tried to do discern on awaken forest, which is listed as a ranger spell.
could not get it to respond, spelled it out, and typed the spell abbreviation listed when typed spell. no result.
In the chapter entitled "Nature Manipulation", you have notes on the Compost and Swarm, and Harawep's Bonds [hb], and Awaken Forest [af], and Branch Break [bb], and Eagle's Cry [ec], and Devitalize [devi], and Curse of the Wilds [cotw], and Stampede spells.
discern awaken forest
You come out of hiding.
You have no idea how to cast that spell.
>discern forest
You have no idea how to cast that spell.
>discern af
You have no idea how to cast that spell.
<<The real thing DR needs is to get out there to the kids who actually read books.>>