Following reports of a sole goblin spotted heading towards Shard along the trade route, several militiamen and concerned citizens intercepted the creature just south and east of Ylono's Waystation. Unrecognizable from any commonly known goblin clans and seeming more anxious than aggressive, the red goblin warrior claimed his village shaman sent him to the 'village' of Shard to search for 'a house with tall stack shiny'. After leading a short chase about the Crystal City, the goblin discovered stacks of work order ingots at the forging society's supply stand and became suspiciously excited about the 'shinies to make long-sharp' before dashing off for home with its report, evading any further attempts for questioning or detainment.
Following is a record of the event, thank you for your time.
Mistanna Redivas
Scribe of the Crystal Vanguard
[Lake of Tears, East Gate Road]
The expansive body of water that Shard is constructed over ripples as a slight breeze brushes over the lake, the cool calmness radiating from the serene blue surface almost hypnotic.
You also see a red goblin warrior.
Also here: Breakfast Connoisseur Nuskaro and Rzin.
Obvious paths: east, west.
> look warr
I could not find what you were referring to.
> look gob
I could not find what you were referring to.
Rzin asks, "A scout?"
A red goblin warrior says, "not is know word."
Rzin asks, "Look, why?"
A red goblin warrior says, "shaman is say go look."
You ask, "What are you seeking? Do you know why?"
A red goblin warrior shuffles nervously from foot to foot, glancing around warily.
A red goblin warrior says, "Is not know. Is look for house with tall stack shiny."
A red goblin warrior says, "Shaman in village..."
Ephic asks, "What village?"
You notice an immense blue-eyed grey leopard sniff at a red goblin warrior.
A red goblin warrior draws back from the leopard warily.
Starlear pets his blue-eyed leopard.
Starlear says, "Easy."
A red goblin warrior says, "village village."
A red goblin warrior exclaims, "is no time... no time!"
A red goblin warrior just went east.
You say, "Quick bugger."
[Eastern Shore, Road by the Gate]
The gates of Shard to the south glimmer with refracted colors and hues. The shimmering water of the lake ripples and glistens beneath the glowing city, framing the great capital of Ilithi in an aura of pure light.
You also see a red goblin warrior.
A red goblin warrior pants momentarily.
A red goblin warrior exclaims, "Is big lake!"
A red goblin warrior frowns.
A red goblin warrior just went south.
You ask, "Your type normally attacks our villages. What are you doing here?"
Starlear nods emphatically.
A red goblin warrior 's brow furrows.
A red goblin warrior says, "is -your- type is attack us, is more like."
Starlear says, "Indeed. Though we're not typically used to seeing many goblins in these parts..."
Starlear says, "And I don't think I've personally seen any that are red before..."
A red goblin warrior says, "Is goblin all over."
Starlear says, "I figured as much."
A red goblin warrior pauses to wipe its nose on its arm, momentarily losing track of what it was doing to examine the result.
Starlear asks, "You said you were looking for a shiny, stacked house?"
You say, "Oddly coincidental that you come here just as orcs are attacking Crossing."
A red goblin warrior says, "Not is know what is orc."
A red goblin warrior just went west.
[Shard, East City Gates]
A red goblin warrior grins.
A red goblin warrior just went south.
Starlear says, "Okay, I think friendly-time is over."
You ask, "Just letting the goblins in?"
You gaze at the Sentinel Neharon.
Ephic says, "It is pretty shiny."
A red goblin warrior asks, "Where home of stack shiny?"
A red goblin warrior just went northwest.
Starlear asks, "What is it you want with that home?"
You ask, "We are growing impatient. What are you doing here?"
A red goblin warrior exclaims, "Must find! Must find!"
A red goblin warrior just went northwest.
Isharon asks, "What is inside this shiny stack of houses?"
A red goblin warrior scowls in dismay, looking intensely frustrated.
Dianelle cocks her head at a red goblin warrior.
You say, "We will chase you from this city. Stay still and tell us your intentions."
A red goblin warrior says, "Is shiny is stack in big house is said."
Starlear says, "If you tell us more, we may be able to help you."
Starlear asks, "What is it you're after exactly?"
Starlear raises an eyebrow.
You ask, "What are you going to do when you find it?"
