A smartly dressed Kaldaran woman bustles through the Crossing streets, small packets of loosely bound papers in her hands. When she finds the right person, she steps close to them and her head tilts downward, whispering something as she passes them a booklet. She makes several stops on her journey, weaving through back alleys and stopping at several guilds, always careful to clutch the papers tightly. However, near the evening an enormous Gor'Tog lumbers right into her, knocking her off balance and sending several of the booklets to the ground. She scowls at him and quickly snatches them up, obviously disgusted by their newfound moistness. The Tog just grins stupidly. After she rushes off, he slowly shrugs and starts walking again, revealing an extra booklet beneath his foot.
[If you were at Tirost's meeting yesterday or otherwise showed interest to Navesi, you get a copy of this journal from her. Otherwise, maybe you got it another way...]
You read page 1 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Sqffcicgxrzm hggv okrgt wf kx cxid wt ywtg iwxrkcxs sykzz vgjjzg-zcag gees, wt "Fkgtcg vwhs", odcid oczz dkrid gpgtm rdcth kxhq wx rdg dwrrgsr hkm, tgekthzgss wf sgkswx. Rdgsg dkrid cxrw fkgtcgzcxes kxh htcfr kcyzgsszm qxrcz krrtkirgh jm k zcpcxe wtekxcsy, odgtgqvwx rdgm fggh wx rdg fzgsd wf rdg xwsg, ywqrd, kxh gkts, ykcxzm. Rdgm zkm sykzz odcrg iwiwwxs cxschg rdg jwhm odcid zggid wff rdg svctcr, ykacxe rdgct pcircys sqsigvrcjzg rw xgitwykxrci cxfzqgxig."
You read page 2 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Yhjuxzlysdj dygarhyjh idtwalnt lt ljrsh adtsahttyhtt xu, xwwxtdsh sedt, dyshyth gxjrt xy l sltb. Whugxuzdyf uhwhsdsdqh ljsdxyt pdsexrs lyn xrsplui dyidjlsxu xg jxytjdxrtyhtt dt seh zldy tnzwsxz. Sehth suldst tsuhyfsehy dy seh qdjsdz pehy waljhi yhlu xsehu lggadjshi xuflydtzt. Seh xyan jruh dt jxzwahsh kxin uhaxjlsdxy seuxrfe exan zhlyt, lgshu seh kxin dt kahtthi kn l jahudj, pedje dt sx tln, tljudgdjh."
You read page 3 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Ezhiktij yvgmzeuau tfmt mvi zyt ez tfeu utmgi qebb ufyq uegzu yh uyhtizij viuybri vigmvjezg tfi zikvyamztek ukysvgi tfvysgfyst ibmztfem. Ezjehhivizki mzj ystvegft mkkixtmzki mvi mbuy qmvzezg uegzu. Mbb lyjebo hbseju ipxibbij hvya ezhiktij yvgmzeuau kmvvo xyj uxyviu, qfekf kmz li uiiz mu jvehtezg aytiu ez uszbegft, mzj qebb uiic yst utmzjezg qmtiv ty viusai tfi kokbi."
You read page 4 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "F kfvlzsjwjk, ncbzvu mp nllfkjau, n rnwkfah vfhfc lnwsjk tyza vzbj vuzajv ajnw ugj cfhgugztvj za ugj lnyj zi vuzwbv. Ugfv nwjn fv jaufwjcp iwjj zi injwfjcfahv. Ugj bnwdfahv wjvjbmcj ugzvj iztak tyza ugj vbnccjw wtajvuzajv iztak tyza bnap n htfck'v kzanufza vgjcsjv. F gnsj iztak fu fv jazthg uz djjy zaj takjw bp gnu uz djjy bj ywzujlujk nmztu uzra. Azu ncc wtajvuzajv nwj ugj vnbj, izw vzbj zi ugj vfhfcv kz azu rnwk ugjb nu ncc."
You read page 5 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Vhkwk jokxgk zalw skxk mxkovkl nq odmhkcgwvw saxegbi jax noxab iqjjaxl obl zxgbmkww oxgdobo. Vhkgx xkwkoxmh wvulq gw damovkl wackshkxk gb vhxabk mgvq - g wuwzkmv vhk cuwkuc, zkxwaboddq. Gv gw maccab ebasdklik oxgdobo gw lkwmkblkl aj ckxkdks ndaal, sow NAXB o ckxkdks, obl vxobwjgiuxkl gbva ob kdj gb axlkx va dgtk o dabikx dgjk va atkxwkk vhkgx zdobw va jxugvgab. Gj vhk wvaxgkw aj datk oxk vxuk, whk saudl hotk mhawkb va nkmack hucob, ow vhk zxgbmk sow."
