You will find [an investigator toolkit dispenser], [a quelium bell dispenser], [a voile robe dispenser], [a drake fang dispenser], and [a wildland machete dispenser] at A'baya Esplanade, Central Walkway in the Taisidon Mystery quest grounds. You can SHOP and purchase an origami "ticket" from any dispenser for 100 points. The ticket's noun is aligned to the grand prize from that dispenser. You can purchase as many tickets as you wish from all dispensers during the course of the event. Each ticket purchased will increase your odds of winning the grand prize for that specific dispenser.
Toward the end of the Taisidon Mystery event, starting around 10:00pm ET on Monday 9/28/20 (Prime first, then Platinum, then TF), there will be an individual drawing for each dispenser. One ticket will be drawn from the entire pool of tickets purchased from that dispenser. The individual selected will win the grand prize item for that dispenser. You do not need to be present or even logged in at the drawing to be the grand prize winner.
If you do not win the grand prize from an individual dispenser, then all of your tickets purchased from that dispenser will instead count toward a memory orb prize which will gain 25% drain per ticket you purchased. This singular memory orb prize is created based on all tickets purchased across all dispensers from this event, excluding any dispenser you win the grand prize from.
1 ticket = 25%; 1 use at 25% drain
2 tickets = 50%; 1 use at 50% drain
3 tickets = 75%; 1 use at 75% drain
4 tickets = 100%; 1 use at 100% drain
5 tickets = 125%; 1 use at 100% drain and 1 use 25% drain
14 tickets = 350%; 3 uses at 100% drain and 1 use at 50% drain
52 tickets = 1300%; 13 uses at 100% drain
143 tickets = 3575%; 35 uses at 100% drain and 1 use at 75% drain
The memory orb can be activated to immediately drain field experience into ranks. The orb will always try to drain 100% when activated, and it will not be destroyed until the balance is completely used up. There is a 100-minute cooldown between using 100% drain across any combination of memory orbs. The orb will be unaligned at first, and you can TURN it to a specific skill of your choosing before its first use. After you select the skill for the orb it will remain aligned to that skill and cannot be changed again.
The memory orb prize can be retrieved using the CLAIM MEMORYORB command, which will be set up and available within 12 hours of the grand prize drawings. We will post here again when the updated CLAIM MEMORYORB is available after the event.
You can read the ledger on each dispenser throughout the event to see current ticket totals for that dispenser.
The Grand Prizes
a Velakan starsteel investigator's toolkit
Contains a Velakan starsteel spyglass etched with softly glowing sigils, a mirror-sided box with Velakan starsteel edging, and a Velakan starsteel monocle
Investigator's Set! The toolkit is a standard container. The spyglass can give a snapshot/LOOK type view of an area and you can set up to 10 different areas selected and changeable by the player. The mirror-sided box can backtrace Locates and has unlimited charges and a 30min cooldown between uses. The monocle can identify Pet/Summons owners and has unlimited charges and a 30min cooldown between uses.
a quelium bell
Summons an Imperial coral banquet table surmounted by gold-flecked magenta sunset opals which has rotatable food/drink options. There are 5 different rotatable selections with 10 food/drink on each for a total of 50 different food and drink items to cycle though.
a mud-stained voile robe
Contains a resplendent scroll folio with hiromin corner protectors and a lucid Imperial quartz ampoule
Sorcerer's Set! The robe is an unlimited charge 'plain clothes' Social Outrage reducer that can remove a huge amount (1/3 of maximum) of social outrage for 90min with a 180min cooldown between reduction uses. The robe is also increased capacity with standard backpack dimensions. The scroll folio can hold up to 50 different types of spells and up to 50 copies of each type. The ampoule is the most powerful backlash absorber we've done to date by far. It has 6 charges and can use up to 4 charges at once (max absorb) to help protect from a single backlash. CLEAN can return 1 charge every 36 hours. Using an infuser stone can also return all 6 charges immediately.
a wickedly pointed drake fang with Nature's Canopy emerald inlay
Summons a prodigious forest drake with scales of Nature's Canopy emerald tipped bark which is a rideable custom mount with tons of verbs and atmos.
a Taisidon wayfinder's wildland machete wrapped in woven barkcloth and shadowleaf
New wildland machete two-handed edge weapon template that requires special permission to use. Overall Tier 8 including its Nature Flare enchantment. The winner will also receive the permanent custom title Taisidon Wayfinder
Additional Item Information
TAP: a Velakan starsteel investigator's toolkit
LOOK: Black velvet padding is molded to hold both traditional and exotic tools of the trade for investigation.
>open tool
The antique hinges of your investigator's toolkit chirp musically as you open it.
>measure my toolk with my yards
You compare your investigator's toolkit with the iron yardstick several times and are certain the interior length measures six spans, the interior width measures three spans, the interior height measures three spans and the toolkit appears capable of holding about 60 stones of weight.
TAP: a Velakan starsteel monocle
LOOK: A thin strip of glossy, silvery-white metal forms the loop that holds the monocle's lens in place.
>study mono
The monocle appears to be an enchantment for identifying certain summonable creatures.
You should be able to activate it by peering through it at the creature.
>focus monoc
You focus your magical senses on a Velakan starsteel monocle.
Small magical currents trace across the surface of the monocle.
You recognize the pattern as a manifestation of Lunar magic.
You believe this pattern would allow you to recognize the owner of certain summonable creatures.
>peer mono at warrior
You peer through your starsteel monocle at the slim alfar warrior and catch a brief glimpse of <OWNER> over its shoulder.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Works on: Zombies, Constructs, Guardian Spirits, Familiars, and Risen
TAP: a mirror-sided box with Velakan starsteel edging
LOOK: Mirrors framed in thin lines of glossy, silvery-white metal form the sides of the box, each etched with depictions of moons in various phases.
>study box
The box appears to be a backtrace enchantment.
You should be able to activate it by rubbing it.
>rub box
You rub your box.
Your eyes cloud over briefly as the magic in the box takes hold.
You sense that <LOCATER> just located you here, and you are able to backtrace his location to The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard.
TAP: a Velakan starsteel spyglass etched with softly glowing sigils
LOOK: The glossy, silvery-white metal reflects the pallid hue of the light given off by the moonsilver markings along its length.
The starsteel spyglass's dial is set to the image of the bandage.
>study spyg
On studying the starsteel spyglass, you see a dial that you can TURN to the following:
(TURN spyglass TO <image>)
Once you have the image you wish, you can INVOKE spyglass to set it to a room that you're located. At a later time, you can turn to any image that has been set and PEER spyglass to briefly view that room. You feel you could probably FOCUS, CLEAN, OPEN, CLOSE, DANCE, SALUTE, SHAKE, TOSS, RUB, TAP, TOUCH and WAVE as well.
The starsteel spyglass's dial is currently set to the bandage.
>invoke spyg
Peering through the starsteel spyglass, you attempt to pivot and capture the details of your surroundings. The crystal lens on your spyglass rotates clockwise and back as a glow illuminates the area. You feel certain that you were successful.
>peer spyg
You hold the starsteel spyglass aloft and see...
[The Crossing, Asemath Walk]
Clerics, academics and carousers all are apparent here, headed throughout town on different courses. The windows and terraces from the back of the two-storied Half Pint Inn face the street from the south, while to the east is the side of the cleric's shop. Smooth paving stones, pale grey with dark grey borders, have been laid to coordinate with the approaches to the High Temple.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
TAP: a quelium bell
LOOK: The brilliant green metal is engraved with the image of a great coral reef.
>study my bell
Checking it over, you believe you could RING the quelium bell to summon a table of food or drink.
>ring bell
You ring the quelium bell, producing a clear and delicate tone.
Four enormous sunset opals flash into existence, hovering and orbiting a central point in mid-air in a tight circle before freezing momentarily and then speeding in opposite directions to form the four corners of an invisible rectangle. Once in position, tendrils of Imperial coral begin to emanate from the spherical gems and eventually merge together to form an impressive banquet table arrangement!
You also see an Imperial coral banquet table surmounted by gold-flecked magenta sunset opals with several things on it...
>study table
As the summoner of the banquet table, you believe you could TURN it to change which items are displayed on top, or BREAK it to dismiss it early.
>look on table (Food Set 1)
On the banquet table you see a dish of deviled albatross eggs garnished with sprigs of parsley, a platter of grilled tuna steaks in a roasted pepper sauce, a silver tray filled with dark chocolate truffles, a bowl of cold gazpacho seasoned with oregano and diced hare, a platter of blood wolf meatballs stewing in a garlic-onion sauce, a bowl of roasted red bell pepper soup, a massive wooden bowl filled with a mountain of garlic mashed potatoes, some sauteed crocodile covered with orange glaze, a tray of spicy curried shrimp stuffed with buttery couscous and a platter filled with wild mushrooms stuffed with crabmeat.
>turn table
One of the sunset opals blankets the banquet table in a golden aura of light, and as it dims, a new selection of items is revealed.
(Food Set 2)
On the banquet table you see some baked cheese twists, a cherry tart dripping with gooey white frosting, a kettle of honey-lemon tea, some frosted-glass bottles of Dark Mule red tequila, a platinum bowl of rose petal salad served over crisp greens and drizzled with a sweet honey dressing, some baked butternut squash, a rack of curried serpent kabobs featuring chunks of cobra and adder meat, a plate of triple-layered vegetable puffs embellished with salty shrike-shaped shallots, a tray of tapered celery sticks spiral-wrapped with seaweed to mimic unicorn horns and a pot of cooled shark fin soup with tooth-shaped triangles of ripened melon.
(Food Set 3)
On the banquet table you see a bottle of ginger beer, a bowl of baby carrots with a Theren red apple glaze, some tomato-herb flatbread, an icy bowl of chilled red crayfish, some fresh figs, a large golden wheel of butter cheese, some candy wild corn, a succulent apple-roasted boar, a big cauldron of simmering Full Moon Stew and some iced raw oysters served on half shells.
(Food Set 4)
On the banquet table you see a chocolate fae-shaped lollipop, a buttery lemon cookie, some slices of spring melon drizzled with an onion marmalade, a large jar of zesty Reshalian pickles brined in seawater and vinegar, a bowl of three brothers stew with a par'i dumpling, a platter of spicy barbecued S'lai wings in blocil berry sauce, a pot of tender coyote medallions drenched in a fragrant Zoluren Red marinade, a platter of Therenborough apple-glazed chicken, a tray of poached nightingale eggs tempered with Dalesian White wine vinegar and some fine Elven brandy.
(Food Set 5)
On the banquet table you see a chilled bowl of rich double-chocolate chip ice-cream topped with essence of chocolate, a silver bowl filled with caramel glazed pecans lightly dusted with powdered sugar, a tray of plump lobster tails sprinkled with herbs and filled with mushroom-garlic stuffing, a platter filled with savory dumplings stuffed with apple-roasted boar meat and served with a light ginger sauce, a platter of Saemaus tarts, a platter of brown mushroom tarts garnished with a sprig of sage, a neat assortment of vegetarian tarts drizzled with a savory sauce, a fancy chocolate tart swirled with pale vanilla, a pitcher of fresh-squeezed orange juice and several bottles of Zoluren Reserve red wine.
>break table
All four of the sunset opals atop the Imperial coral banquet table erupt with a brilliant flash of magenta light as they vanish along with all remnants of the items upon it.
TAP: a mud-stained voile robe
LOOK: Splotches of brown cover the sun-bleached fabric.
>measure my robe with my yards
You compare your voile robe with the iron yardstick several times and are certain the interior length measures fifteen spans, the interior width measures ten spans, the interior height measures five spans and the robe appears capable of holding about 1000 stones of weight.
>study robe
You are fairly certain the voile robe is specially crafted to lessen the suspicion of unreasonably outraged people.
