Date: 9/29/2016 (1 Shorka 421)
[Fang Cove, Fate's Fortune Lane]
The cobblestone-covered lane stops abruptly, as if those constructing it were reassigned to more pressing projects. Other than the limestone wall, the area's sand, sparse grasses and palm trees command the as yet unworked earth from the path's unfinished end. Pallets of planters are stacked in an effort to discourage exploration into the wilds between the small community and the towering Fang's Peak that shelters it.
You also see a muscular cloud-grey leopard with fiery rosettes that is sitting, an oversized acorn with a bronze-colored involucre, a tiny pink hog, a stone seat, an electricity leopard that is sitting, a question list, a heavy wooden door leading into the Fang Cove Crafting Society and some junk.
Obvious paths: west.
GMs present (8): Evike, Iocanthe, Jhustis, Kaarina, Lawlite, Lyneya, Nohn, and Seyalle
Players present (67): Aeduin, Ahneya, Airaman, Artinos, Ascalaphus, Aurayn, Azante, Blacklist, Brachius, Briaen, Calde, Coeur, Compa, Diamosis, Dreaderic, Drexella, Esfir, Etherian, Ezmundiuz, Felicini, Gabellia, Grenhart, Hammerfist, Hssanh, Igaro, Ikyth, Isharon, Khaelyn, Kja, Korutu, Lacilynn, Lemb, Linessa, Maltris, Marssi, Miir, Miskton, Morlen, Naper, Navak, Navesi, Nimthiriel, Padhg, Ramiyah, Reibeneisch, Renucci, Rhadyn, Rhoslyn, Rozze, Saragos, Sendithu, Shenney, Tallen, Tathalus, Teel, Tenike, Thires, Tsaru, Ulyra, visage, Vormulac, Vrus, Weensie, Wendelle, Whyt, Wodynn, and Wulfheim
[21:05] Lyneya says, "Sorry. You made me do it."
[21:05] Lyneya exclaims, "Ok. Now!"
[21:05] Lyneya says, "I'd like to introduce .. or reintroduce.. or just point at this guy here."
[21:07] Lyneya says, "Meantime I'm going to try to fix my connection. Again."
[21:08] Nohn says, "For those that don't know me, or what I usually do, I'm a member of the Events Team, and have recently had the pleasure of being given the role of Provincial Event Lead for Qi (that's the islands)."
[21:09] Nohn says, "Events being my background and my passion, I've got a lot of big plans brewing when it comes to enhanging the role playing experience for Premium subscribers."
[21:10] Nohn says, "Though that doesn't mean I intend to overlook any of the other benefits of being Premium, so don't fear there. But there will be a brief interlude as things fully transition from Naohhi to myself so far as a lot of the monthly benefits goes, and so on."
[21:12] Nohn says, "Okay, so, sorry about that. I was having some RL issues slowing me down. Children and animals never want to cooperate."
[21:12] Nohn says, "Anyhow..."
[21:12] Lyneya says, "Men, either."
[21:12] Nohn says, "That's fair."
[21:13] Nohn says, "Okay so to get it out of the way, here's my plan for how the ongoing premium monthly benefits are going to happen, feel free to ask questions when we get to the Q&A portion."
[21:13] Nohn says, "The current monthly gifts will remain available until a full 31 days after they were put out, which was September 7th, which makes the cut off around midnight on Saturday, October 8th."
[21:13] Nohn says, "Likewise, the monthly token raffle will remain available for purchases until the same time, at which point the raffle will be conducted."
[21:13] Nohn says, "After that, to allow for a smooth transition, the gift and raffle will be on hold until the third Thursday of October (October 20th) at which point the new gift and raffle will be made available. They will continue to maintain that third Thursday schedule going forward."
[21:14] Lyneya asks, "And on the fourth third Thursday we'll do meetings?"
[21:14] Nohn says, "I'm getting to the meetings part."
[21:14] Lyneya asks, "Or on the third, and every fourth after that?"
[21:15] Nohn says, "I know in the last year or so, Premium meetings have become a quarterly thing."
[21:15] Lyneya says, "Sorry. Shutting up."
[21:15] Nohn says, "I'd like to see the meeting schedule change back to a monthly one, but I'd also like to see exactly what that means, change."
[21:15] Nohn says, "And I want to make sure to take feeback from you all into account for it."
[21:16] Nohn says, "Basically, my proposal is that meetings go back to being monthly, on the third Thursday of each month. The benefits things would happen right after the monthly meetings."
[21:17] Nohn says, "BUT I want to change the format on 2/3rds of the meetings. Right now our meetings are 1 OOC meeting every 3 weeks. I want to fill those other 2 monthly slots with IC, role played meetings with Estate Holder NPCs."
[21:17] Lyneya says to Nohn, "We need a meeting hall. Make them build it before the next monthly meeting."
[21:18] Nohn says, "This would give your characters the opportunity to take part in what will be a quite considerable increase in the amount of RP and eventing (outside of the ongoing and usual raffles and alterers, etc.) that will go on around the Estate Holder organization."
[21:18] Nohn says, "Good idea."
[21:19] Nohn says, "Note that the meetings won't be the -only- Estate Holder RP events, but they will be regularly scheduled, specifically they will center around mixing and mingling among the Estate Holder Council, who lead the whole shebang."
[21:20] Nohn says, "The enhanced history for the IC entity called the Estate Holders will be happening by way of events that should begin in the near future. And those events will grow to span every province in Elanthia."
[21:21] Nohn says, "To make a long story short, I want being an Estate Holder to -mean- something. I want it to be something that players want to be part of because it provides clear and consistent role playing opportunities above and beyond what we're all trying to create for you all, with the revival of the World Events and the provinces getting event leads again."
[21:22] Nohn asks, "So that's basically the platform I wanted to lay out for you all. I'm ready to open up for questions unless someone else has something to add?"
[21:22] Lyneya says, "I did my part."
[21:22] Lyneya says, "They're yours now."
[21:24] Nohn opens the list.
[21:24] Nohn says, "There we go."
[21:25] Lyneya says, "I need to be right back."
[21:25] Nohn says, "Okay, I'll close the list for now and we'll start taking questions."
[21:25] Nohn closes the list.
[21:25] Navesi is chosen from the list.
[21:26] Nohn says to Navesi, "Hi there."
[21:26] Navesi says, "It's difficult for me to form this question, in order to find out everything I'd like to know."
[21:26] Navesi asks, "But basically, I'm intrigued by the idea of IC events surrounding Estate Holders. The question is basically, how much involvement will non-premium people have?"
[21:27] Navesi asks, "Will the events be exclusive to premium, will we be trickling down events to non-premium?"
[21:27] Nohn says, "It really sort of depends on the nature of what events are going on at the time. There will be events held entirely in Premium-only locations, like here at Fang Cove, that will be Premium player exclusive."
[21:27] Navesi says, "And I suppose, how much effect will non-premium people have on World Events in general? I would not want people to feel like they have to be premium to participate."
