Wasn't sure weather to post this in an events or an Estate Holder folder, sorry if this should be over there instead.
I'd love to see a way to purchase a home furniture item, window/door, pet, etc. as a voucher. Either have each merchant offer, for an additional fee of course, to give you the voucher instead of the "free delivery", or have a separate merchant you go to that you then purchase a blank voucher from, and if you are holding said voucher in your hand when you try to ORDER something, the system will apply it there instead of your home.
Or, if the voucher thing isn't the way to go, maybe have a way that different characters on the account can purchase items for other homes on the account. So say you do an ORDER 1 from a home merchant, instead of the current response, you might see something like:
> "A steel clockwork cat, eh?" says a pet merchant. "I'll sell that to you for 100000 Dokoras. Our records indicate your family has multiple homes, please direct me to which location this pet will be placed."
> 1. You recall that KYTHRYN has a bowed cedar tree around Prairie Grove, Brushwood Trail.
> 2. You recall that TUNIKSA has a cedar frame home around Whitehall Commons, Path of Life.
> [Type ORDER CANCEL to cancel, or ORDER CHOOSE <number> to confirm a location.]
And then once a location is chosen, it would go to the current script of checking to see if you have a current thing in that spot (ie. a current pet in the above example), the trade-in value, etc.
What got me thinking about this was realizing there are a ton of neat housing items at the HE fest that I just always skim over because I have my treehouse how I want. But pretty much all of my "family estate homes" in different places are still dusty and barely furnished. That being said, no way would I purchase another character access to HE just for 1 or 2 home items. And that led me here, to make a suggestion...:)
~*~ Kythryn ~*~
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemingway