Crown---CIRCLET of Zoluren: Part 2 Log 06/10/2018 03:51 AM CDT
Summary: Tirost called a meeting at Taelbert's Inn to discuss the journal he distributed earlier. Of note, a House Denesal courier named Andiolf showed up to observe, claiming to be working for Lord Liev. Navesi summarized what was found in the journal, which was mostly Lasika's mad ramblings about Merelew and 'fairie pods' infecting people, but there were some interesting nuggets about a strange cavern and a riddle that suggested a location outside the east gate. Tirost told the story of how he acquired the piece of "crown" -- corrected by Andiolf to be a CIRCLET -- and how it was lost to Necromancers at the last meeting. The group was interrupted by an attack from Talinel, but he and his creations were dispatched. Navesi suggested that any further discussion of how to proceed take place in a more secure location and invited the group to her home.

As usual, this log is heavily edited, particularly cut down during the combat portion. For anyone interested in catching up, feel free to contact one of the participants. Navesi in particular is usually open to that sort of thing.

At this point I think it is safe for anyone who deciphered the journal to start talking about it if you want to.

[Taelbert's Inn, Bar]
Bursts of laughter and excited shouts ring out from a game of dice being played at a corner table. Other tables and chairs are scattered haphazardly through the room, but most of the regulars perch on high stools near the bar. Apparently, the view of the buxom barmaid is more enticing from that angle.
You also see a Elf commoner, a playful ring-tailed monkey, a barmaid and the menu.
Also here: Winterborn Annais, Ruea, Tirost, Antiquary Emryn, Hodierna's Fist Kaelie and Observer Olave who is sitting.
Obvious exits: east.

You nod politely.

Tirost bobs a brief, respectful bow towards you.

After sniffing and scenting the air, a playful ring-tailed monkey hops up on top of the bar.

(Navesi glances at the monkey with a look of disgust.)

Olave clears her throat.

Ruea nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Tirost nods to Olave.

Tirost says, "Thank you all for coming. I am hoping we can hear from anyone who has made progress on Lasika's journal."

Olave says, "Rumor has it that the news isn't good."

You say, "I am surprised. I expected a few more faces, based on some things I heard."

Tirost asks you, "Shall we wait a bit to start?"

You say, "Maybe a few more minutes."

Tirost nods to you.

You ask, "Did you tell everyone?"

Tirost asks you, "Tell everyone?"

You say, "Yes, everyone you wanted to tell about the meeting."

Tirost says to you, "I was... far more cautious this time..."

Tirost frowns.

You "<to Xixist>" "The meeting is beginning now."

You nod to Tirost.

Tirost says, "So there will likely be far fewer here than at the inital annoucement of the discovery."

You say, "Wise."

Tirost asks Ruea, "Take a look when you have a chance?"

Ruea says, "As you like."

Storm Mage Ishtechte just arrived, leading his group.

Azettie asks, "Is that a nice way of saying I am weird?"

Tirost says to Azettie, "It's a nice way of saying you're creative, capable, intelligent - and weird."

Kaelie smiles at Azettie.

Tirost smiles at Azettie.

Azettie laughs!

Azettie nods.

Olave says, "Unique."

Olave winks at Tirost.

Azettie smiles at Kaelie.

Tirost nods to Olave.

Azettie gasps at Olave!

Olave smiles at Azettie.

You say to Tirost, "Well, I suppose we should begin."

Tirost nods to you.

You motion to Tirost.

Tirost says, "Thanks to everyone who has come by. I was hoping we could discuss Lasika's Journal, as well as any other thoughts on the recent events..."

Dakaeni smiles.

Ruea reads her compact journal.

[Personal][Xixist] "<to you>" "Sorry, Im chasing clues"

Ruea sneers.

Ruea wrinkles her nose.

Ruea says, "I forgot about her cyphers..."

Tirost nods to Ruea.

Ruea rubs her head.

Azettie says, "I didn't get a chance to read her jounral I hope someone was able to figure it out."

Azettie nods in agreement.

Tirost nods to Azettie.

Tirost says, "I can start by describing what I learned from it, and how it lead me to the crown fragment."

You say, "Someone was."

You say, "Rafano and I both deciphered it, and I'm told Ghust may have as well."

Tirost nods to you.

Olave ducks her head.

Collain says, "I did. Substitution cipher, but I got bored reading."

You say, "If anyone else did, please speak up."

Tirost says to you, "That is very good to hear."

Tirost says to Collain, "Lasika is... not sane."

Collain nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Olave says, "Agreed."

Azettie says, "I am just glad there is someone who can read, cause I go into the wrong privy unless they draw those pictures on the doors."

You say, "I can give a summary of what was written or read it aloud in its entirety, but... it is rather long and definitely not sane."

Tirost chuckles.

Tirost nods to you.

Tirost says to you, "I think a summary would be perfect."

Collain says, "And thanks for having the patience to actually translate it all."

Tirost nods at Collain, obviously agreeing with his views.

Azettie points at Collain.

Collain says, "I only made it four entries."

Collain chuckles.

Tirost says, "I couldn't get through it all myself, though I certainly tried."

You say, "Well, before I begin, let me just say that Lasika has many redeeming qualities to her character. What I am about to tell you, you must understand comes from a place of madness wherein she has little control."

Tirost nods to you.

You nod to Collain.

Olave gently says, "I think that much was very obvious."

Olave nods politely to you.

Azettie casually observes the area.

You say, "I have a team of Olvi who help me with copying the newsletter. I gave them the ciphers for each page and made them do the work."

You flash a quick grin.

Ruea chuckles.

Olave wrinkles her nose.

Tirost laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

You say, "So, my thanks to them."

You say, "Anyway, to a summary."

Azettie just tried to flirt with a Elf commoner!

Azettie says something insulting about her own mother!

You say, "She spends a good deal of time writing about what she believes is a necromantic corruption spread by... some kind of 'faerie pods.' She believes it leads first to unresponsiveness and later to susceptibility to necromantic influence."

Tirost sighs.

Olave shudders.

Tirost nods to you.

Tirost says, "That is very much in line with the thoughts and obessions of the Lasika I know."

Azettie glances at Olave.

Azettie blanches.

You say, "Chief symptoms are listlessness, intense focus on a single task, and indifference toward necromantic activities."

You say, "She believes the pods were... ahem... created by alchemists working for Baron Gyfford and Princess Arilana."

Tirost wryly says to Kaelie, "Sounds like half the people in your guild."

Annais raises an eyebrow.

Emryn blinks.

Azettie holds her hand up before her mouth and begins to cough, her shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!

Kaelie grins at Tirost.

Olave's jaw drops.

Collain says, "Sounds like half the people anywhere."

Annais nods to Collain.

Azettie nods.

Olave giggles at Collain.

You say, "This influences the gods' anger toward certain provinces, specifically Drogor's, so she claims, creating storms and thus a more wet environment for..."

You painfully say, "An increased range of these spawning pods."

You clear your throat.

Azettie exclaims, "I hope it is fairy rings!"

Tirost frowns.

Olave covers her ears with her hands.

Olave shudders.

Tirost says, "This was a persistent phobia of Lasika's..."

You say, "This part I will quote directly."

Collain says, "Leth already has enough dryad trouble."

You say, "Once an infected organism is stripped of its soul, the body becomes a husk. The meat is easily removed and the skin becomes stretched and moist. Merelew come ashore in dozens every day to seek out these husks to wear, feeding themselves freely of the meat within."

Olave blanches.

Olave mutters something into the air about nightmares for days.

You say, "It goes on like this."

Azettie blinks.

Tirost nods to you.

You say, "There may be something there to pick apart, I don't know."

Azettie asks, "Wait isn't there one of those fish folk that is a princess?"

Tirost asks you, "May I say a brief bit to contextualize this part of the journal?"

You say, "However the main point of interest to me seems to be a cavern that she discusses."

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Tirost nods to Azettie.

Ruea says, "Yes..."

Azettie nods in agreement.

You say to Tirost, "Go ahead."

Tirost says, "Lasika believed the Merelew were attempting to take control of Kermoria."

You say to Azettie, "Princess Arilana was born a Merelew, yes."

Tirost says, "Much of what Navesi has translated from the journal are Lasika's notes on this obsession."

Azettie says, "Huh."

Azettie nods.

Olave slowly asks, "Is that ... the elf?"

You nod to Olave.

Olave says, "Hm."

Ruea gazes thoughtfully at Emryn.

Ruea glances at Annais.

Tirost says, "I think that most of us would agree that the Princess and the Merelew for that matter are not the threat Lasika claims they are. However..."

Ruea whispers something to Annais.

Azettie rubs her head.

Tirost says, "I agree with Navesi that the part about the cave is fairly interesting - both Lasika's notes and the notes of whoever got the journal afterward and followed in her footsteps."

You nod.

Collain says, "Oh, the Merelew are a threat. Just not directly to us. Right now."

Tirost asks you, "Can you say a bit about the passages that deal with the cave?"

Azettie asks, "So wait two people wrote in that thing?"

Tirost nods to Azettie.

You say, "I'm not certain why she was searching for a place such as that, but she found one."

Azettie flails her arms about.

You say, "Yes. Someone else found it after Lasika and wrote some comments."

You say, "About the cave."

A young man wearing Denesal livery walks into the room and leans against the bar, listening intently.

You clear your throat.

You whisper to Tirost, "We have an audience. What do you want to do?"

Tirost frowns , deep in thought a moment.

Azettie raises an eyebrow.

Emryn ponders.

Annais closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Olave asks you, "Any idea who wrote the comments?"

Annais squints.

Olave glances at Tirost.

You glance at Tirost, a male Human.

Tirost leans over and whispers, "I think we can speak a bit more about the journal... but keep anything that may lead to further discoveries for a more private place."

You whisper to Tirost, "So no more about the cave?"

Olave leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Tirost says to you, "Please go on about what was written about the cave."

You give a slight nod.

Tirost whispers, "It's the second writers notes that I think will lead us further..."

You say, "Apologies. To the cave."

Tirost whispers, "We should not mention anything else of him or of his relationship to Lasika."

The liveried young man taps his fingernails on the bar, as if waiting.

Tirost fidgets nervously.

Olave glances at Tirost.

You say, "Lasika claims that she found a cavern, revealing a tunnel aglow with gems."

Olave whispers something to Tirost.

Azettie gazes at you.

Tirost nods to you.

Ishtechte ponders.

Azettie says, "No that is intersting."

You say, "She explored as far as she was able but was attacked by a 'massive scaled creature,' not a Merelew."

Tirost gives Annais a slight nod.

Azettie nods.

Olave whispers something to Tirost.

Olave raises an eyebrow.

Mazrian just arrived.

Tirost nods to you.

Mazrian dusts himself off.

Olave smiles at Mazrian.

Annais shakes her head.

Tirost smiles at Mazrian.

Mazrian says, "Sorry to be late. Took awhile to get the kids settled."

Mazrian smiles at Tirost.

Mazrian smiles at Olave.

Annais glances at a Elf commoner.

Mazrian stands near Kaelie.

Mazrian kisses Kaelie. And he doesn't seem to want to stop.

Tirost says to Mazrian, "Glad you could make it."

You say, "She escaped to tend her wounds, returned, and found the gems were gone."

Tirost nods to you.

Azettie frowns.

Olave winks.

Tirost says, "That is the cave I believe I was able to find."

You say, "She then traveled for days through the tunnels, eventually coming to a ladder beneath the moon mage guild."

Tirost nods to you.

The young man brushes a fleck of lint off his Denesal crest, brushing the fabric downward as if to draw attention to it. He then goes back to passively listening.

Olave says, "It sounded like the Lost Crossing."

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Olave.

You say, "Perhaps."

Tirost asks Olave, "The Lost Crossing?"

Tirost glances at you.

Mazrian asks, "Under the middens, right?"

Mazrian raises an eyebrow in Olave's direction.

Olave says to Tirost, "Yes. Where the shard Rolagi is right now."

Olave nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost says to Mazrian, "That would be where the cave passages would pass through if Lasika's journal can be trusted..."

Olave ponders.

A Elf commoner gazes about the area with an intent look, watching the goings on.

Olave says to Tirost, "I live there. It's quiet, normally."

Tirost nods to Olave.

Olave says, "Unless Aaoskar throws a party."

Mazrian asks, "Or the death spirits get out of line?"

Tirost says to you, "If you have time later, I would like to see your notes in their entirety."

Mazrian raises an eyebrow.

Olave says to Mazrian, "They're surprisingly good neighbors, honestly."

You say, "In any case, the second writer in the journal was written as Scribe 'F' of the Temple, who acquired it in 423. He or she confirms the cavern exists."

You say, "However the scribe found no evidence of gem mining and the tunnel was caved in."

Tirost says, "Nor did I, but I did find the dried blood that was mentioned..."

Olave whispers something to Tirost.

You nod to Tirost.

Mazrian says to Olave, "They're not much for loud parties, I imagine."

Olave says, "Out of all the things you could have found, a little blood seems not so bad."

Tirost grins at Olave.

Tirost nods.

Tirost says, "I did manage to pull the fragment out as well."

You say, "The scribe also mentioned something about the moon mage guild being complicit in something to do with the gwethdesuan network. That part was a little strange to me."

You say, "But that's most of the journal, more or less. There's also a riddle written in the form of a poem."

Collain says, "Well, they're moon mages, they're complicit in everything."

Olave gazes silently at Collain.

Tirost asks you, "Could you solve it?"

You say, "Well, I deciphered it. I don't know about 'solve'."

Tirost chuckles.

Tirost nods to you.

You ask, "Shall I recite it?"

Tirost says, "Please."

Mazrian nods.

You say, "Here it is, in two parts."

You recite:

"Look in the mirror: Where do they sing?"

Collain strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

You clear your throat.

You say, "Start in the Corner, walk under me. Kick the mutt and fry me in honey. Out in the street, there is only one way to go. Through the gate, I find it hard to grow. Scattered in granite, the ruins of me. Worn maybe, I hold up the light out to sea. Tally the smallest of we, my love will show. Add the page number for the knowledge to flow."

Tirost frowns.

Olave thoughtfully asks, "A ruins of a lighthouse?"

Ruea says, "Well she was talking about the Bard's corner in the Halfpint for part of it."

Tirost says to Olave, "Yes, the one near the Middens."

Mazrian nods.

Olave nods.

Dakaeni says, "I wonder if she means the Ice Caves near Shard? There's a crystal cavern and Adan'f fighters are in there..."

Mazrian says, "To the far northeast."

You say, "The page number part suggests it may have something to do with the cipher, but I don't know. The riddle was encrypted in the most difficult way of all."

You nod to Ruea.

Mazrian says, "It's where the Elpalzi tried to set up a beachhead."

Tirost nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

You say, "I believe the 'Corner' she refers to is the Bard's corner in the Half Pint, yes."

The liveried courier glances at the animal on the bar, then tries to ignore it.

You say, "There's a mutt who stays in the bar there, and a honey fried cake."

Olave appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Collain says, "The Watchers Corner out in the Middens is a possibility."

Tirost glances at Collain.

Tirost ponders.

Tirost quietly says, "Hadn't considered that..."

Mazrian nods to Collain.

You say, "Then once you go outside, the 'only way to go' is east."

You say, "To the east there are the ruins of Ulf'Hara Keep."

Olave asks, "Field trip?"

Tirost asks you, "Do you recall the bit about the helmet Lasika claimed to have created? To protect herself from spying?"

You say to Olave, "And yes, a lighthouse."

You nod to Tirost.

Ruea says, "Oh I remember that."

You say, "Yes... more of her madness, I'm afraid."

Tirost nods to you.

You say, "I'll read it if you like."

Ruea says, "Well. It was a hat."

Ruea shrugs.

Ruea says, "A beret as I recall."

Tirost says, "Certainly, but I believe the piece of the crown was a part of that 'helmet."

Kaelie rubs Mazrian's left hand.

The liveried courier snorts.

Olave just nudged Tirost.

Tirost says to Ruea, "She wore one, but I think the helmet was something different."

Tirost says, "Lasika suffered from headaches - bad ones."

You say, "Page 13. With what metals I was able to find, I crafted myself a dome helmet. I fear they are closing in on me. Though this helmet is unable to protect my projected thoughts (which I know they are always listening to), it is at least able to reflect the light necessary for a moon mage's psychic eye to glance down upon me. Unless the moons are at an angle. Then it is useless."

Ruea chuckles.

Tirost nods to you.

