>analyze bellows
You analyze every minute detail of the shadowleaf bellows and smile knowingly to yourself.
This appears to be a crafting tool and it is in pristine condition.
This tool can be pushed to fan the flames of forging fires.
The workmanship is masterfully-crafted.
Assessing the bellows's durability, you determine it is marginally vulnerable to damage.
This tool appears to be tremendously effective at increasing crafting speed.
>app buck careful
You are certain that it imposes insignificant maneuvering hindrance.
This shield is small in size.
Your experience with shields allows a better appraisal of the protection capabilities.
You are certain that the buckler offers dismal to high protection.
You are certain that it could do:
no puncture damage
no slice damage
great impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
You are certain that the buckler is decently balanced and is poorly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the icesteel buckler is unusually resilient to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The icesteel buckler is made with metal.
It appears that the icesteel buckler can be worn on the left arm.
You are certain that the icesteel buckler weighs exactly 25 stones.
You are certain that the icesteel buckler is worth exactly 12500000 Kronars.
>focus buckler
You take the buckler in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Frost Armor Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears to be masterfully-crafted and is somewhat precise. This enchantment is of Lesser grade, and was modified to bonus proc chance. The matrix appears to be marginally thin and the lines are perfectly clear.
>app shield careful
You are certain that it imposes mild maneuvering hindrance.
This shield is medium in size.
Your experience with shields allows a better appraisal of the protection capabilities.
You are certain that the shield offers rather low to very high protection.
You are certain that it could do:
no puncture damage
no slice damage
very great impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
You are certain that the shield is decently balanced and is reasonably suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the skirmisher's shield is extremely resistant to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The skirmisher's shield is made with metal.
It appears that the skirmisher's shield can be slung over one shoulder.
You are certain that the skirmisher's shield weighs exactly 125 stones.
You are certain that the skirmisher's shield is worth exactly 2500000 Kronars.
>app haub careful
The demonbone hauberk is light armor.
The hauberk looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right arm
left arm
right leg
left leg
You feel certain that a scrimshawed demonbone hauberk reinforced with damite bands appears to impose high maneuvering hindrance and fair stealth hindrance, offering:
great protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
great protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
great protection and good damage absorption for impact attacks.
very good protection and fair damage absorption for fire attacks.
good protection and somewhat fair damage absorption for cold attacks.
moderate protection and low damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only wearing a scrimshawed demonbone hauberk reinforced with damite bands you could expect your maneuvering to be insignificantly hindered and your stealth to be insignificantly hindered.
You are certain that the demonbone hauberk is extremely resistant to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The demonbone hauberk is average in size.
The demonbone hauberk is fairly malleable.
You are certain that the demonbone hauberk weighs exactly 232 stones.
You are certain that the demonbone hauberk is worth exactly 5356312 Kronars.
>focus hauber
You take the hauberk in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Electric Armor Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears to be masterfully-crafted and is somewhat precise. This enchantment is of Lesser grade, and was modified to bonus proc chance. The matrix appears to be marginally thin and the lines are perfectly clear.
>app bow careful
A slender battle bow inlaid with sungold and crimson moonsilver flames is a composite bow type weapon.
A slender battle bow inlaid with sungold and crimson moonsilver flames trains the bow skill.
The battle bow is superbly designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the bow is decently balanced and is amazingly suited for adding attack power from its draw strength.
The bow appears set for a draw strength that is very high for a bow of this type.
The bow does not appear to have an adjustable draw strength.
You are certain that the battle bow is practically invulnerable to damage, and is in pristine condition.
It appears that the battle bow can be slung over one shoulder.
You are certain that the battle bow weighs exactly 45 stones.
You are unable to determine the value of the battle bow.
>app mace careful
An umbral glaes mace with a shadowbark haft is a medium blunt melee-ranged weapon.
An umbral glaes mace with a shadowbark haft trains the small blunt skill.
