So with 3.0 around the corner, I was wondering if there was an update on our upcoming magic system. I know that everyone's pushing for 3.0 so there probably isn't a whole lot of solid development yet, which is perfectly understandable, but is there any GM out there who has this on or near the top of their list for when the dust settles? Or does everyone have other things in between 3.0 and trader magic on their to-do lists?
Also, whenever some more lore gets nailed down, I bet we'd all love some sneak previews! I, for one, love all the lunar magic lore, and am really excited to see the spin that this team puts on it for traders.
Thanks for all your hard work and time!
Re: Magic!
01/14/2013 01:27 PM CST
I don't think a lot of work has been done on Trader magic yet, but I know I'm interested in working on it when the time comes. Of course my plates are already overflowing but since I finally bit the bullet and learned to write spells...
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Magic!
01/14/2013 04:28 PM CST
Ill agree. Im very interested to see some new takes on Lunar mana. Im also very interested to see what spells will be worth my stealing.
~Tezirite Renzar Lorrani
"Power is merely a stepping stone to more power."
~Tezirite Renzar Lorrani
"Power is merely a stepping stone to more power."
Re: Magic!
01/15/2013 01:48 PM CST
Traders need spells to Duplicate Item, Generate Platinums, Transmute iron to gold, and teleport caravans around.
1st grade tl;dr version:
Numbers didn't change. Words changed. Words don't matter. Numbers all that matters.
1st grade tl;dr version:
Numbers didn't change. Words changed. Words don't matter. Numbers all that matters.
Re: Magic!
01/15/2013 01:52 PM CST
<<Transmute iron to gold>>
forget that, My trader wants to turn iron into pure Kertig. :-)
<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>
forget that, My trader wants to turn iron into pure Kertig. :-)
<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>
Re: Magic!
01/15/2013 04:25 PM CST
I'll be happy for anything to liven up us up!
Even if the spell only doubles contract pay outs. ;)