Father Soraent visits the Visions Meeting 10/28/2016 07:03 PM CDT

Father Soraent of the Crossing Temple came down to Shard to share his knowledge with those gathered.
Here are some of the key points that he offered, with the full and lengthy record posted below.

While the Shrike is an avatar of the Goddess Dergati as well as being a natural creature, Butcherbirds are the given name for a Divine race of birds, larger than their cousin, that only manifest when She wills it. They do not breed, eat nor sleep. It is worth noting that in the vision that they appear, they may not be attacking, their purpose is unclear.

The Voices stated 'That which hides in Our Forms', it did not specify that it was an entity or entities

Hobglup is indeed dead and sent to the Red Spiral. The origin of the dolls that are invading yet seems to be a mystery.

The High Temple has confirmed the loss of contact with Captain Kurmin, all merchants last known to be within his Spider, and his entire crew.

Soraent had another vision on his way to the meeting, he was rent in two with a leg and several organs missing. He thinks it might have been a visitation of Trothfang.

Then felt a loss or absence. A lack. Much like the shadow on the visions before the communal. This seems to be a reoccurring theme.

He remarks that the vision of the twelve marbles on satin could be the gods, one missing, possibly Harawep?

The tile for Harawep in the Crossing Temple has always been missing. They tried several times to replace it with guards and it would always come up defaced again. Haraweps altar would not give favors until the tile was removed. Her ways are different with what she may want.

A clerk from the spider (before they lost contact) wrote that some of the metal started to feel like flesh, but when he came back with others it was gone.

The Temple of Crossing has a strange stone that is holy, but they don't know much else about it aside from it had a bolt of lighting carved over a web.

Miskton says to Soraent, "Good evening."

Whiteburn says to Soraent, "Ah, good even to you, Father."

Soraent asks, "Hello. This is where there is to be the meeting to discussion visions, correct?"

Miskton says, "That's correct. We'll be starting shortly."

Soraent says, "Oh good."

Soraent says, "And hello."

Whiteburn asks Soraent, "I trust you received my missive?"

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "I did, yes. Along with several others. I don't think I've gotten so many letters in years."

Miskton says to Soraent, "I intend to be discussing holy visions as well, under the circumstances. I took some notes at the ritual you recently performed, but if you wish to speak about that yourself, please just let me know."

Soraent asks Whiteburn, "Perhaps after the meeting we could speak on it?"

Soraent says, "Miskton I trust your public speaking far more than my own. I've heard you have held these for quite some time now."

Soraent says to Miskton, "You've quite the name in the community of those who interpret signs."

Navesi says, "Hello everyone."

Voyle says, "Oh. We're here."

Navesi says, "Father Soraent, a pleasant surprise."

Miskton says, "Holy visions aren't my area of expertise, though there are some similarities. And the immortals speaking directly to those of us that were gathered there was certainly more straightforward than much that I deal with."

Soraent says, "It seemed prudent to attend, all recent things taken into account."

Whiteburn says to Miskton, "The Gods are very rarely that direct."

Voyle says, "Sometimes, they speak such at even the deaf may hear them."

Voyle says, "Or so I'm told."

Whiteburn says, "That They were speaks magnitudes of the situation we find ourselves in."

Miskton says, "Since the moons aren't cooperating, I'm going to delay just a bit to give people some more travel time. Not too long, though, since there's much to discuss."

Navesi says to Miskton, "You are looking well today. Quite finely attired."

Miskton says to Navesi, "Thank you. I tend to dress up a bit for this. Suits the role, and all that. And I'm not tromping around outdoors, so a robe isn't too much of a hassle."

Miskton exclaims, "Okay, I think it's about time to get started. Thank you all for coming!"

Miskton says, "As I'm sure you're all aware, there have been many visions seen of late. Moon mages have been experiencing large numbers of them, but even those who aren't tapped into the web of fate have been receiving visions by way of the Immortals."

Miskton says, "With so many visions to discuss, I think I'm going to try to group some of them together, in the interests of time. Many of them seem relatively straightforward as far as such things go, coming shortly before attacks led by the servants of various gods."

Miskton says, "The exact nature of these attacks is in question, I believe, whether they are really what they seem, or part of a plot on Harawep's part. They can still be fairly well broken up into categories, however."

Miskton says, "I'll start with those that were related to Drogor."

Miskton exclaims, "A vivid blue burst of light blotted out my mundane senses, and I suddenly found myself floating above a sea dotted with tiny bits of brown and green. The scene dissolved as suddenly as it came on, though now it was a churning sanguine-tinged red that dominated my vision. I barely made out what appeared to be flailing limbs within the ever-changing whorls before I was jolted back into there here and now by a wet thud against my head!"

Miskton says, "An unusually warm raindrop landed at the back of my neck and slowly trickled down. A swirling pattern appeared in the air overhead, pale spots on iridescence. Undulating slowly, an eel coalesced into the air, silvery eyes focused intently on my face. A sense of paralysis held me as the eel draped itself over my shoulders, cool and slick around my neck. Tighter, tighter, then suddenly gone, leaving a lingering chill that slowly faded."

Miskton says, "A sense of urgency washed over me, and I caught sight of an ironwood drawbridge being hastily drawn closed. Shouts and the frantic waving of guards at something just out of sight faded as the drawbridge closed. Those cries were soon replaced by the sound of moving water and the intense scent of salt on the air."

Miskton says, "Glancing down, a network of shiny lines came into view. Trying to follow one lead me into a spiral of glistening pattern of black and dark blue that pulsated around me. Something clammy and moist dragged itself along my ankle just as my vision returned to the world."

Miskton says, "Gurgling, almost like a hungry belly, echoed around me. The air thickened with a cloying humidity as a dark shape floated toward me. Cold as blued steel, an eye stared at nothing just before jagged ivory teeth flashed into view. A thud at my very core took my breath away as the creature engulfed me, but as I blinked again, my world returned to normal."

Miskton says, "Warmth washed over me and I felt my attention slipping away to a cloudy day at the beach. Waves washed up on soft sand below the sky of grey, and sea birds called out. Suddenly, under the sand, something stirred. A fin appeared and headed right toward a small group of children building a sand castle. Their parents, on a nearby veranda, didn't notice. Until the screaming started. My eyes snapped open and the world returned."

