, "Are you sure he didnt get absorbed into the dangerous magics from the recent discussions with the Arbiter?"

Zharyn chuckles.

Tasivu says to Berima, "Oh! Well, that's a shame. You'd think they'd have enough milk and hair shirts up there."

Zandrith snorts like a piglet in a strange attempt to laugh.

A wide-eyed donkey clops over to stand right next to Zehira.

Urmira exclaims, "The pinata is still up! Wave the stick at it!"

A wide-eyed donkey nuzzles up to Zehira briefly.

Nsar covers his eyes with his hand.

Nefis casually observes the area.

Zehira howls with laughter! Unable to maintain her balance, she falls to her knees!

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a rose-colored vial!

Tasivu nods.

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a Saemaus' kiss rose!

> look rose
The kiss rose is a large bloom sheathed in vivid holy light. Sleek and perfectly shaped, its petals grade from glorious golden to pure white. Looking at the rose fills you with insuppressible love and hope.

Berima says to Nsar, "We've been having some fun with that actually, now that we are both lunar mages."

Zehira says to Nefis, "There is a donkey."

Zehira asks, "Winkey winkey flinkey minkey?"

Nefis says to Zehira, "I see that."

Tasivu says, "Thanks in advance, everyone, for not turning our insides into outsides."

Zharyn pulls the rope on the pinata, raising it up into the air.

Tasivu casually observes the area.

Zehira says, "It's...interesting."

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

Nsar says to Berima, "Have fun with the Arbiter? I was under the impressions that being didnt know joy."

Kaynta takes a seat.

Nefis asks Zehira, "Did you give proper offerings?"

Berima says, "He hasn't talked about that thing very much."

Zehira says, "It made a noise."

Zehira says, "I don't know what to get it."

Inlagie asks, "Does anyone else have a poem or song to share?"

Inlagie snuggles up to Tasivu and cradles him in her arms.

A drunken Halfling calls out, "I dare two of you to use that rose right now."

Kalinandra chuckles.

Kaynta picks up a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Tasivu laughs!

Zehira says, "Hmm."

Kalinandra picks up a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Kaynta gazes at her rose.

Kalinandra chuckles.

Urmira exclaims, "Roses everywhere!"

Kaynta kisses the rose solemnly to affirm her vow.

Briaen smiles.

Tasivu asks, "Yes! Which two people are getting married right here?"

Kaynta drops a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Nsar casually observes the area.

Kalinandra grins at Kaynta.

Nsar studies the faces around him.

Kaynta shrugs.

Grinning, Inlagie pulls a swig from a hazelnut-rimmed glass of raspberry chocolate liqueur.

Kaynta grins.

An exuberant couple begins dancing ecstatically across room, their fingers intertwined and their eyes fixed on nothing but each other!

Berima says, "Or bonded, depending on your preference of terms."

Kaynta says, "Could be interesting to wake up in the morning."

Berima smirks.

Inlagie exclaims, "Oh, these drinks will be the end of me!"

Inlagie exclaims to Tasivu, "But if I die I will be in your arms love of my life!"

Zehira exclaims, "Eat the tart donkey!"

Nsar asks, "Now there's a tart donkey too?"

A wide-eyed donkey clops over to stand right next to Zharyn.

Zehira says, "Look buddy."

A wide-eyed donkey nuzzles up to Zharyn briefly.

Inlagie gazes at Zharyn.

A wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes with Zharyn's, who suddenly begins grinning untrollably!

Zharyn starts roaring with laughter!

Zehira says, "I"m drunk."

Zharyn glances at a wide-eyed white hair donkey.

Zehira stands up.

Kaynta says, "I always wanted to marry a drummer I wonder if one will take my rose."

Kalinandra chuckles.

Zharyn cowers in fear.

Kaynta gazes at an impromptu gathering of assorted musicians.

Zehira says, "So."

Tasivu grins at Kaynta.

Zehira says, "The donkey can eat the tart."

Zharyn howls with laughter! Unable to maintain his balance, he falls to his knees!

Tasivu says, "The donkey made the tart in the first place.."

Tasivu says, "Let's not even think about that cycle."

Nsar stretches out a hand imploringly to Briaen.

Atrix says, "Circle of life. Donkey makes the tart, donkey eats the tart."

Briaen offers Nsar a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Zehira says, "Kinda gross."

Nsar accepts Briaen's pinata stick.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons wildly through the air, missing the pinata but connecting solidly with the ground!

You say, "Some good treats. But still have to wonder what's in that pinata."

