Furniture suggestion!
I propose beamhouses: a container with increased weight and item number capacity, with the caveat that it can only receive skins, pelts, and hides in their curing phase.
I really enjoy making leather, but this quickly becomes an encumbrance problem, and, in the case of smaller yield hides like eels and vipers, problematic with respect to item count. The main thing I want out of a home is a place to leave my skins to cure, both from a mechanical standpoint and an RP-aesthetic standpoint (this has a nice "remote cabin in the woods" feel to me).
Traditionally in leather tanning, curing hides would be left to sit in facilities called beamhouses, where they would undergo some additional treatments as they became leather. The container could be called a miniature beamhouse, to be kept in general storage. It could also be called beam, or a rafter, and occupy either the wall, misc, or general storage item slots. Another option would be a tanning pit in the rug slot, as in this picture:
I am sure an analog for bone materials would be easy to come up with, if needed.