A red goblin warrior says, "Just is tell find."
Starlear asks, "Do you know why you were told to find it?"
A red goblin warrior shakes its head.
A red goblin warrior says, "Is not told."
Ephic asks, "Just following orders eh?"
A red goblin warrior says, "Shaman say find."
Starlear asks, "Were other goblins given orders like yours?"
A red goblin warrior shrugs.
A red goblin warrior says, "Not is told by shaman. Shaman say go, so go."
Dianelle asks, "A stack of shiny something in a large building. Gold?"
A red goblin warrior asks, "Elf is know house with shiny stack?"
Dianelle says, "I don't know. It could be something else shiny that stacks."
A red goblin warrior fidgets distractedly.
Starlear asks, "I think maybe I know what one you mean. The one out of town, to the north, maybe?"
Starlear gazes at you.
Starlear winks.
You nod in agreement.
A red goblin warrior exclaims, "Is in city. In city!"
A red goblin warrior exclaims, "Is no is time!"
A red goblin warrior just went southeast.
You search around for a moment.
You notice a red goblin warrior, who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
A red goblin warrior comes out of hiding.
A red goblin warrior just went southwest.
Starlear says, "I suggest that you immediately become more forthcoming with your answers."
Starlear gives a slight nod.
You say, "There's nothing in this city that should concern you. You should leave."
You hear a voice say, "Or we could kill it."
A red goblin warrior says, "Is have no forth to be come."
Starlear frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.
Dianelle says, "It's the first goblin I've ever seen that didn't attack first."
A red goblin warrior nods emphatically.
Powerhaus says to Dianelle, "Looks kinda passive."
A red goblin warrior exclaims, "Is no attack! Is only tell look!"
You say, "Then go home and get some better information. We don't take kindly to goblins poking around our city."
Starlear asks, "Has your shaman sent you out on jobs before?"
Skaen says, "Probably a better idea to find what he's looking for before deciding on violence."
A red goblin warrior says, "Shaman is tell all what do, where go."
Powerhaus says to Skaen, "Or what clan it's from."
Starlear asks, "Is this the first time you've done something for your shaman?"
A red goblin warrior looks over at Starlear and shakes its head.
Powerhaus says, "And if it's just wants to find it, or bring it back."
Ephic says, "Did the shaman give you any more clues to your destination besides shiny stack tower."
A red goblin warrior says, "is not bring. Is just for find."
A red goblin warrior says, "Is go left from in gate. Is all is known."
You hear a voice say, "We should just have it march us to its shaman."
You hear a voice say, "Might get answers then."
A red goblin warrior frowns.
Skaen says, "The Great Tower is a pretty shiney stack."
A red goblin warrior says, "No is told bring back uglies."
Dianelle asks, "Uglies?"
A red goblin warrior glances around.
You ask, "Could it be the big tower over there?"
You point north.
A red goblin warrior gibbers something frustratedly beneath its breath.
A red goblin warrior shakes its head.
Isharon asks, "What about the temple?"
A red goblin warrior says, "Is no tower. Is house. House with stack shiny."
Starlear rubs his head.
You hear a voice say, "Well, someone find the house."
A red goblin warrior says, "Shiny with make the long-sharp. Shiny with make the heavy-hard. With kill much goblin."
Skaen says, "So let's go neighborhood to neighborhood."
Dianelle says, "Forge."
You ponder.
You nod to Dianelle.
Dianelle says, "He's looking for the forge."
A red goblin warrior fidgets with obvious anxiety, gibbering beneath its breath.
A red goblin warrior asks, "Is forge is shiny stack house?"
Ephic says, "Only one way to find out."
You hear a voice say, "Sounds like they're trying to revamp their weaponry."
Dianelle asks, "Can you blame them?"
Powerhaus asks, "Stack of shiny or stack of house?"
Skaen asks, "Who's leading the way to the forge?"
A red goblin warrior says, "Is house with stack shiny."
You glance at Starlear, a male Elf.
You fold your arms across your chest.
A red goblin warrior glances at the Sentinel and shrieks!
Starlear rubs his head.
A red goblin warrior just went west.
You also see a red goblin warrior and the Shard Forging Society Building.
