You will find [a lifesculpted pelletbow dispenser], [an iridescent cube dispenser], [a comber's boots dispenser], [a celestial regalia dispenser], and [a mirror claymore dispenser] at Drathrok's Assemblage, Dispenser Center in the Duskruin quest grounds. You can SHOP and purchase an origami "ticket" from any dispenser for 200 bloodscrip. The ticket's noun is aligned to the grand prize from that dispenser. You can purchase as many tickets as you wish from all dispensers during the course of the event. Each ticket purchased will increase your odds of winning the grand prize for that specific dispenser.
Toward the end of the Duskruin event, starting around 10:00pm EST on Monday 7/27/20 (Prime first, then Platinum, then TF), there will be an individual drawing for each dispenser. One ticket will be drawn from the entire pool of tickets purchased from that dispenser. The individual selected will win the grand prize item for that dispenser. You do not need to be present or even logged in at the drawing to be the grand prize winner.
If you do not win the grand prize from an individual dispenser, then all of your tickets purchased from that dispenser will instead count toward a memory orb prize which will gain 25% drain per ticket you purchased. This singular memory orb prize is created based on all tickets purchased across all dispensers from this event, excluding any dispenser you win the grand prize from.
1 ticket = 25%; 1 use at 25% drain
2 tickets = 50%; 1 use at 50% drain
3 tickets = 75%; 1 use at 75% drain
4 tickets = 100%; 1 use at 100% drain
5 tickets = 125%; 1 use at 100% drain and 1 use 25% drain
14 tickets = 350%; 3 uses at 100% drain and 1 use at 50% drain
52 tickets = 1300%; 13 uses at 100% drain
143 tickets = 3575%; 35 uses at 100% drain and 1 use at 75% drain
The memory orb can be activated to immediately drain field experience into ranks. The orb will always try to drain 100% when activated, and it will not be destroyed until the balance is completely used up. There is a 100-minute cooldown between using 100% drain across any combination of memory orbs. The orb will be unaligned at first, and you can TURN it to a specific skill of your choosing before its first use. After you select the skill for the orb it will remain aligned to that skill and cannot be changed again.
The memory orb prize can be retrieved using the CLAIM MEMORYORB command, which will be set up and available within 12 hours of the grand prize drawings. We will post here again when CLAIM MEMORYORB is available after the event.
You can read the ledger on each dispenser throughout the event to see current ticket totals for that dispenser.
The Grand Prizes
a pair of korograth leather quarry comber's boots
Contains a deed for a xenomite boulder, and some asharsh'dai chisels with Imperial weave grips
Rock Lovers Set! The boots collect stones/gems and you can SHAKE once every 24 hours to release them. Stones are either pebble or stone size. This set of boots is Tier 6 which means they can capture rarer stones. Set also includes a xenomite boulder and Tier 7 chisels for crafting!
a lifesculpted shadowbark pelletbow wrought as a razor-fanged dungeon rat
Tier 7 pelletbow that you will love like a pet!
T'Kashi mirror claymore
A weapon of legend that can reach tiers untold based on a reflection of your character's stats and skills!
a small iridescent cube
Effectively infinite (1,000,000 charges) ability to summon a portable crystal sanctuary!
a starry white cloud embellished with a pair of sweeping silverweave wings
Contains a small starlight-white sipar streaked with fire maiden topaz comets, a gleaming starlight-white greatsword chased with delicate feather-like grooving, and a starry white titanese battle gown embellished with fire maiden topaz sunbursts
Celestial Lord/Lady Set. Standard size backpack with rare noun. Tier 5+holy repair shield, Tier7+Tier2/Grade1 glitter flare greatsword, Tier6+Tier2/Grade1 fire flare cloth armor. Both flares are 'sunset-orange' color. Winner will also receive 'Celestial Lord/Lady' permanent custom title!
Additional Item Information
TAP: a pair of korograth leather quarry comber's boots
LOOK: Thick and protective yet pliant and maneuverable, these boots boast an intricate network of grooves and hobnails on their soles which act to filter and collect precious stones and other treasures.
STUDY: You study the comber's boots closely. It looks like you will need to remove and periodically SHAKE them to dislodge any stones inside. You think it is also possible to CLEAN, KICK, PUSH, PULL and TURN them.
SHAKE: You pick up each of the boots, flip it upside down and give it a hard shake.
Some fine dust escapes the boots and falls to your feet along with a large smoky yellow bloodstone, a quartzite stone and a large indigo iolite.