Miskton says, "Searing white light momentarily blinded my visioN! When it began to clear into hues of sea foam, I glimpsed the ghost-image of a cog plowing through the sea, just off the shore of a large island, its multi-tiered city receding slowly into the distance. With the vision continuing to fade, I watched the ship dashed by a monstrous wave and scattered to flotsam before the approach of storm clouds descending upon the city. With another blink of my eyes, the vision had faded entirely."

Miskton says, "And..."

Miskton says, "An icy chill assaulted my body, running swiftly from head to toe as if water had been poured onto me, while my vision grew dim. Blurry shapes like driftwood floating amid emerald depths were all I could discern for a few moments after the initial shock. Slowly, I managed to make out the shapes more clearly, and came to recognize the grizzly remains of many unfortunate victims adrift in the sea amid shattered flotsam. My vision focused with clarity enough to glimpse a large island in the distance, as storm clouds quickly gathered above the large, tiered city perched upon its southern shore. With a jolt I found myself snapped back to there here and now, left with only the memory of what I had seen."

Miskton says, "The majority of these, I believe, were noticed shortly before attacks on cities by Dorgor's creatures."

Navesi says, "At least two, yes."

Navesi says, "I have a point to make about the latter two, if I may."

Navesi says, "Ratha recently saw a visit from Council Herald Strembin Redthorne. He mentioned that many ships have been disappearing without random offered for their crew."

Navesi says, "He also mentioned word of pirates, and the council is currently considering that the pirates are doing such attacking and perhaps selling the crew into slavery."

Navesi says, "However, these visions suggest that it may not be pirates alone."

Navesi says, "The cog was dashed by a 'monstrous wave' as you said."

Navesi says, "Thus it might be that Drogor is making His will felt in the oceans as well as on land."

Soraent says, "It is ever thus."

You say, "Another wave of visions, just now. I wonder if I should track their frequency."

Navesi asks, "Mother Whiteburn, I believe you had a thought about whether it is Drogor truly acting, or Harawep?"

Zhirrisk says, "I believe Drogor attacked Ratha to prove His true might. To show us what it's like when He is in full control of His children..."

Whiteburn gravely says, "The fates of those who dare to sail upon Drogor's domain are ever at His mercy. Many are found wanting."

Whiteburn says to Navesi, "I believe Zhirrisk speaks truly."

Hnot asks, "Wanting what?"

Soraent says to Hnot, "Life."

Navesi asks Whiteburn, "Perhaps you could detail what happened that day the sharks attacked Zoluren, and then Ratha?"

Whiteburn says, "Drogor's Children attacked the Crossing. Several of us gathered in the Temple, at Eluned's Eyes. We offered up prayers to Drogor, and His presence was felt."

Navesi says, "Felt, and heard. He spoke to us."

Whiteburn asks, "The scent of the sea, the sound of the ocean, the tang of saltwater in the air. And then He spoke to us and said that we were safe... but for how long?"

Whiteburn says, "It was not long after that, that the temperature rose suddenly and a sharp, spicy scent much like incense rose around us. We were all rendered unconscious."

Whiteburn says to Miskton, "When we awoke, Zhirrisk was visited by one of those visions you spoke of."

Voyle says, "That much is without dispute."

Navesi asks Zhirrisk, "The cog one, I believe?"

Zhirrisk says, "Then the other, shortly after. Very shortly."

Zhirrisk says, "I didn't feel it was necessary to share that, as Dianelle was already experiencing the storm, over on Ratha."

Navesi says, "And at that point the creatures attacked again, this time on Ratha."

Miskton says, "Of course, Drogor is not the only Immortal whose creatures have been attacking of late..."

Zhirrisk says, "I'd like to hear more of what I was not privy to."

Miskton says, "I have another set of visions seen shortly before attacks that were attributed to Asketi. I can't conclusively place the the second and third, but I'm told the timing lines up."

Miskton says, "A violent crushing blow slammed into me, blotting out my mundane senses as I found myself in the grip of a vision! I reeled from the impact and began to steady myself when a sudden overwhelming chill permeated my body. Frozen in place, I became dully aware of writhing forms all around me, flashes of black and brown highlighting the movement. A sharp pain snapped me back into reality before I could discern much more, but I was left with a lingering unease that went beyond mere physical sensation."

Miskton says, "The world suddenly faded to shadow around me. A tiny mote of sickly green light emerged from the darkness, hovering eerily in a self-repeating, circular pattern. My perspective rapidly expanded, as if I were being shot into the air, and the image of a four-pointed crystal star surrounded by a ring of water was visible below me, circumscribed by the ominous green nova. The light exploded into four snaking lines that streaked toward each tip of the star. A piercing wail echoed in my mind as my vision returned to the here and now."

Miskton says, "Unbearable itching at my eyes left me with no remedy but to close them tightly and rub. Opening them at the first sign of relief, I realized that my vision had fractured. Fragments of the things I recognized a moment ago swirled and swooped as I turned my head, inducing nausea and disorientation. After a few blinks, I saw normally again, but I was left with a lingering headache."

Miskton says, "For the second vision, I was unable to make it back to Shard and see what manner of creatures were assaulting the city, but I've heard reports they were Asketian in nature."

Miskton says, "The third... I've heard reports that it happened around the time of an invasion, but I'm not certain. It's a bit abstract."

Zhirrisk says to Miskton, "I did feel that, the same day, before the sharks attacked Crossing..."

Navesi says to Miskton, "I can confirm on the second vision."

Navesi says, "I don't know about the third."

Zhirrisk says, "It was not immediately before, but perhaps an anlas or two prior."

Miskton says, "That third vision... with information received later, it's possible that the fractured vision could have something to do with the 'stone' that the Immortals mentioned. But we'll get to that later."

Miskton says, "Creatures serving Dergati have also been attacking cities, and similarly there were visions warning of impending danger..."

Miskton says, "My vision blurred for a moment and the light of Xibar was diminished by countless fluttering wings. A gust of wind dispersed them and left my skin feeling frostbitten. A voice as bitter as the cold whispered, "Soon, Khal Gwaerd."

Miskton says, "Creeping along my spine despite the warmth of summer, a chill pulled my attention to another vision. A massive stone gate led into a city. On platforms above, Gor'Togs and Dwarves moved to defend it. Just as a shadowy mass approached, I was snapped back to the real world."