Tirost says to you, "Yes, that's the passage. I believe she attempted to use the crown fragment that was stolen for that purpose."

Mazrian says, "Uhhh..."

Tirost glances at Ruea.

You ask, "So you think Lasika actually had a piece of the crown?"

Tirost says to you, "I'm not certain..."

The liveried courier opens his mouth, but then seeming to remember something closes it again.

Ruea raises an eyebrow in Tirost's direction.

Tirost says, "And if she did, she didn't know what it was."

Tirost says, "But if it did have some property that negated magic.."

Tirost says, "She might have sought it out for that reason."

Tirost says, "The last time I saw Lasika, she gave me this..."

Tirost taps a heavy platinum headband bearing chunks of uncut diamond that he is holding.

(Navesi speaks to the courier. "If you know something about the whereabouts of the actual crown of Prince Vorclaf, and this is all a fool's errand, please feel free to tell us.")

(Tirost glances at a courier.)

The liveried courier says, "Why would you think the crown is missing when no one from the palace has ever said it was?"

Tirost chuckles.

(Tirost nods to a courier.)

You say, "As a Bard in service to the Crown, I am honor bound to follow all potential leads, even if they come from unreliable sources."

You glance at Tirost, a male Human.

Tirost asks, "Why would the House of Sorvendig admit that a major treasure was lost?"

Tirost asks, "Would it not be wiser to leave it a mystery rather than admit it could be in the hands of its enemies?"

Azettie says, "You blow up a building that big something is bound to be missing."

The liveried courier says, "The only type of identification a ruler wears into battle is a circlet on their helm, denoting status. Never the crown regalia. That would be rather stupid."

Tirost nods in agreement.

Tirost says, "Well said. The circlet was indeed a small silver crown and not that which would be used for a coronation. My research in Throne City asserted the same."

Azettie rubs her head.

You ask Tirost, "May I see that headband please?"

Tirost nods to you.

Tirost gets a heavy platinum headband bearing chunks of uncut diamond from inside his storyteller's bag.

Tirost offers you a heavy platinum headband bearing chunks of uncut diamond. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

You accept Tirost's offer and are now holding a heavy platinum headband bearing chunks of uncut diamond.

> recall headband
You search your mind but nothing seems notable about the a heavy platinum headband bearing chunks of uncut diamond.

> evoke headband
You attempt to evoke memories of the past, but nothing seems to have left a strong enough imprint on a heavy platinum headband bearing chunks of uncut diamond.

The liveried courier says, "Thus, not a terribly important piece to the House. One meant to be damaged, potentially lost. An unimportant piece of metal as it were. But if you lot want to look for it..."

You say, "I can evoke no imagery from this piece. It could well be nothing."
You focus your magical senses on a heavy platinum headband bearing chunks of uncut diamond.
The platinum headband has no discernible magical pattern.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

Tirost says to you, "I believe Lasika, in her confusion, attempted to weld together many 'magical' things in the attempt to make her helmet. The crown piece may have been one of them."

Ruea nods to Annais.

You offer your platinum headband to Tirost, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Azettie says, "I want to look for treasure! Tell us where to look."

Tirost has accepted your offer and is now holding a heavy platinum headband bearing chunks of uncut diamond.

Azettie nods.

Olave says, "The rumor is that it has the power to damage a necromancer."

Olave says, "At least, that's what the necromancers seem to believe."

Tirost frowns.

You arch your eyebrow.

Tirost nods to Olave.

You ask Olave, "How do you know this?"

Annais glances at a Elf commoner.

The liveried courier says, "Calling it the crown is rather misleading though. If you are looking for what may have been lost in battle, you are looking for a circlet of silver."

Olave says to you, "Common knowledge."

Perune just arrived.

You say to Olave, "I have an extensive network of informants and I didn't know. That doesn't strike me as common."

(Tirost grins at a courier.)

The liveried courier says, "Plain. No gems. Just a simple band fitted around a helm."

Ruea smiles at Perune.

Ruea reaches over and holds hands with Perune.

Annais smiles at Perune.

Olave looks at you and shrugs.

Perune chuckles.

Tirost says, "There was, as far as I could tell, only the one gem in the piece I found."

Azettie asks, "Is it magical though courier who I don't know your name?"

Azettie says, "Or maybe it is whom."

Azettie shrugs.

You ask Tirost, "To be absolutely clear, why don't you say it again. What exactly was the piece that was found, and who found it in what order?"

The liveried courier says, "My name is Andiolf. I work for Lord Liev, of course."

You nod politely.

Azettie leaps to her feet!

Perune ponders.

Azettie bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

You say, "Please pass on my greetings to his lordship."

Azettie sits down on the bar stool.

Tirost says, "I found one piece of a small silver crown..."

Perune asks, "Why do you look so familiar, courier?"

You ask, "Crown or circlet?"

(Tirost glances at Andiolf.)

Tirost says, "Er... circlet."

The liveried courier says, "And I suppose it would not be odd if someone else found a piece of CIRCLET and placed a gem in it."

You nod to Tirost.

Tirost says to you, "To be honest, I can't say for certain."

Collain shrugs.

Ruea asks, "Who can resist an attractive circlet?"

You say, "Okay, go on."

Ruea waves her hand distractedly.

Tirost says, "It was a piece, only, and could have been from any circular ornament."

Collain asks, "Moon mages utilize gems for enchanting, right?"

Olave nods to Collain.

The liveried courier says, "I do work for Lord Liev often. You may have seen me around. I skulk."

Perune gives a slight nod.

Azettie asks, "What is a Liev?"

Olave grins wryly.

Azettie says, "I mean who."

You frown at Azettie.

Azettie blushes a bright red color.

Tirost says, "I found it locked in a moldy chest inside the cave south of Arthe Dale."

Azettie shrugs.

You say, "Lord Liev of House Denesal. He is one of the lords of Zoluren."

Azettie chortles softly at some secret joke.

Azettie nods.

Azettie leaps to her feet!

You say, "Not the head of the House but a member of it."

Tirost says, "When I pulled out the piece of silver, I found it wrapped with a piece of paper with a Gamgweth passage written on it."

Azettie says, "And I am Lady Poppy of the field of Poppy, Maybe I should meet him."

Azettie sinks into a deep curtsy.

You look at Azettie and sigh.

Azettie shakes her head.

Azettie sits down on the bar stool.

Tirost raises an eyebrow in Azettie's direction.

The liveried courier says, "If you did find pieces of the actual helm circlet, his Highness might be happy to have it for sentimental value."

Tirost softly says, "She's been drinking."

Kaelie grins at Azettie.

Perune nods to Ruea.

Collain says, "Viere is still head of the House, I believe. They've got properties west of here."

Tirost runs his fingers through his hair.

Azettie says, "He is telling you you are looking for the wrong thing so he is misleading you or you need to listen to him."

You say to Collain, "Lord Denesal, you mean."

Mazrian nods.

Tirost smiles at Andiolf.

Mazrian rubs his neck.

Collain cocks his head.

Olave frowns.

You say to Tirost, "Why don't you keep explaining what happened with the piece that you found."

Mazrian says, "Perhaps his Highness has a historian on re tainer who might be able to help us in the interpretation."

Tirost nods to you.

Ruea gives Perune a wry grin.

Perune whispers something to Mazrian.

Annais grins at Ruea.

Mazrian whispers something to Perune.

Tirost says, "When I took the piece from the cave, I focused my magical perception on it."

Kaelie asks, "And did you sense anything?"

Olave gazes thoughtfully at Perune.

Tirost says, "There was a small, clear gem within the crown, and a strange sensation came from it - a kind of..."

Tirost says, "A kind of absence, is the best way I can describe it."

Perune reaches up and moves his icesteel balaclava about on his head.

Tirost frowns.

The liveried courier leans on the bar and goes back to passively listening, eyes fixed on the gathered crowd politely.

Tirost says, "I asked Olave to contact scholars that might be interested, and rushed to Throne City to look after information on the gem."

Olave nods.

Tirost says, "I was largely unsuccessful, though the Gamgweth saying haunted me..."

Olave says, "Most of the scholars I know are preoccupied with a certain astral jaunt."

Tirost smiles.

You grumble.

Tirost nods to Olave.

Olave nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Collain leans to his left slightly.

Ruea tilts her head inquisitively.

Ruea asks, "Whatever did it say?"

Tirost says, "But I did come across accounts of artifacts with the ability to negate the profane aegis."

Perune blinks at Annais.

Azettie stares blankly at a barmaid.

Tirost says to Ruea, "What to nature is perverse, the eye of light will yet reverse."

You blink.

Tirost says to Ruea, "That was the message that I found with the crown, rendered in common."

Annais shudders.

Azettie crooks her finger, motioning a barmaid to come closer.

The liveried courier says, "Circlet," in a sing-song tone.

Olave wryly says to you, "I believe that's where the rumors about necromancy come from."

Tirost chuckles.

Tirost nods.

Azettie laughs!

You say, "That would be it."

Tirost says, "Yes, the circlet."

Ruea laughs!

You ask Tirost, "And then what happened?"

Perune nods to Annais.

Ruea smiles at the courier. "I like you, you've got some sass".

Perune whispers something to Mazrian.

Azettie asks, "So if you find said circle of silver or all its fragments are you planning on returning it?"

Tirost says, "In any case, after reading a great deal of the vaguest and most useless scholarship until they kicked me out of the great library at dusk, I eventually contacted Mazrian for an account of Vorclaf's death."

Tirost nods to Azettie.

Azettie frowns.

You mutter something into the air about bards.

Azettie sighs.

Tirost says to Azettie, "In my mind, it should go to Princess Arilana."

Azettie asks, "The fish?"

Mazrian whispers something to Perune.

Mazrian whispers something to Kaelie.

Tirost says, "After speaking with Mazrian about Vorclaf and his battle with Lyras, I asked Whiteburn about the artifact once held by the Inquisition."

Mazrian nods to Perune.

Tirost says, "At that point, I was already thinking that Vorclaf might have managed to destory his uncle using something similar - if, in fact, the crown... er circlet and the gem were in fact Vorclaf's."

Kaelie whispers something to Mazrian.

Mazrian makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at a Elf commoner.
The Elf commoner is struck by a violent wind that lands an earth-shaking strike to its left arm!

Perune inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward a Elf commoner!
A fire whirl enwreathes the entire length of the Elf commoner's right arm, incinerating it with scarlet barbs of flame that shift and twine feverishly. The accompanying wind crumbles the limb-shaped cinder away from it.
A Elf commoner crumples to the ground, and desperately tries to stand up again. However, her wounds prove too severe, and she relaxes after a moment, her body going still.

Tirost says, "But Whiteburn -."

A Elf commoner wanders away.

You blink at Perune.

Mazrian dusts himself off.

You ask Perune, "What was that about?"

Perune says, "Apologies. The Empaths can explain."

Ruea says to Perune, "Thank you dear."

The liveried courier stares forward stoically.

Olave tilts her head to one side.

Azettie says, "Poor guy just wanted a drink."

Olave says, "Please explain."

Annais says, "It was a risen."

Mazrian says, "He was less than living, apparantly."