You are certain that it could do:
poor puncture damage
dismal slice damage
great impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
The glaes mace is well designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the mace is soundly balanced and is decently suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the glaes mace is practically invulnerable to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The glaes mace is made with metal.
You are certain that the glaes mace weighs exactly 30 stones.
You estimate that the glaes mace is worth exactly 15450000 Kronars.
>focus mace
You take the mace in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Electric Weapon Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears to be masterfully-crafted and is abstract. This enchantment is of Lesser grade, and was modified to bonus magnitude. The matrix appears to be appreciably thin and the lines are perfectly clear.
>analyze hammer
You analyze every minute detail of the forging hammer and smile knowingly to yourself.
This appears to be a crafting tool and it is in pristine condition.
This reinforced hammer is used to pound heated metal into shape on an anvil.
The workmanship is masterfully-crafted.
Assessing the hammer's durability, you determine it is marginally vulnerable to damage.
This tool appears to be tremendously effective at increasing crafting speed.
>app balac careful
The mail balaclava is chain armor.
The balaclava looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right eye
left eye
You feel certain that a hair-covered mail balaclava with horns jutting from the back appears to impose light maneuvering hindrance and insignificant stealth hindrance, offering:
high protection and extreme damage absorption for puncture attacks.
high protection and extreme damage absorption for slice attacks.
very good protection and extreme damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and very good damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and very good damage absorption for cold attacks.
fair protection and moderate damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only wearing a hair-covered mail balaclava with horns jutting from the back you could expect your maneuvering to be barely hindered and your stealth to be barely hindered.
You are certain that the mail balaclava is extremely resistant to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The mail balaclava is made with metal.
The mail balaclava is quite supple.
You are certain that the mail balaclava weighs exactly 180 stones.
You are certain that the mail balaclava is worth exactly 3875000 Kronars.
>app armor careful
The carapace armor is plate armor.
The armor looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right arm
left arm
right leg
left leg
You feel certain that some waxy-black carapace armor appears to impose great maneuvering hindrance and insane stealth hindrance, offering:
very high protection and exceptional damage absorption for puncture attacks.
great protection and exceptional damage absorption for slice attacks.
high protection and exceptional damage absorption for impact attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for fire attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for cold attacks.
fair protection and moderate damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only wearing some waxy-black carapace armor your maneuvering would be moderately hindered and your stealth would be very hindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently moderately hindered and your stealth is very hindered.
You are certain that the carapace armor is extremely resistant to damage, and are in pristine condition.
You are certain that the carapace armor weighs exactly 550 stones.
You are certain that the carapace armor is worth exactly 62500 Kronars.
>app staff careful
A malevolent demonbone staff topped with a hollow-eyed crimson moonsilver skull is a quarter staff pole-ranged weapon.
A malevolent demonbone staff topped with a hollow-eyed crimson moonsilver skull trains the stave skill.
You are certain that it could do:
fair puncture damage
dismal slice damage
very great impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
The demonbone staff is reasonably designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the staff is decently balanced and is well suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the demonbone staff is rather reinforced against damage, and is in pristine condition.
The demonbone staff is made with metal.
You are certain that the demonbone staff weighs exactly 50 stones.
You are certain that the demonbone staff is worth exactly 4687500 Kronars.
>focus my staff
You take the staff in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Fire Weapon Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears to be masterfully-crafted and is exceptionally precise. This enchantment is of Lesser grade, and was modified to bonus magnitude. The matrix appears to be rather thick and the lines are perfectly clear.
>app flail careful
A telothian flail trailing a massive double-chained horse head is a heavy blunt melee-ranged weapon.
A telothian flail trailing a massive double-chained horse head trains the large blunt skill.
You are certain that it could do:
no puncture damage
fair slice damage
very mighty impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
The telothian flail is superbly designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the flail is terribly balanced and is superbly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the telothian flail is practically invulnerable to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The telothian flail is made with metal.