Miskton says, "Between one breath and the next, my vision turned inward. A sunrise sky, filled with opalescent hues, framed a single tree. Drawing nearer, I noticed that the deep green leaves carried veins of red and orange. A shrike perched on a branch sang, but fell silent as I observed. Suddenly a cloud of butcherbirds descended. Just before they reached the shrike, the everyday world reformed around me."

Miskton says, "Matte eyes, dark as night itself, flashed before mine. The dark face surrounding the eyes was nearly devoid of features, though it was sticking its very red tongue out at me. Then, the tongue dropped to the ground with a soft splat. The eyes moved closer, focused on my mouth before a breeze blew them away."

Navesi says, "For the record, butcherbird is another word for shrike."

Miskton says, "I know the first two were related to attacks of umbral moths on Hibarnhvidar."

Soraent says to Navesi, "Not in the context of Dergati's Children."

Whiteburn says to Navesi, "If I may... they are not entirely the same."

Miskton says, "And the fourth also seems to indicate an umbral moth."

Navesi asks Soraent, "Oh? I stand corrected. Can you clarify what a butcherbird is in this instance?"

Navesi says, "It was my understanding that the shrike was also known as the butcherbird due to its tendency to skewer its prey upon sharp thorns."

Soraent says, "Shrikes are the more correct name for the natural bird, as well as Her avatar."

Soraent says, "Though they have been at times called butcherbirds due to their feeding habits."

Soraent says, "However, with Her Children the Akul'tiz, a race of Divine birds was also met."

Soraent says, "And they have been termed butcherbirds to make distinction between the two."

Soraent says, "They are not natural creatures, but part of Her Divine Children."

Navesi says, "Ah, I understand."

Soraent says, "They do not breed and whatnot, are only seen when She makes them manifest."

Miskton says, "Larger than your standard shrike. They also tend to go for the eyes."

Navesi asks, "So in the vision then, the creatures created by Dergati attacked the figure that represents Her?"

Soraent says to Navesi, "That would be the direct interpretation."

Miskton says, "They descended toward the shrike, but it doesn't necessarily mean they were on the attack. They could be massing under its command, for instance."

Navesi says, "A very important distinction."

Whiteburn says, "It coincides with the notion that there are Others hiding in Divine Forms."

Navesi says, "Mm, true."

Voyle says, "Or they are acting outside the will of the Divine that created or controls them."

Hssanh crisply asks, " 'others' ?"

Whiteburn says to Hssanh, "The Voice of the Divine warned us of such a thing."

Soraent says, "To be more correct, the Voices stated 'That which hides in Our Forms', it did not specify that it was an entity or entities."

Whiteburn sheepishly says, "Ah, my apologies."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "Worry not, child. It is part of the difficulties of interpreting even that which seems very straightforward."

Voyle asks Soraent, "That, to me, implies a non-divine is behind this. The Gods would not commonly refer to one of their own in that way, would they?"

Soraent says, "Honestly, I find the more concrete the sign seems, the more like we are to misinterpret it."

Voyle asks, "Did anyone else hear that?"

Whiteburn wryly says, "That which seems the most simple to understand is seldom so. The lesson continues."

Miskton says, "Haven't heard anything but us talking and the birds."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "Very much so."

Voyle says, "Likely the birds, then."

Zhirrisk says to Voyle, "I doubt it was birds."

Miskton says, "Aside from these visions of the servants of the gods, there have also been visions seen before invasions of those killer dolls."

Miskton says, "A child's giggle caught my attention, and I found my attention drawn away to another vision. A pair of Olvi children in ragged clothes played with dolls made of sticks. They turned as one at a scraping sound, and shrieked with delight as a doll dragged itself into view. Rust-colored streaks along wits face and hands, combined with the madness in its eyes, left no doubt as to its identity, but the children saw only a doll, and rushed toward it. Just as they stretched their hands to grasp it, a flash of light distracted me and I was surrounded by the real world again."

Miskton says, "My vision momentarily dimmed, and I could swear I heard a faint "Tick. Tick. Tick." in the periphery of my hearing. Just as my vision began to clear, I saw the ominous image of a shadowed street with small, malevolent figures scampering in and out of what little light there was. Abruptly, my sight and hearing returned to normal."

Miskton says, ""Bones, bones, bones!" The words dissolved into giggling and the sound of running feet. So very many running feet! A sickly meow turned into a yowl that faded into the distance. It took a moment to realize that I hadn't moved. But, that maybe I should..."

Miskton says, "Those are the visions I have noted for those... things."

Soraent says, "I dislike those dolls very much."

Voyle asks Soraent, "Are there any known Divine associations for those creatures?"

Aislynn quietly says, "Evil, wicked, nasty..."

Soraent says, "Preying upon the children's joy I find distasteful."

You ask, "I am not sure that an Immortal would choose to use things created once by a necromancer... but... is it possible that Huldah is using the dolls?"

Miskton says, "I helped defend the tower here against them, recently. They were swarming all about it for some time."

Hssanh crisply asks, "..anything hidden, here?"

Soraent says to Voyle, "Their first appearance was Necromantic in nature, however the current ones..."

Whiteburn says, "It is possible that they are not the same dolls as those created by Hobglup, but simulacrum in their image to shock and terrify us."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "I do think this is the case."

Soraent says, "Hobglup is long to the Spiral."

Soraent says, "And the Temple put end to what tools and notes he'd left behind."

Whiteburn says, "Good riddance."

Aislynn quietly asks, "Any time I see evil dolls, I think of Iszanua. Wasn't there some odd dragon priest activity recently, too?"

Powerhaus asks, "Just dolls, or any amalgamations made from the bones they hack off?"

Voyle says, "Even if they are a simulacrum, the appearance of such a creature does not strike me as coincidental."

Navesi says to Aislynn, "I haven't heard of Dragon Priest activity -- outside of their norm that is."

Soraent says to Aislynn, "That deranged creature has nothing to do with the Dragon Priests any longer, and not for a very long time."

Aislynn quietly says, "Might've been a stray mistaken rumor."

Soraent says to Powerhaus, "None of the bone creatures have been seen."

Powerhaus says to Aislynn, "You're no fun."

Miskton says, "There are also a pair of visions that have been seen that seem to relate more directly to Harawep."

