Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/09/2013 09:52 PM CDT
LTB Bonding potions don't work permanently with katavdars. Once you've switched them from weapon to tailband to weapon again the bond from the oily green potion is erased.

>throw troll
A platinum-washed katavdar set with a grey-blue haze sapphire suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the katavdar easily your right hand.
< You throw a platinum-washed katavdar set with a grey-blue haze sapphire at a wood troll. A wood troll fails to evade. The katavdar lands a strong hit that explodes the chest in a shower of blood and splintered ribs.
The platinum-washed katavdar falls to the ground!
A wood troll moans and topples over, quickly taking on a stiff, wooden appearance.
[You're solidly balanced]
[Roundtime 4 sec.]

>invoke bond
A platinum-washed katavdar set with a grey-blue haze sapphire suddenly leaps toward you! You catch the katavdar easily your right hand.

>turn katav
With a flick of your thumb and a turn of your wrist, the katavdar trembles then shrinks, settling into your palm as a platinum-washed tailband set with a grey-blue haze sapphire.
>wear tailb
A small grendel waddles in, grunting to itself.
You attach a platinum-washed tailband set with a grey-blue haze sapphire to your tail.
>rem tailb
You feel fully rested.
You remove a platinum-washed tailband set with a grey-blue haze sapphire from your tail.
>turn tailb
With a flick of your thumb, you spin your platinum-washed tailband into the air. As it starts its downward spiral toward you, the platinum-washed tailband suddenly explodes into a fine mist, expanding into a platinum-washed katavdar set with a grey-blue haze sapphire as it settles into your palm.
>throw grend
You turn to face a small grendel.
< You throw a platinum-washed katavdar set with a grey-blue haze sapphire at a small grendel. A small grendel completely fails to block with its ordinary shield. The katavdar lands a hard hit to the grendel's abdomen.
The platinum-washed katavdar falls to the ground!
[You're solidly balanced with no advantage.]
[Roundtime 4 sec.]
>invoke bond
You don't have any bonds to invoke!
Re: Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/10/2013 10:12 PM CDT
Yeah, that is going to happen with all swappable item. My understanding of items is that all have a number attached to them. When bonded that item number is used. The problem with swappables is that there is not one number for the "A" side of the item and a number for the "B" side of the number. What happens is that every time you swap the item, it makes a new number for it, making it impossible to use a bonding potion for it. Its feature/bug that traders use to learn appraisal at higher levels.

Re: Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/11/2013 01:56 AM CDT
>Yeah, that is going to happen with all swappable item.

This is incorrect. It works for items that swap through standard SWAP mechanics. It's the odd ones that have wierd swapping mechanics that have issues.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Re: Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/11/2013 09:29 AM CDT

My guess would be that since it's changing forms out of being a weapon, a weapon bonding potion is not working. Swappable weapons stay weapons and don't become jewelry or clothing, so that wouldn't break that bond.
Re: Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/12/2013 10:57 AM CDT
This is the case for anything where the item becomes a distinct new object. Swappables don't become distinct new objects (at least not anymore).

I had the same thing happen when I tried using a platinum sigil on my flying broom. It worked fine when I initially tested it, but then I made my broom enter its mount form. When it reverted back to object form it didn't keep the bond script I put on it.

It's a known thing and the solution is currently "just don't use them on those" because it's a lot harder to fix than it appears.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/14/2013 01:38 AM CDT
Katavdars should be fixed going forward. They will maintain their bonding and registration info between form swaps.

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
Re: Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/14/2013 01:50 AM CDT
Thanks Zadraes!
Re: Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/14/2013 11:51 AM CDT
>>Katavdars should be fixed going forward. They will maintain their bonding and registration info between form swaps.

Will this work for other things that change their form, too, like rugs, brooms, etc?

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/14/2013 02:23 PM CDT
not that I'd bond it, but I have a furled flag that turns from a lame qs into an unfurled flag that's a lamer(the lamest?) qs too. It's tap and verbs change when you roll it up.

Maybe if it lodged...

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Bonding potions and Katavdars 08/15/2013 01:38 AM CDT
>Will this work for other things that change their form, too, like rugs, brooms, etc?

No. This was a change that only affects katavdars. I helped the original GM make them, so I was familiar with the mechanics. Other form changers will still have their own issues.

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate