So I think this is bugged, or I am just getting unlucky on dice rolls, because it isn't training Thanatology.
My omni version does.. so I expected this one to as well.
(and let's be real.. it is no different than any other guild specific skill, if any of the almanacs teach any guild's specific skill, it should also teach Thanatology. It is a MT item that costs a lot. I say this before some comment about Thanatology needing to be harder blah blah blah)
So with all that said, am I just getting unlucky? out of 45ish attempts since I have been watching for it? (I mean it's possible..)
Re: rugged morgawr leather almanac with waxed pages
02/13/2020 06:34 PM CST
Only random-allskill almanacs and specific-skill almanacs will teach guild skill. Guild skill is set up a little differently, so none of the random-skillset almanacs teach the guild skill of that type.
GM Winna
GM Winna
Re: rugged morgawr leather almanac with waxed pages
02/15/2020 12:49 AM CST
That is kinda a bummer. It was definitely part of my desire for the almanac. Maybe a note on the stand stating that, or in the study for the almanac.
Re: rugged morgawr leather almanac with waxed pages
02/15/2020 12:49 AM CST
But thanks for the reply!!!
Re: rugged morgawr leather almanac with waxed pages
02/15/2020 12:42 PM CST
>>That is kinda a bummer. It was definitely part of my desire for the almanac. Maybe a note on the stand stating that, or in the study for the almanac.<<
I apologize for that, I missed including the note to remind people of the quirk for the skillset almanacs. I remembered to put the note on some of the other skillset almanac stands, but forgot to include it on the House of the Revenant Fang one.
GM Winna
I apologize for that, I missed including the note to remind people of the quirk for the skillset almanacs. I remembered to put the note on some of the other skillset almanac stands, but forgot to include it on the House of the Revenant Fang one.
GM Winna