Miskton says, "A shift in my mind's eye allowed me the vantage point of a bird, soaring near a vast temple complex. As I floated past a window, a scene inside captured my attention. A priestess in simple robes of fine dark silk wandered along a hallway with her attention fixed upon a scroll in her hands. She did not notice the heavy strand of spider silk that rose before her foot to send her sprawling. As the scene faded, a dry chuckled echoed through my mind."

Miskton says, "Darkening slightly, my vision was drawn to an image of several constellations. The Adder and the Weasel slowly circled each other as the Spider at the center spun a web. When the Spider was done, all the other stars were enrobed in webbing and their lights began to dim. The Spider flashed reddish fangs as the scene faded from my sight."

Soraent says, "If I might, The High Priestess wishes it known that that first vision was not a literal happening, at least not to her."

Soraent says, "To set record straight."

You say, "There's been no change to the Spider than I've been able to see, nor any changes to the Wolf, either."

Navesi says, "It suggests a more metaphorical trap is laid for the clergy."

Soraent says, "She has found it terribly vexing that people seem to be implying that she is falling about."

Miskton says, "The second one seems to lend credence to the theory that Harawep is manipulating other Immortals somehow."

Soraent says, "Whether in fact or metaphor."

Munchausen asks, "All the stars, all the immortals?"

Voyle says, "The second vision seems awfully on-the-nose."

Hssanh crisply asks, "Knowing, knowledge, change can be affected? Fate, sworn in?"

You say, "I've a strong feeling it has something to do with the stone."

Voyle says, "Almost as if one would be led to immediately conclude that the foremost answer was the correct one. A red herring, if you will."

Soraent asks, "If I may?"

Zhirrisk asks you, "A quick question on the Wolf... Whiteburn was unable to see the... discolouration. Is that something only lunar wizards can see?"

Soraent says to Miskton, "Thank you."

Soraent says, "Please, do bear with me. I am not much of a speaker."

You say to Zhirrisk, "Perhaps not, but it does take us a little bit of training before even we (moonmages) can pick it out."

Soraent says, "Taken as a whole, these visions lend me to believe something in particular."

Soraent says, "And while I am not myself skilled in anything related to Fate or Probability, I have studied with some of the Moon Mages in my day."

Soraent says, "They have helped me greatly in training understanding of interpretations."

Soraent asks, "So then, has thought been given to them as a whole in historical sense?"

Soraent says, "Or these invasions, for that matter."

Navesi asks, "I'm sorry, thought been given to what in a historical sense?"

Soraent asks, "There are connections I see between them all, and the Massive Metal Arachnid, are there not?"

Miskton asks, "The manner in which these are similar to events which have happened in the past, though not all at once?"

Soraent says, "Over all of the years that it has come for its festival."

Navesi says, "Yes, there are."

Navesi says, "Except for the Huldah creatures."

Soraent says, "The stars, the dolls, Drogorian creatures, Asketian, Dergatian."

Navesi says, "Though notably I didn't hear any visions pertaining to those."

Soraent says to Navesi, "Forget not the Shadow Plane."

You say, "Hulduh used the shadow creatures..."

Miskton says, "That Shadow Plane... was a very strange place."

Navesi says, "Apparently I completely missed some set of events regarding shadow people."

Miskton says, "I still have an object I retrieved from there around somewhere."

Soraent says, "And Huldah is of the sort to come in many forms."

Navesi asks, "I ask forgiveness. Did that happen in conjunction with a Hollow Eve festival?"

Soraent says to Navesi, "It did."

Soraent says, "Further, the signs that many Moon Mages reported of feeling that something was meddling with Fate."

Miskton says, "I should note, there are still some visions I haven't spoken of yet. One features the metal spider directly, and two others might be related."

You say to Soraent, "I've thought of such a connection, but, the stars are still in the sky. Now-days people are far more interested in the commercial aspect of the festival rather than why it was founded, as another sort of Heaven's Truce like we celebrate in Shard."

Soraent says, "Or someone."

Whiteburn says, "When trickery abounds and chaos is woven amongst mortals, it is always wise to not discount Lord Huldah's influence."

Powerhaus asks you, "Yeah we put the stars back in the sky, after the spider murdered a festival ground... which was a good thing I guess?"

Soraent says to Miskton, "Please do continue. I simply wished to mention."

Miskton says, "A hallway filled with package-laden shoppers filled my field of vision, cheerful faces and happy voices abounded. Drawing back, the scene shifted. A Gnome stood in a field, gently stroking the leg of an oversized arachnid. As the scene faded, I heard his voice crooning a lullabye."

Miskton says, "I must confess, I can't be sure it was THE spider. The vision was unclear on that point."

Miskton says, "It... may or may not have been alive."

Soraent says to Miskton, "When you are finished, I have something to add related to this."

Miskton says, "Of the two visions that I think might be related to the spider, the first..."

Miskton says, "Right before my eyes, a vision formed. A wide field on a mountainside, green against the grey, held crowds awaiting something. As I observed, something brushed against the side of my head. Step, step, step, it crept to my forehead, then took one more step into the center of my pupil. At my involuntary blink, the vision snapped shut, but my eye continued to burn for a while."

Miskton says, "The field and the crowd is what lead me to believe that might be related. And... there could have been a spider there."

Miskton says, "I'm not sure exactly what it was."

Munchausen says, "Sounds like the fields outside of Hib."

Miskton says, "The other vision is more of a guess. But knowing that the gnomes behind the metal spider have been messing with things they shouldn't have..."

Miskton says, "Heat embraced me from nowhere, leaving a prickling sensation along every nerve. A rough voice whispered, "Of course, I should have known. But how could I know?" A soft sob interrupts the voice, but the whisper returns again and again. After a dozen or more repetitions, the voice suddenly stopped, then shouted, "Silence!" as a blast of chilled air surround me before everything faded into my mind."

You say, "There is one other vision that I had just earlier today that seems... like it fits into that puzzle."

You say, "At the sound of a distant sob, a vision formed before my eyes. Huddled by the leg of an enormous dead spider, a dark-haired Gnome gazes up at a cloaked figure. His expression reveals abject despair as tears stain his face and the front of his vest. Though nothing about the wearer of the cloak was clear, the stance that of someone caught up in a gale of laughter."

Miskton asks Soraent, "I have several more visions to discuss, but I'm less sure of where they might fit into any overall picture. Would you care to continue with what you had to speak on before?"