Mazrian dusts himself off.

You blanch.

Tirost asks Annais, "You certain?"

Azettie shrugs.

Collain shifts his weight.

Kaelie nods to Tirost.

You ask, "An undead creature?"

Annais says, "Yes, only one thing screeches at my senses."

Kaelie says, "It seemed to be, yes."

Tirost says, "Then it was the right call."

You give a slight nod.

Perune says, "They seemed to be quite upset at its presence."

Olave sighs.

(Tirost turns to Perune and Mazrian.)

Tirost says, "Thanks."

Tirost smiles.

Perune nods to Tirost.

Azettie says, "I people get upset by my presence too just know I am alive."

Azettie nods.

Tirost says to you, "In any case, to make a longer story less long - the silver crown, the gem and the story of Vorclaf's life..."

Olave impatiently says, "If you kill the one you can recognize, it makes it harder to tell when you're being spied on."

Perune nods to Azettie.

Tirost says, "It all seemed to be a rather strong coincidence, though obviously a long shot..."

Olave shakes her head.

The liveried courier says, "Cirrrrrrrrrclettttt," in a sing-song tone.

Tirost clears his throat.

Tirost says, "Yes, circlet. Thank you."

Talinel reveals himself.
Talinel gestures at Mazrian.
Mazrian suddenly freezes in place!
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity immediately gives Talinel a wide berth!

(Tirost seems rather annoyed.)

Tirost mumbles something unprintable.

Collain says, "Or a tiara."

An arisen boar zombie shambles in with a groan.

Ruea whispers something to Perune.

Tirost says, "Annais, get to safty."

Ruea says, "Well this is going to end badly for him."

Several patrons begin screaming and running out of the bar!

Talinel gets a tiny glass orb from inside his leather apron.

Annais blinks.

Perune gestures at Talinel with a casual flick of his wrists.
Talinel's glaes buckler jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Talinel is struck by a violent wind that lands a good strike to his right eye!
Talinel is lightly stunned!

Tirost begins to advance on Talinel.

The liveried courier moves away behind the bar.

Talinel wavers into view.

Talinel crushes his glass orb in his hand like a frail egg shell, driving the shards deeply into the flesh. Nothing unusual happens at first as driblets of blood seep between his fingers to softly patter below.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
He staggers as his blood is torn from his veins, flowing into a creature quickly growing before him.
Finally the feeding stops, leaving Talinel greatly weakened, but alive.
Before you stands a gigantic glass construct, formed of naught but blood and glass. Carnage seems to roll from the creature as it gazes about, its silence only broken by the slow dripping of blood from its horrid body.

Olave frowns.

Perune gestures at a gigantic glass construct.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath a gigantic glass construct!
A gigantic glass construct slips and falls forward, slamming his face on the ice.

Tirost grabs Ruea's arm and tries to drag her, but she doesn't budge.

Tirost mumbles something unprintable.

The liveried courier makes an expedient exit east.

Collain leans back and hoists a gigantic glass construct into the air!

Collain's suplex smashes a gigantic glass construct into the ground, landing a hard hit to a gigantic glass construct's right leg!

Mazrian says, "Oh, hrm."

Mazrian charges his knuckle at Talinel. The knuckle lands a good strike that bruises the chest with a blow to the ribcage, lightly stunning him!

Perune hurls a long-bladed senci spear with a blackened and malformed sana'ati haft at Talinel. The spear lands a powerful strike that jams the end of the senci spear through his right palm and out the other side!
The senci spear lodges itself savagely into Talinel!

A gigantic glass construct struggles vainly against Collain's grip.

The barmaid screams and cowers behind the bar!

Mazrian inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward Talinel!

Some of the fiery breath breaks against his glaes buckler.

A fire whirl enwreathes the entire length of Talinel's right arm, incinerating it with scarlet barbs of flame that shift and twine feverishly. The accompanying wind crumbles the limb-shaped cinder away from him.
* Talinel is slain before your eyes!

Azettie exclaims, "You interupted my drink!"

Talinel's corpse begins to shake violently, sprouting new mass to replace its lost organs. The convulsions reach a fevered pitch and then abruptly stop when Talinel's eyes snap open! He drags himself upright, wracked with pain and gasping for air, but clearly alive.
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity immediately gives Talinel a wide berth!

Perune hurls a long-bladed senci spear with a blackened and malformed sana'ati haft at an arisen boar zombie. The spear lands a massive strike that raises a long swath of smelly green goo along its abdomen!
The senci spear lodges itself shallowly into the boar zombie!

An arisen boar zombie crumples to the ground as the force impelling it flees.

An arisen boar zombie's motions slow, the effects of rigor mortis becoming more evident.

Mazrian punches his knuckle at Talinel. The knuckle lands a heavy strike that cleaves off the top half of the skull, exposing the brain!

* Talinel is slain before your eyes!

Talinel gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Mazrian makes a grunting noise.

Talinel's corpse begins to shake violently, sprouting new mass to replace its lost organs. The convulsions reach a fevered pitch and then abruptly stop when Talinel's eyes snap open! He drags himself upright, wracked with pain and gasping for air, but clearly alive.
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity immediately gives Talinel a wide berth!

Azettie sighs.

Butcher Talinel ducks east.

Tirost frowns.

You grumble.

Ruea says, "How tedious."

Tirost says to you, "By Meraud, they'll give us no peace."

(Navesi looks around to ensure the safety of the courier.)

Ruea says to Annais, "Are you alright, darling."

Perune asks Olave, "Hey, you sure on whether you're being spied upon or not now?"

Annais says, "I'm fine.."

