First off a while back some individuals claimed that there were no consequences for reportng. I would like to say I disagree. There are consequences for yourself and nearly everyone in the game in fact
1 It takes up GameMaster time which limits their time to work on new systems/items/events.
2 Your account might be considered high maintaintance henceforth whether or not the report was in fact legitimate depending on the GM and their mood
3 Some players may not wish to interact with you IC at all any longer.
4 Some individuals may not wish to listen your posts or ideas concerns OOC as a player
5 Some players may attempt to harrass someone IC for reporting or suspected reporting.
These things being said reporting in a conflict should be a last resort for anyone not brand new to the game essentially. (as many don't exactly know better if new)
Adding an alignment to the Profile system Ie good neutral and evil possibly graditions on those such as lawful , chaotic or semi, basically , extremely etc.