Soraent says, "I simply wished to say that the High Temple has now confirmed the loss of contact with Captain Kurmin, all merchants last known to be within his Spider, and his entire crew."

Soraent says, "They can not be located by any means, and the great machine itself has had no sign of it seen in several days now."

Miskton says, "Hard to hide something like that..."

Soraent says, "I have been searching for them."

You say, "How do we loose something that big..."

Soraent says, "Ever since the night of the shared visions, really."

Munchausen asks, "How do you lose merchant ships?"

Hssanh crisply says, "He has, allegiance to temple? changed, could."

Soraent says, "I wished to get visual confirmation of potential changes in the machine, to see if that is what the Voices had meant for certain."

Miskton says, "Well, it's not confirmation, but this is certainly ominous."

Soraent says, "There are signs pointing to it, many, in fact, including some of the last communications from some of the merchants and crew."

Soraent says, "They mentioned improvements to the great machine, but not knowing of any crew members involved in the work."

Whiteburn thoughtfully asks, "We assumed that 'the machines begin to breathe' referred to the mechanical spider. Is it possible we were mistaken in that as well?"

Miskton says, "Unfortunately, even warnings of what may happen don't always provide a way to prevent it. But at least knowing what is to come allows some possibility of preparing for it."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "It is always possible that a misinterpretation occurred. That is why I wanted visual contact."

Munchausen says, "The best way to hide something, is to not have it."

Soraent says, "It often helps to augment the Sight, as well."

Soraent says to Munchausen, "I daresay that is indeed my concern."

Munchausen says, "Or rather...have it not exist."

Soraent says, "I... upon my trip."

Soraent says, "I had another of the more powerful visitation upon my person of the Divine."

Soraent says, "It is very difficult to put into words, so please do forgive me for that."

Soraent says, "But I was rent in two, so it does things to one's memory."

Miskton says, "Y-yes, that can certainly cause problems."

Soraent says, "I rather feel it was Trothfang this time. I was missing several organs, and my right leg."

Soraent says, "The important piece is that I was left with the profound feeling of lack."

Soraent says, "Not loss, exactly, but absence."

Soraent says, "Not merely a removal of my life or body parts, mind you."

Soraent says, "But that something vast and important simply ceased to be in this..."

Soraent says, "I hate to say it, but I feel perhaps the Plane of Abiding itself."

Navesi says to Miskton, "This reminds me of the marble vision."

Navesi says, "One marble swallowed up entirely..."

You say, "I have found it odd that through all of this, we see nothing different of fate when we scry the heavens."

Soraent says to you, "More than odd. I feel it is very integral to understanding what is truly occurring."

Soraent says, "Again, a lack."

Soraent says, "Much like the shadow I've felt upon my Sight before the communal ritual I held."

You ask Soraent, "Have you heard the visions of the marbles?"

Soraent says, "A removal."

Soraent says, "I had not."

Miskton says, "Solid shadows rolled before my eyes, becoming twelve glass marbles laid out on a swath of dark blue satin. From the edges of the fabric a purple smolder encroached inward ever so slowly. With callous patience, I watched it reach one of the marbles and cause it to fall into a black, burnt hole, on ly then feeling a twist of grief in my heart."

Voyle says, "Perhaps whomever, or whatever, is behind this has severed itself from the web of fate. I'm not familiar with your mystic jargon, but that would explain why these visions only seem to deal otherwise disconnected themes surrounding the spider."

Soraent says, "Twelve."

Voyle says, "Or was never of this plane to begin with..."

You say, "The common interpretation is that the marbles represent the planets in the sky... but I've also heard that they could represent the Immortals, perhaps minus Urrem'tier since he is more of the Void than the others."

Munchausen asks, "Whose the satin?"

Soraent says to you, "Or minus Harawep."

Navesi asks, "Or Twelve that we can see and One we cannot?"

Soraent says, "A letter was sent to me by a fellow Cleric, Anlise."

Soraent says, "She expressed concern regarding the statue of Tamsine in the High Temple."

Aislynn quietly says, "It's missing a face. Or.. well. It might be missing a face."

Soraent says, "Noting that the panel to depict Harawep was missing."

Soraent says, "I should mention this, it has ever been so."

Soraent says, "When the High Temple was created, or well, re-created, but created in this form."

Soraent says, "The statue was complete."

Soraent says, "But the facet to represent Harawep continuously was defaced."

Whiteburn exclaims to Soraent, "What!"

Soraent says, "None could ever figure out why or how."

Soraent says, "We posted guards."

Navesi quietly says, "Oh dear."

Soraent says, "I was even amongst them at one point."

Soraent says, "But no culprit was ever caught, none seen, not even a trace."

Soraent says, "It wasn't until we fully removed that section that the problems ceased."

Hnot asks, "Not some well skilled mage or thief?"

Soraent says, "It also was not until then that Harawep's altar would give favor."

You quietly say to yourself, "Why wouldn't she want to be worshipped with the others..."

Soraent says to you, "I think it is incorrect to think She does not."

Soraent says, "But Her ways are simply different."

You say, "Spiders do like to hide..."

You say, "How odd."

Soraent says, "It was us who were in folly, though we felt he were trying to show due respect."

Soraent says, "We were simply wrong in thinking we knew what She would want."

Soraent says, "And She had been showing us the entire time."

Whiteburn says to herself, "We are ever the fools when attempting to untangle the web of the Trickster Goddess... They are too kind to grant mercy on our presumptuousness."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "So very true."

Miskton says, "Let's see... There are still a few visions to discuss, and these are ones that seem less clear as to what they might be related to."

Miskton says, "This one might be related to Drogor, as it's similar to some that have been seen before of his creatures, but it doesn't seem to show any explicit signs."

Miskton says, "Hunger striking my belly like a hammer forced me to hunch forward. As I tried to stand, a noticeable shift in my surroundings was evident. People ran screaming at my approach, and mingled with my confusion was the distinct desire to rip them apart and tear their very souls out. As I got a victim in my grasp, I found myself back in the normal world, with a lingering ache in my abdomen."

Navesi says, "Tearing out of souls might also refer to the banshee."

Voyle says, "Or something not of the Gods at all..."

Miskton says, "Another vision that seems to relate to a strange creature of some sort..."