Isharon asks, "Is the stack composed of similar objects, or is it one object?"
A red goblin warrior spies the Shard Forging Society Building with a sudden start of surprise. Fingers steepling and fidgeting, it seems hard pressed to restrain some sudden elation.
You draw out your scimitar from the leather sheath, gripping it firmly in your right hand.
A red goblin warrior just went through the Shard Forging Society Building.
[Forging Society, Maker's Mark Shop]
A red goblin warrior says, "is strange house-cave."
A red goblin warrior just went east.
[Forging Society, Supply Stand]
Enormous piles of ore flanked by glistening ingots dwarf the crafters making purchases here. Rope as thick as a Gor'Tog's waist hang from a trio of massive pulleys used to rearrange crates around the area.
A red goblin warrior comes to an abrupt halt in front of the huge piles of ore and ingots stored here, eyes wide and jaws agape, just a bit of drool dripping from its open maw after a moment.
Powerhaus asks, "Stack of shiny?"
Ephic says, "Strange is subjective."
Powerhaus says, "And now..."
Starlear cocks his head.
Skaen says, "Lots of ore for sharp things."
A red goblin warrior exclaims, "Is stack shiny... Is ALL THE STACK SHINY!"
You glare.
You say, "Yes, an it's not yours."
A red goblin warrior claps its hands together and jumps around excitedly.
A red goblin warrior says, "No no, is no mine."
A red goblin warrior grins.
Starlear nods in agreement.
A red goblin warrior exclaims, "Is find! Is shaman be happy!"
Isharon asks, "Is your village buying ore?"
A red goblin warrior says, "Is what is mean 'buy?'"
Starlear frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.
Dianelle says, "Trade for other things."
Starlear says, "You know, give coins or other goods for the ore."
Powerhaus says, "Shiny for shiny."
Starlear nods at Powerhaus, obviously agreeing with his views.
Isharon says, "You give the owner shinies, and they give you shinies."
You say, "Which is agreed upon before you take the shinies."
Starlear nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Starlear says, "That part is very important."
Powerhaus says to you, "Now you're making it sound really complex."
A red goblin warrior 's brow furrows for a moment, as though considering the concept. It doesn't appear to go well.
A red goblin warrior shakes its head.
A red goblin warrior says, "Is not know this."
Skaen says, "Trade goblins for shiney."
The tip of Skaen's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
A red goblin warrior says, "Will say to shaman."
Starlear says, "I think maybe this is more important that you figure it out first."
Starlear asks, "Wouldn't your shaman be mad if you didn't have the right information?"
Starlear asks, "About the important shinies?"
A red goblin warrior fidgets as it considers the proposition.
Starlear says, "I mean, just think about that."
A red goblin warrior asks, "Is what want say for shaman?"
Skaen asks, "Does your tribe live near warrior?"
Powerhaus says to you, "Should write it down."
Starlear says, "I know a few shamans, and they aren't very nice when they are mad."
A red goblin warrior shakes its head.
Isharon asks, "Does your shaman want a certain kind of metal?"
A red goblin warrior exclaims, "Is not good is mad, is NOT GOOD!"
A red goblin warrior looks over at Isharon and shrugs.
You ask, "So what, we supply them with ore to make weapons with with to attack other cities?"
A red goblin warrior says, "Shaman is say find stack shiny. Is find."
Starlear asks, "Was there a specific color of shiny the shaman wanted?"
A red goblin warrior says, "Is shiny for long-sharps."
Dianelle asks, "You said for killing goblin?"
Starlear says, "Ah, I see."
Skaen taps a small glaes fragment that he is holding.
Skaen says, "This makes a pretty decent long sharp."
A red goblin warrior glances toward the large piles of ingots.
Starlear asks, "Your shaman needs lots of long sharps?"
Powerhaus says, "Hunting rabbits prolly..."
Starlear raises an eyebrow.
A red goblin warrior says, "Is not know is why."
A red goblin warrior says, "Is must tell... Must tell."
A red goblin warrior says, "Is no time."
Rzin says, "Let's all go tell."
Rzin winks.
Powerhaus says, "Wait."
A red goblin warrior just went southwest.
You say, "Great."
Powerhaus sighs.