[21:28] Nohn says, "No, that most definitely won't be the case at all."
[21:28] Nohn says, "The majority of world events will not be Premium, nor premium-only in scope. But Premium events will wend their way through other events, most definitely."
[21:29] Nohn says, "The Estate Holders as a group have a very broad-reaching sphere of influence and interest."
[21:29] Navesi says, "Okay, thank you. It will be interesting to see how it plays out."
[21:30] Nohn says, "And it's through that, primarily, that Premium subscribers will get to operate above and beyond."
[21:30] Nohn says, "I hope my answer made some sense."
[21:30] Gabellia is chosen from the list.
[21:30] Gabellia says, "Oh rats...."
[21:30] Gabellia says, "Navesi asked my question...."
[21:31] Nohn exclaims, "No worries!"
[21:31] Gabellia says, "However......I have another....."
[21:31] Nohn asks, "Yes?"
[21:31] Gabellia says, "Regarding fests......"
[21:31] Gabellia asks, "With future fests......will there be more benefits to premium members offered? Moreso than what has been offered in the past?"
[21:32] Nohn says, "That will most likely be determined by the nature of the individual fest itself. I can't really answer that one with a single blanket statement."
[21:33] Nohn asks, "Was there a specific fest or a specific benefit you had in mind?"
[21:33] Gabellia asks, "Well...since it appears we are paying now for so many fests.......shouldn't premium get a discount?"
[21:34] Gabellia says, "I understand....we already get a very small discount...."
[21:34] Nohn asks, "On the price of admission you mean?"
[21:35] Nohn says, "Those decisions are honestly above my power of decision making. But I will definitely pass along the desire to see more of that sort of thing."
[21:35] Lyneya asks, "Which ones?"
[21:35] Gabellia says, "Thank you."
[21:35] Lyneya asks, "What did I miss?"
[21:35] Lyneya says, "Sorry about that."
[21:35] Nohn says, "Gabella was asking about premium discounts for pay festivals."
[21:35] Nohn says, "Gabellia, sorry."
[21:35] Lyneya says, "Ah. Hollow Eve is going to be in the box office. You'll get your normal premium discount."
[21:37] Iocanthe says, "Along those lines - a long time ago, there used to be special merchants and rooms within other merchants that only Estate Holders could access. Would things like that still be of interest? Just.. tossing the idea out there."
[21:38] Nohn asks Gabellia, "Was there anything else, before we move on?"
[21:38] Gabellia says, "Oh...I'm sorry. Iocanthe's question was a good one."
[21:38] Nohn says, "I agree."
[21:38] Gabellia says, "And I'm done, thank you."
[21:38] Nohn exclaims, "Thank you!"
[21:39] Dreaderic is chosen from the list.
[21:39] Nohn says to Dreaderic, "Hi there."
[21:39] Dreaderic says, "I would like to answer yes to Io's question."
[21:39] Dreaderic says, "That would be of interest, something to make us feel like we are getting something out of things other than a small discount."
[21:39] Dreaderic says, "Additionally, a bit off the current topic..."
[21:40] Dreaderic says, "In following the forums I would like to please for more attention given to the world design of Qi."
[21:40] Dreaderic says, "I have extreme interest in high level premium and non premium hunting areas through Qi, particularly M'Riss."
[21:40] Dreaderic says, "We higher level folks need something to get us out there to enjoy the places we love."
[21:40] Dreaderic says, "We want to be there, not locked into Dirge."
[21:41] Nohn says, "Please keep in mind that my job as relates to Qi is Events, and not the hunting or mechanics, but I definitely do hear your request."
[21:41] Dreaderic says, "So I would plead that you bring that to the attention of whoever needs to know."
[21:41] Jhustis says, "And it is noted."
[21:41] Dreaderic says, "Well there are several of you here, and many of us."
[21:41] Dreaderic says, "I thought I would state my case here so that all are aware."
[21:41] Nohn says, "Thank you, it's appreciated."
[21:41] Dreaderic says, "Thank you."
[21:42] Nohn asks Dreaderic, "Was there anything else Premium or Estate Holder related?"
[21:43] Dreaderic says, "Not at this time."
[21:43] Korutu is chosen from the list.
[21:43] Nohn says, "Howdy."
[21:44] Korutu says, "Hey hey."
[21:44] Korutu says, "The over all lack of sammiches and roosters is disturbing we should work on that."
[21:44] Nohn asks, "Duly noted. Anything else?"
[21:44] Korutu says, "Yeah."
[21:45] Korutu asks, "Is there any chance to get more premie healers and make them heal faster?"
[21:45] Korutu says, "Like if that was on Qi i would stay there."
[21:45] Nohn says, "Well, anything is possible. But that would take a lot of discussion between staff. It's good to know that such a thing would be appreciated though."
[21:46] Korutu says, "Its a long boar ride from kresh ro riss just to get healed."
[21:46] Korutu says, "Boat too you can ride that as well."
[21:46] Korutu says, "Or i have that backwards."
[21:46] Nohn says, "A boat made out of boars. Pick a peck of peccs."
[21:46] Korutu says, "Theres only one healer is the point."
[21:46] Seyalle says, "I thought you said beer."
[21:47] Korutu says, "Beer works too but I think that falls into the snacks part."
[21:47] Lyneya says to Nohn, "Do you want to tell them about the meetings we've been having to let them know we're compiling a list of suggestions? I could share the list so far."
[21:47] Nohn asks, "I assume you already realize that with an Estate Holder ring you could jump back and forth to here to get healed, then pop back to where you were?"
[21:47] Korutu says, "Yeah but the healer here isnt worth the trouble."
[21:47] Nohn says to Lyneya, "Oh, great idea."
[21:48] Nohn says, "Ah, I see."
[21:48] Korutu says, "Some healers dont even heal you all the way."
[21:48] Korutu says, "Or they just hate me."
[21:48] Nohn says to Lyneya, "Soon as he's done with his turn I'll tell them."
[21:48] Korutu says, "I am done."
[21:48] Korutu says, "MOre healers and sammiches."
[21:48] Nohn says, "Thanks for the suggestions."
[21:49] Nohn says, "So, the last few days, Lyneya and myself have been holding short, impromptu meetings with random Premium subscribers."
[21:49] Nohn says, "When we've had time, we use a very very old mechanic, far too long out of use."
[21:50] Nohn says, "It gives you a nice message saying if you'd like to take part in a meeting, accept the invitation, and gives you a bit to do that."
[21:50] Nohn says, "They've been extremely productive so far, bringing a lot of ideas on what people would like to see from their premium benefits moving forward."
[21:51] Nohn says, "The topic so far has revolved around gathering suggestions for benefits you'd like to see that don't involve a lot of hands-on individualized GM time. Not because we don't love you and want to do things directly with you, but because the GM staff as a whole right now is very small, so we want to try to maximize our impact all around."