Miskton says, "Warmth and wetness engulfed me, bringing a sensation of suffocation. The world was unchanged except for a translucent membrane that resisted my frantic clawing. Dimly, from overhead, the sound of hoots and shrieks rose in volume. The sound I'd like to make only resulted in an air bubbled, slithering up the inside of the skin I was in. My senses faded until only a single point of light remained in my field of vision. As that blinked shut, my normal surroundings returned."

Aislynn quietly says, "That sounds something like that damned Chrysalis, vaguely."

Soraent says to Aislynn, "Holy Chrysalis."

Navesi says, "Or a victim of some engulfing creature."

Aislynn quietly says, "Very sorry. Not at all damned. Just.. yech."

Miskton says, "And then lastly..."

Miskton says, "Exasperated hissing enveloped me, close enough to feel the exhalation against my face. As the sound ended, a pair of mismatched eyes wavered into sight, staring from a skeletal S'Kra Mur woman's face. Her expression reflected a mingling of disappointment with a hunger so intense it left me feeling hollow. Reaching toward my throat with a skeletal, clawed hand, she faded just before making contact."

Whiteburn says to Aislynn, "Take care of how you speak of the All-Seeing One's miracles."

You ask Navesi, "With a translucent belly?"

Navesi says, "The sharks were constructs of water."

Voyle asks Soraent, "Has the Temple put any thought toward the possible involvement of an extraplanar creature or an agent thereof?"

Navesi says, "Other creatures may have such. I'm not certain really."

Soraent says to Voyle, "That we have, but as of yet no portents point to such, nor signs found to indicate the damage to our Plane."

Voyle says, "Hmm."

Miskton says, "The skeletal S'Kra Mur doesn't seem to fit in with many of the other visions, but again that sense of hunger."

You say to Miskton, "And the hollowness, again."

Whiteburn weakly says to herself, "Hunger..."

Aislynn quietly says, "Mismatched eyes, hmmm? I'm still going back to the Dollmaker. The female one, not the wretched little man in the chair."

You ask Soraent, "Do you think the Gods are able to reach into the other planes? Elemental, astral or even Shadow, where Fate abides in wholeness?"

Soraent says, "Of course they are."

Powerhaus says to Aislynn, "But Iszy's not a s'kra."

Voyle asks, "By portents, do you mean that the Temple does not interpret these visions to imply that presence, or there have been no direct extraplanar encounters?"

Munchausen says, "As far as tinkering and craft of the non spiritual sort, there are machines in existence that can...breach the fabric of the abiding."

Voyle asks, "But not Outside, correct?"

Aislynn quietly says to Powerhaus, "Neither was Xerasyth, until he was, and then he wasn't."

You say, "The connection of a spider's web to what we have named 'The Web of Fate' seems too convenient, but it certainly seems plausible at this point, that it is she we are able to feel on the threads."

Miskton says, "That is it for visions from the web of fate that I have notes on. I have had some experience of the Divine visions that have been occuring of late, though. I experienced one for myself recently, as I was coming to defend Shard against an attack from those dolls."

Miskton says, "Unfortunate timing on that one, as it caused me to collapse while dolls clambered all over me..."

Soraent says to Voyle, "There are not physical manifestations that would point to such things. While the Temple does rely a great deal on signs, as well as visions, we do not ever stop there."

Miskton says, "Swirling rainbow hues overwhelmed my vision! As they began to dissolve, I was assaulted with various images of half-seen monsters attacking innocents! Just as I began to make out the details of the attackers, my vision shifted abruptly. The distorted visage of a male Gnome filled my field of view, shifting and bulging as if reflected in a funhouse mirror. With a burst of bright light, my hallucination faded, leaving a feeling of Holy purpose in its wake."

Miskton says, "Wracked with pain, I doubled over and began to vomit, only nothing seemed to be coming forth. The violent contractions continued until a small mole-like creature was expelled from my open mouth! The creature scurried off into the distance with surprising alacrity."

Soraent says to Miskton, "The Lady of the Shrew came to you."

Voyle says, "It gives me pause. Perhaps it is more subtle, insidious infection than we have seen before."

Miskton says, "And related to such visions, I have some notes from the ritual Father Soraent performed recently for insight into what the gods have been trying to tell us."

Miskton says, "After the ritual was performed..."

Miskton says, "With a start, I became aware that my surroundings had shifted, my senses co-opted by something beyond my ordinary ken! A feeling of Divine presence suffused the area, driving me forward to discern that which was being presented."

Miskton says, "Many beings, converging and separating themselves again and again with haunting rhythm, stood before me, nearly imperceptible by vision yet still concrete in my perception."

Miskton says, "As they shone in their brilliantly shifting dark-light-grey representations, nearly overwhelming me by their presence, I began to hear a voice -- many, yet one. The voice reverberated within me, saying, "Your faith weakens deceptions, righting the strands of the web its Mistress has altered. See this for what it truly is. Seek out That which hides in Our Forms."

Miskton says, "The voices faded, and the shifting beings with them. I was left returned to my mortal senses, though a feeling of having been touched by the Divine lingered still."

Miskton says, "Then a short while later, voices began to speak from some of those in attendance."

Miskton says, "A burbling voice echoed from Whiteburn's body, yet her mouth did not move! The voice said, "The years connect " before trailing away as abruptly as it came."

Miskton says, "A dark, yet comforting voice came from Dianelle's direction, though her mouth did not move. The voice said, "The machines begin to breathe" before trailing away."

Miskton says, "With a snarl like some forest beast, a voice came from Kline's body, though his mouth did not move. The voice said, "and the Widomaker claims that which was always Hers." before trailing away."

Miskton says, "A joyous voice exuded from Gabellia, though her mouth did not move. The voice said, "The stone brings all into focus through its many distortions " before trailing away."

Miskton says, "An aged voice, crackling like lightning roared from Anlise, though her mouth did not move. The voice bellowed, "I am come!" The echoes of the sound reverberated loudly in my mind, disorienting me."

Miskton says, "I've heard that someone found something that it's thought might be related to the stone in question."

Whiteburn says, "Four, as far as I am aware."

Whiteburn says, "Kerenelle, Anlise, Teel, and Annais have been granted pieces of stura atulave."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "There are others."

Whiteburn says, "I did not mean to insinuate those were the only ones."

Whiteburn says, "Simply the only ones I was aware of."