Starlear whispers, "Let's drop him. Have a mental blast ready."
You take note of all the tracks in the area, so that you can hunt anything nearby down.
To the east, east:
4) a red goblin warrior which is hidden
Powerhaus says, "Um..."
Powerhaus says, "Go right..."
You say, "Hmm."
A red goblin warrior comes to a halt at a distance from the Sentinel Neharon, quickly casting about to left and right before screaming and making a mad dash for the gate, arms flailing!
The Sentinel Neharon scowls at the red goblin warrior's approach, but is caught by surprise when the limber creature abruptly tucks itself into a ball at top speed, tumbling through his legs and out the gate!
[Shard, East Bridge]
You take note of all the tracks in the area, so that you can hunt anything nearby down.
To the east, east:
1) a red goblin warrior which is hidden
You exclaim, "Aha!"
Rzin asks, "Lost it?"
> search
You search around for a moment.
R> hunt
You take note of all the tracks in the area, so that you can hunt anything nearby down.
You were unable to locate any followable tracks.
You say, "Darnit. Yes."
You scowl.
Re: Red goblins in Shard
05/19/2015 01:22 PM CDT
You see a red goblin warrior.
The red goblin warrior is in good shape.
It is wearing a red leather aventail, a full leather helm dyed bright red, a yellow leather breastplate studded with red swirls.
It is carrying a medium shield painted with a red swirl, a dark war hammer wrapped with red leather along the hilt.
J> desc warr
Standing on two legs, the red goblin warrior is somewhat small, like a Dwarf. It looks passive but wary.
You make a few adjustments to the Zoluren, and you feel confident that it will recognize you as its owner.
Re: Red goblins in Shard
05/20/2015 11:00 AM CDT
Haven't we as players learned to just kill goblins? Am I the only one that remembers Grishnok?! No good will come from this.
They say we are what we are
But we don't have to be.
I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way.
I'll be the watcher of the eternal flame.
I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams.
They say we are what we are
But we don't have to be.
I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way.
I'll be the watcher of the eternal flame.
I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams.
Re: Red goblins in Shard
05/20/2015 11:17 AM CDT
The goblin was for the record not initially interactable (the first thing I tried when I got there was targeting a spell), so I got a "I could not find what you were referring to" when initially attempting to target it. It seemed to get fixed eventually as we were able to look at it and stuff but at that point it was more interesting to try and figure out what he might be up to.
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
Re: Red goblins in Shard
05/20/2015 11:29 AM CDT
There are an infinite number of goblins to kill. It doesn't cost much to talk to one that isn't offering immediate violence. The warrior's gear didn't look especially valuable. Perhaps further talks will introduce us to richer, more important goblins with interesting gear worth despoiling.
Or, they could introduce a new trade route for Traders to supply these goblins should they prove peaceful. The Adan'f are probably using goblins in experiments if their village is in Ilithi. Higher quality long sharps would help them defend themselves. Maybe they'll trade us goblins for ore. Who wouldn't like a goblin slave?
Or, they could introduce a new trade route for Traders to supply these goblins should they prove peaceful. The Adan'f are probably using goblins in experiments if their village is in Ilithi. Higher quality long sharps would help them defend themselves. Maybe they'll trade us goblins for ore. Who wouldn't like a goblin slave?
Re: Red goblins in Shard
05/22/2015 04:04 PM CDT
Bloody goblins, always trying to make deals with the city folks to better arm themselves. This wouldn't be the first time nor I'm sure will it be the last. At least this isn't a backdoor deal with a weapon smith and shop owner.
Usually when I observe people PvPing it is a problem with their stat assignment being much less than their opponent, and more often than not their opponent has higher skills than they were expecting. - Kodius
Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time. - Sun Tzu
Usually when I observe people PvPing it is a problem with their stat assignment being much less than their opponent, and more often than not their opponent has higher skills than they were expecting. - Kodius
Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time. - Sun Tzu
Re: Red goblins in Shard
06/11/2015 12:15 AM CDT
Re: Red goblins in Shard
06/11/2015 05:15 PM CDT
Yay goblins! At least this one was a bit more concise.
Raesh - "Moon Mages see stars when they do it."
Raesh - "Moon Mages see stars when they do it."