The 'snert' and his accomplices 06/01/2006 02:17 PM CDT
Ok, so here goes. Let me start off by sayin I am aware that this is gonna be a hot topic. And that not everyone (if anyone) is going to agree. That being said, however:

I have recently returned after a period of over 2 years. I have always had a mage as my primary character, but i do play the field in that regard. The presence of good and "evil" characters is and always has been integral to the overall experience, so dont think for a second I am trying to purge the realms of all that is not "noble and true" or whatever. But lately there have been serious disruptions at the crossing warmage guild that would have been swiftly delt with 2 years ago, and as of now, are still a regular occourance. The same 4 or 5 people show up at the same time and start harrassing whoever is unlucky enough to be present, while in the background of that one or two little nameless snerts show up. It has come to my attention that this little band has become organised in this effort, and they actually plan things out and speak to eachother in boards unnassociated with the game. In the past, for example, if some little idiot came in and opened your pyramid AGAIN after a dozen warnings you would just lop his head off and be done with it. Not now though, because we have ourselves a 'safe and secure' warmage guild now. I wont comment much on the stupidity of that particular fact ,just that in such a place where does the policy come in? Wouldn't it be an abuse of room mechanics to annoy someone beyond the point of harrasment in a place where they couldnt retaliate? Dragging someone from a 'safe' room to steal from them for instance....

All of you who have determined to rp 'true evil' or whatever, you are welcome to do it. I enjoy a little spice with my tea, as most probably do even if they won't admit it. I just want it clarified for me where the boundries are. The guy that was flirting with my fiance last night for instance, he persisted long after i told him Id kill him if he didnt stop.... Does that mean when i log on today i can hunt him down like a dog? He left before i could extract my revenge last night, but seeing as how i have a warning for defending her allready, it only seems prudent to seek policy before i slay the pipsqueak.

"If good and evil could talk to eachother, what would they say?" -Ted Dekker
Re: The 'snert' and his accomplices 06/01/2006 03:05 PM CDT
there are always options, if it is beyond normal annoyances and into the realm of consent, you can report whomever for harrassment. warn has a harrasment option to it as well as combat. obviously in a safe room you shouldn't use the combat option.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
Re: The 'snert' and his accomplices 06/02/2006 09:07 AM CDT
Harrass his life or her life. Do the same thing back. Or just ignore the stupidity, and move on. If they or he or whatever attack you, then kill em if that is needed.


In an open world who needs Windows or Gates.
Re: The 'snert' and his accomplices 06/02/2006 11:57 AM CDT
if they are harassing in a safe room like WM guild, hide, sneak south, write a script that attaches yourself to them the second they move into the room (its not fair, but its no less fair than abusing a no-combat area - which should be restored to its original condition, by the way), and kill em.

Waiting a day or two wont fly.

:oP Ragran