Ideas for monthly gifts as discussed at the meeting
01/30/2020 03:03 AM CST
So it was suggested at the meeting to post on the forum if there were ideas for gifts. The first one I Have is......
A wide red canvas beach umbrella with collapsable legs
look: Offering protection from the elements this umbrella seems large enough for several of your friends to huddle beneath if they STAND next to you.
OPEN: You open red canvas umbrella with a snap.
CLOSE: You slide a red canvas umbrella closed.
TURN (opened): You unfold the legs from your umbrella setting it down and ensuring its stability.
TURN (closed): You fold the legs of your umbrella back along the lower part of the pole
LEAN (opened): You lean against the umbrella's pole nearly falling over in the process. The legs are not stable enough to support you.
LEAN (closed): You lean gently on a red canvas umbrella, trying to look nonchalant.
WAVE (opened): You wave a red canvas umbrella in the air and do a little tap dance.
WAVE (closed): You wave a red canvas umbrella, looking like a bird who forgot how to fly.
It might work better if you close it first.
TAP (opened): You tap a red canvas umbrella on the ground and it snaps closed, pinching your finger in the process! OUCH!
TAP (closed): You tap a red canvas umbrella on the ground and it flips up under your arm neatly.
SHAKE (opened): You shake a red canvas umbrella and nothing happens. It might work better if you close it first.
SHAKE (closed): You shake a red canvas umbrella and succeed in poking yourself in the eye.
The legs allow it to be set down to free up your hands.
People can stand <your name> to stand next to you allowing them to play their instruments in peace away from the constant rain as well (maybe up to 3 or 4 friends? beach umbrella's are usually pretty big)
Re: Ideas for monthly gifts as discussed at the meeting
01/30/2020 07:30 AM CST
LOL! I love it!
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy