Boar clan zombie area 01/07/2011 05:45 PM CST
Would it be possible to change the premium zombie area here to spawn only the "head splitter" type zombies? If you look around in the regular zombie areas, you will notice its the head splitters that are over crowded and popular. The maulers and stompers not as much (lots of other creatures out there that fill that training range). The premium zombie area has amazing spawn rate, but you would see it much more utilized if it was head-splitters only.

Re: Boar clan zombie area 01/09/2011 03:51 PM CST
<< The premium zombie area has amazing spawn rate, but you would see it much more utilized if it was head-splitters only. >>

Actually, turns out the spawn rate is kind of sucky. It appears to be a fixed rate of 6 reguardless of number of hunters. So if in there alone, its great, but ad even one more hunter (especially one who is going to dance with 4) then it really sucks.

Can the premium GMs please rethink this areas spawn settings? 4 head-splitters per hunter would be my suggestion, but no matter what route you want to go it needs looking at.

Re: Boar clan zombie area 01/21/2011 12:30 PM CST
I've relayed the concern to its maintainers. They're currently observing it and considering tweaks or expansions. No promises at this point, though.

ASGM Zadraes
Premium Liaison
ALAE GM (Platinum)
Logistics Lead