Boy, is it dead in here or what? 02/03/2010 11:56 PM CST
Wake up Elanthians! Last night, when the good Isleif visited and fielded some questions from those who would hear him, I posed the question to him "Are Necros Evil?" After careful thought, he replied, it was up for me to speak with clerics reguarding this question. Here, is where my character is decided to stand up and let his voice be heard, by those who care to listen. Are Necros evil? What exactly is evil? What exactly is evil if the practice of interfering with life itself is not evil? That very question itself holds my answers.

But, for the sake of argument, lets pretend to not know better. Lets pretend that the necromancy guild has something elce, some greater knowledge or promise of enlightenment. Can there be such a promise? What could this enlightenment be? What could it answer? Im no philosopher, Im begging someone to answer!

Oh, there are those who seek out this necromancy following because of the hint of this promise. In some ways, folks as these are not so different then myself, and I am not evil. (Nor is my character, but he is thinking about committing some felonies.) What is evil? Are Necromancers evil? Is is possible I know not enough of them or about them? Is it? The parallels are there for all to examine.

Are Necros evil? Should a mass of us all raise up and destroy everything Necromancy? Would that make it better? Will evil disappear? Should my character crusade in this matter? Should yours? Who all amounst our Elanthia are willing and capable? Im not sure I want to know these answers, but, now they are said.

Oh, my friends of these rhelms, sometimes its the easiest of questions that require the most attention. Everyone in this small mystery we call Elanthia knows wrong from right. Some find the difference between good and evil as vast as the difference between night and day. Others cannot tell this difference so easily. Their opinions can sway, and be swayed. Its the nature of things.

To be a necromunger is to be evil? Is is possible that an entire guild and all its members, just by assiociation, are evil? Surely, as long as this guild exists, there will be unrest, concern, fear, and misunderstandings between and amounst everyone ivolved with evil RP. Just think, you can still be evil and join any guild. But do we elevate the Necromancy guild to that eleite status of "To be one, is to be one."

""A reflection on a pool of water does not reveal its depth."
Do, or do not, there is no try." -Yoda
Re: Boy, is it dead in here or what? 02/03/2010 11:58 PM CST
>> Are Necros evil?



Rev. Reene

"The time will come when the sun will shine only on free men who know no other master but their reason." - Nicolas de Condorcet
Re: Boy, is it dead in here or what? 02/04/2010 12:06 AM CST
This was a lot more clever when you were typing it up than it became when you hit the post button.
Re: Boy, is it dead in here or what? 02/04/2010 12:19 AM CST
It may work as an IC discussion post in another folder, but as far as OOC and policy is concerned, yes, they're evil.
Re: Boy, is it dead in here or what? 02/04/2010 12:39 AM CST
Sorry, I did blow the ending, I was suddenly rushed. Allow me an ammend. Restating the entire last line.

"But do we elevate the Necromancy guild to that eleite status of "To be one, is to be one."
should read
Should we elevate the status of known necromacers to evil? If you are one, you must be evil? For IDONS, it sounds easy.
(yes). It still remains an individual call though. It isn't my intent to argue or become a necro advicate. Im happy we have a place like Elanthia where its ok to point fingers and say , "Yep! Thats evil!'" and then who knows what happens.

From an ingame stance, the clerics hold the answer to if necros are evil. Sure, I already know which way I am leaning on the subject, but, from the info Ive seen, even the cleric guild is divided on the question.

""A reflection on a pool of water does not reveal its depth."
Do, or do not, there is no try." -Yoda
Re: Boy, is it dead in here or what? 02/04/2010 12:41 AM CST
>> If you are one, you must be evil?

Yes. Objective evil exists in this setting and necromancy is it.

>> Sure, I already know which way I am leaning on the subject, but, from the info Ive seen, even the cleric guild is divided on the question.

No, not even a little bit. Bad cleric roleplayers do not count, either.

Rev. Reene

"The time will come when the sun will shine only on free men who know no other master but their reason." - Nicolas de Condorcet
Re: Boy, is it dead in here or what? 02/04/2010 12:46 AM CST

You guys have the wrong folder for this one. Take it over to the Roleplaying folder, OOC discussion.

This folder is for DR policy discussion, not how your character might feel about or react to the Necromancer guild.

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