[21:52] Lyneya says, "So, I'll share with you some of the suggestions we've gathered so far. Note though, that these are just what people have suggested and not on our immediate to-do list. The idea is that these ideas will inspire you to suggest more and better things."
[21:53] Lyneya says, "Some of them may come to be, some may not."
[21:53] Lyneya says, "The list is getting kind of long, it'll be in three parts."
[21:56] Nohn says, "Also, please don't feel you have to wait to get picked for a random meeting to make suggestions. Post any ideas you have to the Estate Holder folder on the boards, as well. I do read them daily."
[21:57] Nohn asks Lyneya, "I think that about covers that, yes?"
[21:57] Lyneya says, "I think so. We want to hear more. If you have more ideas, share them."
[21:57] Nohn says, "Absolutely."
[21:57] Tathalus is chosen from the list.
[21:58] Lyneya says, "The goal is to increase the value of your premium subscription."
[21:58] Tathalus says, "Hello."
[21:58] Nohn exclaims, "Howdy!"
[21:58] Lyneya exclaims, "Hi!"
[21:58] Tathalus says, "Ill make this short and simple as I can for ya."
[21:59] Lyneya says, "I'm lagged again. Argh."
[21:59] Tathalus asks, "Since spaces are being filled right now, I was wondering if anyone is planning to take the reigns as the Thieves Guild GM?"
[22:00] Tathalus asks, "Or are we gonna be in the wind for a while?"
[22:00] Evike says, "OK, everyone look at me."
[22:00] Evike says, "I AM JOKING."
[22:00] Nohn says, "I'm not personally aware of anybody in line for that job, and that's not my area of expertise, though I know we all try to chip in with all guilds when and where needed."
[22:00] Iocanthe says to Evike, "Nice otters."
[22:01] Tathalus says, "Thank you."
[22:01] Lyneya says, "Not right this minute. We've got to start somewhere, and given how short staffed we are right now I have to decide which positions will have the best impact on the game. I've decided to focus first on Premium and World Events. When we get that stuff back on track, we can start looking at other areas of need."
[22:01] Nohn asks Tathalus, "Anything else?"
[22:01] Tathalus says, "Thats all."
[22:01] Nohn exclaims, "Thanks!"
[22:01] Artinos is chosen from the list.
[22:01] Artinos exclaims, "Hiya!"
[22:01] Nohn exclaims, "Hey there!"
[22:02] Artinos says, "Thank you all for hosting these meetings. And for being so open and vocal."
[22:02] Artinos says to Lyneya, "I do like to see your list is growing there."
[22:02] Lyneya says, "It really is."
[22:02] Artinos asks, "As for my question, with the potential of monthly meetings, will we be having more scheduled, and unscheduled, alterers?"
[22:03] Nohn says, "That is definitely a goal of mine."
[22:03] Lyneya asks, "Can I say something?"
[22:03] Iocanthe says, "Alter all the things."
[22:03] Nohn says, "I can't promise that there will be an immediate jump in their appearances this next month, but I am definitely wanting to see more of it go on, regularly."
[22:04] Lyneya says, "One thing I want you all to consider.. As we rejuvenate events and try to improve your overall premium experience, as well as the game experience as a whole, right now I feel like we need to focus on what we can do to engage the largest amount of players. We can do alterer's lists every day, but that only makes 5 people a day happy."
[22:05] Lyneya says, "I'd rather see us first focus on RP storylines and engaging players on that level."
[22:05] Lyneya says, "That's not to say that we wont have more alterers and such. We absolutely can plan for that. I'm just saying I think the bigger picture should be the focus first."
[22:06] Nohn says, "And I'm in agreement on that, for my own part. I'd rather see the balance swing toward engaging RP for all, and have the alterers, though hopefully more common, be the icing on the cake."
[22:06] Artinos says, "Good to hear."
[22:06] Artinos says, "That should be all for me. Thank you all again."
[22:06] Nohn asks Artinos, "Was there anything else?"
[22:06] Nohn exclaims, "Thanks!"
[22:06] Blacklist is chosen from the list.
[22:07] Blacklist says, "Thank you."
[22:07] Blacklist asks, "'I would like say many of us appreciate the Events work being done but these events seem to have received a tremendous amount of focus while our LTB shop still needs some serious attention. The LTB changes have been in limbo for quite some time. I realize you are just taking over, but is there any sort of ETA on when anything will be done in this area?"
[22:07] Nohn says to Blacklist, "I almost did a "sorry you're blacklisted" joke, but you got off easy."
[22:08] Lyneya says, "The LTB shop refresh is still in progress."
[22:08] Nohn says, "I do not have a firm ETA for you on the LTB shop situation, no. But yes, it is a work in progress."
[22:09] Nohn asks Blacklist, "Did you have any other concerns, questions or ideas?"
[22:09] Blacklist says, "That was all I had, thank you."
[22:09] Nohn exclaims, "Thank you!"
[22:09] Kja is chosen from the list.
[22:09] Nohn exclaims, "Hi there!"
[22:09] Kja says, "Hi."
[22:10] Kja asks, "The adorabarb stole my question about hunting grounds. That being said, my answer is also yes, Some exclusive festie stuff for premies would be awesome. Also, I know that it is prolly easier to use old merchants than it is to create totally new ones SO is there anyway we could bring back for fests some of the golden oldies like Ambika, that thirin baggs guy (who made the changeable nightsilk bags at the first Theren fest I think), and others from long ago...rather than ones we saw over and over a few weeks ago?"
[22:10] Kja says, "Sorry for killing the names, but I am terrible with names."
[22:10] Nohn says, "Reviving long gone merchants can be quite tricky."
[22:10] Lyneya says, "There's an underlying problem with that request that people may or may not have considered."
[22:11] Nohn says, "I mean, Ambika is dead, for instance."
[22:11] Lyneya says, "Not only that, in today's game, her weapons are kinda crappy."
[22:11] Kja says, "Well I can see how that would be tricky."
[22:11] Kja says, "Ya but would be a nice place to tweak."
[22:11] Kja says, "If she werent dead."
[22:11] Kja says, "And Thank you Navesi, Thryntyrlz is the bag-maker."
[22:12] Kja says, "Was his name."
[22:12] Kja says, "Maybe a relative."
[22:12] Lyneya says, "It'd definitely be easier to bring back old merchants, but the merchants people want to see require a complete review of all of their items.... which can be as much work as just making a new shop."
[22:12] Kja says, "Or an apprentice could take over her shop."
[22:12] Kja says, "Oh."
[22:13] Kja asks, "How about some of the old rarely used shops that are not weapons?"
[22:13] Nohn says, "It is an interesting idea though, at the least. I can definitely see the appeal of the nostalgia factor of seeing one of those old merchants back out and about."
[22:14] Lyneya says, "I just want you all to know something about the people I work with."
[22:15] Lyneya says, "The GM chat channel is now buzzing about Zombika, the necro only weaponsmith."
[22:15] Evike says, "Well don't give it AWAY."