Zharyn tries to fly just before clucking like a chicken!

Nefis says, "I brought extra tarts as offerings for Saemaus."

Inlagie exclaims, "It's our hope to see at least one couple marry!"

Nsar winces.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings the pinata stick at the pinata, and connects! It's a solid strike that breaks off some material from the pinata and starts it swaying back and forth.

Zehira says to Nefis, "They gave me a rose, I have a wife. I guess I'll give it away."

An inebriated musician lewdly declares, "I'd take that rose!"

Zharyn snorts like a piglet in a strange attempt to laugh.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings at the pinata, which bounces wildly. Nsar's carry-through puts him off balance, and he falls in a heap!

The wide-eyed donkey swings its head up and down in a merry display of approval!

Nsar groans.

Tasivu says, "It's a tough pinata."

Nsar rises to a kneeling position.

Nsar stands up.

Nsar offers Nefis a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Berima says, "Who has the stick? Let Miskton take a whack at it! Pun sort of intended."

Nefis declines Nsar's offer.

Atrix says, "Does seem ta be fairly resilient."

Atrix grins.

Kaynta says, "Then you fine one take it and smooch it."

Kaynta nods.

Berima snickers.

Nefis shakes his head at Nsar.

Zharyn tries to fly just before clucking like a chicken!

Nsar squints.

Tasivu nibbles on Inlagie affectionately.

Tasivu kisses Inlagie. And he doesn't seem to want to stop.

Inlagie gives Tasivu a relaxed smile and sighs contentedly.

Urmira holds her white bear close to her chest, seeming to sigh.

Zharyn snorts like a piglet in a strange attempt to laugh.

Kaynta frowns at a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Kaynta sighs.

Zharyn blinks.

Inlagie exclaims to Tasivu, "Another crowd of most celebratory new friends!"

Zharyn stifles a giggle and pokes himself in the stomach. A belch like none you have ever heard, echoes across the land!

Zehira says, "Yes once the sticks in the mud left."

A staccato of clanking flagons coincides with a gruff male voice cheerfully exclaiming, "Drink up!"

A wide-eyed donkey clops over to stand right next to Inlagie.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons at a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, but misses and loses his balance on the follow-through. Nsar is able to recover in time to avoid a fall, though.

A wide-eyed donkey nuzzles up to Inlagie briefly.

Nsar mumbles something under his breath.

Zehira says, "And went me burned."

Inlagie says, "Hi donkey."

Tasivu says to Inlagie, "Some very scary celebratory new friends."

(Inlagie rubs the donkey on the muzzle and makes kissy faces.)

Zehira asks, "How scary can I be?"

Zehira says, "I wear a tutu."

Berima's eyes roll back in her head and her arms rise to shoulder height while the rest of her body grows incredibly still. She murmurs in a low and husky voice, "Worms within the dead limbs still lend the tree life." Her fingers tremble as dancers swirl past her, before her eyes snap open and her demeanor becomes festive once more.

Urmira exclaims to Nsar, "You'll get it soon enough!"

You gaze at Berima.

Nefis gazes at Berima.

Urmira blinks.

Inlagie blinks at Berima.

Debacles asks, "Anyone care for a donkey poem?"

Berima shudders.

Briaen ponders that.

Debacles grins.

Tasivu says to Zehira, "Well, there was that thing on your face..."

Nefis gets a delectable milk chocolate tart slathered with liquefied caramel from inside his hunter's rucksack.

Nefis offers Berima a delectable milk chocolate tart slathered with liquefied caramel.

Kaynta nods to Debacles.

Zehira says, "Actually."

Tasivu says to Debacles, "Let's hear it1."

Zehira says, "I am pretty scary."

Nsar asks Berima, "Dont suppose you're looking to use one of those roses, eh?"

You ask Berima, "Are you okay?"

Zehira says, "But."

Nsar winks at Berima.

Berima says, "Oh my."

Berima accepts Nefis's delectable tart.

Zehira says, "It's ok."

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons wildly through the air, missing the pinata but connecting solidly with the ground!

Grinning, Inlagie pulls a swig from a hazelnut-rimmed glass of raspberry chocolate liqueur.

Nefis says to Berima, "I hear chocolate is a mood enhancer."

Berima says, "I miss my Lenchur, but otherwise I am fine."

Debacles recites:

"When fishes flew and forests walked And figs grew upon thorn, Some moment when the moon was blood Then surely I was born."

A wide-eyed donkey clops over to stand right next to Debacles.

