a grim black pilgrim's satchel stitched with sirese blossoms
12/06/2017 09:43 PM CST
Can we take a look at this. For a shoulder worn container its rather small weight capacity.
>measure satch with yardstick
You compare your grim black satchel with the yardstick several times and are certain the interior length measures fifteen spans, the interior width measures ten spans, the interior height measures five spans and the satchel appears capable of holding about 350 stones of weight.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Most satchels that size usually carry 1000 stones. (Some others listed as 6x6x6 are 350).
This was from the Mecurial Mage shop.
Container changes color. (in case you cant find the grim black one)
>study satch
You believe that while worn, you can RUB the satchel to change its color.
You believe the following random colors are possible: pure white, neutral grey, grim black, rich gold.
Re: a grim black pilgrim's satchel stitched with sirese blossoms
12/09/2017 04:05 PM CST
We'll be looking for you (and other known purchasers of this) in game to touch base on this satchel!
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