This is what is written.
SNIPE is a zero tolerance ability. If you abuse it, you will lose it. |
If the SNIPE ability is used in any UNCONSENTED attack on another player, that is an abuse of the ability. First offense abuse will result in 30 days suspension of the ability. A second abuse will result in permanent (irreversible, non-negotiable) removal of the ability. There will be no appeals. There will be no third offenses. |
Use of SNIPE is always subject to GM intervention, regardless of whether or not a player filed REPORT or request for intervention exists. You should therefore always be prepared to provide reliable proof of CONSENT if you are using SNIPE. |
If you are attacked, you are operating under implied consent and may use SNIPE to defend yourself. If you are involved in a CHALLENGE or other type of mutually agreed upon spar, then SNIPE may be used when both parties have agreed to it. |
I have no problem if you decide to push snipe's overall policy to trump pvp open and I can't use it on other PVP open people as a first attack. I just want this little tidbit to be updated so the guidelines are stated and updated. This policy was written 9 years ago. Its probably a good idea to go back and review all policy once a year and put a new date on it so we know whats current.
Yes Policy on snipe may not have changed at all. But if i saw that it was dated at 7/30/2010 after pvp profiles came out. I would have lumped it in at least.
Again I'm not fighting for or against Snipe as a first attack for pvp open. I just want to play with in the letter of the rules. Stating it is a lot easier than PAFO at this point. If the counter argument to what I ask is "if you don't want to lose it never use it" its not what I'm asking for. Clarification with a NO is better than a maybe.