Welcome, Lawlite! 09/29/2016 03:46 PM UTC
I, for one, welcome our new laughing-gem overlord.

Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us!
Re: Welcome, Lawlite! 09/29/2016 04:22 PM UTC
Since I've moved to Shard for the foreseeable future, Welcome and good lucks out there!


Well, see, there's the linchpin of why everything you're saying is wrong. There's the fulcrum. There's the centerpiece. There's the turkey on the Thanksgiving table.
Re: Welcome, Lawlite! 09/29/2016 05:05 PM UTC
I can't wait to see what transpires.

My spathas at hand,
From the ashes I rise,
With resolve in my heart,
And fire in my eyes.