As if racing to catch up, the decay process quickly overcomes an arisen boar zombie. Putrid flesh withers and evaporates into a rancid cloud, leaving brittle, mottled bones behind that crumble to dust the moment they contact air.

You ask, "Andiolf, are you well?"

Azettie says, "Cause of the circlet."

Azettie chortles softly at some secret joke.

Olave sarcastically says to Perune, "Gee, I wonder if killing the elf provoked him."

The liveried courier strolls back in, now that it appears safe.

Collain says, "I think we should call it a tiara. Circlet would appear to be bad luck."

You give a slight nod.

Tirost gives Collain a wry grin.

Ruea says to Tirost, "Thank you for offering protection, dear."

Tirost nods to Ruea.

You say, "No matter what we call it, it's definitely upsetting the Necromancers."

Tirost quietly says, "For what good it may have been..."

Olave rolls her eyes.

Tirost nods.

Tirost says, "The last thing they want is a full scale search after the gem, the eye of light."

Ruea says, "Yes, we must certainly be vigilent about Necromancers in meetings."

Azettie chortles softly at some secret joke.

Annais gazes off into the distance.

You say, "Or maybe it's all hogwash and they're stirring us up for their own amusement."

Tirost glances at you.

Tirost says, "I suppose so."

Azettie says, "Well I just don't know why you would give something back that they aren't looking for if it has such power."

Azettie says, "I mean could be worth a mint."

Azettie says, "But that is just me."

You ask Tirost, "Now, go on with your tale. You spoke to Mazrian about Prince Vorclaf, you read the note. Then what?"

Tirost says to Azettie, "I'm beginning to understand Taylii more and more..."

Olave nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Mazrian just arrived.

Tirost nods to you.

Mazrian says, "How rude."

Azettie says, "Speaking that witches name."

Ruea whispers something to Perune.

Ruea chuckles.

Perune chuckles at Ruea.

Tirost says, "Whiteburn didn't have much information on the artifact. She asked me to contact Liurilias, but I was unable to."

The liveried courier says, "I did speak to the authorities about getting you a pardon for the ah, thing done to that ah, thing-man-person here."

Tirost smiles at a courier.

Ruea says, "That was very kind of you."

Ruea smiles.

Tirost says, "Please do."

Mazrian says, "Ah, thank you."

Mazrian says, "I appreciate that."

You say, "Thank you, Andiolf."

Kaelie says, "Very kind."

Kaelie nods.

Tirost says to you, "After that, I went to meet with Olave and the many who came to help, and we were attacked."

You say, "Yes. In the streets."

You gaze upward.

Azettie holds her hand up before her mouth and begins to cough, her shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!

Tirost says, "I cannot prove the that circlet was Vorclaf's, nor that the gem does what it claims..."

Tirost says, "But to me, given the stakes, I thought it was worth investigating, and I appreciate those who came to help."

You say, "To be clear, I was present to examine the piece of circlet, but I was unable to before it was stolen."

Tirost nods to you.

You say, "An artifact like that would be likely to have some kind of imprint upon it that could be evoked by a Bard such as myself."

You glance at Tirost, a male Human.

Tirost says, "It is certainly my fault for holding a meeting in such a public place."

Olave says, "And now they have it, and have hidden it."

Olave says, "And are likely studying it, themselves."

Olave frowns.

You say, "Or destroying it, if it has any true power over them."

Azettie asks, "So now fellas like that one who came in here with his pet pig have a artifact of unknown power?"

Perune looks at Ruea and shrugs.

Azettie frowns, shaking her head with an expression of exasperation before resting her face in the palm of her hand.

The liveried courier says, "Or, they think they have it and have instead a useless piece of tin."

Olave nods to Azettie.

The liveried courier says, "Look on the bright side."

The liveried courier smiles widely.

Azettie exclaims, "I am the brightside!"

You look at Tirost and sigh.

Azettie nods.

Azettie winks.

Olave smiles wryly.

Tirost says to you, "You think I should have kept it secret, I know."

Azettie just tried to flirt with a barmaid!

You ask Tirost, "So, all that explained now, what exactly are you proposing?"

Mazrian says, "Cat's out of the bag now."

Mazrian looks at Tirost and shrugs.

Mazrian nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Tirost says, "I hope to find any remaining pieces of the circlet, and attempt to win back the piece that was taken."

Azettie fixes Tirost with a frank, even stare.

Tirost quietly says, "Obviously, I am not powerful enough to do this alone."

Tirost frowns.

Olave curiously asks Tirost, "Have any further clues presented themselves?"

Kaelie asks, "To "win" it back? How would that work?"

Collain scratches distractedly at his beard.

Olave says to Kaelie, "Cage match."

Tirost says to Kaelie, "My hope..."

Olave nods.

Tirost blushes a bright red color.

You say, "So, let me get this straight. You weren't able to confirm that it actually does anything of import, or that it belonged to anyone of import."

You say, "But you want us to risk our lives fighting Necromancers to get it back."

Kaelie says, "Not sure I would trust someone that steals to be honest enough to toss it back if they lost in a cage match."

Azettie exclaims, "I like it!"

Azettie nods to you.

Tirost says to you, "I want nothing from you that you would not willingly give."

Azettie says, "But I don't want to give it back."

Azettie frowns.

Olave says to you, "To be fair, we risk our lives just breathing around them, most days."

You say to Azettie, "You would, Lady Poppy."

Azettie sighs.

Mazrian says, "Could we just buy it back? Most likely it has no value to them, as such."

You say to Tirost, "But you're asking us to give."

Mazrian says, "They went for it because we wanted it."

You say, "Perhaps we are both scrabbling over something worthless because each thinks the other side knows how to use it."