Nsar takes a sip of his rum.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons at a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, but misses and loses his balance on the follow-through. Nsar is able to recover in time to avoid a fall, though.

Debacles recites:

"With monstrous head and sickening cry And ears like errant wings, The devil s walking parody On all four-footed things."

Berima exclaims, "And now I have two tarts!"

Tasivu pulls Inlagie to him in a tight hug.

Tasivu gazes at Debacles.

Urmira beams at Berima!

Debacles recites:

"The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient crooked will"

Inlagie rubs Tasivu's back.

Debacles recites:

"Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb, I keep my secret still."

The group of musicians cheer wildly in appreciation of the performance!

Debacles recites:

"Fools! For I also had my hour"

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings at the pinata, which bounces wildly. Nsar's carry-through puts him off balance, and he falls in a heap!

Nsar thrashes around on the ground.

A flurry of red rose petals shower Debacles from above.

Zehira says, "You should give up."

Debacles recites:

"There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet."

Nsar leaps to his feet!

Zehira nods to Nsar.

Nsar says, "I'm not much for quitting when things get uncomfortable."

Debacles bows.

Nsar says, "Also, I have rum."

Zehira says, "Me too."

Urmira exclaims, "Hmm, can the pinata be lowered perhaps!"

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings at the pinata, which bounces wildly. Nsar's carry-through puts him off balance, and he falls in a heap!

Zehira says, "A lot."

Nefis cocks his head.

Nsar rises to a kneeling position.

Nefis leans against a slender obsidian bar.

You pick up a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine.

You sniff at the wine.

Nsar stands up.

Tasivu examines a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders.

Grinning, you pull a large swig from a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine. The taste of sweet effervescent bubbles with a fruity tang fills your mouth.

[WARNING: Drinking large quantities of this could make you unconscious!]

Roundtime: 5 seconds

Tasivu pulls the rope on the pinata, raising it up into the air.

Tasivu lets out slack on the rope, lowering the pinata closer to the ground.

Inlagie says to you, "Careful of that stuff. It's more dangerous then a lightening bolt."

Tasivu lets out slack on the rope, lowering the pinata closer to the ground.

The donkey's bewhiskered lips move slightly as the pinata says, "It's more fun if people have to reach."

Raising her rose wine to you, Inlagie gives you a toast. Cheers!

Urmira exclaims to Nsar, "Try hitting it now!"

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

Atrix grins at a wide-eyed white hair donkey.

Nsar moves a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his left hand.

Nsar moves a thin-stemmed goblet of deep black rum to his right hand.

Tasivu laughs!

Tasivu pulls the rope on the pinata, raising it up into the air.

Nsar mumbles something under his breath.

Tasivu pulls the rope on the pinata, raising it up into the air.

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a line of overflowing beverages!

Tasivu pulls the rope on the pinata, raising it up into the air.

Nsar says, "Dont wave the rum at the pinata."

Nsar moves a thin-stemmed goblet of deep black rum to his left hand.

Nsar moves a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his right hand.

Tasivu whistles a merry tune.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings at the pinata, which bounces wildly. Nsar's carry-through puts him off balance, and he falls in a heap!

A staccato of clanking flagons coincides with a gruff male voice cheerfully exclaiming, "Drink up!"

Nsar stands up.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings the pinata stick at a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, making a low whooshing sound as the pinata stick goes wide.

Atrix takes a sip of his whiskey.

Kaynta tilts her head back and guzzles down an opalescent pink snifter of rosepetal brandy! Whoa, someone better tell her to slow down!

Berima takes a bite of the tart.

Glassy-eyed, Berima slowly takes a bite of her tart.

Nsar pauses momentarily, closing his eyes as if to regain focus.

"Burn her! Burn her!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity immediately gives Zehira a wide berth!

Kaynta tilts her head back and guzzles down an opalescent pink snifter of rosepetal brandy! Whoa, someone better tell her to slow down!

Subtle sweetness lingers upon every breath you draw, filling your head with a pleasant but sometimes disorienting airiness.

Zehira frowns.

Zehira says, "I've about had enough of that."

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings the pinata stick at a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, making a low whooshing sound as the pinata stick goes wide.

Nefis chuckles at Zehira.

Nsar offers Zehira a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Atrix says, "Just seems rude, really."

Nsar says, "Take it out on the pinata."

Zehira accepts Nsar's pinata stick.

Zehira says, "It is pretty rude."

Tasivu says, "They don't seem too motivated."