[22:15] Lyneya exclaims to Evike, "You can't make a Zombika!"
[22:15] Nohn says, "It's how we be and what we do."
[22:15] Kja says, "Some barb love would be extra appreciated as well..."
[22:15] Seyalle says, "She never lets us have any fun."
[22:16] Yavash sets.
[22:16] Nohn says to Kja, "I have a soft spot for Barbs. I do have something in mind for them, but it's not Estate Holder related, directly, and will take a bit."
[22:16] Kja says, "That is all I had though, thanks bunches for listening."
[22:16] Nohn exclaims, "Thanks!"
[22:17] Kja says, "I am so your fangirl right now."
[22:17] Nohn says, "And that's all the questions."
[22:17] Nohn asks, "Anybody have anything else to add from GMland before we unsilence it?"
[22:18] Evike asks, "Other than our rush to secure the name Zombika?"
[22:18] Evike says, "No."
[22:18] Nohn says, "That one went quick."
[22:18] Nohn exclaims, "Okay, let the scroll commence!"
[22:18] Isharon says, "On the topic of increasing the value of a Premium subscription: this can be improved on the other end as well. For example, there are sometimes events (like the token auction or T6 crafting materials from Ulf'Hara) that are both 'pay-to-play' and limited by account. Yet F2P effectively gets to pay less to participate than those paying at least $40/month."
[22:18] Isharon says, "This not only diminishes the perceived value of the Premium subscription, but it also undermines the purpose of the 'one per account' limitation when cost as a limiting factor has been removed from secondary accounts. In short, F2P should either be excluded from some of these events, or they should have an extra fee tacked onto to account for the fact that the account is free."
[22:19] Drexella says, "Eesh, Isharon."
[22:19] Isharon says, "I didn't think of my question/comment until after the list closed."
[22:19] Korutu says, "She was happy to be let out of the kitchen."
[22:19] Nohn says, "Isharon on the ball."
[22:19] Sendithu says to you, "Take a breath! Also I agree."
[22:19] Rhadyn gruffly says, "Shhhh."
[22:19] Kja says, "Someone was waiting for the shush to be lifted."
[22:19] Hssanh numbly exclaims, "I did it! I held my breath the longest!"
[22:19] Hammerfist mutters something into the air about Roosters.
[22:19] Rhadyn gruffly says, "I want more silence."
[22:19] Kja says, "I am SO getting my purse before you get a healer."
[22:20] Rhadyn gruffly exclaims, "We need the necros to revive Ambika and her lousy weapons!"
[22:20] Navesi says, "A quick note, I would personally like to see the premium discount on other events increased. 10% feels small and doesn't really entice me to participate by itself."
[22:20] Korutu says, "Better keep sancks in it."
[22:20] Nohn says to you, "And it is a valid concern, but it's well above my so-called pay grade, as far as those decisions go."
[22:20] Dreaderic says to Kja, "We kinda want the healer too."
[22:20] Lacilynn exclaims, "Thank you all for all yer work!"
[22:20] Compa asks, "Will there be a warning before LTB shop is refreshed?"
[22:20] Drexella says, "I'm glad I made this meeting. I'm not sure how to feel about all this optimism I'm suddenly experiencing."
[22:20] Dreaderic says to Korutu, "Stop trying to get my wife into your kitchen."
[22:20] Sendithu says to Drexella, "It will pass."
[22:20] Kja says, "Ya we do, but only if he gets tortured first."
[22:20] Nohn says to Compa, "I can't say for sure."
[22:20] Korutu says, "I want all the womens in my kitchen."
[22:20] Korutu says, "SHe isnt special."
[22:20] Dreaderic says, "Well you can't have her."
[22:20] Compa says, "Ok."
[22:20] Nohn exclaims, "And thank you all very much for coming to the meeting!"
[22:20] Drexella says, "Glad I'm not a Korutu woman."
[22:20] Rhadyn gruffly says, "Sammichs are king."
[22:21] Isharon says to Rhadyn, "The reason she hasn't updated her weapons to today's standards is that she is a risen, and her master knows nothing about forging."
[22:21] Kja says, "I am totally special."
[22:21] Jhustis says, "We all are."
[22:21] Korutu says, "Not yet."
[22:21] Seyalle says, "Wise, dwarb."
[22:21] Drexella says to Korutu, "Hah."
[22:21] Korutu says, "My dashing good looks and boying charm win them all sooner or later."
[22:21] Rhadyn gruffly says, "I got one in me once in awhile."
[22:21] Hssanh numbly says, "Boying charm. Hrm."
[22:21] Artinos exclaims, "Thanks for the tweet for the alterer!"
[22:21] Korutu says, "Yeah something."
[22:21] Rhadyn gruffly says, "Nohn, make Padhg give me his Dwarven bags."
[22:21] Rhoslyn says to Evike, "I'm kind of jealous of that stole now."
[22:21] Nohn exclaims, "And now that I've held them up, there's your alterer!"
[22:21] Drexella says, "Nohn, glad to meet you in person. It'll be odd to see people in Kresh again."
[22:22] Evike says, "It was the best present even."
[22:22] Evike says, "Ever."
[22:22] Nohn says, "It was great to meet all of you."
[22:22] Compa asks, "What's the best terminology to use to seek purchase of LTB? 'Estate holder currency'?"
[22:22] Lyneya says, "Ok. Have a great night all, thanks for coming, bring more ideas to the boards."
[22:22] Blacklist says, "I just wish they would release info more consistently when things happen."
[22:22] Lacilynn says, "That was very interesting, so much ta think about."
[22:22] Nohn exclaims to Drexella, "Odd in all the best ways, I hope!"
[22:22] Rhadyn gruffly says, "We need more stout."
[22:22] Padhg says, "I think I pushed Urdesas too far last time, if I ask him to work on metal again I might get banned."
[22:22] Artinos says to Compa, "Luxury Tog Buttons."
[22:22] Drexella says to Nohn, "I hope so too."
[22:22] Lacilynn says, "More run for the meetings."
[22:22] Isharon says to Compa, "I would just avoid talking about that in-game altogether."
[22:22] Shenney asks Padhg, "Artfully drape it with lotusweave?"
[22:23] Navesi says to Nohn, "Thank you for hosting. Go easy on your pace too. I want you to stick around."
[22:23] Nohn says, "I'm working on it."
[22:23] Nohn says, "Tough balance between eagerness and insanity."
[22:23] Renucci exclaims, "Don't burn yourself out!"
[22:23] Rhadyn gruffly says, "Oh, and don't talk about bonding potions either anyone."
[22:23] Korutu says, "Go full crazy."
[22:23] Compa says, "But we need bonding potions."
[22:23] Drexella says, "Oh. I think anyone that goes GM is off their rocker No offense."
[22:23] Navesi says, "Have fun, go crazy, just take it easy sometimes too."
[22:24] Seyalle says, "It's a prerequisite."
