Old Post... not here 02/05/2005 03:43 PM CST
Sorry. This this folder is to discuss DR's Policy about Evil Role Playing - not how to best role play evil. (Some posters forget this.)

I recommend you search the Role Playing folders. No GM has posted here since this folder was created on 3/25/02 the conversion to the curent "new" board. (Now I feel old - I recall that improvements when DR converted to the "new" HTML boards from Java.)

Perhaps you were remembering an unofficial group formed around an "evil" church or religion. One player wrote many interesting posts concerning the "evil" viewpoint. However that folder of self centered coruption died off and was buried many years ago.

Eyrick Emal
DR Board Monitor

Send any questions or complaints to me at Mod-Eyrick@play.net or my supervisor DR-Cecco@play.net or use Feedback.