Perceiving and Focusing on vela'tohr plants doesn't seem to be recognizing skills. With 704 Empathy, 748 Attunement, and 436 Arcana I don't get the appropriate info from either FOCUS or PERCEIVE.
>per plant
You sense a faint trace of energy clinging to the vela'tohr plant, but are unable to discern any more about it.
Roundtime: 10 seconds
>foc plant
You reach out and lay your hands upon the vela'tohr plant's stalk, closing your eyes in concentration.
You sense what could be a faint aura of Life energy clinging to the vela'tohr plant. Your senses seem clouded though, perhaps by some other type of energy.
Roundtime: 10 seconds
It should look more like this:
>per plant
You perceive a faint aura of Life energy exuding from the large plant creature. It does not seem to be a strong magical entity, but its properties would suggest that it is more than a simple, mundane weed.
Roundtime: 15 seconds
>foc plant
You reach out and lay your hands upon the vela'tohr plant's stalk, closing your eyes in concentration.
You reach out with your mind, worming into the very center of the plant's spirit in an attempt to draw out information.
A sense of great despair is laden upon the spirit of the creature. A severe hissing noise overcomes your senses, much like the plant itself often emits -- this, however, sounds more like a grove with thousands of them. A feeling of loneliness seems to emanate from the plant-beast, although tinged with some relief.
Your senses continue to reach further -- through the plant and to the place of its origin. The hissing noise falls silent, as if the creatures have suddenly ceased to exist. You feel a tinge of conflicting Unlife energy wash through your bones, quickly wrenching your hands free from the plant.
Roundtime: 30 seconds
-Life Sustainer Karthor