Tirost says, "I have faith in Kermorian valor, and I think there are some who might help - whether in memory of Vorclaf, or out of scorn for necromancers who would murder and steal as they wish."

Tirost says to you, "But you are right."

You say, "Either way, I may be persuaded to try, but we MUST exercise more caution in meetings."

Mazrian says to Tirost, "Sure, but...all the valor in the world is not going to get it out of someone's vault."

Mazrian asks, "For that we'd need a suppoena, I suppose?"

Mazrian rubs his neck.

Olave grins.

You say, "We cannot be making plans on how to tackle the Necromancers essentially within their earshot."

Mazrian nods to you.

Tirost says to Mazrian, "If a necromancer like Nefis achieves an artifact of great power - or thinks he has - he is unlikely to merely hold it in a vault..."

Azettie asks, "Maybe we plan to find the rest first then?"

Tirost says, "Necromancers are very interested in power - even over their own kind."

Azettie asks, "Worry about the real problems last?"

Tirost nods to Azettie.

Tirost says to Azettie, "My thoughts as well."

Azettie nods.

You sigh.

Tirost nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Perune whispers to your group, "What is the supposed power of this thing, again?"

Tirost says to you, "They have many spies, and many ways of gaining information."

You whisper to Mazrian, Perune, and Kaelie, "Power over necromancers in some way."

Olave says, "I think we have two tasks that seem equally important. Confirm that the cr-/circlet/ is actually something of import, and look at where other pieces might be."

Tirost nods to Olave.

Perune whispers something to Ruea.

The liveried courier nods slightly.

Mazrian scratches his head.

You say, "I suggest we move to my house. It's warded against scrying. And it's hard for undead men to simply wander in."

Tirost frowns slightly at Annais.

Mazrian says, "She has good tea, too."

Mazrian says, "If you're a tea person."

You say, "And tarts."

Azettie says, "And confirm a reward if we are just gonna willy nilly give it back."

(Tirost can't help but laugh.)

Azettie snickers.

(Olave perks.)

Olave asks, "Tarts?"

You nod to Olave.

You pat a golden tart-shaped tin topped with cloud ruby filling.

Collain ponders.

Olave says, "Well, I'm convinced."

Olave stands up.

Olave comes and stands near you.

Tirost smiles at Olave.

Azettie says, "And no Courier I don't want my name in a book I can't spend that or roll around in it in my home."

Azettie nods in agreement.

Tirost quietly says, "There are also other leads..."

The liveried courier says, "I didn't offer."

You whisper SOMETHING REDACTED to Tirost.

Azettie shrugs.

Mazrian chuckles at Azettie.

Azettie says, "You can't blame someone for trying."

(Tirost's silver-flecked crystal blue eyes fall on Navesi.)

You gaze at Tirost.

Ruea tilts her head inquisitively.

Perune whispers something to Annais.


Annais closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

You whisper to Tirost SOMETHING REDACTED.

Kaelie says, "If the item is in the vault I don't imagine we can have it searched. The owners of the vaults certainly don't want such an artifact being held back from the owners ..."


Tirost nods to Kaelie.

Perune nods to Annais.

Olave says, "If I owned a vault, I wouldn't want a reputation for having it searched on a whim."

Ruea says, "So offer a reward."

Ruea shrugs.

Olave says, "Just saying."

You say, "All right, everyone please join me and we'll move to the house. Andiolf, you're welcome too."

Ruea says, "People in this land don't love anything more than money."

Tirost says, "They will keep it safe, until they choose to try and do something with it, and I am certain they will."

The liveried courier says, "If you will excuse me. I should report to Lord Liev. Inform him that I have set you straight vis-a-vis crown and circlet nuances, so that you are clear on whatever it is you are looking for is clearly a circlet of silver. Not a crown."

Mazrian nods at Olave, obviously agreeing with her views.

Kaelie says, "Thank you for the information."

Mazrian asks, "Thank you,, do you have a name?"

You say, "Very well. I hope the lord is well."

You say, "I will be happy to send him a report of our progress if he wishes."

You say to Mazrian, "He said his name is Andiolf."

Collain says, "Obliged, Andiolf."

(Tirost bows to a courier.)

The liveried courier says, "Good luck in your search for the circlet. I will give Lord Liev your regards."

Mazrian nods to you.

Collain says, "Aristocratic headgear is very complex."

Perune nods to Ruea.

Tirost says, "Take care, Andiolf."

The liveried courier exits the area, with a slight bow.

You ask, "Is everyone joined who intends to come?"

Azettie says, "Make sure you spell it right P O P P Y."

Azettie snaps her fingers.

Azettie says, "He is gone."

Kaelie chuckles at Azettie.

Mazrian chuckles at Azettie.

Ruea winks at Perune.

Tirost chuckles at Azettie.

You say, "Leaving now."

Oh you thought you were gonna get to see our secret meeting? NO DICE. Join us in game, find someone who was present... or get spying. ;)
Re: Crown---CIRCLET of Zoluren: Part 2 Log 06/10/2018 11:33 AM CDT
*Lurk lurk lurk*


"Them: Raising a family is hard. Me: Not if they're buried close enough to each other."
Re: Crown---CIRCLET of Zoluren: Part 2 Log 06/10/2018 11:38 AM CDT
>(Navesi glances at the monkey with a look of disgust.)

This is why Navesi is my favorite.

Thanks for posting the log! This event is becoming quite interesting.
Re: Crown---CIRCLET of Zoluren: Part 2 Log 06/10/2018 11:45 AM CDT
>*Lurk lurk lurk*

Drip. Drip. Drip!