>wear my robe
You slip into the voile robe and adjust its fit carefully. You are certain it will throw off some of the suspicion from the local authorities, at least for a while.
TAP: a resplendent scroll folio with hiromin corner protectors
LOOK: Delicate filigree along the violet-tinged silvery white metal matches intricate platinum leaf along the spine.
This section is empty.
>study folio
Examining the folio, you're pretty sure you can OPEN, CLOSE, READ, LOOK, TURN, PUSH, PULL, FLIP.
Your folio currently has 50 spell sections and allows for 50 copies of each.
SYNTAX: PUSH folio with (SCROLL)
To remove a written scroll:
TURN MY folio to find the spell.
PULL MY folio
TAP: a lucid Imperial quartz ampoule
LOOK: A stormsilk cord wraps tightly around the vessel. The liquid sealed inside the Imperial quartz ampoule is clear and free of impurities.
>study ampou
Recalling what you've heard about the Imperial quartz ampoule, you believe you could hold or WEAR it for limited protection against the violent backlashes sometimes produced by sorcerous spellcasting. You can also ADJUST the ampoule to change where it is worn. Additionally, you can occasionally CLEAN the ampoule to restore some of the absorptive capacity lost during the course of normal use.
TAP: a wickedly pointed drake fang with Nature's Canopy emerald inlay
LOOK: The vine-like pattern of emerald inlay runs a winding course upon the sizable fang. A complementary cord of braided grass allows the piece to be displayed upon the wearer's belt.
>study fang
To summon your drake, trace the fang.
To dismiss your drake, turn the fang.
To remove your bond to the fang, BREAK it.
[The drake fang is bonded to you without charges.]
>trace my fang
You trace the outline of twisting vines inlaid upon your drake fang, and in response they begin to writhe and break away from their confines, eventually extending tendrils down to the ground. The collection of tendrils continues to grow as leaves, creepers, and even layers of emerald-infused bark appear to self-generate from within the writhing mass. Finally, razor-sharp teeth and incandescent eyes emerge as the myriad components achieve synchronicity in their form and purpose, and a prodigious forest drake takes shape, locking its gaze with yours.
You also see a prodigious forest drake with scales of Nature's Canopy emerald tipped bark...
>look drake
The forest drake is a leafy amalgam of woody detritus, held together by snarls of vines and creepers. Unusually massive, it is the length of two full-grown Gor'Togs and is protected by layers of scaled bark infused with Nature's Canopy emerald that cover its body. The creature is constantly changing and reforming, its sinuous, low-slung body supported by four legs. Its maw is crowded with razor-sharp teeth, and its eyes glow with an eerie, yet somehow forcefully subdued, incandescence.
>study drake
Knowing the forest drake as you do, you're confident you could do the following: PET, PUSH, PULL, DANCE, HUG, TAP, CLEAN, CHEER, SEARCH, STARE, SNARL
>pet drake
Moving cautiously, you brush your hand lightly across the forest drake's thick, emerald-infused bark.
>pull drake
Noticing a particularly errant tendril of vine, you subtly move to pull upon it -- only to find that the forest drake has quickly decohered and reconstructed itself so that its gaping maw is now looking directly at you!
>dance drake
The forest drake extends its vine-wreathed claws, splaying new roots upon the ground.
>hug drake
Unable to resist the urge and throwing thoughts of self-preservation aside, you stretch your arms wide and lean in for a great bear hug with the forest drake. To your surprise and delight, the creature responds in kind as tendrils of vines and leafy creepers briefly consume you in a gentle canopy of nature's embrace!
>tap drake
Looking for attention, you tap a section of emerald-infused bark on the forest drake, and it rapidly reconstitutes in your direction.
>clean drake
You carefully remove bits of refuse caught within the writhing foliage of the forest drake, and the creature seems to preen in response!
>cheer drake
You heartily cheer for the forest drake, and it quickly reconstitutes in your direction, vibrating its emerald-infused bark in a prismatic display of variegated green light!