Zehira closes her eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to her shoulder.

Zehira swings a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons in the air, but completely misses the heart-shaped pinata.

Zandrith gets a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms from inside a party bag.

Tasivu scratches his head.

Nefis asks, "And here I thought the Ferdahl allowed anyone entrance as long as they didnt break the laws?"

Zandrith stands up.

Squire Imroth just arrived.

Zehira closes her eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to her shoulder.

Zehira swings wildly at the air, narrowly missing Briaen's head with the pinata stick!

Imroth waves.

Zehira says, "I thought that too."

Zehira nods to Nefis.

Zandrith closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms to his shoulder.

Zandrith swings at the pinata, which bounces wildly. Zandrith's carry-through puts him off balance, and he falls in a heap!

Zandrith stands up.

Inlagie snuggles up to Tasivu and cradles him in her arms.

Inlagie bats her eyes at Tasivu.

Tasivu gives Inlagie a relaxed smile and sighs contentedly.

Zehira says, "Really a bit rude."

Tasivu flirts with Inlagie. Inlagie smiles demurely, giving Tasivu her full attention.

Kaynta mutters something into the air about Never a drummer around when you need one.

Atrix asks, "So what's the next stop for the lovebirds? Or that s'posed ta be a surprise?"

Zehira closes her eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to her shoulder.

Zehira swings a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons in the air, but completely misses the heart-shaped pinata.

Zehira says, "Ok done with the stick."

Zandrith closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms to his shoulder.

Zandrith swings a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms wildly through the air, missing the pinata but connecting solidly with the ground!

Nsar chuckles.

Zehira offers Nsar a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Nsar accepts Zehira's pinata stick.

Nsar shrugs.

Zehira says, "I should go see who's standing by a guard."

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings at the pinata, which bounces wildly. Nsar's carry-through puts him off balance, and he falls in a heap!

Tasivu says, "We haven't decided yet."

Zehira says, "Is what I should do."

Tasivu grins.

Atrix nods to Tasivu.

Nsar says, "Dont fall over."

Nsar nods to Zehira.

Nsar stands up.

Inlagie exclaims, "Oh, I'm nut sure where are whims will set us next. Hopefully we get to see more of the areas!"

Zandrith closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms to his shoulder.

Zandrith swings a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms at a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, but misses and loses his balance on the follow-through. Zandrith is able to recover in time to avoid a fall, though.

Atrix says, "Where your feet take ya. I respect that."

Tasivu says, "We'll move around Ilithi a bit, see some sights. Then either to Forfedhar or off to the islands."

Tasivu smiles at Inlagie.

Nsar asks, "Wandering Lunar Mages.... you sure you're not just novice rangers?"

Inlagie beams at Atrix!

Cheering erupts from a corner of the room as a group of friends celebrate a slender Elothean, fallen to one knee, proposing to his beloved. You overhear one of the friends gaily saying, "Can you believe they just met?!"

Zandrith closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms to his shoulder.

Zandrith swings a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms at a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, but misses and loses his balance on the follow-through. Zandrith is able to recover in time to avoid a fall, though.

The wide-eyed donkey swings its head up and down in a merry display of approval!

Berima says, "Awww."

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a Saemaus' kiss rose!

Zandrith takes a sip of his brandy.

Tasivu says, "I want to take Inlagie climbing up the volcano on Aesry."

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a Saemaus' kiss rose!

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a Saemaus' kiss rose!

Zandrith closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms to his shoulder.

Zandrith swings the pinata stick at the heart-shaped pinata and connects! The stick bounces off in a glancing blow and the pinata remains unbroken.

Tasivu says, "And to see gor'tog dancers on Ratha."

Tasivu smiles at Inlagie.

Nsar closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons to his shoulder.

Nsar swings wildly at the air, narrowly missing Zandrith's head with the pinata stick!

Inlagie asks Tasivu, "You aren't going to sacrifice me, are you?"

Atrix grins.

Kaynta asks, "If I kiss them all wonder if I would end up with something other than a mule?"

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a line of overflowing beverages!

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place an array of desserts!

Zandrith closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms to his shoulder.

Zandrith swings the pinata stick at the pinata, and connects! It's a solid strike that breaks off some material from the pinata and starts it swaying back and forth.

