Debuting at this year's Duskruin, we have two new items courtesy of GM Javac and his QCers GM Zadraes and GM Ynami!
Nets are single-use items that can be thrown at targets to web them on success determined by normal combat mechanics. Depending on the type of net, they will use the thrower's light thrown or heavy thrown skill, but will not train the skill. If the net is evaded or blocked, the net will fall to the thrower's feet, so that they can use it again. If the net hits, it webs the target and is destroyed when the target becomes unwebbed.
Whips are weapons that can be used from any range (missile, pole, and melee). Depending on the type of whip, it'll use and train light thrown or heavy thrown skill. The whip will always remain in your hand and you'll use the new WHIP verb to attack with it. You can also parry attacks with your whip.
GM Winna
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