More housing in Riverhaven? 08/30/2010 08:48 AM CDT
After searching for a home in Riverhaven, the only one to be found was a 'seedy' shack in a less than other than thief friendly neighborhood. There were a couple of halfling only homes as well as homes in the Warrior Mage guild. I was wondering since the plaza addition to Riverhaven, if there are any plans to add more homes to the area? Thanks!
Re: More housing in Riverhaven? 09/04/2010 05:53 PM CDT
I'd also love to see some more homes outside in ranger friendly places (I had just been posting [and deleted] something about this in the Places area, not in Estate Holders). Ranger friendly would be best, but anything outside the Haven justice zone would be appreciated!

Player of Sajuta, Rakash Battle Empath
...and a whole lot of others.