[22:24] Rhoslyn says to Compa, "Need them for my spear of dhoom."
[22:24] Compa says, "Hurled weapons."
[22:24] Evike says to Navesi, "Have you meow'd recently."
[22:24] Renucci says, "It's all about how much pain you can handle."
[22:24] Nohn says, "Yeah, if you're not a little nutty you can't be a GM, it's just fact."
[22:24] Compa says, "Two senci boulders I can't get carved without a bonding potion."
[22:24] Drexella says, "Yeah."
[22:24] Navesi exclaims to Evike, "I'm a Kaldar. What do you think!"
[22:24] Nohn says, "Almost as much of a fact as Zombika."
[22:24] Evike says, "Well."
[22:24] Navesi says, "Good lord."
[22:24] Rhadyn gruffly says to Compa, "I'll take em then."
[22:24] Renucci exclaims to Drexella, "But there is reward!"
[22:24] Navesi exclaims, "What have you done!"
[22:24] Iocanthe says, "You can have a heart and you can have a brain. I recommend keeping them in a jar on a shelf out of direct sunlight."
[22:24] Evike says, "Fixed it."
[22:24] Evike says, "It was drunken tomcats."
[22:25] Evike says, "Ya'll sound nicer."
[22:25] Lacilynn says, "Petunia."
[22:25] Evike says, "Promise."
[22:25] Navesi asks, "Well... good for the Prydaen I suppose?"
[22:25] Blacklist says, "I still want my dye tub darnit,."
[22:25] Rhadyn gruffly says, "Truer words..."
[22:25] Evike says, "No, there are a LOT of options."
[22:25] Iocanthe exclaims, "No more drunken tomcat!"
[22:25] Navesi says to Evike, "I know a few people who will be pleased."
[22:26] Evike says, "It was pointed out that it was just drunken tomcat."
[22:26] Evike says, "And I couldn't have that."
[22:26] Drexella says, "Well, I better go enjoy the solitude of Kresh while I can. Thanks for the meeting and all the info. Looking forward to what comes next."
[22:26] Navesi says, "Anything that removes the drunk/indolent stereotype of Bards is fine by me."
[22:26] Rhadyn gruffly says, "So let's get down to business. When are you all gonna loosen up on the alteration restrictions. I want an electricity panther you know."
[22:26] Nohn says, "Thanks for coming out to the meeting tonight."
[22:26] Nohn says, "Oh, by the way."
[22:26] Nohn says, "Before everybody takes off."
[22:27] Nohn asks, "Is the feeling about the idea of 2 IC meetings for every 1 OOC meeting generally agreeable to you all?"
[22:27] Isharon says to Rhadyn, "Thanks for hosting."
[22:27] Navesi says, "Sounds like a good ratio to me."
[22:27] Shenney says, "Yes."
[22:27] Azante says, "Yeah, that sounds about right."
[22:27] Navesi says, "I don't think we need more than 1 OOC meeting per month."
[22:27] Renucci exclaims, "Like it!"
[22:27] Nohn says, "Okay, good."
[22:27] Rhadyn gruffly says, "Suck ups."
[22:27] Renucci says, "I get to kill the first IC lover."
[22:27] Padhg says to Nohn, "I may not attend them all, but I will come when I can."
[22:27] Nohn says to Navesi, "It would be 1 OOC each quarter."
[22:27] Navesi says, "Also fine."
[22:27] Drexella says, "I'm out of the habit of wanting to hobnob with GMPCS but I may give it a shot."
[22:27] Renucci says, "Little ol Moonmage."
[22:27] Wendelle says, "Even better, really. I'm good with more IC gatherings as a whole."
[22:27] Shenney asks, "We can always still voice ooc concerns on the message boards, right?"
[22:28] Navesi says to Drexella, "You should hobnob more, it is fun."
[22:28] Nohn says, "Glad to hear it."
[22:28] Rhadyn gruffly says, "Me too."
[22:28] Wendelle asks Drexella, "I'll stand in front of you and accept any errant hugs, yeah?"
[22:28] Evike says, "Bye friends."
[22:28] Rhadyn gruffly says, "I hate being nice."
[22:28] Drexella says to Navesi, "Until you get burned."
[22:28] Navesi says to Drexella, "Hobnob, not kowtow."
[22:28] You hear the voice of Evike say, "Oh wow."
[22:28] Rhadyn gruffly says, "Nice pelt."
[22:28] Nohn says, "Have a great night everybody, I'll get out of your collective hair now."
[22:28] Navesi says, "Evike, you didn't."
[22:28] Nohn exclaims, "Thanks again very much for attending!"
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Paladin new player guide:
armor and shields:
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
09/29/2016 11:18 PM CDT
Thank you for your work cleaning and processing the log and then posting it, Isharon, I appreciate it very much!
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia.
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
09/30/2016 04:24 AM CDT
Hi there,
As one of your European Premium members it would be nice if on occasion you guy's could not do a meeting that is held at 2am on a weekday. Just saying. We might want to participate too.
Questions I didn't get a chance to ask given the insane timing of this meeting:
- will the IC "Estate Holder" group also include additional opportunities to have more direct interaction with GMPC's such as nobles, merchants, alterers where they actually acknowledge some history with Estate Holders during general events/festivals?
- who will be in charge of Premium IC events/RP for Zoluren? will there be local meetings/opportunities to suggest RP storylines/themes specific to provinces?
- can you pause for a minute and think about how to encourage players of empaths to resettle on the islands before blithely just adding in more auto healers. Its hard enough being seen as a valued member of society when you're an Empath without all the auto healers essentially removing the need for us
- was there a gift at this meeting and will it be put into the curio shop on the Strand?
Thank you for your consideration.
~Lady Kintalia Silvermist~
As one of your European Premium members it would be nice if on occasion you guy's could not do a meeting that is held at 2am on a weekday. Just saying. We might want to participate too.
Questions I didn't get a chance to ask given the insane timing of this meeting:
- will the IC "Estate Holder" group also include additional opportunities to have more direct interaction with GMPC's such as nobles, merchants, alterers where they actually acknowledge some history with Estate Holders during general events/festivals?
- who will be in charge of Premium IC events/RP for Zoluren? will there be local meetings/opportunities to suggest RP storylines/themes specific to provinces?
- can you pause for a minute and think about how to encourage players of empaths to resettle on the islands before blithely just adding in more auto healers. Its hard enough being seen as a valued member of society when you're an Empath without all the auto healers essentially removing the need for us
- was there a gift at this meeting and will it be put into the curio shop on the Strand?
Thank you for your consideration.
~Lady Kintalia Silvermist~
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
09/30/2016 06:45 AM CDT
>>As one of your European Premium members it would be nice if on occasion you guy's could not do a meeting that is held at 2am on a weekday.
One has to play to the crowd. While I sympathize, especially as I was unable to attend myself, one has to realize the greater portion of the playerbase is on GTM -4 through -7. Luckily folks are kind enough to post logs.
