What about -hidden- homes, eh? 12/31/2008 02:23 AM CST
What about homes that are hidden in the description a bit. So instead of it all being at the end of the room description it would be there but harder to see in the text because it is mixed in more?

This is the regular look and description.

[Temple Hill, Captain's Court]
A small pond in the middle of this quiet,
restful court sports tiny boats upon its surface.
Outdoor lanterns from the surrounding cottages give a nice,
soft glow to the surrounding shrubs and flowers.
Taller trees loom to the south as an occasional sleepy
birdcall sounds in the darkness.
You also see a thatched roofed green-shuttered cottage,
an abandoned dark stone cottage and a
crushed stone path.

and instead it would be the room description and somewhere in it these would be plugged in...

A gathering of buildings/a clearing of homes/ a well lit neighborhood

And then you could LOOK buildings/homes/neighborhood and then see them instead of seeing like five abandoned homes every room you walk into. I think they did something like this to lessen the clutter of the piers and such. I don't remember if it stayed that way or not.
Re: What about -hidden- homes, eh? 01/04/2009 02:11 AM CST
Unfortunately, I don't think homes would be as easy to do as the pier update was.

There are mechanics to hide all but one unclaimed home in a given area, so that folks know there are still some "available" to be claimed at a glance. This definitely helps cut down on the clutter of some areas, but at the same time, if you're not paying attention, you can sometimes miss entire neighborhoods.

I'm about tired of looking at the home system right now, but I'll add it to a list to look into further next time I go digging in the appropriate stuff. ::G::

FGM Zadraes
Premium Liaison
ALAE GM (Platinum)
Logistics Lead
Re: What about -hidden- homes, eh? 01/06/2009 04:44 AM CST
Aw.. okay thanks for replying. =)

Baby.. Ruth?!