[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Spa Foyer]
The ceiling has snowflake gaethzen chandeliers suspended down the middle lighting the fabric covered the walls. The walls have been covered in a spiderweb silken woven fabric flowing downward into a spacious room. Upon the limestone floor lies a colorful tapestry rug featuring Dwarves of all ages bathing in a hot steamy pool. Near the stairway you notice a clerk sitting behind a pink marble filigreed granite slab desk. Upon the desk is a spa book. You also see: a limestone stairway, and a black and crystalline geode door.
Note the spa book is what you join to get inside the spa (cost is up to the gm's). If you ask the clerk about the spa you will get a list of spa treatments and costs. The clerk will call your name and you will consult with an attendant on what treatments you want, then you pay the clerk what the attendant and you agreed upon. The attendant will lead you upstairs for the treatment. That is where you will undress and start the spa treatment procedure.
[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Spa Treatment Room]
The limestone walls are filled with cabinets made of the finest black granite with goldbark doors above which sits pink marble shelving. Even the slab of grey granite has been polished and left wet for the next patron. You notice a huge tub made of dark blue marble with gold filigree designs in the center of the room filled to the brim with hot steamy water. A limestone firepit has been placed in the southwest corner of the room giving off light and heat. An artfully crafted limestone stairway leads down into the foyer in the northeast corner of the room. In the southeast corner a beautifully crafted blue and green marble stairway leads up.
Note: this is where you will get scrubbed clean before entering the spa above. You strip down in this room and the attendant rubs you down with naturally biodegradeable cleaning herbs, rinses you off with a bucket of steamy hot water and puts you into the tub. You are allowed to steam clean, then the attendant helps you out after a ten minutes, drys you off and puts you onto the slab, gives you a relaxing massage, then upstairs you go.
[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Spa Tubs]
Dominating the room are three large tubs filled with various temperatures of water. In the center is a large beautifully crafted dark wine marble tub filled with hot water. On the right side of the room is a large artfully crafted pink marble tub filled with tepid water. On the left side of the room is a large handsome blue and green marble tub filled with chilly water. Each tub has a separate drainage spigot that flows down into a waste cistern mounted under the west side of the floor. On the east wall is a larger cistern filled with water and a limestone fireplace is set into the north side of the room creating heat and light. A beautifully crafted blue and green marble stairway leads down in the southeast corner of the room.
Note: in here the attendant will pour oils in the waters as you requested and put you into the tepid water first, then takes you out and puts you into the hot water, then takes you out and puts you back in the tepid water, then takes you out and puts you into the chilly water, then takes you out and puts you back into the tepid water. Then they take you back downstairs into the spa treatment room, lie you on the slab and massage perfumed oils into your body. Then you get dressed and they take you downstairs. The whole process from beginning to end should take about thirty minutes in real life time.