Dwarven Only Crystalline Caverns Resort Downstairs. 12/23/2003 06:54 PM CST
[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Deep Crater] (c)
The limestone walls are covered in damp mossy patches flowing up from the cavern floor into the ceiling. A glimpse of liquid blue sunlight filters into the area, occasionally blotted out by dark patches of cloudy liquid, through a flue in the ceiling. Calcareous water cascades from the flue filling a deep crater in the center of the cavern floor. Upon the ceiling are several groups of stalagtites with a rope bridge connecting them to one another. In various directions are several groups of stalagmites adorned with colorful geode doors basking in the light from above.
Obvious paths: north, south, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, east, west.

[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Stalagmite Homes] (n)
The limestone walls, covered in lichen and various other plant life, form a solid barrier preventing any exploration northward. Barely visable except for the light emitted by the gaethzen torches beside them, the stalagmites and stalagtites glisten like forbidden jewels. Chilling dampness fills the area as nature's foilage populates the limestone. Tiny creatures, nestled in the lichen and ivy growing here, fly out from time to time dining on the various plant life. You also see: a twisted sturdy rope ladder, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite.
Obvious paths: south, east, west.

[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Stalagmite Homes] (nw)
The limestone walls, covered in lichen and various other plant life, form a solid barrier preventing any exploration north or westward. Stalagtites hang like clouds in the air, while their cousins, the stalagmites, stare up into the unknown. Each formation sparkling like gemstones playing hide and seek with the light from the gaethzen torches. Nearby lies a puddle of water collected from the dripping stalagmites above.
You also see: a twisted sturdy rope ladder, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite.
Obvious paths: south, southeast, east.

[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Stalagmite Homes] (ne)
The limestone walls, covered in lichen and various other plant life, form a solid barrier preventing any exploration north or eastward. Stalagmites hover overhead almost touching their fellow stalagmites on the ground. Each one glimmers in the gaethzen torches, appearing to shift positions in either darkness or light. Dwarfed flies appear to be hovering around a pile of bat guano, while the denizens of the lichen dine on the plant life. You also see: a twisted sturdy rope ladder, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite.
Obvious paths: south, southwest, west.

[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Spa] (w)
The limestone walls, covered in lichen and various other plant life, form a solid barrier preventing any exploration westward. Only one huge stalagmite dominates this area adorned with a black and crystalline geode door. The young and old inhabitants somberly congregate under the gaethzen torches exchanging gossip and advice. While above is a single elongated stalagtite with hand sized holes dimpling it's surface. You also see: a twisted sturdy rope ladder, and a corner stone.
Obvious paths: north, south, east.

Note: Spa details are on a separate posting.

[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Stalagmite Homes] (se)
The limestone walls, covered in lichen and various other plant life, form a solid barrier preventing any exploration south or eastward. Stalagmites and Stalagtites appear to be formed by hand, each row is straight with no impurities unlike it's fellows further north, only the gaethzen torches stand out as truly unique.
You also see: a twisted sturdy rope ladder, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite.
Obvious paths: north, northwest, west.

[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Stalagmite Homes] (s)
The limestone walls, covered in lichen and various other plant life, form a solid barrier preventing any exploration south. Stalagmites and Stalagtites appear to be formed by hand, each row is straight with no impurities unlike it's fellows further north, only the gaethzen torches stand out as truly unique.
You also see: a twisted sturdy rope ladder, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite.
Obvious paths: north, west, east.

[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Stalagmite Homes] (sw)
The limestone walls, covered in lichen and various other plant life, form a solid barrier preventing any exploration south and westward. Stalagmites and Stalagtites appear to be formed by hand, each row is straight with no impurities unlike it's fellows further north, only the gaethzen torches stand out as truly unique.
You also see: a twisted sturdy rope ladder, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite, a stalagmite.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east.

[Crystalline Caverns Resort, Divyaush Shrine] (e)
The limestone walls, covered in lichen and various other plant life, form a solid barrier preventing any exploration eastward. A Dwarven image has been etched upon this lone stalagmite, much smaller than it's fellows, at it's base are various offerings. Above is a huge stalagtite with a colorful central entryway.
You also see: a twisted sturdy rope ladder.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

Note: The stalagmite has the following look: Etched upon the surface of this colorful stone are the craggy features of an older Dwarven male with long wavy hair tied back. A slightly bulbous nose set between two twinkling blue diamonds for eyes below two brushy eyebrows. With a neatly trimmed mustache above a generous smile set between two dimpled cheeks over a long pointed beard. Etched into the foot of the stalagmite are welkins gathered in a circle dancing around the figure.