>>can you pause for a minute and think about how to encourage players of empaths to resettle on the islands before blithely just adding in more auto healers.
Speaking very candidly here - You could put an Auto-Path in every town/hub/corner and I'd still prefer a decent Empath over the NPC. The speed of healing and chance of interaction make's them far and away the superior option.
That said, I have a decently high circle Empath I pop out on occasion, and the LAST thing I want to do with him is sit around town waiting for peeps to come by. I am profoundly glad for the developments of the past several years that has allowed the Empath Guild to step out of the teeny tiny box labeled "healing person" and embrace a larger whole of the game at large. To add to the rather happy expansion of Empath playability, there is also the consern, as you noted in another point about time of play. Too often there flat out ISN'T folks available to offer healing (or raising, or gem selling or or or) at the odd hours, and especially far reaches of the game. Adding NPCs (who offer, at best, the tiniest fraction of the ability of a player) merely serves as a healthy Quality of Life improvement for the average player.
One has to play to the crowd. While I sympathize, especially as I was unable to attend myself, one has to realize the greater portion of the playerbase is on GTM -4 through -7. Luckily folks are kind enough to post logs.
>>can you pause for a minute and think about how to encourage players of empaths to resettle on the islands before blithely just adding in more auto healers.
Speaking very candidly here - You could put an Auto-Path in every town/hub/corner and I'd still prefer a decent Empath over the NPC. The speed of healing and chance of interaction make's them far and away the superior option.
That said, I have a decently high circle Empath I pop out on occasion, and the LAST thing I want to do with him is sit around town waiting for peeps to come by. I am profoundly glad for the developments of the past several years that has allowed the Empath Guild to step out of the teeny tiny box labeled "healing person" and embrace a larger whole of the game at large. To add to the rather happy expansion of Empath playability, there is also the consern, as you noted in another point about time of play. Too often there flat out ISN'T folks available to offer healing (or raising, or gem selling or or or) at the odd hours, and especially far reaches of the game. Adding NPCs (who offer, at best, the tiniest fraction of the ability of a player) merely serves as a healthy Quality of Life improvement for the average player.
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
09/30/2016 09:42 AM CDT
<<As one of your European Premium members it would be nice if on occasion you guy's could not do a meeting that is held at 2am on a weekday. Just saying. We might want to participate too.>>
The passive aggressive tone of most of your posts has reached a point that needs to be addressed. I'm going to shift the burden of this to you, the European Premium members. If you would like more events and things held to a time zone that works best for you, then please, by all means apply to be a GM. give up the time requirement and dedication that these hard working people are giving up. Give up time with your family and from having more of a social life, and do that while everyone complains about everything you do because it's not convenient for THEM. If you aren't willing to be part of the solution, they aren't the problem.
<<Questions I didn't get a chance to ask given the insane timing of this meeting:>>
Have a friend ask the questions for you and tell you the answer, everyone in DR has at least one or two friends. I know you happen to have a bunch of people who you say are your friends, any one of them could ask questions for you, this is just another passive aggressive dig, and not constructive.
<<- will the IC "Estate Holder" group also include additional opportunities to have more direct interaction with GMPC's such as nobles, merchants, alterers where they actually acknowledge some history with Estate Holders during general events/festivals?>>
GMNPC's since GMPC's are a completely different ball of yarn, but I'll address the point not the error now, do not exist to validate our personal RP and they meet and interact with so many people that it would be impossible to remember the history with every single player they meet. They are also more than busy when it comes to events and festivals. If you want them to remember you, it's on you to be more memorable. You don't need them to validate you.
<<- who will be in charge of Premium IC events/RP for Zoluren? will there be local meetings/opportunities to suggest RP storylines/themes specific to provinces?>>
Seyalle is in charge of events for Zoluren in general. To think that staff is big enough to have a lead for each province when dealing with only the small subset of players who are premium, is likely a vain attempt. Again I'll make the suggestion, if you want to see RP storylines and themes specific to provinces, get people together and start RPing. You don't need a GM to drive the bus. Take the wheel and be willing to roll with it if someone comes and goes against what you think should happen. The more flexible you are the more likely your RP will survive.
<<- can you pause for a minute and think about how to encourage players of empaths to resettle on the islands before blithely just adding in more auto healers. Its hard enough being seen as a valued member of society when you're an Empath without all the auto healers essentially removing the need for us>>
Not really a premium question, but Samsaren pointed it out really well. You know how playing in off times can be, having autohealers is a choice that makes the game playable for those who can't be in populated areas during prime time. I very rarely use the autohealers anymore. In fact most of the time my characters hold on to their wounds now until they see one of my friends who is an empath. Make friends, be a person that people WANT to seek out when they get hurt. The changes to empathy learning makes this a much more reasonable situation to train it. You don't need to sit around all day waiting.
<<- was there a gift at this meeting and will it be put into the curio shop on the Strand?>>
Did they get rid of the tent with the gift bags?
I'm going to say this right here and be very clear. I'm not attacking the poster, I'm offering suggestions to be more self reliant because this same post basically gets rehashed every time an event happens. Yes, we get it, you live in Europe, and the timing doesn't often work for you. I don't think anyone can honestly go to every event, sometimes you have to make choices. I know I've given up sleep to play DR on a number of occasions, you just have to decide what the things are worth to you.
And to stay on topic. Thank you very much for posting the logs and to all the hard working GMs who took the time out of their lives to bring the meeting to us and keeping the players in the loop.
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016 ::NUDGE::
09/30/2016 10:59 AM CDT
Two things:
1) Although many topics were covered during the meeting, feel free to branch out to other folders so we me reserve the Estate Holder folders for the discussion of Premium only topics.
2) Please address the issues at hand and not the posters who make them. Alternatively, post in the appropriate conflict folder.
DragonRealms Senior Board Moderator
If you have a question about the forums, please email me Senior Board Moderator Helje at AND Message Board Supervisor Annwyl at
1) Although many topics were covered during the meeting, feel free to branch out to other folders so we me reserve the Estate Holder folders for the discussion of Premium only topics.
2) Please address the issues at hand and not the posters who make them. Alternatively, post in the appropriate conflict folder.
DragonRealms Senior Board Moderator
If you have a question about the forums, please email me Senior Board Moderator Helje at AND Message Board Supervisor Annwyl at
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016 ::NUDGE::
09/30/2016 11:56 AM CDT
This isn't about getting into a dialogue with you. But I want to make some comments on what was said.
1) I said on occasion. Not all the time.
2) I did not suggest that auto healers not be a thing, I asked folks to take a moment and have a think.
3) I pay the same money as anyone else who pays for a premium account. That should mean I get the same right as anyone else to comment when I think something might need to be said. That you don't like what I said is not a reason for me to not say something.
