All policy quotes are from News 5 24 and 5 25.
>>someone ticks you off or insults you.
>>insults me in my own guild
>>If they slap you can you kill em?
>>I get no response after 3 times can I kill em?
Any statement, emote or action used in a negative manner against another player has the potential to be considered consent, especially when it is deliberately used to goad the target into a physical encounter. There should be evidence of provocation strong enough to warrant a reasonable person to respond in a negative manner. A single taunt, slap, kick, etc., alone may not be sufficient. However, if a player is repeatedly and openly insulting another player, or kicking, punching, slapping, etc. -- then that person is operating under implied consent.
In other words, if their target gets tired of the abuse and chooses to react in a more physical manner, they have the ability to do so. If the abuser has been reasonably warned to cease their behavior, and they continue with said actions, then they are giving their target consent. "Hit me again and I will kill you." Abuser does it again, bingo -- he just consented. Interpretation: Don't write checks your player won't cash. Do not expect staff intervention in situations that you have provoked, exacerbated or kept deliberately ongoing. You will be expected to deal with the repercussions of your actions.
* I keep calling you names and saying things about you. You tell me to stop or you're going to report or kill me. I persist. Is this grounds for you to report me?
YES -- Sometimes, it really does come to the point where it's more than irritation, it's harassment. That point will be identified by game staff, and results will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
* If you do that again, I'll kill you. Consent?
YES -- If you repeatedly tell someone to stop doing something which is impacting you (casting a spell on you, stalking you, stealing from you, etc.) and they persist, this is considered consent for you to retaliate accordingly. If the perpetrator screams foul, GMs will not get involved.
>>If I raise someone because they offered me 20 plat then they are alive and they decide not to pay me can I kill them
This one is a little trickier, but it could theoretically fall under the "scamming" category. To be safe, I'd warn them that if they don't pay up once they're alive, you'll re-kill them.
Scammers beware! If you think that you're slick for tricking another player out of some significant coin and/or that special item, please do not be surprised if they decide to take it out of your hide in repayment. Scamming other players out of their coin or items DOES place you under implied consent, do so at your risk.
* You scammed me out of 4000 plats!
YES -- It's consent. If you think that you're slick for tricking another player out of some significant coin and/or that special item, please do not be surprised if they decide to take it out of your hide in repayment. Scamming other players out of their coin or items DOES place you under implied consent, do so at your own risk.