Silver Object & Scroll 05/10/2015 12:31 PM CDT
You glance over your alterer's scroll and read,
"I, Jiah, request to have my silver object altered in the following manner: I would like the title Kissed by Fire"

You've just written out this request.

The last time this scroll changed was 4/18/2015 06:54:16 CDT.

I also have the Curious Silver Object. Am I doing something wrong that I haven't heard anything about my title yet?

Let's not saw the branch we're sitting on.
Re: Silver Object & Scroll 05/11/2015 09:10 AM CDT
I've sent a message for someone to check on this for you. Expect to be contacted in-game about it soon.

Thanks for letting us know!

DragonRealms Senior Board Moderator

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