4) Gifts were issued at the previous estate holder meeting (dye tub) I was asking if there had been another gift issued during this meeting which was an entirely reasonable question given that it happened at the last meeting
5) it may have slipped your notice but I do not spend my time being openly aggressive to other posters when they make a basic statement be that passive aggressive or not. Everyone is entitled to their feelings and not all of us a) want to put the time into being a GM (the GM's always have my respect for what they do, your assumptions about my sentiments do not make them true) b) have the time to put into being a GM (some of us actually have jobs and responsibilities in the real world that mean we don't get an option to volunteer to be a GM/GH). One person's decision to not volunteer to be a GM or GH does not make them somehow less of a player or less worthy than anyone else. We all pay to be here unless you're on a free to play account but this folder is for Estate Holder topic's so I'm going to make a broad assumption its mostly premium members reading these posts.
Incase it wasn't clear, I thanked the GM's for their consideration and I did not make any demands, I asked if it was possible, on occasion if those not on EST could be considered. Having to stay awake till 2am on a weekday every single time there's a meeting/event isn't plausible for those of us who can't afford to sit up that late since we have responsibilities in the real world during the day that require our full attention. In short, real life comes before a game. I've made my preference clear by not being present during the meeting. The meetings are for all estate holders, therefore as a paying customer, its reasonable for me to ask for one meeting out of all the meetings to be at a reasonable time (that could mean the same time but on a weekend or earlier on a weekday).
~Lady Kintalia Silvermist~
1) I said on occasion. Not all the time.
2) I did not suggest that auto healers not be a thing, I asked folks to take a moment and have a think.
3) I pay the same money as anyone else who pays for a premium account. That should mean I get the same right as anyone else to comment when I think something might need to be said. That you don't like what I said is not a reason for me to not say something.
4) Gifts were issued at the previous estate holder meeting (dye tub) I was asking if there had been another gift issued during this meeting which was an entirely reasonable question given that it happened at the last meeting
5) it may have slipped your notice but I do not spend my time being openly aggressive to other posters when they make a basic statement be that passive aggressive or not. Everyone is entitled to their feelings and not all of us a) want to put the time into being a GM (the GM's always have my respect for what they do, your assumptions about my sentiments do not make them true) b) have the time to put into being a GM (some of us actually have jobs and responsibilities in the real world that mean we don't get an option to volunteer to be a GM/GH). One person's decision to not volunteer to be a GM or GH does not make them somehow less of a player or less worthy than anyone else. We all pay to be here unless you're on a free to play account but this folder is for Estate Holder topic's so I'm going to make a broad assumption its mostly premium members reading these posts.
Incase it wasn't clear, I thanked the GM's for their consideration and I did not make any demands, I asked if it was possible, on occasion if those not on EST could be considered. Having to stay awake till 2am on a weekday every single time there's a meeting/event isn't plausible for those of us who can't afford to sit up that late since we have responsibilities in the real world during the day that require our full attention. In short, real life comes before a game. I've made my preference clear by not being present during the meeting. The meetings are for all estate holders, therefore as a paying customer, its reasonable for me to ask for one meeting out of all the meetings to be at a reasonable time (that could mean the same time but on a weekend or earlier on a weekday).
~Lady Kintalia Silvermist~
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016 ::NUDGE::
09/30/2016 01:14 PM CDT
Let's consider this a Second Nudge, which means further posts to this discussion that are not absolutely about ESTATE HOLDERS needs to go elsewhere.
Events specific to one province should go to that Province Folder.
Remember, if you do not want someone to reply to your post - you can email directly. If you post on these forums, someone can and will reply, and very possibly their reply will be an opinion that may conflict with your own. We request that the tone of all the posts remain constructive, appropriate and within forum policy.
TL/DR; Take the bickering elsewhere.
Message Board Supervisor
If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at
Events specific to one province should go to that Province Folder.
Remember, if you do not want someone to reply to your post - you can email directly. If you post on these forums, someone can and will reply, and very possibly their reply will be an opinion that may conflict with your own. We request that the tone of all the posts remain constructive, appropriate and within forum policy.
TL/DR; Take the bickering elsewhere.
Message Board Supervisor
If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
09/30/2016 08:37 PM CDT
Hi there, going to try to answer as many questions in one post as I can, sorry if it goes long. :)
>>As one of your European Premium members it would be nice if on occasion you guy's could not do a meeting that is held at 2am on a weekday. Just saying. We might want to participate too.
I most definitely have respect for our non-North American and non-prime-time players, and I do want to see everybody included as much as I can in every way I can. Speaking to the monthly meetings directly: When it comes to the OOC meetings, I intend to bring back a mechanic we have that's long out of use. It allows any player who feels they may not be able to attend, to submit questions at any time (it's an in-game but OOC mechanic), prior to an upcoming meeting. The questions can then be addressed during the meeting, which will be reflected in the meeting logs afterward. I will release the details on how players can use that mechanic closer to our next OOC meeting (which will be the third Thursday in December).
When it comes to the IC monthly meetings, as has been pointed out, it is very hard to justify not "playing to the largest audience." However, your concern is absolutely valid, and I will do everything I can (remembering that I'm only one person, with a family and operating from the west coast of North America!) to get an off-hours event on the calendar of similar type, each time there is a monthly IC Estate Holder meeting. I may not be able to pin those down to the same time/same day every month as with the third Thursday events, but I will try to be as consistent as I can.
>>will the IC "Estate Holder" group also include additional opportunities to have more direct interaction with GMPC's such as nobles, merchants, alterers
Yes. The Estate Holders proper (the differentiation will be explained in the near future) are entirely made up of the nobility and powerful landed gentry, and/or local equivalents, within the provinces. Not every minor/mid-level official within the organization is noble nor gentrified, but any event that includes Estate Holder interaction, will include those social groups for players to interact with.
>>where they actually acknowledge some history with Estate Holders during general events/festivals?
This depends on the GMNPC involved, and the GM driving said GMNPC. I cannot speak to all, but I like to think a majority of GMNPCs I play maintain a pretty good memory from event to event.
>>who will be in charge of Premium IC events/RP for Zoluren?
For any given province I will be working together with the Provincial Event Lead for that province when it comes to specific local Estate Holder events. So in the case of Zoluren, that would be GM Seyalle and myself. :)
>>will there be local meetings/opportunities to suggest RP storylines/themes specific to provinces?
I can't speak for other GMs, but I do intend to hold some casual, open discussion meetings at various times, where players will be invited to come discuss these sorts of things. They will likely not be scheduled, but that also frees them up to being held whenever I've got a spare hour or so, any time day or night. You'll know those by the big, bold invitation text that will appear when one is about to begin (note: I'm not the only one using this system, and it's not only being used for this specific purpose, but you're also not obligated to stay at any of these meetings if the content doesn't interest you once you get there).
Aside from that, my inbox is always open for suggestions:
[Note on this: I will do players the favor of making sure to respond with a thanks to all suggestions received through e-mail, but I will not hold conversations through e-mail. The boards or meetings are best if you want detailed/interactive responses.]
>>can you pause for a minute and think about how to encourage players of empaths to resettle on the islands before blithely just adding in more auto healers.
