So I have just came back to the game after some time away. The information I'm looking for may be in front of me and I am not just seeing it. So I apologize if that's the case. Afk scripting was a problem when I left, and still is looks like. I personally don't care if people afk script. It doesn't bother me. What bothers me is some one running a bot that barges into the hunting room I am in and doing as they please, with no response what so ever. So the information I have gotten on this so far is.
This from a GM.
(A GM told me find another room as no one owns a room).
This from the news
(* You came in my room and cleaned up the boxes, gems, and/or coins laying on the ground.
YES -- It's consent. It was on the ground, making it fair game, but you should expect that I'm gonna be miffed and might come after you.)
This from the news.
(If you don't get out of my room, I'll kill you. Consent?
NO -- No one owns a room. If I'm in your private home, or inn room, that's one thing. But if I'm in your favorite hunting room, tough noogies. You can't kill someone for this, even if you DO tell them to go away and they refuse. The exception comes if I'm also stealing your kills or treasure, or if I'm crossing other lines, as by provoking or harassing you.)
So I'm Okay to attack this guy when he starts killing every thing? Not that I really care to, but by the same token I don't really care to be stepped on while he scripts his way to the top. Another option I have is cast Banner and ruin the room for a little while. All this seems unnecessarily complicated. Can some one shed any more light on this subject? Thanks.
Re: Hunting rooms
12/03/2020 10:22 AM CST
I believe you can also use REPORT. correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're already hunting and someone comes in and tries to take over your hunting area I do believe it's a reportable offense. Especially if you've asked them several times to move on.
Re: Hunting rooms
12/03/2020 10:34 AM CST
>>Another option I have is cast Banner and ruin the room for a little while.
Keep in mind that disrupting their hunting is also a consent granting thing. There's no "I was here first so I get to manage the room" rule (which is why you're in this situation to begin with).
>>correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're already hunting and someone comes in and tries to take over your hunting area I do believe it's a reportable offense. Especially if you've asked them several times to move on.
I think this is a lot more grey area than you're framing it as. There's no policy violation for stealing kills/treasure (that said, doing this does grant you consent).
Asking someone not to do something doesn't mean they have to stop, and that if they don't they're not explicitly breaking a game rule. There's a pretty high threshold for something to become harassing behavior (ie, they keep following you around doing it).
Running an AFK bot is another matter entirely.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Keep in mind that disrupting their hunting is also a consent granting thing. There's no "I was here first so I get to manage the room" rule (which is why you're in this situation to begin with).
>>correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're already hunting and someone comes in and tries to take over your hunting area I do believe it's a reportable offense. Especially if you've asked them several times to move on.
I think this is a lot more grey area than you're framing it as. There's no policy violation for stealing kills/treasure (that said, doing this does grant you consent).
Asking someone not to do something doesn't mean they have to stop, and that if they don't they're not explicitly breaking a game rule. There's a pretty high threshold for something to become harassing behavior (ie, they keep following you around doing it).
Running an AFK bot is another matter entirely.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Hunting rooms (AFK Scripters)
12/03/2020 10:54 AM CST
This discussion thread was moved here from Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia \ General Discussions.
>>UNKNOWNPARADOX: So I'm Okay to attack this guy when he starts killing every thing? Not that I really care to, but by the same token I don't really care to be stepped on while he scripts his way to the top. Another option I have is cast Banner and ruin the room for a little while. All this seems unnecessarily complicated. Can some one shed any more light on this subject? Thanks.
We recommend that you simply REPORT suspected AFK scripters instead of trying to interfere with them.
While we can't be everywhere all the time, we do read every incoming report.
NEWS 5 33
While we understand the frustration of seeing someone you suspect to be in violation of our policies against experience gain while unresponsive to the game environment (AKA, "AFK Scripting"), it is not the role of the player base to enforce our scripting policies. If you encounter someone suspected of violating this policy, you should REPORT the individual and move on. That's the extent of your involvement in the matter.
No player is required to respond to another. You can talk to a suspected scripter until you are blue in the face, but they do not have to respond to you. Just because they choose not to do so, does NOT mean they are scripting. Likewise, after you have reported someone, we are not going to come back to you and say "Yeah, Bob was scripting. He lost 10% of his skills." The result is not your concern, it's for us to handle.
It's also dangerous for YOU to interfere with a suspected scripter. Not only do you run the risk of interrupting their scripting, thus making them compliant with our policies and letting them get off free, but you put yourself at risk of earning an Official Warning for Unconsented PvP or Game Disruption, depending on the circumstances.
Policy matters are for staff to enforce, and too frequently of late the waters are being muddied by third parties involving themselves. Going forward, if you interfere with a suspected policy violator, you will be held accountable for your actions and can earn an official warning. Please follow the guidelines here.
Even if you don't see someone onduty in WHO, you should still follow this procedure. Often, but not always, there are staff members around that aren't actively on a referral/assist shift. REPORT the suspected scripter and move on. Your part is over.
AFK Scripting is still against policy. Also against policy is the use of BOTS – that is, an UNATTENDED character made and running automated commands for things such as selling pouches, healing and so on triggered by things such as whispered commands.