Kelneth says, "I don't suppose there's any connection to their guild affiliations? I mean that short list is 2 empaths, 1 cleric and 1 I don't know."

Voyle says to Kelneth, "I have tried multiple times to recreate the situations in which some of them found the stone, but to no avail."

Whiteburn says, "I believe the connecting thread is that they all have, or had at some point, achieved favor from Tamsine or Harawep."

Soraent says, "Or Albreda."

Whiteburn says, "Of course."

Kelneth says, "Ah just a thought. Someone has to throw out silly thoughts, just to clear them up."

Soraent says, "Of those of the High Temple who received pieces of the strange stone, several attempted to offer them up to Harawep, or Tamsine, or Albreda."

Soraent says, "Some were succesful in such, at least initially."

Soraent says, "Yet all who were had the stone returned to them once more, along with a voice, light as the wings of a dove, telling them that they must retain the stone."

Soraent says, "That it had some other purpose beyond simple offering."

Kelneth asks, "Nothing strange happens when these stones are in proximity to others?"

Soraent says, "Not that we have noticed within the Temple, but I rule it out not at all, yet."

Navesi says, "I found it very odd that in the group vision, it seemed as though all the Immortals spoke to us, followed by the joyous voice speaking of the stone. Yet it is Harawep and Tamsine who appear to be granting this stone."

Soraent says to Navesi, "And Albreda."

Powerhaus says to Navesi, "Sounded like each voice was a different aspect."

Navesi says, "I hadn't heard of Albreda yet."

Powerhaus says, "Drogor."

Powerhaus says, "Crackling lightning would be Harawep."

Powerhaus says, "Immortal... not aspect."

Aislynn quietly asks, "Lightning isn't much Harawep's style, neh?"

Navesi says, "Oh it is quite Her style."

Soraent says, "It very much is."

Aislynn quietly says, "Seems far too.. bright."

Navesi says, "She is said to wield lightning and move with unnatural quickness."

Aislynn quietly says, "And obvious."

Miskton says, "She can be direct when she wants to."

Whiteburn says to Navesi, "It is evidently Albreda guiding mortals to hold onto the stone."

Aislynn quietly says, "Well. That's why I'm not a cleric."

Miskton says, "Her swords are not just for show."

Miskton says, "Well... Thank you all for coming, and sticking it out. We managed to get through everything I had to discuss."

Soraent says to Miskton, "Thank you for allowing me to speak as well."

You say to Miskton, "Thank you for having this gathering, there was certainly a lot to go over."

Munchausen asks, "Forgive my ignorance, was the spider created for some holy ritual?"

Navesi says to Soraent, "If I may, I had one more question for you."

Soraent asks Navesi, "Yes, child?"

Navesi asks Soraent, "In your official notice, you wrote that you believe signs point to the mechanical spider being 'alive'. How did you come to this conclusion?"

Soraent says, "The voices, and some of the more odd communications that came from two clerks before contact with the Spider was lost."

Powerhaus asks Soraent, "What about the baby spider?"

Soraent says, "They'd written to their family members when they'd sent home their pay. The two were confirmed to not have known each other at all."

Soraent says, "Both quite new clerks in shops from very different parts of the lands, and housed in very different parts of the Spider."

Voyle asks Soraent, "You note that the Temple's official stance is that Kurmin is under the 'influence' of Harawep. What does that mean, precisely?"

Soraent says to Powerhaus, "I do not know anything more on it, but the letters did not mention it."

Navesi asks Soraent, "What did the letters say?"

Soraent says, "Only it is presumed lost as well."

Soraent says to Navesi, "One mentioned that a section of the refurbished machine was begining to feel more like flesh than metal."

Soraent says, "But that they were assurred they were just overworked, and they were unable to find that section again when they went back to show others."

Soraent says, "The other mentioned a strange, bluish fluid."

Soraent says, "And that it smelled, well, like bile. The man was an Empath."

Soraent says, "He stated that it was coming from one of the pipes near the shop he had been stationed in."

Soraent says to Voyle, "It means precisely that. We believe that he is acting under Her influence in some manner."

Soraent says, "The extent is not confirmed."

Soraent asks Whiteburn, "I do not wish you keep you too long, child. Did you wish to have that discussion?"

Aislynn quietly asks, "Could it be the other way around? I mean.. Not that he was influencing Her, but that he sought out Her help?"

Whiteburn says, "It does not have to be now."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "I do not know when next I will be free. My duties are extensive."

Voyle says to Aislynn, "I'd be careful asking questions like that. Their hair starts sticking up if you mention mortal influence."

Whiteburn says, "I had wished to ask if there was anything similar to the stura atulave in the Temple's collection of holy relics."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "We'd only one piece until very recently."

Soraent says, "A stone that had no name we knew of, carved with a bolt of lightning over a web."

Aislynn quietly says to Voyle, "'I would imagine it's entirely possible for a mortal to offer something sufficient in sacrifice to attract the nearly undivided attention of an Immortal. Or at least to secure Her assistance in making your shopping destination the most popular and profitable event for decades."

Munchausen says, "Huldah and harawep."

Soraent says, "We could feel Holy touch upon it, but nothing more."

Whiteburn asks Soraent, "How did you come about it?"

Soraent says, "I truly do not know. It is very old."

Voyle says to Aislynn, "Which is what I've been saying the entire time. I think Kurmin bit off more than he could chew."

Soraent says, "The records do not indicate the original source."

Aislynn quietly says to Voyle, "I think the deal has come to its logical conclusion."

Voyle says to Aislynn, "It's just that the spider has seen the influence of multiple dark aspects. And necromancers. And insane, kidnap-crazy surgeons."

Aislynn quietly asks Voyle, "How many souls do you think the spider tends to attract during the peak of shopping..?"
Voyle says to Aislynn, "All while Kurmin twiddled his thumbs."

Soraent says, "I'd honestly not even though of it until you wrote me."

Aislynn quietly says to Voyle, "Clarification... Kidnap-crazy plane-hopping surgeons."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "I'd not worked in the archives in decades."

Voyle says to Aislynn, "Not just in quanitity, though. Big time, powerful folk. People who routinely destroy powerful creatures, save worlds, and command vast stores of power."

Soraent says, "And the stone never showed any real effects, beyond feeling sacred and looking odd."

Voyle says to Aislynn, "And he's played dumb all these years while all this was going on under his nose. Now whatever he made a deal with has come back to collect."