> look
[Silver Eye, Bar]
A tall Elothean stands behind a slender obsidian bar serving drinks and food. Pale silk cloths cover round wooden tables. The thick scent of elven wine permeates the air. Flickering candle lights hover softly, their soft illuminations casting shadows around the room.
You also see a dark chocolate-swirled raspberry tart with brandied rose petals, some smaragdine meringue kisses, an almond and honey tart, a compact dark chocolate tart, a cleric-shaped Saemaus biscuit filled with semolina pudding, a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine, a glass of drowning man's dream, a glass of Arthe Dale Delight, a flagon of Dwarven ale, a hazelnut-rimmed glass of raspberry chocolate liqueur, a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose, a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose, a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose, a flagon of Tezirah ale, a glass of Gor'Tog Golden Grog, a goblet of Bardic blue wine, a glass of Starry Road sherry, a spicy sausage tart blended with peppers and onions, a tequila-soaked lime marmalade tart caked with chunky salt, a tequila-soaked lime marmalade tart caked with chunky salt, a glass of drowning man's dream, a glass of Arthe Dale Delight, a flagon of Dwarven ale, a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders, a rose-shaped tart sprinkled with candied pistachios, a wide-eyed white hair donkey, a group of carefree dancers moving joyously across the floor, an impromptu gathering of assorted musicians, a slender obsidian bar with several things on it and a smokewood door.
Also here: Dark Father Zandrith, Squire Imroth, Arcanist Nefis, Gauntlet Deadbeat Kaynta who is sitting, Atrix, Urmira, Warlock Debacles, Thinker Nsar, Medical Theorist Kalinandra, Watchman Briaen, Inneth, Tasivu, Inlagie and Berima.

A brash Human musician strikes a pose as he plays a flashy ballad upon his ghironda with great confidence, daring any onlookers to best his performance.

A wide-eyed donkey brays loudly and clops its hooves repeatedly upon the ground. The rhythmic sounds also create a dizzying aura of prismatic light which dims as the creature settles itself, leaving in its place a rose-colored vial!

Tasivu exclaims to Inlagie, "I would never!"

Nsar says to Tasivu, "I might know some folks if you need pointers on all that."

Zandrith closes his eyes tightly and spins around several times in place then raises a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms to his shoulder.

Zandrith swings a beribboned pinata stick strung with candy-shaped charms at a rosy red heart-shaped pinata trimmed with white lace borders! He connects, and the heart-shaped pinata explodes in a shower of red and gold sparks!

A bite-sized raspberry tart falls to the ground!

A small silver nugget falls to the ground!

A large oatmeal raisin cookie falls to the ground!

A hard lemon candy falls to the ground!

A bite-sized banana tart falls to the ground!

A bone bead falls to the ground!

Tasivu blinks at Nsar.

The wide-eyed donkey swings its head up and down in a merry display of approval!

Berima exclaims, "Oh!"

You just feel so pleased with yourself, you can't help letting out a hearty cheer.

Urmira exclaims, "Oooh!"

Atrix lets out a hearty cheer for Zandrith!

Kalinandra picks up a bone bead.

Imroth gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Berima lets out a hearty cheer for Zandrith!

Kalinandra chuckles.

Kalinandra begins to carefully examine a bone bead.

Zandrith puts his stick in a dull brown rucksack with a murky black iron clasp tinged with rust.

Kalinandra drops a bone bead.

You hear a voice say, "They must accuse and run."

Urmira snuggles close to her white bear, and gives it a smooch on one fuzzy cheek.

Kaynta drops a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Tasivu ponders.

Kaynta picks up a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Tasivu asks, "Is that why you have to hide?"

Nsar picks up a bone bead.

Kaynta kisses the rose solemnly to affirm her vow.

Kaynta drops a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Kaynta picks up a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Kaynta kisses the rose solemnly to affirm her vow.

A wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes with Zandrith's, who suddenly begins grinning untrollably!

Zandrith starts roaring with laughter!

Kaynta drops a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

You hear a voice say, "Yes."

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

Tasivu laughs at Kaynta.

Tasivu says to Kaynta, "That is brilliant."

Kaynta picks up a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Berima exclaims to Kaynta, "Daring!"

Kalinandra grins at Kaynta.

You hear a voice say, "But I came out for you."

Zandrith glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."

Kaynta kisses the rose solemnly to affirm her vow.

Kaynta drops a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Kaynta smiles.

A wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes with Imroth's, who suddenly begins grinning untrollably!

Imroth starts roaring with laughter!

Nefis says, "Somebody must have spotted her tentacles."

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

Nsar stretches out a hand imploringly to Kaynta.

Nefis snickers.

