Invisibility in Homes 04/28/2015 09:28 PM CDT
This is reposted from the magic folders because, honestly, it should have been posted here in the first place:

Today I was casting various invisibity spells in my characters' homes and I discovered that they are not all equal. I am not sure if this is intended.

If you cast SOV or RF you get the response:
Something about the area causes your spell to fail.

If you cast EOTB in a home it works normally.

If you have SOV up when you are in a home and it has been disrupted (which is does to enter) you get the message:
You maintain your control of the Steps of Vuan spell, but something prevents it from activating.

If RF is up but disrupted when you enter a home it reforms normally.

if you enter a home with an EOTB pattern active it works normally.