Munchausen says, "It may be a beacon."

Whiteburn says, "Perhaps it was not yet time for us to understand its purpose."

Voyle says to Aislynn, "And given what I've heard tonight, his partner is crime might have big, big plans. Like usurping the seat of Gods. Or the Gods that aren't it."

Munchausen says, "...I would bring it to Hibarn when the spider is scheduled to arrive."

Soraent says, "The pale marks on it are barely visible. I had to go look at it at length before I even found them. The sample is a dull grey."

Navesi says, "This is quite speculative."

Aislynn quietly says to Navesi, "Everything is speculation until it happens."

Whiteburn says, "Curious..."

Aislynn quietly says, "And, even then, moon mages go and muck it up."

Soraent says to Whiteburn, "It is being tested now, though, to confirm if it is indeed the same substance."

Aislynn quietly says, "So it's back to speculating."

Voyle says to Navesi, "Perhaps. But it is a chain of reasoning. And it serves as a more satisfying conclusion to some than merely laying it off to Divine Mystery."

Voyle says, "No offense meant, of course."

Navesi says, "I have no issue with hypotheses, I just caution you not to portray them as fact to anyone."

Soraent says to Voyle, "All of us, all of this world, are as They made us, and as They continue to shape us."

Voyle says, "Well, everyone else has been doing just that. I'm just trying to piece it together myself."

Voyle says to Soraent, "I don't doubt that a bit, Father. But it does not mean that it is a one-way street."

Soraent says, "To ignore the fact of the Divine by dismissing it as unsatisfying is quite unwise."

Powerhaus says, "You could deny it and get zapped in the head proving it rather quickly..."

Powerhaus says, "But that would be... unwise."

Voyle says, "Obviously, the Divine have something to do with it. But they seldom move without mortal actors."

Aislynn quietly says, "I suppose, if Kurmin's "silent partner" is a necromantic boogadeboo, it's something that can be defeated. If it is, in fact, a God.. It's less defeatable by us simple mortals."

Munchausen says, "We are still missing something, to be sure."

Voyle says to Aislynn, "Excatly. If it's the Gods, they will do as They will, regardless. If it is something less than them, though...it is up to us to consider all possibilities to stop it."
Munchausen says, "But the picture is a bit clearer after you folk were kind enough to share your visions."
Voyle says to Aislynn, "And in fact, I would argue, such is our Purpose."
Aislynn quietly says to Voyle, "We are as They made us."
Aislynn quietly says, "Overly aggressive, and ready to stab things at the slightest provocation."
Aislynn quietly says, "Well, most of us anyways."

Soraent says to you, "I will be staying south for now."

Soraent says, "I must rest soon, but I've time for a brief discussion."

Voyle says to Aislynn, "Perhaps, but I'm a believer in free will. And Kurmin has something central to do with this. Divinely inspired or no."

You say, "That is a relief to hear."

Munchausen says to Voyle, "Hrm? what? fine fine, everythings fine."

Voyle says, "Exactly."

Soraent asks you, "Did you need privacy, child?"

You quietly say, "This is a bit of a delicate subject. The person in question is normally quite devoted to her work and the people... but she has changed since the attack of the banshees we mentioned earlier, the visions of the green spiral and four points..."

You say, "It is not uncommon knowledge that Lady Inyasa was stricken with the Holy Sickness, and expelled an adder. She was having much trouble sleeping as well, she was plagued by screams and wailing."

Soraent asks, "Does she wish clerical consultation?"

You quietly say, "However, since the group vision of the Immortals, I have not heard of any others with the Holy Sickness, yet she grows more and more distant from herself."

Navesi asks you, "I heard she mentioned something about a stone, is that true?"

Aislynn quietly says, "She was looking for one of those stones. The stura... thing."

You say to Soraent, "I am not sure she is capable of asking for aid."

Aislynn quietly says, "Looking for it to distraction. As if everything depended on it."

Soraent says to you, "It has come to some, but less so than before then."

Soraent asks Aislynn, "Has she found one?"

Powerhaus says to you, "Maghana said she vomited a shrew."

Powerhaus says, "I didn't think to ask if she saw anything."

Aislynn quietly says, "I don't think so. I sought a favor from Tamsine, hoping to obtain a stone to give her, but... Just the one isn't enough, apparently."

Voyle says, "Perhaps it's an issue of faith..."

Powerhaus says, "I just assumed people slept with their mouths open and they were crawling in..."

Powerhaus says, "Guess not..."

Soraent says, "Most things are, at depth."

Whiteburn says, "If you are given a stone, it might be best that you do not simply give it away. It is a gift of the Gods."

Voyle says, "Or maybe, more accurately...orthodoxy."

Aislynn quietly says, "Perhaps, if she saw one, though, it might... I don't know."

Soraent says to you, "I shall speak with the local clergy."

Munchausen says, "Might be dangerous."

You say to Soraent, "I thank you kindly."

Soraent says, "I do not wish to offend the Handmaiden or the Ferdahl by presuming to intervene, but..."

You say, "I do worry some about her brother as well, they are twins and closely connected. I wrote a letter to Sir Rekave a while ago and he has not responded, that is normally unlike him..."

Soraent says, "I can most certainly offer, and speak on it."

Powerhaus says to himself, "Badger people..."

Soraent says to you, "Thank you for that. I had not known things were so serious for her."

Soraent asks, "If someone could help me down the stairs?"

Soraent says, "It is such a curse of age. Down is always worse than up."

Aislynn quietly says, "I would offer, but then we'd both trip."

Soraent says to Aislynn, "Wouldn't that be a sight."

Miskton says, "Well, then, thank you all again for coming."

Whiteburn says to Soraent, "The Gods grant you strength and insight, Father."

You ask Soraent, "Unless you might prefer a gate?"

Voyle says to Soraent, "Thank you for the information, Father. It's been...illuminating."

Voyle says to Miskton, "And you for hosting."

Soraent says to you, "I try to avoid them when possible."

You say to Soraent, "Thank you kindly for sharing your wisdom with us Father. Fortune favor."

Miskton says, "Have a nice day, all."

Navesi warmly says to Soraent, "I'm glad to see you well, and I thank you for your wisdom."

Soraent says, "I know, I know, such a thing to say at a gather of Moon Mages."