Kaynta picks up a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Kaynta offers Nsar a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

A wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes with Inneth's, who suddenly begins grinning untrollably!

Inneth starts roaring with laughter!

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

Nsar drops a festive pinata stick wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Nsar accepts Kaynta's Saemaus' kiss rose.

Zandrith mutters the word "minstrel" and lets loose with a laughter that brings tears to his eyes.

Imroth forages up a piece of moss, places it on his head and says, "Hey look! I'm a swamp troll!"

Imroth chuckles.

Inlagie shakes her head as if clearing it.

A wide-eyed donkey locks its champagne-hued eyes with Debacles's, who suddenly begins grinning untrollably!

Debacles starts roaring with laughter!

Kaynta leaps to her feet!

Nsar says, "This should be enlightening."

The wide-eyed donkey emits a cheerful HEE-HAW and curls its lips in a slight grin.

Tasivu says, "I don't know if we're worth burning to death for, but we're going to have a great party."

Tasivu flashes a quick grin.

Kaynta grins at Nsar.

The wide-eyed donkey release a series of guffawing brays that sound almost like laughter.

Kaynta says, "Could be."

Pulling away from the group, a gaily-dressed Olvi male swings a young Gor'Tog lass into a twirl across the floor that ends in a graceful dip despite their dramatically different heights.

Debacles snorts like a piglet in a strange attempt to laugh.

Imroth snorts like a piglet in a strange attempt to laugh.

Atrix asks, "Well what's a party without a little burnin' ta death?"

Zandrith mutters the word "minstrel" and lets loose with a laughter that brings tears to his eyes.

Atrix grins.

Debacles snickers.

Nefis asks Tasivu, "At least it was a good party, eh?"

You hear a voice say, "I'd rather not burn to death."

Nsar asks, "Well then, I suppose when they hold no sway their bonds arent to be trusted, eh?"

Nsar chuckles.

Inlagie grins at Nefis.

Tasivu nods in agreement.

Imroth mutters the word "minstrel" and lets loose with a laughter that brings tears to his eyes.

Debacles mutters the word "minstrel" and lets loose with a laughter that brings tears to his eyes.

Nsar examines a bone bead.

Zandrith glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."

Nsar begins to carefully examine a bone bead.

Imroth forages up a piece of moss, places it on his head and says, "Hey look! I'm a swamp troll!"

Atrix asks, "How ya feelin' Berima? Spirits wash away what ailed ya?"

Nsar holds a bone bead in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Debacles snorts like a piglet in a strange attempt to laugh.

Nsar tries to eat a bone bead.

Imroth howls with laughter! Unable to maintain his balance, he falls to his knees!

Inlagie says to Berima, "Yes, that did look a little off putting."

Zandrith forages up a piece of moss, places it on his head and says, "Hey look! I'm a swamp troll!"

Tasivu guzzles down some of his rum and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Berima says, "Somewhat. I'll feel much better when Lenchur can get here."

Tasivu lets out a sigh of contentment.

Debacles asks, "What has four legs and an arm?" then immediately answers himself, "A very happy croc!"

The wide-eyed donkey lets loose a high-pitched bray that lingers in the air and fades slowly as it trots off.

Tasivu gazes at Inlagie with a dreamy look on his face.

Berima smiles.

Grinning, Kaynta pulls a swig from a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine.

Zandrith gets an odd look on his face and mentions the fact that he is kind of silly looking.

Imroth mutters the word "minstrel" and lets loose with a laughter that brings tears to his eyes.

Teetering dangerously, Kaynta wobbles about drunkenly and then suddenly face plants into the floor.

Debacles asks, "What has four legs and an arm?" then immediately answers himself, "A very happy croc!"

Berima says, "Uh oh, down she goes."

Kaynta says, "Ouch."

Kaynta suddenly goes limp on the floor. She looks unconscious.

You say, "That donkey had some strong drinks."

Nsar chuckles.

Urmira giggles.

Inlagie nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Zandrith tries to fly just before clucking like a chicken!

Tasivu winces.

Imroth asks, "What has four legs and an arm?" then immediately answers himself, "A very happy croc!"

Inlagie exclaims to you, "I did warn you!"

Debacles snorts like a piglet in a strange attempt to laugh.

You pick up some smaragdine meringue kisses.

The crowd looks disappointed by the donkey's departure.

Zandrith mutters the word "minstrel" and lets loose with a laughter that brings tears to his eyes.

Kaynta says something, but her unconscious babble is too faint to be heard.

