Re: Something needs to change....
11/30/2005 02:46 PM CST
>Well the original poster did recommend changing script checks, but most of his post dealt with what he considered the unfairness of his specific situation. If all he had done was make the suggestion without the rest, no one would have anything to comment about.
"Unfairness" in a game is an issue and, since unfairness tends to show itself in individual situations rather than as a general trends (that is, individuals suffer more noticably from it than the entire group does over the average), then when an individual suffers what may be unfairness, we ought to pay attention because we are possibly the next individual who will suffer. And only by enough individuals pointing out that something is a problem does the issue reach critical mass and therefore lead to resolution.
But I was talking to a general trend that I have noticed in the forums. When someone says, "Hey, this happened and I don't think it's right and it needs to be changed," some people respond in a productive way and enter into the discussion to clarify the problem, test its limits and suggest possible solutions. But there is an equally large (often larger) contingent who basically takes to attacking the poster, sometimes with frightening venom. Just seems like those people do not add to the conversation and can (and sometimes do) drown out the real debate and discussion. Why do they hope to gain by treating those who bring problems to the attention of the rest of us like incompetents, cheats, or whiners?
Player of Silvanne, Maiamo Heruaminen Khandrishen