It looks like the Gyre available in Corn Maze doesn't properly recognize me as qualifying for the signature spells that I've stored in it. I had it stocked with the following in Test:
The outer wheel contains: Fountain of Creation, Vitality Healing, Flush Poisons, Cure Disease, Blood Staunching, and Perseverance of Peri'el.
Only Blood Staunching actually worked though. FoC and PoP just said the gyre remains inert, which I assume is because of their signature nature. VH gave an actual "you're missing something to be able to cast this" sort of message. FP and CD gave syntax errors even though CAST by itself is a valid way to use those spells (may or may not be related to ADC, which I have).
>invoke gyre
You concentrate on the spinning wheel of the gyre, releasing the magic sealed within!
The gyre remains inert.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Vitality Healing; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
I don't understand what location or poison you're trying to target.
[Choose a body area (chest, right arm, etc) or poison type (nerve, cyanide, internal, or stunning).]
I don't understand what disease you're trying to target.
[Options currently: Gangrene, Fleshrot, Consumption.]
A sudden sensation of warmth spreads through your body, settling itself between your shoulders.
The gyre remains inert.
I feel like all of those should have worked just fine.
Bastion of Life Karthor
Re: Gyre Issue with Signature Spells
11/06/2021 04:51 PM CDT
I'm seeing the same thing. Also in DRT.
>foc gyre
You focus your magical senses on a hazy glass gyre prominently inscribed with esoteric runes.
The glass gyre is in flux, highly complex and seemingly suspended in mid-cast.
You recognize the "pattern" as a manifestation of Feral Magic.
Of the two wheels suspended in the gyre, the outer wheel is magically active and spinning.
The outer wheel contains: Devour, Kura-Silma, Calcified Hide, Philosopher's Preservation, Ivory Mask, Butcher's Eye, Researcher's Insight, Vigor, Obfuscation, Manifest Force.
You would need to take a more studious approach to learn more about how this device is meant to function.
>invoke gyre
You concentrate on the spinning wheel of the gyre, releasing the magic sealed within!
The gyre remains inert.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Kura-Silma; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Calcified Hide; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Philosopher's Preservation; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Ivory Mask; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Butcher's Eye; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
A smoky film of grey mist exudes from your palms as you draw them close to your face. Breathing in deeply, you immediately feel a thrill of euphoria. Your mind is opened up, new thoughts and insights forming that were previously beyond your grasp.
You close your eyes, drawing on the vitality of your surroundings to enhance yourself. You settle into a graceful stance, able to act more quickly and strongly than usual.
You project around yourself a field that suggests total normalcy to any who view you, drawing some measure of attention away from you and making it easier to conceal yourself.
The air around you shimmers with a blinding yellow luminescence. The scintillating light writhes and twists, abruptly coalescing into a translucent field before blinking out of sight.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Devour, and all my transcendental necromancy buffs, just went newp.
- I
>foc gyre
You focus your magical senses on a hazy glass gyre prominently inscribed with esoteric runes.
The glass gyre is in flux, highly complex and seemingly suspended in mid-cast.
You recognize the "pattern" as a manifestation of Feral Magic.
Of the two wheels suspended in the gyre, the outer wheel is magically active and spinning.
The outer wheel contains: Devour, Kura-Silma, Calcified Hide, Philosopher's Preservation, Ivory Mask, Butcher's Eye, Researcher's Insight, Vigor, Obfuscation, Manifest Force.
You would need to take a more studious approach to learn more about how this device is meant to function.
>invoke gyre
You concentrate on the spinning wheel of the gyre, releasing the magic sealed within!
The gyre remains inert.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Kura-Silma; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Calcified Hide; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Philosopher's Preservation; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Ivory Mask; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
You lack some of the sophisticated underpinnings of Butcher's Eye; you cannot construct this spell pattern.
A smoky film of grey mist exudes from your palms as you draw them close to your face. Breathing in deeply, you immediately feel a thrill of euphoria. Your mind is opened up, new thoughts and insights forming that were previously beyond your grasp.
You close your eyes, drawing on the vitality of your surroundings to enhance yourself. You settle into a graceful stance, able to act more quickly and strongly than usual.
You project around yourself a field that suggests total normalcy to any who view you, drawing some measure of attention away from you and making it easier to conceal yourself.
The air around you shimmers with a blinding yellow luminescence. The scintillating light writhes and twists, abruptly coalescing into a translucent field before blinking out of sight.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Devour, and all my transcendental necromancy buffs, just went newp.
- I