Imroth forages up a piece of moss, places it on his head and says, "Hey look! I'm a swamp troll!"

You take a bite of the kisses, and the lime-flavored dessert melts immediately in your mouth, pervading your spirit with sunshine and rainbows and good feelings.

Inlagie says, "And it left many treats and drinks behind. Saemaus praise all I hope that we get to see you on our travels again."

Berima exclaims, "Bye donkey!"

Kaynta stirs, groaning softly and muttering something about drinking contests.

Atrix nods to Inlagie.

Nefis asks Tasivu, "This is all in celebration of your wedding from the other day?"

Kaynta sits up.

Imroth frowns.

Kalinandra chuckles.

Kaynta slowly empties her lungs.

Debacles tries to fly just before clucking like a chicken!

Urmira taps her fingers on her white bear, seemingly lost in thought.

Atrix says, "Best of luck to ya both on your travels."

You hear a voice say, "And they want to burn me down."

Nsar searches around for a moment.

Nsar chuckles.

You hear a voice say, "It's cute when you search."

Kalinandra frowns, shaking her head with an expression of exasperation before resting her face in the palm of her hand.

Berima gasps and chokes as her face takes on a bright reddish hue!

Inlagie says, "I'm sorry people wanted to burn you lovely voice in the shadows."

Debacles mutters the word "minstrel" and lets loose with a laughter that brings tears to his eyes.

Nsar says, "I found 5 copper dokoras."

Tasivu says to Nefis, "Well, sort of.."

Debacles searches around for a moment.

You hear a voice say, "I know right."

Nsar rubs his tummy and pats his head.

You hear a voice say, "So rude of them."

Nefis says to Tasivu, "Your marriage must truly be blessed by Saemaus."

Tasivu says, "It was...sort of a calling."

Tasivu smiles at Inlagie.

Zehira reveals herself.

Inlagie brushes her lips against Tasivu's in a loving kiss.

Nefis cocks his head.

Nefis gazes at Tasivu.

Tasivu says, "We met and just sparked."

Inlagie says, "The calling of hearts to beat as one."

Nefis gazes at Inlagie.

Urmira smiles.

Tasivu says, "And then it seemed like the thing to do, to take this trip."

Inlagie beams at Nefis!

Tasivu says, "Visit all the provinces."

You say, "A lovely idea."

Grinning, Kaynta pulls a swig from a heart-shaped glass of fizzy rose wine.

Tasivu asks, "Like why would we possibly do anything BUT that?"

Berima takes a sip of her ale.

Kaynta weaves to and fro, a silly, drunken grin spreading across her face.

Inlagie exclaims to Nefis, "I feel blessed indeed to have found a wonderful mate!"

Tasivu asks Inlagie, "Wasn't it, dear?"

Kaynta says, "I don't think this is my night."

Lurching forward, Kaynta sprawls across the floor, completely unconscious.

Atrix grins at Kaynta.

You chuckle.

Inlagie nods at Tasivu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Urmira takes a sip of her rum.

Nefis adjusts his gold ring.

Tasivu says, "And it has been amazing trip, with Saemaus blessing each step with his presence."

Nefis says, "Well, congrats again."

Nefis gets a chocolate chili wedding tart in a bell-shaped shell from inside his hunter's rucksack.

Inlagie exclaims, "It did. We wanted to share our love with everyone!"

Imroth exclaims, "And a donkey!"

Nefis offers Inlagie a chocolate chili wedding tart in a bell-shaped shell.

Inlagie puts her liqueur in her black cloak.

Inlagie accepts Nefis's wedding tart.

Nefis offers Tasivu a chocolate chili wedding tart in a bell-shaped shell.

You hear a voice exclaim, "Nice of you to share!"

Inlagie exclaims, "Oh these tarts again! How fine and wonderful they are!"

Kaynta stirs, groaning softly and muttering something about drinking contests.

Tasivu accepts Nefis's wedding tart.

Kaynta sits up.

Berima takes a sip of her ale.

Tasivu says to Nefis, "Thank you. I feel like we'll be wandering for awhile yet."

You ponder.

Tasivu says, "Until we end up where the Spider is."

Tasivu gazes at Inlagie.

Inlagie snuggles up to Tasivu and cradles him in her arms.

Nefis nods.

Kaynta stands up.

Berima smiles at Atrix.

Kaynta rubs her hands together.

Tasivu asks, "It just...feels right. You know?"

Nefis says, "Well, have a good evening."

Imroth nods.