You read page 6 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Hc dpfhcj wil abavepnl hcmhkklylcw wb clnybdpcnr, wilr pyl mhylnwer hckevlcnhcj wil jbmx' pcjly wbtpym wilhy aybuhcnlx, dbxw cbwpoer wil jbm mybjby, ebym bk xwbydx. Or fllahcj wil epcmx tlw thwi wihx yphc, wil xaptchcj jybvcm kby wilhy kplyhl abmx pyl hcnylpxhcj hc ypcjl. Hcklnwlm byjpchxdx ipul ollc mhxnbulylm px kpy cbywi px dvxapy'h pcm px kpy xbvwi px nbyhf'x tpee."
You read page 7 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Xjm ymq bzimyxmyy ujixmpwzd iy, qy lqz qy I qe quqzm, dcx idvcfvmn uixj xjiy bfqd. Yjm jqy bmzlczemn zixwqf yqoziliom lcz em cd cooqyicd, qdn iy lzmm jmzymfl cl xjm lqmzim xqidx. Jcumvmz, yjm mdocwzqkmy xjm yxczey, qdn xjqx iy xjm idyinicwydmyy cl xjm bfqd - xjqx mvmd xjm ecyx nmvcxmn cl ofmzioy lwzxjmzy xjm xzqdylczeqxicdy. Xjm yjcbgmmbmz ojirifi xwzdmn xjiy vmzs nqs. Jmz uqxmz iy bzqoxioqffs lzmm xc lzmyjfs ocdvmzxmn emzmfmu."
You read page 8 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Depn re jemnpyno dalrejzf jz zyajccno dm jyz zdxg, ykn qdot qnpdfnz r kxzh. Ykn fnry jz nrzjgt anfdwno reo ykn zhje qnpdfnz zyanypkno reo fdjzy. Fnangnv pdfn rzkdan je odsnez nwnat ort yd znnh dxy yknzn kxzhz yd vnra, mnnojel yknfzngwnz manngt dm ykn fnry vjykje. Ldaljel yknfzngwnz yd ykn cdjey dm qxazyjel, yknt qnlre yd zcnv qdot crayz reo dykna fnrgz, vkjpk ryyarpyno lanry ryyneyjde. Ykjz ryyneyjde vrz bxjphgt ojwjono qt ykn "Yjfngt" rccnrarepn dm ykn Zcjona."
You read page 9 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Dbkeb ze zlka dekfz, zlo gobohow lsp roof zsikfm hoaaefa nbeg zlo eqyhsb kf lew ze pkamykao zlogaohxoa, (zleyml s qefazsfz wsfz neb wszob wkhh shwsua ro s rhstkfm qhyo ze zlo wsbu.) K wsa kfnebgop ru s ishpsb, aego zkgo sme, zlsz zlobo ovkaza s gozsh foqoaasbu ze boxosh sf eqyhsb'a zbyo nebg, sfp ae k romsf ze gkfo efo en oxobu gozsh guaohn. K wsa yfsrho ze ayqqoop kf zlka zsai."
You read page 10 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Lg amp xffqb bfzam fo tcamp qtip, l ofzgq t bhtii rtypcg spgptam tg fzarcfeelgn fo cfrjb. Qlnnlgn bffg cpyptipq t ozcampc azggpi tnifx xlam nphb. L pweifcpq tb qppe tb l xtb tsip sv amplc ilnma, sza ozcampc lg la xtb aff qtcj af rfgalgzp, ta xmlrm eflga t htbblyp brtipq rcptazcp btytnpq hp ocfh spmlgq. La xtb gf hpcpipx. L xtb tsip af pbrtep tgq apgq hv xfzgqb, tgq xmpg l cpazcgpq amp ofiifxlgn tgqz, amp nphb xpcp nfgp."
You read page 11 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Ymbn u juhbqdh bnmc bmiq, m sudqpajjw pgjjgyqr bnq bahhqj rqqfqd, kqqfmho bdusk gp mbc badhc - nqurmho cgabn. Tw iw cqhcqc, m nur bduzqjqr pgd u ruw uhr u nujp tqpgdq badhmho tusk - u bndqq ruw lgadhqw mh bgbuj. M tdgaonb igdq gmj uhr igdq pggr uhr sghbmhaqr. Gh bnq bnmdr ruw m suiq usdgcc u fdwruqh iuh, gp tjusk uhr gduhoq igbbjqr pad. M yuc ahutjq bg rmcsqdh nmc jqzqj gp mhpqsbmgh, uhr nq ouzq iq rmdqsbmghc bg u jurrqd, ynmsn tdgaonb iq tqhqubn bnq iggh iuoq oamjr."
