I am pleased to announce the opening of a new housing area in the Stormfells region of Ilithi. The small, upperclass, rural settlement is exclusively available for those of the Human race to take up residence. Each home is named a "zinduvalu," or "roundhouse" in Gamgweth.
-- GM Tiesse
P.S. -- I'm sure you've noticed I've been absent for a few months. It wasn't by choice thanks to RL and computer troubles, but now I'm back! I can't wait to chat with you all again and resume where I left off! <3
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
"You look terrible. I look awesome." -- Brittany S. Pierce
Re: Sarabu, makraen!
01/27/2016 02:10 PM CST
I know it is a little late, but I recently came back and this area is exactly what I was looking for. I was debating whether to get a treehouse near Horse Clan or a home in Fever Point.
Horse Clan area was too prairie like while Fever Point was not wild enough for my taste.
Thanks GM Tiesse!
-An Old Emerald Knight
Horse Clan area was too prairie like while Fever Point was not wild enough for my taste.
Thanks GM Tiesse!
-An Old Emerald Knight
Re: Sarabu, makraen!
01/27/2016 03:10 PM CST
Did you just..
This is a five year old thread, lol.
This is a five year old thread, lol.
Re: Sarabu, makraen!
01/27/2016 07:42 PM CST
But of course! I just wanted to share my appreciation of the GM's hard work.
And I couldn't find on Elanthipedia what a zinduvalu was, so I poked around here hoping to find it.
And I couldn't find on Elanthipedia what a zinduvalu was, so I poked around here hoping to find it.