The newly restored Coral Crescent is now open to the public. Many additional manors have been built for the upperclass urban neighborhood in Shard proper.
Also, a new area has just been released outside Shard's east gate at the end of the Abandoned Road. Sunbeam Circle, an upperclass rural neighborhood, is now happily accepting new residents.
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
Re: Coral Crescent & Sunbeam Circle
06/22/2010 12:30 AM CDT
Wow. So many manors they weren't even all claimed in the first hour!
Awesome release.
~ Kougen
The air ripples as a wave of distortion shudders through the area.
As the wave pulses outwards, a S'Kra Mur Inquisitorial votary is jerked into a ripple of darkness and vanishes!
Awesome release.
~ Kougen
The air ripples as a wave of distortion shudders through the area.
As the wave pulses outwards, a S'Kra Mur Inquisitorial votary is jerked into a ripple of darkness and vanishes!
Re: Coral Crescent & Sunbeam Circle
06/22/2010 02:28 PM CDT
Sadly though at the same time as this was being finished construction and shown to the citizens a dilapidated house was found in Shard, filled with very nasty things. It was later condemned and barred.
You can check out the Ilithi Event folder for more information.
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
You can check out the Ilithi Event folder for more information.
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Coral Crescent & Sunbeam Circle
06/22/2010 02:43 PM CDT
The owner of the dilapidated house was probably running up to Crossing and back so that he can move from that run down thing into a nice, spacious manor. But while he was doing that, we were investigating the house and because his house was full of people the clerk in Crossing was unable to let him change his location. He really needed a better lock on that door.
Necromancy brings out the Stupid in us all. -Armifer
Necromancy brings out the Stupid in us all. -Armifer
Re: Coral Crescent & Sunbeam Circle
06/22/2010 02:57 PM CDT
Any chance of getting a homes clerk in the Great Tower? (And an item registrar, name registrar, et cetera.)