You read page 12 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Ercbeinip ch cor hbctehggnip kvcre erarvkrs corer zvd ih cbiirk, cor snppnip n ovs shir ovs urri pehzi hare ux znksqkhzred.(1) Corer drrjd ch ur v thiirtcnhi urczrri prjd vis cor jrerkrz. Greovgd nc zvd cor thjnip hq cor dgnsre covc vkrecrs corj ch v zvx ch qbecore thicehk cor ghgbkvtr. Zoh shrd ihc khar donix conipd? Cor prjd oveardcrs ver dberkx ni tnetbkvcnhi ihz, ih shbuc njubrs znco jvpntd ch sndcevtc cor hcorezndr hudreavic ch cor cevidqnpbevcnhid httbeenip."
You read page 13 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Aodp apwd ksdwle o awe wvls di rojt, o ufwrdst kyeslr w tiks pslksd. O rswf dpsy wfs ulieojq oj ij ks. Dpicqp dpoe pslksd oe cjwvls di hfidsud ky hfinsudst dpicqpde (apoup o mjia dpsy wfs wlawye loedsjojq di), od oe wd lswed wvls di fsrlsud dps loqpd jsuseewfy rif w kiij kwqs'e heyupou sys di qlwjus tiaj chij ks. Cjlsee dps kiije wfs wd wj wjqls. Dpsj od oe ceslsee.(2)"
You read page 14 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "The Herald - dead end. Silvyrfrost - dead end. Birds - dead end. Throne City - possible. Kssarh - corrupted. Inquisition - dead end. Ragge - dead end. Savrin - dead end. Perune - "
You read page 15 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "What WAS thing nrth Kaerna? Nvr seen bfore. Ystrday, saw something simlr dragd into sewer, remind invstg. Tmrow notes: fnish dig hol undr twr. New shvl. Nxt spot bhnd Carl Emp."
You read page 16 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "Zoo lu gsv xilhhrmt szh zonlhg gfimvw mld. R nfhg tl dzim Ofxrz. Gsrh droo yv gsv ozhg vmgib. Tvggrmt gl svi droo yv wruurxfog, tvggrmt yzxp nzb yv rnklhhryov. Yfg hsv'oo pmld dszg gl wl mvcg. R'ev wlmv vevibgsrmt hsv hvmg nv gl wl, gsrh rh zh nfxs wzgz zh r xlfow tzgsvi. Mld blf pmld dsb r pvkg hl hvxivg. R drhs r xlfow gvoo blf vevibgsrmt vohv. Pvvk gsv ivhg lu gsvn hzuv uli nv, dlm'g blf, Irsol? R'n hliib blf dvivm'g gsv xrksvi. Kovzhv ivnvnyvi fh. Uli nv."
You read page 17 of your compact journal...
Written in charcoal are the words "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 / The first is key and mirror, the second holds score. Though it may circle 'round thrice or more, each step numbers four. / The bards know the beginning, inside the divided place of rest. The first clue should be easy - the others made to test."
You read page 18 of your compact journal...
Written in black ink are the words "Scribe F- - - of the Temple, 423 years, 7th month, Moliko, of the Amber Phoenix / Found this journal behind the waterfall, locked in a watertight casket. Still feels damp. Previous page seems to contain clues to the cipher. Following page, the coded riddle. It's not so hard compared to Father G- - -'s texts. Save for the final cipher, each clue is only four letters! -F"
You read page 19 of your compact journal...
You read page 20 of your compact journal...
Written in black ink are the words "(1) I found this outcropping, myself. I set a team about digging at the flowers all around. One digger did uncover a small tunnel, but it was caved in further down. Verified that the markings on the walls were blood. No traces of gemstone mining. Without more information about the incident, we cannot make further hypothesis. -F"
You read page 21 of your compact journal...
Written in black ink are the words "(2) Verified. As evidenced by the Elpalzi Geva's ability to listen to private gwethdesuan thoughts and narrow in on a victim without resorting to an obvious location spell. I suspect it has something to do with the new gwethdesuan network and the nullification of the crystal rings' powers. If the author's observations are correct, we can safely presume that the moon mage guild is in cahoots. The only way to be sure is not to wear them. -F"