Inlagie exclaims, "I am very excited to see what things are being brought this coming of the spider!"

Nefis sweeps a hooded silverweave cowl lined with softened nightmare black leather off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.

Imroth says, "Cheers, wish you all the best."

You say, "Always some interesting stuff to see."

You nod.

Tasivu gazes at Inlagie.

Tasivu flirts with Inlagie. Inlagie smiles demurely, giving Tasivu her full attention.

Imroth stands up.

Elizzibiana picks up a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Kaynta appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Tasivu says to Inlagie, "There are some wonderful rooms upstairs..."

Inlagie exclaims, "We should be wandering off ourselves. Make our way around and see things in this area before we move on!"

Briaen smirks.

Tasivu nods to Inlagie.

Tasivu takes his rightful place beside Inlagie.

You shake your head, trying to clear it. Oddly enough, you don't feel quite so drunk any more.

Kaynta says, "I wonder if I will end up bonded."

Tasivu exclaims to Inlagie, "Lead on, dear!"

Kaynta wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Kaynta shakes her head as if clearing it.

Atrix says, "Safe pathes to you all, then."

Atrix takes a sip of his whiskey.

Kaynta waves.

Tasivu waves.

Inlagie exclaims to Kaynta, "That would be wonderful if you did!"

Urmira exclaims to Kaynta, "You never know! Maybe you will!"

Inlagie waves.

Berima waves to Atrix.

You exclaim, "Enjoy the rest of your time in the city!"

Atrix nods to Berima.

With raucous cheers and good-natured joking amongst each other, the dancers and musicians move on in search of the next party!

Kaynta nods in agreement.

Inlagie exclaims, "Thank you all once more! A lovely crowd and good fun!"

Kaynta says, "I think I have some good odds."

Inlagie exclaims, "Farewell wonderful people, until next time we meet!"

Inlagie waves.

Inlagie goes south, leading her group.

Kaynta waves.

Urmira exclaims, "Until we meet again! Bye everyone!"

Kaynta frowns.

Urmira holds her white bear up, making it wave its paw!

Berima waves to Urmira.

Kaynta curtsies to Urmira.

Urmira goes south.

Kaynta picks up a glass of drowning man's dream.

Kaynta gasps and chokes as her face takes on a bright reddish hue!

Berima picks up a glass of Starry Road sherry.

Berima sniffs at a glass of Starry Road sherry.

Kaynta blinks.

Berima says, "Oh, that is lovely."

Berima takes a sip of her sherry.

Kaynta smiles at Berima.

Kaynta says, "That lass took two of my kissed roses."

Kaynta appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Berima exclaims, "Did everyone snag a rose? Never know when you might need one!"

Berima chuckles at Kaynta.

You say to Kaynta, "You might be in for a surprise."

You chuckle.

Kaynta exclaims, "It is like opening a gift!"

Berima says, "Except with kisses and hugs."

Kaynta exclaims, "Never know if it will be a rotten apple or a ripe peach!"

Debacles picks up a prismatic Saemaus' kiss rose.

Debacles shrugs.

Berima says, "I have a few extra, though not as shiny as the donkey's."

Berima gets herself a Saemaus' kiss rose.

Berima rubs a Saemaus' kiss rose.

Kaynta says, "Kiss them and leave them in strange places."

Kaynta nods in agreement.

Berima smirks at Kaynta.

Berima says, "I am not sure I am quite as adventurous as you."

You say, "Well, suppose I should help Veiirthin clean up a bit."

You grin.

Kaynta asks Debacles, "You have a poem about a chicken?"

You pick up a flagon of Dwarven ale.

You take a sip of the ale. Warm and subtle. Faint overtones of oak and apple.

Debacles ponders.

The Elothean bartender says, "You're too kind."

Kaynta says to Berima, "Drink more wine."

Debacles says, "Not on the top of my head."

Kaynta sighs.

Berima nods at Kaynta, obviously agreeing with her views.

Kaynta asks, "Who knew a donkey at a party could be so much fun?"

You say, "That was certainly an... interesting experience."

Debacles says, "Had one about a sleezy slug but it got me arrested a while back."

Berima says, "I think I will head up to Theren and see if I cannot catch up with my beloved."

Berima says, "It was nice to party with you all."

Berima waves.

Debacles waves.

Kaynta says to Berima, "And you."

Kaynta waves.

Berima goes south.

Kaynta exclaims, "Well I guess I will go sleep off my drink see if I wake up married!"

Kaynta says, "Enjoy your tarts."

You say, "Have a nice evening."