TAP: some asharsh'dai chisels with Imperial weave grips
LOOK: A matching braided cord of Imperial weave bundles a full complement of stone-carving chisels and a weighted mallet. The inky black metal of the tools appears almost liquid-like, a fairly deceptive quality given its extreme density.
>analy chis
You analyze every minute detail of the asharsh'dai chisels and smile knowingly to yourself.
This appears to be a crafting tool and they are in pristine condition.
This set of tools is used to carve raw materials into finished goods.
The workmanship is masterfully-crafted.
Assessing the chisels's durability, you determine they are marginally vulnerable to damage.
This tool appears to be tremendously effective at increasing crafting speed.
>app boulder careful
You are certain that the xenomite boulder has a quality of 99, placing it at 'perfect' on the official Trader's Scale.
You are certain that the xenomite boulder has a hardness of 50, placing it at 'scratched with some effort' on the official Trader's Scale.
You are certain that the xenomite boulder has a durability of 45, placing it at 'decent durability' on the official Trader's Scale.
You are certain that the xenomite boulder has a workability of 15, placing it at 'very difficult to work with' on the official Trader's Scale.
You are certain that the xenomite boulder has an enchantment capacity of 95, placing it at 'extreme capacity' on the official Trader's Scale.
You are certain that the xenomite boulder weighs exactly 64000 stones.
You are certain that the xenomite boulder is worth exactly 1361 Kronars.
TAP: a lifesculpted shadowbark pelletbow wrought as a razor-fanged dungeon rat
LOOK: Dark grey wood forms the length of the weapon, masterfully willed to resemble the detailed creature, with its ears drawn back and teeth bared as if held in a perpetual hiss. The mechanical components appear fully integrated into the design, as if they were absorbed by the surrounding shadowbark during construction to attain symbiotic perfection of form. Similarly conjoined, midnight rubies set as the rat's eyes interlace with the wood at their edges in a mingling display of sanguine and shadowy hues.
STUDY: Thinking about the shadowbark pelletbow, you think you could LEAN, POKE, PULL, and RUB it.
>app pelletbow careful
A lifesculpted shadowbark pelletbow wrought as a razor-fanged dungeon rat is a light crossbow type weapon.
A lifesculpted shadowbark pelletbow wrought as a razor-fanged dungeon rat trains the crossbow skill.
The shadowbark pelletbow is reasonably designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the pelletbow is extremely well balanced and is reasonably suited for adding attack power from its draw strength.
You are certain that the shadowbark pelletbow is practically invulnerable to damage, and is in pristine condition.
It appears that the shadowbark pelletbow can be slung over one shoulder.
You are certain that the shadowbark pelletbow weighs exactly 85 stones.
You are certain that the shadowbark pelletbow is worth exactly 5000000 Kronars.
>app claym careful
You can see the challenge to your abilities reflected among the ancient runes etched into the polished surface of the mirror claymore.
A T'Kashi mirror claymore is a two-handed edged melee-ranged weapon.
A T'Kashi mirror claymore trains the two-handed edged skill.
You are certain that it could do:
fair puncture damage
severe slice damage
moderate impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
The mirror claymore is inadequately designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the claymore is amazingly balanced and is amazingly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the mirror claymore is of average construction, and is in pristine condition.
The mirror claymore is made with metal.
You are certain that the mirror claymore weighs exactly 70 stones.
You are unable to determine the value of the mirror claymore.
STUDY: You study your cube intently for a moment.
You think that you can RUB the to create a temporary shelter for yourself.
You can also TAP the cube to lock or unlock the shelter, PULL to hide it or make it visible, PUSH to add more magic to extend how long it remains, and TURN it to dismiss it early.
You study the cube further and are able to see...
There are 1000000 charges remaining.
The shelter will last 60 minutes and will be a sanctuary when summoned.
>rub my cube
You rub your thumb along the edge of your cube, which thrums loudly and bursts into brilliant light.
The radiant light from the iridescent cube floats away from it like a ghost, sinking to the ground before growing outward to form an outline of a crystal sanctuary.
>go sanc
[Lawlite's Crystal Sanctuary]
The walls of this crystal sanctuary give off a soft but strong light, illuminating a solid glass table which seems to grow up from the center of the refuge. A double bed with crystal posts stands along one side of the room, and a long white leather couch curves in a semicircle along the opposite edge. You also see a small waste basket.
Obvious exits: out.
TAP: a starry white cloud embellished with a pair of sweeping silverweave wings
LOOK: The entirely decorative wings are held in place with a lithe silversteel frame attached inconspicuously to this cleverly disguised container.
>wear cloud
You put a starry white cloud embellished with a pair of sweeping silverweave wings on your back.
>measure cloud with yards
You compare your white cloud with the iron yardstick several times and are certain the interior length measures fifteen spans, the interior width measures ten spans, the interior height measures five spans and the cloud appears capable of holding about 1000 stones of weight.
TAP: a small starlight-white sipar streaked with fire maiden topaz comets
LOOK: Inlaid into an elaborate starburst pattern, fiery red gems radiate from the center of the gleaming uthamar shield towards its rippled round edges.
STUDY: Judging from its construction, you think it's suitable to RUB (if properly prepared), TILT, CLEAN or LEAN on.
You sense a spark of the divine within the starlight-white sipar and feel that it could be nurtured with a proper sacrifice of time on your part.
>app sipar careful
You are certain that it imposes trivial maneuvering hindrance.
This shield is small in size.
Your experience with shields allows a better appraisal of the protection capabilities.
You are certain that the sipar offers very poor to moderately good protection.
You are certain that it could do:
no puncture damage
no slice damage
heavy impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
You are certain that the sipar is decently balanced and is inadequately suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the starlight-white sipar is extremely resistant to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The starlight-white sipar is made with metal.
It appears that the starlight-white sipar can be slung over one shoulder.
You are certain that the starlight-white sipar weighs exactly 70 stones.
You are certain that the starlight-white sipar is worth exactly 5625000 Kronars.
TAP: a gleaming starlight-white greatsword chased with delicate feather-like grooving
LOOK: Thin concave tendrils branch off from the central fuller on each side of the tapered blade, lightening the uthamar weapon in an aesthetically pleasing manner. A large rose-cut fire maiden topaz is set into the pommel, its vibrant red shades creating a fiery contrast to the cooler tones of the sparkling metal.
FOCUS: You take the greatsword in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Glitter Weapon Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears to be masterfully-crafted and is somewhat precise. This enchantment is of Minor grade, and was modified to bonus magnitude. The matrix appears to be marginally thin and the lines are perfectly clear.
>app greats careful
A gleaming starlight-white greatsword chased with delicate feather-like grooving is a two-handed edged pole-ranged weapon.
A gleaming starlight-white greatsword chased with delicate feather-like grooving trains the two-handed edged skill.
You are certain that it could do:
somewhat fair puncture damage
overwhelming slice damage
extreme impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
The starlight-white greatsword is soundly designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the greatsword is dismally balanced and is incredibly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the starlight-white greatsword is practically invulnerable to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The starlight-white greatsword is made with metal.
You are certain that the starlight-white greatsword weighs exactly 108 stones.
You are certain that the starlight-white greatsword is worth exactly 6250000 Kronars.
TAP: a starry white titanese battle gown embellished with fire maiden topaz sunbursts
LOOK: This surprisingly fashionable armor features long sleeves and a split skirt designed to resemble that of a riding habit, ensuring its wearer is protected and able to move just as easily across a dance floor as a battlefield. A belt of flame-kissed gold wraps around the waist, its vibrant reddish-yellow hue nearly matching that of the brooches of fire maiden topaz scattered across the skirt.
FOCUS: You take the gown in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Fire Armor Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears to be masterfully-crafted and is somewhat precise. This enchantment is of Minor grade, and was modified to bonus proc chance. The matrix appears to be marginally thin and the lines are perfectly clear.
>app gown careful
The battle gown is light armor.
The gown looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right arm
left arm
right leg
left leg
You feel certain that a starry white titanese battle gown embellished with fire maiden topaz sunbursts appears to impose great maneuvering hindrance and fair stealth hindrance, offering:
high protection and very good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
very high protection and very good damage absorption for slice attacks.
very great protection and high damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and somewhat fair damage absorption for fire attacks.
very good protection and moderate damage absorption for cold attacks.
moderate protection and somewhat fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only wearing a starry white titanese battle gown embellished with fire maiden topaz sunbursts you could expect your maneuvering to be insignificantly hindered and your stealth to be insignificantly hindered.
You are certain that the battle gown is extremely resistant to damage, and is in pristine condition.
The battle gown is extremely soft.
You are certain that the battle gown weighs exactly 195 stones.
You are unable to determine the value of the battle gown.
GM Lawlite
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia, Paid Events / Quests. To discuss the above, follow the link below.