By nature I'm a pretty methodical and calculated person. I don't blithely do anything, so have no fear. Also: I'm not a primary Wold Builder/Dev, so anything I personally do in that regard goes through multiple sanity checks by my fellow staff members (on top of our usual proposal/QC process). :)
>>was there a gift at this meeting and will it be put into the curio shop on the Strand?
There was not for this particular meeting. That will resume at future meetings, and I will do everything I can to try and get/keep on top of the curio shop situation. I would ask for some leeway on this, as it's been a very transitional/work-load heavy month, so I'm trying to play catch-up on a lot of things and get all my ducks in a row on a multitude of fronts simultaneously.
>>Thank you for your consideration.
Absolutely welcome!
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
>>As one of your European Premium members it would be nice if on occasion you guy's could not do a meeting that is held at 2am on a weekday. Just saying. We might want to participate too.
I most definitely have respect for our non-North American and non-prime-time players, and I do want to see everybody included as much as I can in every way I can. Speaking to the monthly meetings directly: When it comes to the OOC meetings, I intend to bring back a mechanic we have that's long out of use. It allows any player who feels they may not be able to attend, to submit questions at any time (it's an in-game but OOC mechanic), prior to an upcoming meeting. The questions can then be addressed during the meeting, which will be reflected in the meeting logs afterward. I will release the details on how players can use that mechanic closer to our next OOC meeting (which will be the third Thursday in December).
When it comes to the IC monthly meetings, as has been pointed out, it is very hard to justify not "playing to the largest audience." However, your concern is absolutely valid, and I will do everything I can (remembering that I'm only one person, with a family and operating from the west coast of North America!) to get an off-hours event on the calendar of similar type, each time there is a monthly IC Estate Holder meeting. I may not be able to pin those down to the same time/same day every month as with the third Thursday events, but I will try to be as consistent as I can.
>>will the IC "Estate Holder" group also include additional opportunities to have more direct interaction with GMPC's such as nobles, merchants, alterers
Yes. The Estate Holders proper (the differentiation will be explained in the near future) are entirely made up of the nobility and powerful landed gentry, and/or local equivalents, within the provinces. Not every minor/mid-level official within the organization is noble nor gentrified, but any event that includes Estate Holder interaction, will include those social groups for players to interact with.
>>where they actually acknowledge some history with Estate Holders during general events/festivals?
This depends on the GMNPC involved, and the GM driving said GMNPC. I cannot speak to all, but I like to think a majority of GMNPCs I play maintain a pretty good memory from event to event.
>>who will be in charge of Premium IC events/RP for Zoluren?
For any given province I will be working together with the Provincial Event Lead for that province when it comes to specific local Estate Holder events. So in the case of Zoluren, that would be GM Seyalle and myself. :)
>>will there be local meetings/opportunities to suggest RP storylines/themes specific to provinces?
I can't speak for other GMs, but I do intend to hold some casual, open discussion meetings at various times, where players will be invited to come discuss these sorts of things. They will likely not be scheduled, but that also frees them up to being held whenever I've got a spare hour or so, any time day or night. You'll know those by the big, bold invitation text that will appear when one is about to begin (note: I'm not the only one using this system, and it's not only being used for this specific purpose, but you're also not obligated to stay at any of these meetings if the content doesn't interest you once you get there).
Aside from that, my inbox is always open for suggestions:
[Note on this: I will do players the favor of making sure to respond with a thanks to all suggestions received through e-mail, but I will not hold conversations through e-mail. The boards or meetings are best if you want detailed/interactive responses.]
>>can you pause for a minute and think about how to encourage players of empaths to resettle on the islands before blithely just adding in more auto healers.
By nature I'm a pretty methodical and calculated person. I don't blithely do anything, so have no fear. Also: I'm not a primary Wold Builder/Dev, so anything I personally do in that regard goes through multiple sanity checks by my fellow staff members (on top of our usual proposal/QC process). :)
>>was there a gift at this meeting and will it be put into the curio shop on the Strand?
There was not for this particular meeting. That will resume at future meetings, and I will do everything I can to try and get/keep on top of the curio shop situation. I would ask for some leeway on this, as it's been a very transitional/work-load heavy month, so I'm trying to play catch-up on a lot of things and get all my ducks in a row on a multitude of fronts simultaneously.
>>Thank you for your consideration.
Absolutely welcome!
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
10/01/2016 03:28 AM CDT
Thank you Nohn, your efforts are appreciated.
~Lady Kintalia Silvermist~
~Lady Kintalia Silvermist~
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
10/04/2016 01:01 AM CDT
I might be miss remembering this, and have a lot I'm trying to catch back up on, so I'm going to just work off memory and hope it is correct.
Wasn't there supposed to be a gift that was to Bonus the Baconman's Birthday Bash event for us Estate Holders? Pretty sure it was announced last quarterly meeting.
"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."
"Phelim, what have I wrought?"
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Vic
Wasn't there supposed to be a gift that was to Bonus the Baconman's Birthday Bash event for us Estate Holders? Pretty sure it was announced last quarterly meeting.
"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."
"Phelim, what have I wrought?"
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Vic
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
10/04/2016 10:05 AM CDT
>>Wasn't there supposed to be a gift that was to Bonus the Baconman's Birthday Bash event for us Estate Holders? Pretty sure it was announced last quarterly meeting.
I honestly don't know, this is the first I've heard of it. I'll try to catch Naohhi as soon as I'm able and see what I can learn from her about it.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
I honestly don't know, this is the first I've heard of it. I'll try to catch Naohhi as soon as I'm able and see what I can learn from her about it.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
10/04/2016 10:09 AM CDT
>> [20:53] Naohhi says, "Firstly, I want to apologize for how some of it was handled towards Premium subscribers. The initial intention was to give actual Premium subscribers a single unlock on their pig, making them tier 2. Once I discovered how we were handlign admission, that intention was blown out of the water and I didn't have a way to handle it."
>> [20:53] Naohhi says, "Now, I'd like to make amends for that somehow, so I'm working on something that will show up in next month's gift bag. Consider it a free, extra gift."
>> [20:54] Naohhi says, "What gets added to the gift bag will ultimately be added to the Curio shop as well, so if you miss it, you can get it later."
I believe this was referring to the "goodie bag" included in August's gift. See
>> [20:53] Naohhi says, "Now, I'd like to make amends for that somehow, so I'm working on something that will show up in next month's gift bag. Consider it a free, extra gift."
>> [20:54] Naohhi says, "What gets added to the gift bag will ultimately be added to the Curio shop as well, so if you miss it, you can get it later."
I believe this was referring to the "goodie bag" included in August's gift. See
Re: Estate Holder Meeting Log: 9/29/2016
10/04/2016 03:47 PM CDT
Confirmed this with Naohhi. :)
Yes, the goodie bag from August is the bonus gift that was promised.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
Yes, the goodie bag from August is the bonus gift that was promised.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.