>search drake
Throwing caution to the wind, you delve both hands deep into the writhing foliage of the forest drake, searching for whatever mysteries may lie within. Your investigation is cut short, however, as the creature quickly forms a layer of emerald-infused bark to block your continued intrusions!
>stare drake
You gaze deeply into the incandescent eyes of the forest drake, briefly losing your sense of reality as the creature's exotic nature tugs at your hold on reality.
>snarl drake
Emboldened by your own sense of self-worth, you unleash a powerful snarl in the direction of the forest drake. The creature responds in kind, reforming itself to a maw three times its usual size as it unleashes a bloodcurdling shriek at you in retaliation!
>mount drake
As you move to mount a prodigious forest drake, it quickly propagates to create a perfectly form-fitting capsule of hardened bark with leafy green overlay. Secure in your position, you confidently settle yourself as would a rightful heir to the throne.
>command drake to trot
You signal the forest drake to speed up, and it eases into a withered crawl.
>command drake to canter
You signal the forest drake to speed up, and it blooms into a vigorous creep.
>command drake to gallop
You signal the forest drake to speed up, and it propagates into a wildly uncultivated slither.
Some Atmo:
The forest drake extends its vine-wreathed claws, splaying new roots upon the ground.
A forest drake jackknifes a few times, then grows still, its body rapidly settling until it is little more than a pile of wood and vine...until it barely opens one eye to examine the outcome of its ruse!
A forest drake weaves about playfully, its form losing coherence momentarily as it reforms into an amusing amalgamation of vines and bark that looks like an enormous steed.
A forest drake bares its teeth and flows in a sinuous circle, evaluating any possible exits.
The forest drake tastes the air with a tongue of flickering vines, wagging its head to and fro.
With a flick of its thorny tail, the forest drake prowls the area in a wide circle.
A forest drake decoheres for a moment, briefly forms into a humanoid shape, then resumes a drake-like appearance once more.
A forest drake weaves about playfully, its form losing coherence momentarily as it reforms into an amusing amalgamation of vines and bark that looks like a massive bull.
A forest drake preens the bark along its back with razor-sharp teeth, watching the area for threats.
>turn fang
You turn a wickedly pointed drake fang with Nature's Canopy emerald inlay at a prodigious forest drake, and it immediately struggles to remain coherent. Leaves, creepers, and chunks of emerald-infused bark begin to collapse until the final tendril of vine is hauntingly consumed by the fang, merging with the inlaid pattern upon it.
TAP: a Taisidon wayfinder's wildland machete wrapped in woven barkcloth and shadowleaf
LOOK: The wide, heavy blade manifests an imposing presence even to look upon, its construction featuring a menacing combination of blunt force and cutting edge. A crisscrossing wrap of thick, textured barkcloth provides for a more suitable grip while the mottled shadowleaf lends some camouflage when carrying the machete through jungles and other wilderness terrains. Exposed in a diamond-shaped pattern beneath the strips of leather, the shadowbark hilt is embellished with brilliant green quelium highlights.
>focus machete
You take the machete in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Life mana, commonly referred to as the Nature Weapon Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears to be masterfully-crafted and is very precise. This enchantment is of Lesser grade, and was modified to bonus magnitude. The matrix appears to be somewhat thick and the lines are perfectly clear.
>app my machete careful
A Taisidon wayfinder's wildland machete wrapped in woven barkcloth and shadowleaf is a two-handed edged melee-ranged weapon.
A Taisidon wayfinder's wildland machete wrapped in woven barkcloth and shadowleaf trains the two-handed edged skill.
You are certain that it could do:
low puncture damage
overwhelming slice damage
bone-crushing impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
The wildland machete is well designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the machete is not balanced and is amazingly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the wildland machete is extremely resistant to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The wildland machete is made with metal.
You are certain that the wildland machete weighs exactly 120 stones.
You are unable to determine the value of the wildland machete.
GM Lawlite
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia, Paid Events / Quests. To discuss the above, follow the link below.