I can't seem to find information on this but I'm sure it exists somewhere. I have a mark from blacksmithing and over 1200 hard workorders completed. If I don't choose blacksmithing in the mech split, what happens to my mark and work orders? Will they apply to whichever skill I do choose?
Re: Mech Lore Split
01/14/2013 10:38 AM CST
Basic marks are usable in any regardless of what craft they were earned in. WO (I really think you mean prestige), will not.
TG, TG, GL, et al.
"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
TG, TG, GL, et al.
"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Mech Lore Split
01/14/2013 01:19 PM CST
With the mech split. If I want to keep my prestige in blacksmithing I need to split mech into it. I also want to do other crafts so do I keep some in my mech pools until those others come out? If this is true, do I assume I increase blacksmithing by doing work orders and I still work mech like now to increase it for another skill later? Which skill counts towards circling? The craft skill or the mech skill?
Re: Mech Lore Split
01/14/2013 01:23 PM CST
> If I want to keep my prestige in blacksmithing I need to split mech into it.
No, you can start doing workorders from 0 ranks, and you'll continue accumulating prestige.
> I also want to do other crafts so do I keep some in my mech pools until those others come out?
That's an option. You could also choose to start working those other crafts from 0.
> I increase blacksmithing by doing work orders and I still work mech like now to increase it for another skill later?
This will work, if it's what you want to do.
> Which skill counts towards circling? The craft skill or the mech skill?
They're both able to count.
No, you can start doing workorders from 0 ranks, and you'll continue accumulating prestige.
> I also want to do other crafts so do I keep some in my mech pools until those others come out?
That's an option. You could also choose to start working those other crafts from 0.
> I increase blacksmithing by doing work orders and I still work mech like now to increase it for another skill later?
This will work, if it's what you want to do.
> Which skill counts towards circling? The craft skill or the mech skill?
They're both able to count.
Re: Mech Lore Split
01/14/2013 01:59 PM CST
>> Which skill counts towards circling? The craft skill or the mech skill?
>They're both able to count.
Be careful though if you're using Mech Lore to circle. If you split your mech up you'll have to train another skill back up to the level Mech was at in order to circle.
>They're both able to count.
Be careful though if you're using Mech Lore to circle. If you split your mech up you'll have to train another skill back up to the level Mech was at in order to circle.
Re: Mech Lore Split
01/14/2013 02:06 PM CST
This is very confusing and thank you for all the help. I'm an empath and need lore to circle. If I put my mech into a craft, will it no longer count as a lore and I either need to raise my mech back up or raise another lore if mech was one of my top 3 lores?
Re: Mech Lore Split
01/14/2013 02:15 PM CST
>This is very confusing and thank you for all the help. I'm an empath and need lore to circle. If I put my mech into a craft, will it no longer count as a lore and I either need to raise my mech back up or raise another lore if mech was one of my top 3 lores?
Lets say you're a circle 30 Empath and have 60 mech lore, making it your 3rd lore for circling, and don't have any other lore skills trained up close to your third lore.
If you keep your 60 ranks of mech in mech lore, then you will have no issues circling, but will have to train the crafting skills from zero. At some point mech will become worthless and you'll have to convert them, but not now, and can continue training mech and using it to circle.
If you convert all 60 ranks into another skill, say Outfitting, then you will now need to train Outfitting in order to circle. (Or get another lore up to 63 ranks.)
If you convert your 60 ranks half and half into, say, 40 ranks of forging and 40 ranks of outfitting, then you will need to train forging or outfitting (or another lore) up to the 63 ranks you need for your next circle.
Does that make sense?
Lets say you're a circle 30 Empath and have 60 mech lore, making it your 3rd lore for circling, and don't have any other lore skills trained up close to your third lore.
If you keep your 60 ranks of mech in mech lore, then you will have no issues circling, but will have to train the crafting skills from zero. At some point mech will become worthless and you'll have to convert them, but not now, and can continue training mech and using it to circle.
If you convert all 60 ranks into another skill, say Outfitting, then you will now need to train Outfitting in order to circle. (Or get another lore up to 63 ranks.)
If you convert your 60 ranks half and half into, say, 40 ranks of forging and 40 ranks of outfitting, then you will need to train forging or outfitting (or another lore) up to the 63 ranks you need for your next circle.
Does that make sense?
Re: Mech Lore Split
01/14/2013 02:20 PM CST
Very well-said, OLSONM6.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Mech Lore Split
01/14/2013 03:09 PM CST
Thank you so much. You've cleared this up for me! :)