You are certain that the telothian flail weighs exactly 65 stones.
You estimate that the telothian flail is worth about 57377693 Kronars.
>app falch careful
A blue-edged falchion highlighted with sweeping crimson flames along the fire-blackened blade is a heavy edged melee-ranged weapon.
A blue-edged falchion highlighted with sweeping crimson flames along the fire-blackened blade trains the large edged skill.
You are certain that it could do:
poor puncture damage
very great slice damage
great impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
The blue-edged falchion is inadequately designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the falchion is fairly balanced and is extremely well suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the blue-edged falchion is extremely resistant to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The blue-edged falchion is made with metal.
You are certain that the blue-edged falchion weighs exactly 55 stones.
You guess that the blue-edged falchion could be worth about a small mint in Kronars.
>raise falch
You raise your falchion above your head and tendrils of white smoke flow from it, surrounding the blade. As the smoke fades away you notice that you are now holding a shimmering blue falchion with bright sapphire droplets set along the length of the blade.
>raise falch
You raise your falchion above your head and tendrils of white smoke flow from it, surrounding the blade. As the smoke fades away you notice that you are now holding a grey and brown streaked falchion scattered with granite-colored speckles.
>raise falch
You raise your falchion above your head and tendrils of white smoke flow from it, surrounding the blade. As the smoke fades away you notice that you are now holding a white and grey striated falchion with a topaz-inlaid whirlwind carved into the grip.
>raise falch
You raise your falchion above your head and tendrils of white smoke flow from it, surrounding the blade. As the smoke fades away you notice that you are now holding a silver-blue falchion with faint shadowy highlights along the blade.
>raise falch
You raise your falchion above your head and tendrils of white smoke flow from it, surrounding the blade. As the smoke fades away you notice that you are now holding a sparkling golden falchion inlaid with a jagged webwork of silver filigree.
>study esse bloodr
You believe you could APPLY this bloodrune to a Moonshard Pendant to change the appearance to:
Wavering within a miasma of grey-black haze, Lawlite is fully engulfed in an illusory scene. Tiny carved asini flames whorl about a looming dracanoid shape that bears no trace of an Elothean form. Lawlite's clear colored eyes flicker with predacious awareness, highlighted by a dark red light that enhances the ravenous nature of his visage.
Tiny white pearl wyverns hover within the grey miasma surrounding the looming form, first perching on the figure then swirling around the strange shape as they move.
>study meda
Thinking about the coral medallion, you think you could LICK, EAT, TURN, RUB, and TAP the item without using its summoning powers. To summon your mount, you remember being instructed to WAVE your coral medallion. To dismiss your mount, you remember being instructed to WAVE medallion AT gidii.
>wave meda
You wave your coral medallion in front of you.
With a flurry of feathers, a giant crimson gidii forms, honking and flapping its wings.
>look gidii
The crimson gidii is a giant example of the flightless birds common in Elanthia, but instead of the usual dull grey feathers it is covered in feathers in many hues of crimson. Although it is as stupid as its relatives, it is marginally cleaner and better smelling.
>study gidii
Thinking about the crimson gidii, you think you could attempt to BOP, BOW, CURTSY, DISMOUNT, EXHALE, FLIRT, GAZE, GESTURE, GLANCE, HUG, KICK, KISS, MOUNT, PET, POKE, PONDER, PROD, PULL, PUNCH, RUB, SLAP SMELL, SMILE, SMOOCH, STARE, STUDY, TAP, TICKLE, TOUCH, WAVE, WINK, and YANK the giant gidii, although if you're not the owner, how wise these actions might be is open to doubt. If it's your giant gidii, to dismiss it, you remember being instructed to wave your summoning device at it.
>wave meda at gidii
You wave your coral medallion at a giant crimson gidii.
Shaking in fear, the crimson gidii runs in circles before finally figuring which direction to go. Honking loudly, it runs away.
GM Lawlite
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