Before getting to the preview of auction items, we need to let you know an important update. This Duskruin Bloodscrip Auction will be the last Duskruin Auction for the foreseeable future! This decision was made in order to bring Duskruin's prize structure more in line with other MT Events. We did not want this change to happen without ample notice or without one final chance for some bloodscrip auction-y goodness.
The Auction in Prime will take place on Sunday 7/26 at 9pm est
The Auction in Platinum will take place on Monday 7/27 at 8:30pm est
Now on to the preview...
a shadowleaf bellows with matching shadowbark handles
Tier 7 crafting tool
a well-used vardite kettlebell stamped with the image of a dragon soaring above a worn mountain range
80 stones of raw vardite or a fancy paper weight
a crimson coral medallion
Summons a crimson gidii mount
a korograth leather strap for a crafting instruction book
Can attach to crafting instruction book to make the book general worn
an icesteel buckler encrusted with tiny winter emeralds
Tier 7 small shield + Tier 2/Grade 2 frost armor flare, icy blue color
a sleek shadow-black skirmisher's shield of polished ka'hurst
Tier 6 medium shield + holy repair can be RUBbed to repair damage once per day. Works off charges but can be recharged by Clerics and Paladins.
a sunny yellow padded spidersilk cloth with deep amber fringe
Can apply fatigue-stealing vampire weapon to a non-scripted melee weapon. Highest chance to trigger and highest steal level. Single use cloth application creates infinite charges on the weapon.
a horse-shaped voucher
Entitles the bearer to have custom pieces of the following tack and barding items created: saddle, bridle, pad or blanket, caparison, chanfron, crinnet, peytrel, flanchards, and crupper. The bearer may use one free merchant-level material per item but must provide any other rare materials.
a feyweave treasure hunter's sack clasped with a Fortune's Star diamond
Hold any 45 items regardless of size. Also contains x4 a crisp map treasure maps
a scrimshawed demonbone hauberk reinforced with damite bands
Tier 6 bone armor + Tier 2 / Grade 2 electric armor flare, aquamarine color
a slender battle bow inlaid with sungold and crimson moonsilver flames
Tier 7 composite bow with energy bow ammo-creation using mana -- does not use standard arrows and does not dual-load
an umbral glaes mace with a shadowbark haft
Tier 7 medium blunt + Tier 1 / Grade 2 electric flare, midnight-blue color
a dragon-head forging hammer with a viridian ilomba haft
Tier 7 forging hammer
a hair-covered mail balaclava with horns jutting from the back
Tier 6 chain armor + Tier 2 Barbarian Roar Helm
a writhing orb made of dark chitin
Can create a set of Tier 6 full plate some waxy-black carapace armor exo-armor that fully repairs with each summon -- bonds to first person to interact with it
a malevolent demonbone staff topped with a hollow-eyed crimson moonsilver skull
Tier 4 quarter staff + Tier 4/Grade 2 fire flare, blood-red color.
a telothian flail trailing a massive double-chained horse head
Tier 7 heavy blunt
a blue-edged falchion highlighted with sweeping crimson flames along the fire-blackened blade
Tier 7 heavy edge that can change appearance for Elemental mana users
a nightmare black silk pouch embroidered with a tiny golden dragon
Contains everything needed to create a moonshard pendant and also a scaled essence bloodrune that can modify the moonshard pendant to create a wyvern-styled look
a petite zibeline pocket buttoned with a swirling charoite charm
Contains a smoky brown pocket gopher unique noun fighting rat pet
GM Lawlite
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia, Paid Events / Quests. To discuss the above, follow the link below.