A handful of new gems are being introduced at the Taisidon Mystery event! For your documentation pleasure:
tidal bloodstone
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Most commonly harvested by River Elves, this particular type of bloodstone presents with a rich storm-grey tone. The characteristic flecks of oxide and jasper can range in hue from red to blue depending on the amount of time the stone was submerged under water. The bluer the flecks, the more valuable the stone.
Common Description: The rich, storm-grey stone is covered with <color> flecks.
iceblink peridot
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The iceblink peridot is a pale celadon stone with a network of highly reflective crystal veins. When light hits the stone, it causes a distinctive green-tinged white coruscating flash that has given the stone its name.
Common Description: The pale celadon stone is permeated by reflective crystal veins just beneath the surface.
fire whirl ruby
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The fire whirl ruby is rich, dark stone with a single spiraling inclusion at its core. Typically ranging in hues of orange, red, or brilliant gold, the inclusion can range from a small spiral to an extended, twisting pillar exploding against the top face of the gem as if it were at risk of bursting forth.
Common Description: The rich, dark gem reveals a single spiraling inclusion that emanates from a cat's eye pinpoint at the innermost base of the stone.
cosmic zircon
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The cosmic zircon is a night-black stone with countless silvery-white flecks reminiscent of stars. In addition, each cosmic zircon features a globular inclusion that looks like colorful gas trapped within the gem. The inclusion can show in any combination of hues across stones, but are only ever two-tone in any individual stone, meaning no one stone's inclusion has more than two different colors.
Common Description: The night-black stone is speckled with countless silvery-white flecks reminiscent of stars that surround a central <color1> and <color2> globular inclusion.
GM Lawlite
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