Manipulative Resolve 01/17/2013 01:05 PM CST
Manip resolve was replace by Elemental Charge. PATH HELP still lists MR as a thing though:

> path help
The PATHWAY verb is used to manage a Warrior Mage's Aethereal Pathway abilities.

PATHWAY [option]
HELP: Gives you this help message.
LIST: Lists the Aethereal Pathway abilities you know.
STOP: Ends the Pathway ability you are currently using.
SENSE: Lets you sense your Manipulative Resolve status.
CHECK: Lets you see which Pathway ability you have active.
FOCUS [option]: Activates a specific Focus pathway ability.
(Type PATHWAY FOCUS to list Focus abilities you know.)
PERCEIVE [option]: Activates a specific Perceive pathway ability.
(Type PATHWAY PERCEIVE to list Perceive abilities you know.)