We try our best to catch AFK scripters on our own, but as always, if you suspect someone is AFK scripting (or more than one) please let us know. You can help us do so by using REPORT and stating the name of the AFK scripter(s).
A report that goes “There’s someone AFK scripting here” might not do us much good if we look at you 20 minutes later and you’ve moved on to another location. We TRY to hit you with a "Thank You" when we're around, but we're not always as good about this as we SHOULD be though!
Once you’ve REPORTED, please:
If you move or otherwise disrupt the scripter, an AFK scripters script could break. Then they aren’t an AFK scripter anymore – then we can’t really catch them AFK scripting. REPORT ONCE and, if you are in a hunting area MOVE ON. If they aren’t getting creatures because you are there – well… you know.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST -- It is important to remember that you can get a WARNING for interrupting an AFK scripter. You don’t know if we are already in the middle of doing a script check, and if you disrupt that check you’ve just let someone get “off the hook” so to speak. DO NOT INTERFERE WITH AFK SCRIPTERS. Report and move on.
Players are NOT required to respond to you. I know that it can be frustrating, but as long as a player responds to US when we run our check, they are considered to be responsive. Yes, players will sometimes purposely NOT respond to another player.
Relevant News Articles
NEWS 5 17 (AFK Scripting, General)
NEWS 5 17, Paragraph 9 (Bots, Use of)
NEWS 5 18 (Additional Penalties Associated with Warnings)
NEWS 5 33 (Interfering with AFK Scripters)
>>UNKNOWNPARADOX: So I'm Okay to attack this guy when he starts killing every thing? Not that I really care to, but by the same token I don't really care to be stepped on while he scripts his way to the top. Another option I have is cast Banner and ruin the room for a little while. All this seems unnecessarily complicated. Can some one shed any more light on this subject? Thanks.
We recommend that you simply REPORT suspected AFK scripters instead of trying to interfere with them.
While we can't be everywhere all the time, we do read every incoming report.
NEWS 5 33
While we understand the frustration of seeing someone you suspect to be in violation of our policies against experience gain while unresponsive to the game environment (AKA, "AFK Scripting"), it is not the role of the player base to enforce our scripting policies. If you encounter someone suspected of violating this policy, you should REPORT the individual and move on. That's the extent of your involvement in the matter.
No player is required to respond to another. You can talk to a suspected scripter until you are blue in the face, but they do not have to respond to you. Just because they choose not to do so, does NOT mean they are scripting. Likewise, after you have reported someone, we are not going to come back to you and say "Yeah, Bob was scripting. He lost 10% of his skills." The result is not your concern, it's for us to handle.
It's also dangerous for YOU to interfere with a suspected scripter. Not only do you run the risk of interrupting their scripting, thus making them compliant with our policies and letting them get off free, but you put yourself at risk of earning an Official Warning for Unconsented PvP or Game Disruption, depending on the circumstances.
Policy matters are for staff to enforce, and too frequently of late the waters are being muddied by third parties involving themselves. Going forward, if you interfere with a suspected policy violator, you will be held accountable for your actions and can earn an official warning. Please follow the guidelines here.
Even if you don't see someone onduty in WHO, you should still follow this procedure. Often, but not always, there are staff members around that aren't actively on a referral/assist shift. REPORT the suspected scripter and move on. Your part is over.
AFK Scripting is still against policy. Also against policy is the use of BOTS – that is, an UNATTENDED character made and running automated commands for things such as selling pouches, healing and so on triggered by things such as whispered commands.
We try our best to catch AFK scripters on our own, but as always, if you suspect someone is AFK scripting (or more than one) please let us know. You can help us do so by using REPORT and stating the name of the AFK scripter(s).
A report that goes “There’s someone AFK scripting here” might not do us much good if we look at you 20 minutes later and you’ve moved on to another location. We TRY to hit you with a "Thank You" when we're around, but we're not always as good about this as we SHOULD be though!
Once you’ve REPORTED, please:
If you move or otherwise disrupt the scripter, an AFK scripters script could break. Then they aren’t an AFK scripter anymore – then we can’t really catch them AFK scripting. REPORT ONCE and, if you are in a hunting area MOVE ON. If they aren’t getting creatures because you are there – well… you know.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST -- It is important to remember that you can get a WARNING for interrupting an AFK scripter. You don’t know if we are already in the middle of doing a script check, and if you disrupt that check you’ve just let someone get “off the hook” so to speak. DO NOT INTERFERE WITH AFK SCRIPTERS. Report and move on.
Players are NOT required to respond to you. I know that it can be frustrating, but as long as a player responds to US when we run our check, they are considered to be responsive. Yes, players will sometimes purposely NOT respond to another player.
Relevant News Articles
NEWS 5 17 (AFK Scripting, General)
NEWS 5 17, Paragraph 9 (Bots, Use of)
NEWS 5 18 (Additional Penalties Associated with Warnings)
NEWS 5 33 (Interfering with AFK Scripters)
Re: Hunting rooms
12/03/2020 03:14 PM CST
Thank you all for your help I really appreciate it. The hunting room rules are not well enough defined for my taste. Leaving the person who was in the room first the brunt of aggravation. Since it is not my game, and the odds are slim to none these rules will be changed. I canceled both my accounts and probably will not return. Thanks and good luck.